Fix checkline to be asymetric. Also to check chars < 32.:done. Skip bad pty slaves.:done. Fix seven bit support: done. Xconn needs to read DISPLAY properly. : Done. I hope. Put in SGI patches. : done. Write a credits file. : done X-windows is apprently dying again. Don't know why. Have to find out. : done upload occasionally has files go missing. Look into it. : done wait3 instead of waitpid. : done Fix rsystem. Term hangs if you run it without an argument. : done Catch signals and do a graceful cleanup. : done Fix C_PORT and C_SOCKET so that errors get caught properly instead of just hanging. Fix C_PTYEXEC as well. : hopefully done. Fix #include .Only be done if we are really useing termios:done Add an 'ignore' array, and cleanup the escape array. Add ranges maybe??:done Fix #include unistd, and malloc.h. Make a generic #define to turn them off.:done. Fix byte-order for C_PORT.:done trsh going into a heavy load will hang (race condition in pty.c):done Fix upload to a) use one arg. : done b) Do resumption! Resume upload a file. c) maybe write a download?? : sort of done. Cut out all the 2400 baud limiters:done Fix rsh to exit properly when shell exits. Clean up exit messages. NNIGN. This will basically involve detecting and passing on read/write's of zero length. : Done. Hopefully. Check out the Sun implementation. It still doesn't work reliably. Fix timeouts!!! Something is going badly wrong with them. Timeout should maybe be dependant on number of outstanding packets?? Fix terminal handleing when doing remote-->linux rsh. Put in maximum packet size as a command line option. Fix possible race condition with a client starting up at both ends at the same time. (they will both get the same client number. Bad.) Integrate checkline/linerem into term.c Write a tdownload. Write a getting-started guide for newbies. Write an FAQ list too!!! Could cull Mail/received for this. Preserveing time/date stamping with upload? Write a ping to generate every character. Add a mechinism for propogating environment variables. A mechinism for handleing hangup. what it would involve. 1) Term going into background on a HUP, not exiting. 2) when term starts up, it should check for a backgrounded term to foreground. 3) There has to be a supivisor program that will watch the modem line. trsh sets a TERMSERVER for it's new shells. trsh should pass the 'TERM' env variable. fix tredir to take a config file. Write a UDP redirector for those crazy sods that want to mount an NFS partition over term..