#%#### makefile AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED ###### #%############### DO NOT EDIT ################ #%### EDIT makefile.src AND make config ###### DEPTH = ../ CONFIG = ../config/freebsd HERE = cnv/ # FreeBSD 1.0 EPSILON configuration file. # With X11 # Most common conversion programs compiled. ExtraCFLAGS = ROFF = nroff ROFFOPT = -man ROFFPIPE = | lpr OTHERJUNK = core *~ #*# PBMDIR = ../../pbmplus INCPBMPLUS = -I$(PBMDIR) -I$(PBMDIR)/ppm -I$(PBMDIR)/pgm -I$(PBMDIR)/pbm LIBPBMPLUS = $(PBMDIR)/ppm/libppm.a $(PBMDIR)/pgm/libpgm.a \ $(PBMDIR)/pbm/libpbm.a INCTIFF = -I../../pbmplus/libtiff LIBTIFF = -L../../pbmplus/libtiff -ltiff LIBX11 = -L/usr/X386/lib -lX11 INCX11 = -I/usr/X386/include RI = ../include RL = ../lib DIRS = ALLDIRS = PGMS = ExtraLIBS = LIBS = $(RL)/librle.a $(DIRLIBS) ${ExtraLIBS} MachFLAGS = CFLAGS = -O $(DFLAGS) $(DIRFLAGS) $(ExtraCFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) $(MachFLAGS) IFLAGS = -I. -I$(RI) SHELL = /bin/sh # Description file for rle conversion programs. #set DEST CNV_DEST Where to install the tools DEST = /usr/local/bin # Executables. The .out will be stripped off in the install action. #ifadd ABEKASA60 PGMS rletoabA60.out #ifadd ABEKASA62 DIRS rletoabA62 #ifadd CUBICOMP PGMS cubitorle.out #ifadd DVIRLE DIRS tex #ifadd GIF DIRS rletogif #ifadd GIF PGMS giftorle.out #ifadd GRAYFILES PGMS graytorle.out #ifadd GRAYFILES PGMS rletogray.out #ifadd MACPAINT PGMS painttorle.out #ifadd MACPAINT PGMS rletopaint.out #ifadd PBMPLUS PGMS pgmtorle.out ppmtorle.out rletoppm.out #ifadd POSTSCRIPT PGMS rletops.out #ifadd TARGA PGMS targatorle.out #ifadd TIFF PGMS rletotiff.out tifftorle.out #ifadd SUNRASTER PGMS rastorle.out #ifadd SUNRASTER PGMS rletorast.out #ifadd WASATCH PGMS wasatchrle.out #ifadd WAVEFRONT PGMS rlatorle.out rletorla.out #ifnadd NO_TOOLS PGMS rawtorle.out rletoraw.out #ifnadd NO_TOOLS PGMS rletoascii.out #emit PGMS PGMS = giftorle.out graytorle.out rletogray.out painttorle.out rletopaint.out pgmtorle.out ppmtorle.out rletoppm.out rletops.out targatorle.out rletotiff.out tifftorle.out rawtorle.out rletoraw.out rletoascii.out #emit DIRS DIRS = rletogif # ALLDIRS is all subdirectories, regardless of whether they are active ALLDIRS = rletoabA62 rletogif tex # Default is what is to be made if nothing is specified. default: $(PGMS) subdirs # Everything depends on the rle header and libraries. # keep_make_happy keeps make happy if $PGMS is empty $(PGMS) keep_make_happy: $(RI)/rle.h $(RI)/rle_config.h # Programs that need specific make rules (presumably all of them) #ifdef ABEKASA60 # rletoabA60 - RLE to Abekas A60. # Will build with the default rule. #endif ABEKASA60 #ifdef CUBICOMP # cubitorle - Cubicomp to RLE. # Will build with the default rule. #endif CUBICOMP #ifdef GRAYFILES # graytorle - Combine gray scale images into RLE file. # rletogray - Split RLE file into gray scale images. # Will build with the default rule. #endif GRAYFILES #ifdef MACPAINT # painttorle - MacPaint to RLE. # rletopaint - RLE to MacPaint. # Will build with the default rule. #endif MACPAINT #ifdef PBMPLUS # pgmtorle - pgm format to RLE # ppmtorle - ppm format to RLE # rletoppm - RLE to ppm format pgmtorle.out: pgmtorle.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCPBMPLUS) $*.c $(LIBS) $(LIBPBMPLUS) -o $*.new mv $*.new $@ ppmtorle.out: ppmtorle.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCPBMPLUS) $*.c $(LIBS) $(LIBPBMPLUS) -o $*.new mv $*.new $@ rletoppm.out: rletoppm.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCPBMPLUS) $*.c $(LIBS) $(LIBPBMPLUS) -o $*.new mv $*.new $@ #endif #ifdef POSTSCRIPT # rletops - RLE to postscript. # Will build with the default rule. #endif POSTSCRIPT #ifdef SUNRASTER # rastorle - Sun raster to RLE. #@rastorle.out: rastorle.c #@ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(LIBS) $(LIBSUNRASTER) -lm -o $*.new #@ mv $*.new $@ #@rletorast.out: rletorast.c #@ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(LIBS) $(LIBSUNRASTER) -lm -o $*.new #@ mv $*.new $@ #endif #ifdef TARGA # targatorle - AT&T Targa to RLE # Will build with the default rule. #endif TARGA #ifdef TIFF # tifftorle - Convert TIFF images to RLE # rletotiff - Convert RLE images to TIFF rletotiff.out: rletotiff.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCTIFF) $*.c $(LIBS) $(LIBTIFF) -o $*.new mv $*.new $@ tifftorle.out: tifftorle.