Term now takes a number of options. There are... -c off Turn off compression. Still does error correction. Useful for file transfers where subject matter is already compressed. Default is compression on. -n Turn on or off printing out any line noise that term gets. Line noise includes talk requests, write's, biff's etc default is off. -f Makes term flow control happy. What this means is that every now and then , term will send an XON character to make sure the remote end doesn't 'hang'. dictates how often the XON is sent. Zero means never, 10 means 1 in every 11 characters sent is an XON. -d set debugging to A good value is 478. 511 turns on all debugging. eg "-d511". Default is 0. -s set baud rate to eg. "-s2400" default is 2400 baud. -w sets the window size to number. Higher numbers produce better performance on noisy lines. Lower number produce (much) better responce time. Default is 3. -t How long to wait untill a packet times out. Measured in 1/20th of a second. Default is 50 -o Turn on forceing. If the packet window is full, and there is nothing actually ready give to the modem, then force a re-transmit of the oldest packet. Off by default. -l Output all log/noise/debugging to the file . -v Set the modem device to be . Approprite usage is something like '-v/dev/ttys1' -1 Tell term to use stdout, instead of stdin as the modem port. This will be ignored if a -v is also present. Environment variables. BAUDRATE Used by term to set the baudrate. Defaults to 2400 if not set. SHELL Used for the default shell to run. rsh.c overrides this. DISPLAY Xconn when starting up will attempt to get the socket to bind from here. If it starts with a ':' then it is assumed to be of the form ":", and the socket bound will be /tmp/.X11-unix/X TERMDIR Where to make/use the .term directory. HOME Where to make/use the .term directory if TERMDIR isn't set.