/* ** UNSHAR ** Unpack shell archives that might have gone through mail, notes, news, etc. ** This is Michael Mauldin's code which I have usurped and heavily modified. */ #include "shar.h" #ifdef RCSID static char RCS[] = "$Header: /a/cvs/386BSD/ports/unshar/unshar.c,v 1993/09/04 16:45:35 jkh Exp $"; #endif /* RCSID */ /* ** Print error message and die. */ static void Quit(text) char *text; { int e; e = errno; Fprintf(stderr, "unshar: %s", text); if (e) Fprintf(stderr, ", %s", Ermsg(e)); Fprintf(stderr, ".\n"); exit(1); } /* ** Does this look like a mail header line? */ static int IsHeader(p) REGISTER char *p; { REGISTER int i; if (*p == '\0' || *p == '\n') return(FALSE); if (WHITE(*p)) return(TRUE); for (i = 0; (isascii(*p) && isalnum(*p)) || HDRCHAR(*p); i++) p++; return(i && *p == ':'); } /* ** Is this a /bin/sh comment line? We check that because some shars ** output comments before the CUT line. */ static int IsSHcomment(p) REGISTER char *p; { while (isascii(*p) && (isalpha(*p) || WHITE(*p) || *p == '\n' || *p == ',' || *p == '.')) p++; return(*p == '\0'); } /* ** Return TRUE if p has wd1 and wd2 as words (i.e., no preceeding or ** following letters). Clever code, Michael. */ static int Has(p, wd1, wd2) REGISTER char *p; REGISTER char *wd1; REGISTER char *wd2; { REGISTER char *wd; REGISTER int first; wd = wd1; first = TRUE; again: while (*p) { if (!isascii(*p) || !isalpha(*p)) { p++; continue; } while (*p++ == *wd++) { if (*wd == '\0') { if (!isascii(*p) || !isalpha(*p)) { if (!first) return(TRUE); first = FALSE; wd = wd2; goto again; } break; } } while (isascii(*p) && isalpha(*p)) p++; wd = first ? wd1 : wd2; } return(FALSE); } /* ** Here's where the work gets done. Skip headers and try to intuit ** if the file is, e.g., C code, etc. */ static int Found(Name, buff, Forced, Stream, Header) REGISTER char *Name; REGISTER char *buff; REGISTER int Forced; REGISTER FILE *Stream; REGISTER FILE *Header; { REGISTER char *p; REGISTER int InHeader; char lower[BUFSIZ]; if (Header) InHeader = TRUE; while (TRUE) { /* Read next line, fail if no more */ if (fgets(buff, BUFSIZ, Stream) == NULL) { Fprintf(stderr, "unshar: No shell commands in %s.\n", Name); return(FALSE); } /* See if it looks like another language. */ if (!Forced) { if (PREFIX(buff, "#include") || PREFIX(buff, "# include") || PREFIX(buff, "#define") || PREFIX(buff, "# define") || PREFIX(buff, "#ifdef") || PREFIX(buff, "# ifdef") || PREFIX(buff, "#ifndef") || PREFIX(buff, "# ifndef") || (PREFIX(buff, "/*") && !PREFIX(buff, NOTES1) && !PREFIX(buff, NOTES2))) p = "C code"; else if (PREFIX(buff, "(*")) /* For vi :-) */ p = "PASCAL code"; else if (buff[0] == '.' && isascii(buff[1]) && isalpha(buff[1]) && isascii(buff[2]) && isalpha(buff[2]) && isascii(buff[3]) && !isalpha(buff[3])) p = "TROFF source"; else p = NULL; if (p) { Fprintf(stderr, "unshar: %s is apparently %s, not a shell archive.\n", Name, p); return(FALSE); } } /* Does this line start with a shell command or comment? */ if ((buff[0] == '#' && !IsSHcomment(buff + 1)) || buff[0] == ':' || PREFIX(buff, "echo ") || PREFIX(buff, "sed ") || PREFIX(buff, "cat ")) { return(TRUE); } /* Does this line say "Cut here"? */ for (p = strcpy(lower, buff); *p; p++) if (isascii(*p) && islower(*p)) *p = toupper(*p); if (PREFIX(buff, "-----") || Has(lower, "cut", "here") || Has(lower, "cut", "cut") || Has(lower, "tear", "here")) { /* Get next non-blank line. */ do { if (fgets(buff, BUFSIZ, Stream) == NULL) { Fprintf(stderr, "unshar: cut line is last line of %s\n", Name); return(FALSE); } } while (*buff == '\n'); /* If it starts with a comment or lower-case letter we win. */ if (*buff == '#' || *buff == ':' || (isascii(*buff) && islower(*buff))) return(TRUE); /* The cut message lied. */ Fprintf(stderr, "unshar: %s is not a shell archive,\n", Name); Fprintf(stderr, " the 