----------------------TeX 0.1.5 upgrade tar.Z archive-------------------------- --------------------------------for 386 BSD------------------------------------ -----------------------------(Gunther Schadow)--------------------------------- FOR ALL FILES CONTAINED IN THIS ARCHIVE, WHICH DO NOT MAKE DIFFERENT CLAIMS, THE GNU PUBLIC SOFTWARE LICENSE APPLIES! USUAL DISCLAIMER, NO WARRANTY ETC. PROLOGUE I FEEL LIKE APOLOGIZING for the delay of the new release. I just did not have the time to make the final things. Now it's done, and I try to get it out as soon as possible. Since I moved to another city, it will take another time until my network link is restored, that's why questions aren't likely to be responded too quickly. Sorry for that too. NEW THINGS Just a few days after release of the TeX 0.1a upgrading pack I got dvips and ghostscript to work together, it was easy and I was happy. Moreover I got a newer version of TeX3.14 release from Washington. But in spite of posting an upgrading archive then, I decided to make an extensive reorganization of the whole buch of stuff related to TeX. Inspired by the way that TeX3.14 is organized I worked on the Makefile and it's quite good now. The idea is to have a single point of change in order to have the change take effect in any package installed with this method. NEW ORGANIZATION To be more clear: We alway had to configure a makefile, telling it where to put binaries, manpages and what is especialy nasty with TeX, tell it where all the mf- and tex-inputs, formats, bases, fonts tfms and pks pxls for all different sizes go. Then if we wanted to change the organization of the TeX library, we had to change every single Makefile for TeX, the dvidrivers and whatever else is installed. Then how can we easily cange default devices? Since I do not have a laserjet and no 400dpi printer, I don't want to have the default resolution of dvips to be 400dpi and of xdvi to be 300dpi and whatever. But there are people who already replaced their 240dpi thing by a laserjet and they do not 240dpi to be the default. So what do we do? Either write 60 screen pages full of instructions how to make the changess in again every single Makefile and script, or: Let make and set have it done for you! NOW things will become much easier. We define symbols and export them to the Makefile of each package, which can use it to define its flags or defaults. Now any new package added to TeX & friends will be configured only once; with symbolic names rather than actual values. Either make itself or a simple sed-script will fill in the actual values for us. Now the only Makefile the normal TeX user has to care about, is the overall Makefile. MORE NEW THINGS Beside that, it was necessary to implement a user's privat TeX library tree along with the systems TeX lib. By default any user who wants to participate in the (though infomal) TeX user group, will have a library tree called TeX rooted in his home directory. This is where all his macros and fonts and texts should go because they are found here. Nobody has to care about seting up his environment variables if he just want to go ahead with what comes by default. Shell scripts are made automaticaly, definig the environment and must only be included in the .profile or .cshrc. Then several people have asked whether it ws possible to make TeX easier to use. TeXperts, newbees and people who just don't care, they all can be happy now, since we have two scripts now which act as front ends. Homogenizing and simplifying a lot: mftopk and dvidr. EASY FONT GENERATION Mftopk is the very easy to use and very flexible font generator which does all the necessary calls of mf, gftopk and, what is most important, figure out the correct parameters. All you have to tell mftopk is, which font you like, for what device you like it and by what magnification. That's all. If it is more complicated, then it's a bug and has to be complaint about and fixed. EASY OUTPUT GENERATION Dvidr is one homogenious dvidriver, which calls dvips, the beebe drivers, the previewer, and whatever we add to it to be called. There are two method's of printing tex output and two of previewing it. As you might know, I complaint about the beebe drivers, they are too hard to maintain, and fixing the rounding errors is too nasty. However, there is an other way that is somwhat less easy to go, but at least I am much more happy with the results: Dvips and GhostScript work nicely together, producing beautiful output. And the latter method has a big advantage which will become even more importend in the Future: Type1 fonts are now easily used with TeX. It seems to me that our lovely META cat will get jealous, because her TeX Lion will go out which Adobeia tonight. Type one fonts are much more, and they are more flexible. METAFONT is still good, and it would be even better, if it learned to produce Type1 code, rather than bitmaps. Unfortunately my net link was so bad, that I couldn't get the afm files I wanted, and so I still did not automatize the afm2tfm way as it could be. But i do not wait any longer, since my time will become even less in the nearer future. WHAT IS INCLUDED The contents of this TeX release for a short overview: - TeX3.14 (alias "unixtex" see below) - dvips-5.515 the dvi to post script driver - xdvi dvi a previewer for X11 - beebe the old beebe dvi printer driver set - dvi2tty nice little tty driver and dvi file disassembler - mftopk easy font generator - dvidr easy dvi driver NOTES ABOUT TeX3.14 I made a lot of changes to TeX3.14, I should have renamed it. TeX3.14 as I got it from an ftp server is too big, contains too much of stuff, that is not experimental, not