#define I_ERRNO #define I_SYS #define I_IOCTL #define I_STRING #define I_SOCKET #include "includes.h" #include char *local_x = "/tmp/.X11-unix/X0"; int display_num = 9; int debug = 0; int xc_connect_server(void) { int s; signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if ((s = connect_server(0)) < 0) return -1; if (send_command(s, C_SOCKET, 0, "%s", local_x)<0) return -1; send_command(s, C_DUMB, 1, 0); return s; } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int s; char *home; char *display; int svs[1]; #ifdef UNIX_SOCKET char unix_sock[110]; #endif setbuf(stderr, 0); display = getenv("DISPLAY"); #ifdef UNIX_SOCKET if (!display || display[0] != ':' || !display[1]) display = ":9"; sprintf(unix_sock,"/tmp/.X11-unix"); mkdir(unix_sock, 0700); strcat(unix_sock, "/X"); strcat(unix_sock, display+1); if ((s = bind_unix(unix_sock)) < 0) { exit(1); } #else /* if a TCP socket.. */ /* Try and work out what display we */ /* should get by default. */ if (!display || !display[0]) { /* is there a DISPLAY set?? */ display_num = 9; /* No. Just pick 9 by default */ } else { home = strchr(display,':'); /* Yes. Find out what display number. */ if (home) /* if we could work it out.. */ display_num = atoi(home+1); /* then grab the number. */ if (display_num < 1) /* if the number is invalid, */ display_num = 9; /* just default. */ } while (( s = bind_tcp(6000 + display_num)) == -2) { if (display_num > 100) { printf("Unable to bind socket\n"); exit(1); break; } ++display_num; } fprintf(stderr, "Xconn bound to screen %d\n", display_num); printf(":%d\n", display_num); #endif svs[0] = s; do_connect(1, svs, xc_connect_server); /* Never exits. */ }