INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To install, do the following: 1. Read the ENVIRONMENT section of xdvi_man.sed to determine the correct default values for the XDVIFONTS and XDVISIZES environment variables. Edit the Imakefile or Makefile and change the values of the make variables DEFAULT_FONT_PATH and DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES to these values. If your site uses virtual fonts, do the same thing with the DEFAULT_VF_PATH variable. Note that support of virtual fonts in xdvi does not include support of built-in Postscript fonts. Usually you will want to use the same font files as your printer; given a choice, however, it has been suggested that write-white fonts look better. (Note: If you are using both imake and the "/*" or "/**" syntax for recursive searching of subdirectories, you should enclose the string in quotes, since /* marks the beginning of a C comment, and the Imakefile is processed by cpp.) (Note: for X10 compilation, use Makefile_10 instead of Makefile.) You may also wish to change other compilation options; they are described later in this file. 2. make xdvi and try it out. If the settings in step one are incorrect, you can use the corresponding environment variables to quickly try out different values. If the values set in step 1 were incorrect, rm font_open.o and go back to step 1. If you get the error that the #include file does not exist, then you should include -DX_NOT_STDC_ENV in the DEFS variable in the Makefile or Imakefile. In X11R5 or later this problem should not come up. 3. make 4. Install xdvi and The X10 flag only affects xdvi.c (and the flags MSBITFIRST, BMSHORT, and BMLONG, see below). Note in particular the compilation flags USE_PK, USE_GF, and USE_PXL, which can be set to reflect which font formats are actually used at your site. Other compilation flags are: SYSV (dvi_init.c font_open.c xdvi.c) Set for System V compilation. VMS Set for VMS compilation. MSBITFIRST (X11 only; xdvi.c dvi_draw.c gf.c pk.c pxl.c) Store bitmaps internally with the most significant bit at the left. For performance reasons, it would be best to set this to coincide with what your server uses. Use the keystroke '^P' to find information in this regard. Generally, you should use MSBITFIRST if and only if '^P' reports bitord = 1, and BMSHORT/BMLONG (below) should be set to match whatever '^P' reports under "Unit =". But, if bitord = byteord, then the latter setting should not matter much. BMSHORT (X11 only; xdvi.c dvi_draw.c gf.c pk.c pxl.c) Store bitmaps in short integers instead of bytes. See MSBITFIRST for other relevant comments. To check performance, you can use: time xdvi -d 8 file.dvi BMLONG (X11 only; xdvi.c dvi_draw.c gf.c pk.c pxl.c) Store bitmaps in long integers instead of bytes. ALTFONT (xdvi.c) Default font to use if the font named in the dvi file cannot be found. Can be set to NULL. By default, it is "cmr10". SEARCH_SUBDIRECTORIES (font_open.c) Enable recursive searching of subdirectories for font files (* and ** specifiers). This also enables the TEXFONTS_SUBDIR environment variable and the DEFAULT_SUBDIR_PATH makefile variable. XDVIFONTS_ONLY (font_open.c) Never check the TEXFONTS environment variable. Normally xdvi checks TEXFONTS if the XDVIFONTS variable is not set. This option is recommended if the version of TeX in use requires that the TEXFONTS variable be set. See the relevant paragraph in xdvi_man.sed for more details. This option turns off that paragraph. NOTOOL (X11 only; xdvi.c) Compile using raw X calls. If you use this, you should also change the LIBS= line in the Makefile or the DEPLIBS and LOCAL_LIBRARIES line in the Imakefile. BUTTONS (xdvi.c) Put radio buttons on the right side of the window for commonly used commands. A4 (xdvi.c) Use European size paper by default. NOQUERY (xdvi.c) Set this if you have trouble compiling the definition of drawingWidgetClass. TEXXET (everything) Enables op-codes 250 and 251 (used for right-to-left languages). BDPI (xdvi.c) Default number of pixels per inch to use. Don't forget to make corresponding changes to DEFAULT_FONT_SIZES. GREY (everything) Use greyscale anti-aliasing for displaying shrunken bitmaps. MAKEPK (font_open.c) If a font is not found, then try to call Metafont to create the font. When using this option, remember to set the paths in MakeTeXPK correctly for your site, and be sure that the destination directory for MakeTeXPK appears in your DEFAULT_FONT_PATH variable. MAKEPKCMD=\"/usr/local/tex/bin/MakeTeXPK\" (font_open.c) Same as the above, but this variant explicitly declares which command to use to create the font. All flags should be set in the appropriate Makefile via the variable ``DEFS''. ================================================================ This program is the combined work of many people, including but not restricted to: Eric Cooper, CMU Bob Scheifler, MIT LCS Paal Kvamme, Norwegian Institute of Technology H\aa vard Eidnes, Norwegian Institute of Technology Mark Eichin, MIT SIPB Paul Vojta, UC Berkeley Jeffrey Lee, U of Toronto Donald Richardson, Clarkson Univ. At the present time, the person to send bug reports to is Paul Vojta, In addition to the various comp.sources.x archives, current versions of this program can also be obtained via anonymous ftp from the following location: [] file contrib/xdvi.tar.Z To ease the load on export, you may also check other X archives, for example: [] file pub/X11/contrib/xdvi.tar.Z Paul Vojta, 17 March 1992 ================================================================ Note for IBM RS6000 users: some of the libraries are in non-obvious places: libXmu /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/lib/Xmu/libXmu.a libXaw /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/lib/Xaw/libXaw.a These should be moved to /usr/lib or some more reasonable place (or use symlinks), and ditto for the include files, which are initially placed in /usr/lpp/X11/Xamples/include. ================================================================ Notes of historical nature follow. Most recent changes are listed at the end of the