'cut' line was followed by: %s", buff); return(FALSE); } if (Header) { (void)fputs(buff, Header); if (InHeader && !IsHeader(buff)) InHeader = FALSE; } } } /* ** Create file for the header, find true start of the archive, ** and send it off to the shell. */ static void Unshar(Name, HdrFile, Stream, Saveit, Forced) char *Name; char *HdrFile; REGISTER FILE *Stream; int Saveit; int Forced; { REGISTER FILE *Header; #ifndef USE_MY_SHELL REGISTER FILE *Pipe; #endif /* USE_MY_SHELL */ char *p; char buff[BUFSIZ]; if (Saveit) { /* Create a name for the saved header. */ if (HdrFile) (void)strcpy(buff, HdrFile); else if (Name) { p = RDX(Name, '/'); (void)strncpy(buff, p ? p + 1 : Name, 14); buff[10] = 0; (void)strcat(buff, ".hdr"); } else (void)strcpy(buff, "UNSHAR.HDR"); /* Tell user, and open the file. */ Fprintf(stderr, "unshar: Sending header to %s.\n", buff); if ((Header = fopen(buff, "a")) == NULL) Quit("Can't open file for header"); } else Header = NULL; /* If name is NULL, we're being piped into... */ p = Name ? Name : "the standard input"; Printf("unshar: Doing %s:\n", p); if (Found(p, buff, Forced, Stream, Header)) { #ifdef USE_MY_SHELL BinSh(Name, Stream, buff); #else if ((Pipe = popen("/bin/sh", "w")) == NULL) Quit("Can't open pipe to /bin/sh process"); (void)fputs(buff, Pipe); while (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, Stream)) (void)fputs(buff, Pipe); (void)pclose(Pipe); #endif /* USE_MY_SHELL */ } /* Close the headers. */ if (Saveit) (void)fclose(Header); } main(ac, av) REGISTER int ac; REGISTER char *av[]; { REGISTER FILE *Stream; REGISTER int i; char *p; char *HdrFile; char cwd[BUFSIZ]; char dir[BUFSIZ]; char buff[BUFSIZ]; int Saveit; int Forced; /* Parse JCL. */ p = getenv("UNSHARDIR"); Saveit = DEF_SAVEIT; HdrFile = NULL; for (Forced = 0; (i = getopt(ac, av, "c:d:fh:sn")) != EOF; ) switch (i) { default: Quit("Usage: unshar [-fsn] [-{c,d} dir] [-h hdrfile] [files]"); /* NOTREACHED */ case 'c': case 'd': p = optarg; break; case 'f': Forced++; break; case 'h': HdrFile = optarg; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 's': Saveit = TRUE; break; case 'n': Saveit = FALSE; break; } av += optind; /* Going somewhere? */ if (p) { if (*p == '?') { /* Ask for name; go to THE_TTY if we're being piped into. */ Stream = isatty(fileno(stdin)) ? stdin : fopen(THE_TTY, "r"); if (Stream == NULL) Quit("Can't open tty to ask for directory"); Printf("unshar: what directory? "); (void)fflush(stdout); if (fgets(buff, sizeof buff, Stream) == NULL || buff[0] == '\n' || (p = IDX(buff, '\n')) == NULL) Quit("Okay, cancelled"); *p = '\0'; p = buff; if (Stream != stdin) (void)fclose(Stream); } /* If name is ~/blah, he means $HOME/blah. */ if (*p == '~') { if (getenv("HOME") == NULL) Quit("You have no $HOME?"); (void)sprintf(dir, "%s/%s", getenv("HOME"), p + 1); p = dir; } /* If we're gonna move, first remember where we were. */ if (Cwd(cwd, sizeof cwd) == NULL) { Fprintf(stderr, "unshar warning: Can't get current directory.\n"); cwd[0] = '\0'; } /* Got directory; try to go there. Only make last component. */ if (chdir(p) < 0 && (mkdir(p, 0777) < 0 || chdir(p) < 0)) Quit("Cannot chdir nor mkdir desired directory"); } else cwd[0] = '\0'; /* No buffering. */ (void)setbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL); (void)setbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL); if (*av) /* Process filenames from command line. */ for (; *av; av++) { if (cwd[0] && av[0][0] != '/') { (void)sprintf(buff, "%s/%s", cwd, *av); *av = buff; } if ((Stream = fopen(*av, "r")) == NULL) Fprintf(stderr, "unshar: Can't open file '%s'.\n", *av); else { Unshar(*av, HdrFile, Stream, Saveit, Forced); (void)fclose(Stream); } } else /* Do standard input. */ Unshar((char *)NULL, HdrFile, stdin, Saveit, Forced); /* That's all she wrote. */ exit(0); }