working, or rarely used. Then the computer modern font sources where missing. I added them, I updated the LaTeX package and I cleaned up the tree. There is a directory called inputs, which contains latex under tex. This is because I think that latex is a macro package as any other macro packages too. There are still problems with bibtex. In the inputs subdirectory you will find some other gimmics, which you can play with, they might be deleted in the next release. I do not want TeX for 386BSD to grow to big. I like to see our TeX as a basic thing, improved in simplicity and easy functionality rather than in diversity. It is easy to get a macro package from a TeX server and get it installed on this basis. VERSION MESS Sorry again, and again due to the bad network link, I could not diff the packages contained here completely against the originals. This is not nice, since you won't have neither TeX3.14, nor dvips-5.515 here, but you have modified versions. I will restore the integrity next time, until then you should be careful in two terms. (1) don't redistribute any of those packages on it's on. (2) be careful in replacing a package by a newer version. Since it should have to be pathced with the TeX for 386BSD stuff to work correctly here. This applies especialy for dvips. Fortunately I was able to make diffs contained in the ./scripts directory. But TeX3.14 is changed too and the diff included herein is the old one of release 0.1 INSTALLATION Of course there are two ways: source and binary. Now these both are distributed seperately, to make saving of disk space and network load easier. TeX01.5.tar.Z is the source archive while, TeX01.5.bin.tar.Z is the binary archive. However, I stronly recommend to make the system from source, since you cannot make profit of the easy configuration facility otherwise. INSTALLATION OF BINARIES To install the binaries unpack the archive and move TeX01.5/lib/TeX to /usr/local/lib/TeX. Thus your old /usr/local/lib/{tex,mf} won't be overwritten. Be careful with deleting those trees, because you may have added some own work there which should be moved into the new tree first! Move the contents of TeX01.5/bin into /usr/local/bin and TeX01.5/man/{cat1,man1} respectively. From now on you add new tex users by moving the contents of /usr/local/lib/TeX/usr into your home directory. These are 4 files: -rw-r--r-- 1 gunther tex 27 May 18 16:59 .Xdefaults-plocus drwxr-xr-x 8 gunther tex 512 May 18 16:59 TeX -rw-r--r-- 1 gunther tex 739 May 18 16:59 texsetup.csh -rw-r--r-- 1 gunther tex 876 May 18 16:59 texsetup.sh You better rename .Xdefaults-plocus in /usr/local/lib/TeX/usr first, to fit your site. % mv .Xdefaults-plocus .Xdefaults `hostname` then copy the whole bunch by % cp -R * ~ back home, include either texsetup.csh or texsetup.sh into your .cshrc resp. .profile. Log out and relog in, to make the .profile settings active. You can start TeXing now. Since you did not make use of the easy configuration facility, you must configure the following files manualy: bin/mftopk bin/dvidr lib/TeX/ps/config.ps lib/TeX/mf/inputs/modes.mf lib/TeX/usr Delete the beebe drivers you do not need. bin/dvixxx SOME WORDS ABOUT THE LIBRARY The library is rooted now in one single directory named TeX. This is more logical than having tex and mf separately and tex/fonts contain the fonts, since fonts belongs to both tex and mf. TeX/ Root of the TeX & friends library TeX/tex/ TeX's own stuff TeX/tex/inputs/ macros (*.tex and *.sty files) TeX/tex/formats/ *.fmt files TeX/mf/ METAFONT's own stuff TeX/mf/inputs/ mf programs, fonts (*.mf files) TeX/mf/bases/ *.base files TeX/ps/ PS stuff (most of it from dvips) TeX/dvi/ DVI stuff (rarely used) TeX/fonts/ FONTS TeX/fonts/tfm/ font metrics (*.tfm files) TeX/fonts/pk/ font binaries (*.pk files) TeX/fonts/vf/ virtual fonts (*.vf files), for Type1 fonts TeX/bibtex/ BibTeX stuff (still unusable) The `inputs' and `fonts'-sub- directories may contain subdirectories, for example you'll find the Computer Modern fonts in TeX/mf/inputs/cm. This is useful in order to keep things well arranged. INSTALLATION FROM SOURCES Unpack the archive and cd to TeX01.5 and see the Makefile. Everything should be explained there. Make your setup to fit your system and type % make this should do it all. Except make will stop at one point in making dvips. Don't worry, just type % make again, and things will end up correctly. After successful make type % make install This installs everything including man pages, which you still have to nroff. Of course you have to be root to install things, but you even have to be root to make them, since the library will be installed first. The rest is explained in INSTALLING BINARIES. You don't have to configure anything but dvidr. Since dvidr brings together different programs with different philosopies how things should get done, and since it must fit your actual printer devices, there is no reasonable way to do this automaticaly. See the dvidr script *after* installation. Everything should be explained there. SEE THE MANUAL files and the TeXbook for more. THANKS TO - Donald E. Knuth for making and giving away TeX and METAFONT - Wiliam F. and Lynne G. Jolitz for making and giving away 386BSD - the XFree86 core team for making and giving away usable X11 stuff - everyone who responded to the last TeX for 386BSD distributions - God who gaves me live Enjoy! -Gunther Schadow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gunther Schadow, e-mail: gusw@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de Hopfenweg 19, Phone: (49) 30/6618841 Berlin 12357, Germany.____________Stop__________Horn Please!__________O.K. TATA