/* $Id: rcln.c,v 1.2 1993/07/26 19:13:10 nate Exp $ */ /* This software is Copyright 1991 by Stan Barber. * * Permission is hereby granted to copy, reproduce, redistribute or otherwise * use this software as long as: there is no monetary profit gained * specifically from the use or reproduction of this software, it is not * sold, rented, traded or otherwise marketed, and this copyright notice is * included prominently in any copy made. * * The authors make no claims as to the fitness or correctness of this software * for any use whatsoever, and it is provided as is. Any use of this software * is at the user's own risk. */ #include "EXTERN.h" #include "common.h" #include "util.h" #include "rcstuff.h" #include "ngdata.h" #include "INTERN.h" #include "rcln.h" void rcln_init() { ; } #ifdef CATCHUP void catch_up(ngx) NG_NUM ngx; { char tmpbuf[128]; #ifdef VERBOSE IF(verbose) printf("\nMarking %s as all read.\n",rcline[ngx]) FLUSH; ELSE #endif #ifdef TERSE fputs("\nMarked read\n",stdout) FLUSH; #endif sprintf(tmpbuf,"%s: 1-%ld", rcline[ngx],(long)getngsize(ngx)); free(rcline[ngx]); rcline[ngx] = savestr(tmpbuf); *(rcline[ngx] + rcnums[ngx] - 1) = '\0'; toread[ngx] = TR_NONE; write_rc(); } #endif /* add an article number to a newsgroup, if it isn't already read */ int addartnum(artnum,ngnam) ART_NUM artnum; char *ngnam; { register NG_NUM ngnum = find_ng(ngnam); register char *s, *t, *maxt = Nullch; ART_NUM min = 0, max = -1, lastnum = 0; char *mbuf; bool morenum; if (!artnum) return 0; if (ngnum == nextrcline || !rcnums[ngnum]) /* not found in newsrc? */ return 0; if (!abs1st[ngnum]) #ifndef ANCIENT_NEWS /* now is a good time to trim down */ set_toread(ngnum); /* the list due to expires if we */ /* have not yet. */ #endif #ifdef DEBUG if (artnum > ngmax[ngnum] + 100) { /* allow for incoming articles */ printf("\nCorrupt Xref line!!! %ld --> %s(1..%ld)\n", artnum,ngnam, ngmax[ngnum]) FLUSH; paranoid = TRUE; /* paranoia reigns supreme */ return -1; /* hope this was the first newsgroup */ } #endif if (toread[ngnum] == TR_BOGUS) return 0; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) { printf("%ld->\n%s%c%s\n",(long)artnum,rcline[ngnum],rcchar[ngnum], rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]) FLUSH; } #endif s = rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]; while (*s == ' ') s++; /* skip spaces */ t = s; while (isdigit(*s) && artnum >= (min = atol(s))) { /* while it might have been read */ for (t = s; isdigit(*t); t++) ; /* skip number */ if (*t == '-') { /* is it a range? */ t++; /* skip to next number */ if (artnum <= (max = atol(t))) return 0; /* it is in range => already read */ lastnum = max; /* remember it */ maxt = t; /* remember position in case we */ /* want to overwrite the max */ while (isdigit(*t)) t++; /* skip second number */ } else { if (artnum == min) /* explicitly a read article? */ return 0; lastnum = min; /* remember what the number was */ maxt = Nullch; /* last one was not a range */ } while (*t && !isdigit(*t)) t++; /* skip comma and any spaces */ s = t; } /* we have not read it, so insert the article number before s */ morenum = isdigit(*s); /* will it need a comma after? */ *(rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum] - 1) = RCCHAR(rcchar[ngnum]); mbuf = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)(strlen(s) + (s-rcline[ngnum]) + 6+2+1)); strcpy(mbuf,rcline[ngnum]); /* make new rc line */ if (maxt && lastnum && artnum == lastnum+1) /* can we just extend last range? */ t = mbuf + (maxt-rcline[ngnum]);/* then overwrite previous max */ else { t = mbuf + (t-rcline[ngnum]); /* point t into new line instead */ if (lastnum) { /* have we parsed any line? */ if (!morenum) /* are we adding to the tail? */ *t++ = ','; /* supply comma before */ if (!maxt && artnum == lastnum+1 && *(t-1) == ',') /* adjacent singletons? */ *(t-1) = '-'; /* turn them into a range */ } } if (morenum) { /* is there more to life? */ if (min == artnum+1) { /* can we consolidate further? */ bool range_before = (*(t-1) == '-'); bool range_after; char *nextmax; for (nextmax = s; isdigit(*nextmax); nextmax++) ; range_after = *nextmax++ == '-'; if (range_before) *t = '\0'; /* artnum is redundant */ else sprintf(t,"%ld-",(long)artnum);/* artnum will be new min */ if (range_after) s = nextmax; /* *s is redundant */ /* else s = s */ /* *s is new max */ } else sprintf(t,"%ld,",(long)artnum); /* put the number and comma */ } else sprintf(t,"%ld",(long)artnum); /* put the number there (wherever) */ strcat(t,s); /* copy remainder of line */ #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) { printf("%s\n",mbuf) FLUSH; } #endif free(rcline[ngnum]); rcline[ngnum] = mbuf; /* pull the switcheroo */ *(rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum] - 1) = '\0'; /* wipe out : or ! */ if (toread[ngnum] > TR_NONE) /* lest we turn unsub into bogus */ --toread[ngnum]; return 0; } #ifdef MCHASE /* delete an article number from a newsgroup, if it is there */ void subartnum(artnum,ngnam) register ART_NUM artnum; char *ngnam; { register NG_NUM ngnum = find_ng(ngnam); register char *s, *t; register ART_NUM min, max; char *mbuf; int curlen; if (!artnum) return; if (ngnum == nextrcline || !rcnums[ngnum]) return; /* not found in newsrc? */ #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) { printf("%ld<-\n%s%c%s\n",(long)artnum,rcline[ngnum],rcchar[ngnum], rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]) FLUSH; } #endif s = rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]; while (*s == ' ') s++; /* skip spaces */ /* a little optimization, since it is almost always the last number */ for (t=s; *t; t++) ; /* find end of string */ curlen = t-rcline[ngnum]; for (t--; isdigit(*t); t--) ; /* find previous delim */ if (*t == ',' && atol(t+1) == artnum) { *t = '\0'; if (toread[ngnum] >= TR_NONE) ++toread[ngnum]; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) printf("%s%c %s\n",rcline[ngnum],rcchar[ngnum],s) FLUSH; #endif return; } /* not the last number, oh well, we may need the length anyway */ while (isdigit(*s) && artnum >= (min = atol(s))) { /* while it might have been read */ for (t = s; isdigit(*t); t++) ; /* skip number */ if (*t == '-') { /* is it a range? */ t++; /* skip to next number */ max = atol(t); while (isdigit(*t)) t++; /* skip second number */ if (artnum <= max) { /* it is in range => already read */ if (artnum == min) { min++; artnum = 0; } else if (artnum == max) { max--; artnum = 0; } *(rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum] - 1) = RCCHAR(rcchar[ngnum]); mbuf = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)(curlen + (artnum?(6+1)*2+1:1+1))); *s = '\0'; strcpy(mbuf,rcline[ngnum]); /* make new rc line */ s = mbuf + (s-rcline[ngnum]); /* point s into mbuf now */ if (artnum) { /* split into two ranges? */ prange(s,min,artnum-1); s += strlen(s); *s++ = ','; prange(s,artnum+1,max); } else /* only one range */ prange(s,min,max); strcat(s,t); /* copy remainder over */ #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) { printf("%s\n",mbuf) FLUSH; } #endif free(rcline[ngnum]); rcline[ngnum] = mbuf; /* pull the switcheroo */ *(rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum] - 1) = '\0'; /* wipe out : or ! */ if (toread[ngnum] >= TR_NONE) ++toread[ngnum]; return; } } else { if (artnum == min) { /* explicitly a read article? */ if (*t == ',') /* pick a comma, any comma */ t++; else if (s[-1] == ',') s--; else if (s[-2] == ',') /* (in case of space) */ s -= 2; strcpy(s,t); /* no need to realloc */ if (toread[ngnum] >= TR_NONE) ++toread[ngnum]; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) { printf("%s%c%s\n",rcline[ngnum],rcchar[ngnum], rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]) FLUSH; } #endif return; } } while (*t && !isdigit(*t)) t++; /* skip comma and any spaces */ s = t; } } void prange(where,min,max) char *where; ART_NUM min,max; { if (min == max) sprintf(where,"%ld",(long)min); else sprintf(where,"%ld-%ld",(long)min,(long)max); } #endif /* calculate the number of unread articles for a newsgroup */ void set_toread(ngnum) register NG_NUM ngnum; { register char *s, *c, *h; char tmpbuf[64], *mybuf = tmpbuf; char *nums; int length; bool virgin_ng = (!abs1st[ngnum]); ART_NUM ngsize = getngsize(ngnum); ART_NUM unread = ngsize; ART_NUM newmax; if (ngsize == TR_BOGUS) { printf("\nWarning! Bogus newsgroup: %s\n",rcline[ngnum]) FLUSH; paranoid = TRUE; toread[ngnum] = TR_BOGUS; return; } if (virgin_ng) { sprintf(tmpbuf," 1-%ld",(long)ngsize); if (strNE(tmpbuf,rcline[ngnum]+rcnums[ngnum])) checkexpired(ngnum); /* this might realloc rcline */ } nums = rcline[ngnum]+rcnums[ngnum]; length = strlen(nums); if (length+5+1 > sizeof tmpbuf) mybuf = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)(length+5+1)); strcpy(mybuf,nums); mybuf[length++] = ','; mybuf[length] = '\0'; for (s = mybuf; isspace(*s); s++) ; for ( ; (c = index(s,',')) != Nullch ; s = ++c) { /* for each range */ *c = '\0'; /* keep index from running off */ if ((h = index(s,'-')) != Nullch) /* find - in range, if any */ unread -= (newmax = atol(h+1)) - atol(s) + 1; else if (newmax = atol(s)) unread--; /* recalculate length */ if (newmax > ngsize) { /* paranoia check */ if (newmax > ngsize + 100) { unread = -1; break; } else { unread += newmax - ngsize; ngmax[ngnum] = ngsize = newmax; } } } if (unread >= 0) /* reasonable number? */ toread[ngnum] = (ART_UNREAD)unread; /* remember how many are left */ else { /* SOMEONE RESET THE NEWSGROUP!!! */ toread[ngnum] = (ART_UNREAD)ngsize; /* assume nothing carried over */ printf("\nWarning! Somebody reset %s--assuming nothing read.\n", rcline[ngnum]) FLUSH; *(rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]) = '\0'; paranoid = TRUE; /* enough to make a guy paranoid */ } if (mybuf != tmpbuf) free(mybuf); if (rcchar[ngnum] == NEGCHAR) toread[ngnum] = TR_UNSUB; } /* make sure expired articles are marked as read */ void checkexpired(ngnum) register NG_NUM ngnum; { register ART_NUM a1st = abs1st[ngnum]; register char *s; register ART_NUM num, lastnum = 0; char *mbuf, *newnum; if (a1st<=1) return; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) { printf("1-%ld->\n%s%c%s\n",(long)(a1st-1),rcline[ngnum],rcchar[ngnum], rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]) FLUSH; } #endif for (s = rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]; isspace(*s); s++); while (*s && (num = atol(s)) <= a1st) { while (isdigit(*s)) s++; while (*s && !isdigit(*s)) s++; lastnum = num; } if (*s) { if (s[-1] == '-') { /* landed in a range? */ if (lastnum != 1) { if (3 + strlen(s) > strlen(rcline[ngnum]+rcnums[ngnum])) { mbuf = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)(rcnums[ngnum] + 3 + strlen(s) + 1)); strcpy(mbuf, rcline[ngnum]); sprintf(mbuf+rcnums[ngnum]," 1-%s",s); free(rcline[ngnum]); rcline[ngnum] = mbuf; } else { sprintf(rcline[ngnum]+rcnums[ngnum]," 1-%s",s); } } goto ret; } } /* s now points to what should follow first range */ if (s - rcline[ngnum] > rcnums[ngnum] + 6+4+1) mbuf = rcline[ngnum]; else { mbuf = safemalloc((MEM_SIZE)(rcnums[ngnum] + strlen(s) + 6+4+1)); strcpy(mbuf,rcline[ngnum]); } newnum = mbuf+rcnums[ngnum]; sprintf(newnum," 1-%ld",(long)(a1st - (lastnum != a1st))); if (*s) sprintf(newnum+strlen(newnum),",%s",s); if (!checkflag && mbuf == rcline[ngnum]) { rcline[ngnum] = saferealloc(rcline[ngnum], (MEM_SIZE)(rcnums[ngnum] + strlen(newnum) + 1)); } else { if (!checkflag) free(rcline[ngnum]); rcline[ngnum] = mbuf; } ret:; /* semicolon in case DEBUG undefined */ #ifdef DEBUG if (debug & DEB_XREF_MARKER) { printf("%s%c%s\n",rcline[ngnum],rcchar[ngnum], rcline[ngnum] + rcnums[ngnum]) FLUSH; } #endif }