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCTIFF) $*.c $(LIBS) $(LIBTIFF) -o $*.new mv $*.new $@ #endif #ifdef WASATCH # wasatchrle - Wasatch Paintbox to RLE. # Will build with the default rule. #endif WASATCH #ifdef WAVEFRONT # rlatorle - Wavefront RLA to RLE # rletorla - RLE to Wavefront RLA # Will build with the default rule. #endif WAVEFRONT # Install stuff install: default install-pgm install-subdirs # Clean up binaries. clean: clean-pgm # Clean up installed binaries pristine: pristine-pgm # Default rule for making a program from its .c file. # The mv will not be done if there is an error, so a broken program # will not be left around. .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .out .c .c.out: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c $(LIBS) -lm -o $*.new mv $*.new $@ # Dependency lines. Make sure to #ifdef them. # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE #ifdef CUBICOMP #@cubitorle.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif CUBICOMP #ifdef MACPAINT painttorle.o: ${RI}/rle.h rletopaint.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif MACPAINT #ifdef SUNRASTER #@rastorle.o: ${RI}/rle.h #@rletorast.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif SUNRASTER #ifdef ABEKASA60 #@rletoabA60.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif ABEKASA60 #ifdef POSTSCRIPT rletops.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif POSTSCRIPT #ifdef TARGA targatorle.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif TARGA #ifdef WASATCH #@wasatchrle.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif WASATCH #ifdef GRAYFILES graytorle.o: ${RI}/rle.h rletogray.o: ${RI}/rle.h #endif GRAYFILES ################ Beginning of makefile.tlr ################ # Stuff that goes at the end of all the makefiles, but is not # configuration parameters should be in this file. It is included # after the makefile.src. subdirs: @sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'set -e ; for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ (cd \$$dir ; echo Make ${HERE}\$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) ) ; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" # Install all programs install-pgm: $(PGMS) @sh -c "if test 'x$?' != x ; then eval \ 'for pgm in $? ; do \ dpgm=\`basename \$$pgm .out\` ; \ echo cp \$$pgm $(DEST)/\$$dpgm ; \ cp \$$pgm $(DEST)/\$$dpgm; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" touch install-pgm # Install subdirectories install-subdirs: subdirs @sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ (cd \$$dir ; echo Install ${HERE}\$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) install) ; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" #config reads the configuration file and munches the apropriate make files config: doit ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}" "${MFLAGS}" # post-config is for any actions a directory may require following # configuration or reconfiguration. post-config: doit config-subdirs: doit @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for d in $(ALLDIRS) ; do \ ( cd $$d ; \ echo Configuring ${HERE}$$d ; \ ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}$$d/" \ "${MFLAGS}" ) \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi doit: # Clean up installed stuff and binaries # pristine-pgm target invoked pristine target in dirs that make programs # pristine target in library directory is different. # pristine-pgm: clean-pgm @-if test 'x$(PGMS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for pgm in $(PGMS); do \ dpgm=`basename $$pgm .out`; \ echo rm -f $(DEST)/$$dpgm; \ rm -f $(DEST)/$$dpgm; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \ if test -d $$dir ; then \ (cd $$dir; echo Make ${HERE}$$dir pristine ; \ make $(MFLAGS) pristine); \ else \ true; \ fi; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi -rm -f install install-pgm # Clean up binaries on program directories. clean-pgm: -rm -f $(PGMS) install* -rm -f *.o *.out *.new -rm -f $(OTHERJUNK) @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \ if test -d $$dir ; then \ (cd $$dir; echo Clean ${HERE}$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) clean); \ else \ true; \ fi; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi #ifndef NO_MAKE_MAKEFILE # Copy config action to here so that GNU make program will work. #@makefile:: makefile.src #@ ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}" "${MFLAGS}" #endif # Keep people who like to 'make depend' happy. Allow depend:: # actions in specific makefiles if desired. depend:: ################ End of makefile.tlr ################