file. ================================================================ This directory contains a version of xdvi capable of reading GF, PXL and PK font files. This version of xdvi is based on the source that "came with" X v10r3. Xdvi was modified by Paal Kvamme at the Norwegian Institute of Technology, based on the modifications I had made to dviimp (a dvi to ImPress converter). This code was again more or less directly translated from the web source of PKtoPX. If you discover (and fix) any bugs in this code, please notify me, so I can make the corresponding changes myself. --------- H}vard Eidnes (TeXish: H\aa vard Eidnes) Division of Computer Science Norwegian Institute of Technology E-Mail: ================================================================ Also has path search added by Mark Eichin, looks in TEXFONTS ================================================================ ================================================================ Additional notes: X11 version now works on the IBM PC/RT as well as VAX. [eichin:19880313.1330EST] ================================================================ *MORE* fixes (for athena release locker) [eichin:19880722.2058EST] Fixes: narrow vertical and horizontal lines no longer disappear. bogus underlining (which usually occured on even sample sizes of odd sized characters) no longer occurs. -S number (or typing number followed by S) will adjust the sampling fraction; 0 is special cased to mean if anything in the sampled zone is set, set the sample, else clear it. Interesting to experiment with, though not useful for reading (the default value of 3 is just right.) -display and -geometry arguments work (so do old style forms, though they were broken before) fixed one of the PK debugging messages to print the correct font name instead of printing the pointer as text. included Ken Raeburn 's changes to support multiple screens. ================================================================ More changes: 1. Incorporated the bitmap under a viewport widget using the toolkit (X11 only); 2. Added an icon and icon geometry arguments (X11 only); 3. Supported window resizing; 4. Added a 'c' option to move whatever is currently under the cursor to the center of the window; 5. Added an 'R' option to reread the .dvi file, and added logic to make 'R' happen automatically whenever any part of the window is exposed and the dvi file changes (so that you can iconify xdvi, run tex, deiconify xdvi, and voila!); 6. Added a 'magnifying glass': when you push a button, a window pops up, showing the region of the page, unshrunk; 7. Added support for gf fonts; 8. Upgraded font searching (at our site we use /usr/custom/tex82/gf for gf fonts, /usr/custom/tex82/pk for pk fonts, etc.); 9. Made numerous internal changes (removed all the lint I could, made unshrunk bitmaps permanently resident, which speeds up size changing, made table.h necessary only for pxl.h, split up the source file into xdvi.c, dvi.c, gf.c, pxl.c, and pk.c, made shrinking occur relative to the character's hot point, etc.) 10. The program reads SIGIO signals and processes incoming events immediately, so that it can stop displaying things that would be erased anyway. If these interrupts are not coming through, then it also checks for incoming events every several dozen characters displayed. 11. Further split up dvi.c into dvi_init.c and dvi_draw.c; added compilation options for various internal bitmap representations. Fixed it so gcc won't give warnings, and so it works with R3 toolkit. -- Patchlevel 2: -- 12. Added MAXCHARS compilation option. Eliminated the nonsense with generating table.h. -- Patchlevel 3: -- 13. Added -altfont command line option and SYSV compilation option. ================================================================================ 4/1989 Modified for System V boxes. -DSYSV compiler option. Donald Richardson, ================================================================================ -- Patchlevel 4: -- 14. Removed MAXCHARS compilation option. It's automatic now. Made X10 scrolling smoother. Implemented the moving magnifying glass. -- Patchlevel 5: -- 15. Implemented compilation without the toolkit, as well as scrollbars and tpic support in X10. Also this version should work with color VAXstations, although overstrike characters will come out incorrectly. 16. Fixed a bug in gf reading routines: specials at the beginning of a character def. were not being processed. Thanks to for a bug report and fix. 17. Added 'k' keystroke. -- Patchlevel 6: -- 18. Added buttons on the right side of the window. 19. Added -pagewidth and -pageheight command line options and A4 compilation option. 20. Added a yet more robust font finding algorithm. -- Patchlevel 7: -- 21. Replaced -pagewidth and -pageheight options with -paper. -- Patchlevel 8: -- 22. Added compatibility for X11R4 and VMS. Fixed up alignment of rules. -- Patchlevel 9: -- 23. Removed obsolete '#' and '=' options from the X11 version: they interfere with emacs. -- Patchlevel 10: -- 24. Implemented arrow keys, expert mode, searching for the font's actual size first, the -[xy]offset and -sw options, and numerous bug fixes. -- Patchlevel 11: -- 25. Implemented recursive searching for font files in subdirectories. 26. Changed +sw to -hushspecials and implemented -hush. 27. Modified mksedscript so that the man page comes out neater. 28. Added a -keep option and resource to match the `k' keystroke. -- Patchlevel 12: -- 29. Implemented virtual fonts (this does not include built-in Postscript fonts!!!). 30. X11R5 support, and numerous bug fixes. -- Patchlevel 13: -- 31. Added support for TeXXeT. -- Patchlevel 14: -- 32. Added support for greyscale anti-aliasing. -- Patchlevel 15: -- 33. Added support for MakeTeXPK, as in dvips. -- Patchlevel 16: -- 34. In the code for greyscale anti-aliasing, try to allocate a colormap so that GXor operations can be used for drawing. Also interpolate between foreground and background colors. -- Patchlevel 17: -- 35. Fixed some bugs in the greyscale code. 36. Implemented an environment variable for the MakeTeXPK script. 37. Replaced mksedscript with a script using /bin/sh. Paul Vojta,