CHANGES List of recent changes to the toolkit. Configure Runs make config. Required by "kit" software. README Read this before making the toolkit. bin/README .. blurb Longer description. cnv/README Some words about conversion programs. cnv/cubitorle.c Convert Cubicomp format to RLE. cnv/giftorle.c Convert GIF files to RLE. cnv/graytorle.c Convert separate rrr ggg bbb files to RLE. cnv/makefile.src Input to configure makefile. cnv/painttorle.c Convert MacPaint to RLE. cnv/pgmtorle.c Convert PBMPLUS/pgm to RLE. cnv/ppmtorle.c Convert PBMPLUS/ppm to RLE. cnv/rastorle.c Convert Sun Raster to RLE. cnv/rawtorle.c Convert various raw formats to RLE. cnv/rlatorle.c Convert RLE to Wavefront rla format. cnv/rlb_header.h Header for Wavefront conversions. cnv/rletoabA60.c Convert RLE to Abekas A60 format. cnv/rletoabA62/COPYRIGHT .. cnv/rletoabA62/makefile.src Input to configure makefile. cnv/rletoabA62/rle.c .. cnv/rletoabA62/rletoabA62.c Convert to Abekas A62 format. cnv/rletoascii.c Make a line-printer version of an RLE image. cnv/rletogif/compgif.c .. cnv/rletogif/gifencod.c .. cnv/rletogif/makefile.src .. cnv/rletogif/rletogif.c Convert RLE to GIF. cnv/rletogif/rletogif.h .. cnv/rletogray.c Convert RLE to separate rrr ggg bbb files. cnv/rletopaint.c Convert RLE to MacPaint. cnv/rletoppm.c Convert RLE to PBMPLUS/ppm format. cnv/rletops.c Convert RLE to (B&W) PostScript. cnv/rletorast.c Convert RLE to Sun Raster. cnv/rletoraw.c Convert RLE to rgbrgb raw format. cnv/rletorla.c Convert RLE to Wavefront rla format. cnv/rletotiff.c Convert RLE to 24-bit TIFF. cnv/targatorle.c Convert TARGA to RLE. cnv/tex/README .. cnv/tex/dvirle.h .. cnv/tex/ Stuff here requires U of Md C-TeX cnv/tex/dvirle1.c .. cnv/tex/dvirle2.c .. cnv/tex/makefile.src .. cnv/tex/ .. cnv/tifftorle.c Convert 24-bit TIFF to RLE. cnv/wasatchrle.c Convert Wasatch paint system to RLE. config/README Longer description of configuration stuff. config/apollo Configuration file for Apollo computer. config/cray Configuration file for Cray 2 Unicos. config/dec Configuration file for DEC (3100) Ultrix. config/hpbsd Configuration file for HP 9000/300 BSD. config/hpux300 Configuration file for HP 9000/300 HP-UX. config/hpux800 Configuration file for HP 9000/800 HP-UX. config/ibm-r6000 Configuration file for IBM RS6000. config/ibm-rt Configuration file for IBM-RT. config/iris4d Configuration file for SGI Iris 4D. config/stellar Configuration file for Stardent GS-1000. config/sun3 Configuration file for Sun 3 running 4.x config/sun4 Configuration file for Sun 4 running 4.x config/urt Configuration file. copyright Basic toolkit copyright blurb. etc/README Read this. etc/ Makes simple color bars. etc/ Compensation map for apple laserwriter. etc/rlesize Print size of an RLE file. get/README Stuff about making get programs. get/cx3d/gamma.c .. get/cx3d/gamma.h .. get/cx3d/getcx3d.c Display RLE on Chromatics CX3D. get/cx3d/makefile.src Input to configure makefile get/cx3d/round.h .. get/cx3d/sig.c .. get/cx3d/sig.h .. get/get4d.c Display on SGI Iris/4D display. get/get_orion.c Display on "Orion" display. get/getap.c Display on Apollo. get/getbob.c Display under HP window system. get/getfb.c Display using BRL generic fb library. get/getiris.c Display on SGI 2400/3000 w/o window manager. get/getmac/Librle.make Makefile to build library under MPW. get/getmac/Makefile .. get/getmac/README .. get/getmac/getmac.c Display on Mac under MPW. get/getmex.c Display on SGI 2400/3000 under MEX. get/getren.c Display on HP SRX. get/getsun.c Display using SunTools. get/gettaac.c Display on TAAC-1 under SunView. get/gettaac.icon .. get/getx10.c Display on X10 display. get/getx11/XCopyImg.c .. get/getx11/XGetHClrs.c .. get/getx11/circle.bitmap .. get/getx11/circle_mask.bitmap .. get/getx11/getx11.c Display using X11. get/getx11/getx11.h .. get/getx11/in_cmap.c .. get/getx11/makefile.src .. get/getx11/map_scan.c .. get/getx11/timer.c .. get/getx11/x11_stuff.c .. get/gmr27/XtndRunget.c .. get/gmr27/bread.c .. get/gmr27/fb.h .. get/gmr27/getfb.h .. get/gmr27/getgmr.c Display on Grinnell GMR-27 frame buffer. get/gmr27/makefile.src .. get/makefile.src .. get/qcr/bright.c .. get/qcr/getqcr.c Display on Matrix QCR camera. get/qcr/makefile.src .. get/qcr/qcr.c .. get/qcr/qcr.h .. get/qcr/qcrldmap.c .. get/qcr/wedge.c .. get/read98721.c Read image from HP SRX frame buffer. include/exit_status.h Used by a few tools. include/makefile.src .. include/pyramid.h Used by pyramid blending tools. include/rle.h Used by all tools. include/rle_code.h Defines for writing RLE files. include/rle_put.h Basic library definitions for put fns. include/rle_raw.h Defines for rle_getraw/sv_putraw fns. lib/Runput.c Save RLE format. lib/bstring.c If your Unix doesn't have them, see config.urt. lib/buildmap.c Colormap help. lib/cmd_name.c Extract command name from argv. lib/colorquant.c Variance based color quantization. lib/dither.c Simple ordered dithering code. lib/float_to_exp.c Convert floating point colors to "exp" form. lib/getopt.c Getopt() if your Unix doesn't have it. lib/makefile.src .. lib/rle_addhist.c Add a history comment to an RLE image. lib/rle_cp.c Copy rest of RLE image to output. lib/rle_getcom.c Get comments from an RLE image. lib/rle_getraw.c Get RLE data in "raw" form. lib/rle_getrow.c Get RLE data in scanline form. lib/rle_getskip.c Skip rest of an RLE image. lib/rle_global.c Global variable initialization. lib/rle_open_f.c Helper to open files with defaults. lib/rle_putcom.c Add comments to an RLE image. lib/rle_putraw.c Write RLE data in "raw" form. lib/rle_putrow.c Write RLE data in scanline form. lib/rle_raw_alc.c Allocate memory for getraw/putraw fns. lib/rle_rawrow.c Convert "raw" to "row" format. lib/rle_row_alc.c Allocate memory for getrow/putrow fns. lib/sVsetlinebuf.c setlinebuf for Sys V. See config.urt. lib/scanargs.c Command line argument parser. lib/vaxshort.c Byte swapping support routines. makedef.awk Munges makefiles for Configure. makefile.hdr Stuff included in all makefiles. makefile.src .. makefile.tlr .. man/makefile.src .. man/man1/applymap.1 .. man/man1/avg4.1 .. man/man1/crop.1 .. man/man1/cubitorle.1 .. man/man1/dvirle.1 .. man/man1/fant.1 .. man/man1/get4d.1 .. man/man1/get_orion.1 .. man/man1/getap.1 .. man/man1/getbob.1 .. man/man1/getcx3d.1 .. man/man1/getfb.1 .. man/man1/getgmr.1 .. man/man1/getiris.1 .. man/man1/getmac.1 .. man/man1/getmex.1 .. man/man1/getqcr.1 .. man/man1/getren.1 .. man/man1/getsun.1 .. man/man1/gettaac.1 .. man/man1/getx10.1 .. man/man1/getx11.1 .. man/man1/giftorle.1 .. man/man1/graytorle.1 .. man/man1/into.1 .. man/man1/mcut.1 .. man/man1/mergechan.1 .. man/man1/painttorle.1 .. man/man1/pgmtorle.1 .. man/man1/ppmtorle.1 .. man/man1/pyrmask.1 .. man/man1/rastorle.1 .. man/man1/rawtorle.1 .. man/man1/read98721.1 .. man/man1/repos.1 .. man/man1/rlatorle.1 .. man/man1/rleClock.1 .. man/man1/rleaddcom.1 .. man/man1/rleaddeof.1 .. man/man1/rlebg.1 .. man/man1/rlebox.1 .. man/man1/rlecomp.1 .. man/man1/rledither.1 .. man/man1/rleflip.1 .. man/man1/rlehdr.1 .. man/man1/rlehisto.1 .. man/man1/rleldmap.1 .. man/man1/rlemandl.1 .. man/man1/rlenoise.1 .. man/man1/rlepatch.1 .. man/man1/rleprint.1 .. man/man1/rlequant.1 .. man/man1/rlescale.1 .. man/man1/rleselect.1 .. man/man1/rlesetbg.1 .. man/man1/rleskel.1 .. man/man1/rlespiff.1 .. man/man1/rlesplice.1 .. man/man1/rlesplit.1 .. man/man1/rleswap.1 .. man/man1/rletoabA60.1 .. man/man1/rletoabA62.1 .. man/man1/rletoascii.1 .. man/man1/rletogif.1 .. man/man1/rletogray.1 .. man/man1/rletopaint.1 .. man/man1/rletoppm.1 .. man/man1/rletops.1 .. man/man1/rletorast.1 .. man/man1/rletoraw.1 .. man/man1/rletorla.1 .. man/man1/rletotiff.1 .. man/man1/rlezoom.1 .. man/man1/smush.1 .. man/man1/targatorle.1 .. man/man1/template.1 .. man/man1/tifftorle.1 .. man/man1/to8.1 .. man/man1/tobw.1 .. man/man1/unexp.1 .. man/man1/unslice.1 .. man/man1/urt.1 Overview of the tools. man/man1/wasatchrle.1 .. man/man3/buildmap.3 .. man/man3/bwdithermap.3 .. man/man3/colorquant.3 .. man/man3/dither.3 .. man/man3/ditherbw.3 .. man/man3/dithergb.3 .. man/man3/dithermap.3 .. man/man3/float_to_exp.3 .. man/man3/librle.3 .. man/man3/make_square.3 .. man/man3/rgb_to_bw.3 .. man/man3/rle_addhist.3 .. man/man3/rle_cp.3 .. man/man3/rle_debug.3 .. man/man3/rle_delcom.3 .. man/man3/rle_freeraw.3 .. man/man3/rle_get_error.3 .. man/man3/rle_get_set.3 .. man/man3/rle_get_setup.3 .. man/man3/rle_get_setup_ok.3 .. man/man3/rle_getcom.3 .. man/man3/rle_getraw.3 .. man/man3/rle_getrow.3 .. man/man3/rle_getskip.3 .. man/man3/rle_hdr.3 .. man/man3/rle_op.3 .. man/man3/rle_open_f.3 .. man/man3/rle_open_f_noexit.3 .. man/man3/rle_put_init.3 .. man/man3/rle_put_setup.3 .. man/man3/rle_putcom.3 .. man/man3/rle_puteof.3 .. man/man3/rle_putraw.3 .. man/man3/rle_putrow.3 .. man/man3/rle_raw_alloc.3 .. man/man3/rle_raw_free.3 .. man/man3/rle_rawtorow.3 .. man/man3/rle_row_alloc.3 .. man/man3/rle_row_free.3 .. man/man3/rle_skiprow.3 .. man/man3/scanargs.3 .. man/man5/RLE.5 .. man/man5/rle.5 .. sv.sed SED script to convert to new names. tools/applymap.c Apply color map to image data. tools/avg4.c Simple 2x2 downsizing filter. tools/clock/README .. tools/clock/font.c .. tools/clock/font.h .. tools/clock/font.src .. tools/clock/makeFont .. tools/clock/makefile.src .. tools/clock/rleClock.c Draws a clock face. tools/crop.c Crop image. tools/fant.c Image scale/rotate with anti-aliasing. tools/into.c Useful program. tools/makefile.src .. tools/mcut.c Median cut color quantization. tools/mergechan.c Merge colors from multiple images. tools/pyrlib.c .. tools/pyrmask.c Generate "pyramid" filter mask. tools/repos.c Reposition an image. tools/rle_box.c Common code for crop and rlebox. tools/rleaddcom.c Add comments to an RLE file. tools/rleaddeof.c Add an EOF code to an RLE file. tools/rlebg.c Generate a "background". tools/rlebox.c Find bounding box of an image. tools/rlecomp.c Image composition. tools/rledither.c Floyd-Steinberg dither to given color map. tools/rleflip.c Flip an image or rotate it 90. tools/rlehdr.c Print info about an RLE file. tools/rlehisto.c Make a histogram of an image. tools/rleldmap.c Load a new colormap into a file. tools/rlemandl.c Make a Mandelbrot image. tools/rlenoise.c Add noise to an image. tools/rlepatch.c Patch smaller images on a big one. tools/rleprint.c Print all pixel values in image. tools/rlequant.c Variance based color quantization. tools/rlescale.c Generate a "gray scale". tools/rleselect.c Select images from an RLE file. tools/rlesetbg.c Set the background color of an image file. tools/rleskel.c Skeleton tool. Programming example. tools/rlespiff.c Simple contrast enhancement. tools/rlesplice.c Splice two images horizontally or vertically. tools/rlesplit.c Split concatenated images into files. tools/rleswap.c Swap or select color channels. tools/rlezoom.c Integer zoom. tools/smush.c Generic filtering. tools/to8.c 24->8 ordered dither color conversion. tools/tobw.c Color->B&W conversion. tools/unexp.c Convert "exp" format to normal colors. tools/unslice.c Paste together "slices" into a full image.