/* * getmex.c - Put RLE images on the Iris display under the window manager. * * Author: Russell D. Fish (Based on getX.c .) * Computer Science Dept. * University of Utah * Date: Wed Nov 19 1986 * Copyright (c) 1986, University of Utah * */ #include #include #include "gl.h" #include "device.h" #include "rle.h" #ifdef USE_STDLIB_H #include #else #ifdef USE_STRING_H #include #else #include #endif #ifdef VOID_STAR extern void *malloc(); #else extern char *malloc(); #endif extern void free(); #endif #define MAX(i,j) ( (i) > (j) ? (i) : (j) ) #define MIN(i,j) ( (i) < (j) ? (i) : (j) ) /* Global variables. */ Colorindex color_start = 512; /* Default color map start of 3/3/3 rgb cube. */ Colorindex bw_start = 128; /* Default color map start of 128 slot grey ramp. */ long window_number; /* Window number from MEX. */ int x_size, y_size; /* Size of image. */ int dbg = 0; /* Set if debug mode. */ int forkflg = 0; /* Set if not to run in background. */ int bwflag = 0; /* Set for greyscale output. */ Colorindex *image; /* Image data buffer pointer. */ #define levels 8 /* Compute 3 bits per channel. */ int modN[256], divN[256]; /* Speed up with precomputed lookup tables. */ /* * Basic 4x4 magic square for dithering */ int magic[4][4] = { 0, 14, 3, 13, 11, 5, 8, 6, 12, 2, 15, 1, 7, 9, 4, 10 }; int dm16[16][16]; /* 16x16 magic square, filled in by init_dither. */ /* From Kitaoka's dithering code */ #if 0 int dm4[4][4] = { 0, 43, 9, 40, 34, 15, 25, 18, 37, 6, 46, 3, 21, 28, 12, 31 }; #endif /***************************************************************** * TAG( main ) * * Usage: * getmex [-f] [-D] [-w] [file] * Inputs: * -f: Don't fork after putting image on screen. * -D: Debug mode: print input file as read. * -w: Black & white: reduce color images to B&W before display. * Advantage is that smoother shading can be achieved. * -m mapstart Where to start using the color map. 128 colors are * used for B&W images, starting at 128 by default unless * overridden by this flag. 512 colors are used for color images, * starting at color map location 512. * file: Input Run Length Encoded file. Uses stdin if not * specified. * Outputs: * Puts image in a window on the screen. * Assumptions: * Input file is in RLE format. */ main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int mapstart, mapflag = 0; char *infname = NULL; FILE * infile = stdin; /* Handle arguments. */ if ( scanargs( argc, argv, "% f%- w%- D%- m%-mapstart!d file%s", &forkflg, &bwflag, &dbg, &mapflag, &mapstart, &infname ) == 0 ) exit( 1 ); if ( mapflag ) if ( bwflag ) bw_start = mapstart; else color_start = mapstart; infile = rle_open_f("getmex", infname, "r"); init_dither(); /* Set up the dither matrices. */ get_pic( infile, infname ); /* Read image and make a window for it. */ update_pic(); /* Keep drawing the window. */ } /* * Read an image from the input file and display it. */ get_pic( infile, infname ) FILE * infile; char * infname; { register int i, y; int ncolors; unsigned char *scan[3]; /* * Read setup info from file. */ rle_dflt_hdr.rle_file = infile; if ( rle_get_setup( &rle_dflt_hdr ) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "getmex: Error reading setup information from %s\n", infname ? infname : "stdin"); exit(1); } if ( dbg ) rle_debug( 1 ); /* We`re only interested in R, G, & B */ RLE_CLR_BIT(rle_dflt_hdr, RLE_ALPHA); for (i = 3; i < rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors; i++) RLE_CLR_BIT(rle_dflt_hdr, i); ncolors = rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors > 3 ? 3 : rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors; if ( ncolors == 1 ) bwflag = TRUE; /* * Compute image size and allocate storage for colormapped image. */ x_size = (rle_dflt_hdr.xmax - rle_dflt_hdr.xmin + 1); y_size = (rle_dflt_hdr.ymax - rle_dflt_hdr.ymin + 1); image = (Colorindex *) malloc(x_size * y_size * sizeof( Colorindex )); /* * Set up for rle_getrow. Pretend image x origin is 0. */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) scan[i] = (unsigned char *) malloc(x_size); rle_dflt_hdr.xmax -= rle_dflt_hdr.xmin; rle_dflt_hdr.xmin = 0; /* For each scan line, dither it into the image memory. */ while ((y = rle_getrow(&rle_dflt_hdr, scan)) <= rle_dflt_hdr.ymax) { if ( bwflag && ncolors > 1 ) { rgb_to_bw( scan[0], scan[1], scan[ncolors - 1], scan[0], x_size ); /* Note: map_scanline only uses channel 0 for B&W */ } map_scanline( scan, x_size, y, &image[(y - rle_dflt_hdr.ymin) * x_size] ); } /* * Free temp storage */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) free(scan[i]); /* * Get a window of the right size (user positions it with the mouse). */ if ( forkflg ) foreground(); /* Don`t fork. */ maxsize( x_size, y_size ); window_number = winopen( "getmex" ); if ( infname ) wintitle( infname ); makemap(); /* Initialize the Iris color map. */ qdevice( REDRAW ); qdevice( LEFTMOUSE ); /* Pan the image under mouse control. */ qdevice( SETUPKEY ); /* Reset panning. */ unqdevice( INPUTCHANGE ); /* We don`t pay attention to these. */ /* There was a redraw event sent when the window was created, * but we weren`t listening for them yet. */ qenter( REDRAW, window_number ); } /* * Track events & redraw image when necessary. */ update_pic() { short data; long event; int window_x_size, window_y_size, window_x_origin, window_y_origin; int x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end, x_len; int x_origin, y_origin, new_x_center, new_y_center; int x_center, y_center, saved_x_center, saved_y_center; register int y; register Colorindex *y_ptr; /* Looking at the center, at first. */ x_center = saved_x_center = x_size / 2; y_center = saved_y_center = y_size / 2; /* Redraw the window when necessary. */ while ( TRUE ) { event = qread( &data ); # ifdef DEBUG printf( "event %d, data %d\n", event, data ); #endif switch ( event ) { case REDRAW: winset( window_number ); reshapeviewport(); color( 22 ); clear(); /* Lower left corner of screen, in image coordinates. * (Keep the center of the image in the center of the window.) */ getsize( &window_x_size, &window_y_size ); x_min = x_center - window_x_size/2; x_max = x_min + (window_x_size-1); y_min = y_center - window_y_size/2; y_max = y_min + (window_y_size-1); /* Coordinate bounds have half a pixel added all around. */ ortho2( x_min - .5, x_max + .5, y_min - .5, y_max + .5 ); /* Draw just the part of the image in the window. */ x_start = MAX( x_min, 0 ); y_start = MAX( y_min, 0 ); x_end = MIN( x_max, x_size-1 ); y_end = MIN( y_max, y_size-1 ); x_len = x_end - x_start + 1; /* Dump the scanlines. Check once in a while for another * redraw event queued up, and quit early if one is seen. */ for ( y = y_start, y_ptr = image + y_start*x_size + x_start; y <= y_end && (y%16 != 0 || qtest() != REDRAW); y++, y_ptr += x_size ) { cmov2i( x_start, y ); writepixels( x_len, y_ptr ); } break; /* Setup key - Reset viewing to look at the center of the image. * Shift-Setup - Restores a saved view center. * Control-Setup - Saves the current view center for Shift-Setup. */ case SETUPKEY: if ( data == 1 ) /* Ignore button up events. */ { if ( getbutton(RIGHTSHIFTKEY) || getbutton(LEFTSHIFTKEY) ) { x_center = saved_x_center; /* Restore. */ y_center = saved_y_center; qenter( REDRAW, window_number ); } else if ( getbutton(CTRLKEY) ) { saved_x_center = x_center; /* Save. */ saved_y_center = y_center; } else { x_center = x_size / 2; /* Reset. */ y_center = y_size / 2; qenter( REDRAW, window_number ); } } break; /* Pan a point picked with the left mouse button to the center * of attention. Beep if cursor is not on the image. */ case LEFTMOUSE: if ( data == 1 ) /* Ignore button up events. */ { getorigin( &x_origin, &y_origin ); new_x_center = getvaluator( MOUSEX ) - x_origin + x_min; new_y_center = getvaluator( MOUSEY ) - y_origin + y_min; if ( new_x_center >= x_start && new_x_center <= x_end && new_y_center >= y_start && new_y_center <= y_end ) { x_center = new_x_center; y_center = new_y_center; qenter( REDRAW, window_number ); } else ringbell(); } break; } } } /* * Map a scanline to 8 bits through the dither matrix. * * Inputs: * rgb: Pointers to buffers containing the red, green, * and blue color rows. * n: Length of row. * s: Skip between pixels in original image. * y: Y position of row (necessary for dither) * line: Pointer to output buffer for dithered color data. */ map_scanline( rgb, n, y, line ) unsigned char *rgb[3]; Colorindex *line; { register int i, col; int row, *row_ptr; # define DMAP(v,x) (modN[v]>row_ptr[x] ? divN[v] + 1 : divN[v]) row = y % 16; row_ptr = dm16[ row ]; /* Cache ptr to row of dither array. */ if ( !bwflag ) /* Color display. */ { register unsigned char *r, *g, *b; for ( col = 0, i = 0, r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2]; i < n; i++, r++, g++, b++, col = ((col + 1) & 15) ) { /* Combine 3 3-bit colors into a 3/3/3 color map index. */ line[i] = color_start + DMAP(*r, col) + (DMAP(*g, col)<<3) + (DMAP(*b, col)<<6); } } else /* Gray scale display. */ { register unsigned char *bw; for ( i = 0, bw = rgb[0]; i < n; i++, bw++ ) line[i] = bw_start + (*bw>>1); } } #if 0 /* From Kitaoka's dithering code */ dmap(v,x,y) register v; int x,y ; { int d ; v = gammamap[v]; d = dm4[x%4][y%4] ; if ((v%51)>d) return (v/51)+1 ; else return (v/51) ; } #endif init_dither() /* Miscellaneous global setup. */ { int i, j, k, l, planes, pixels[216]; unsigned int value; float N, magicfact; N = (255.0 / (levels - 1)); /* Size of each step in intensity. */ for ( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { divN[i] = (int)(i / N); modN[i] = i - (int)(N * divN[i]); } modN[255] = 0; #ifdef DEBUG printf( "divN.modN:\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < 256; i += 8 ) { for ( j = i; j < i + 8; j++ ) printf( "%3d.%3d ", divN[j], modN[j] ); printf( "\n" ); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* * Expand 4x4 dither pattern to 16x16. 4x4 leaves obvious patterning, * and doesn`t give us full intensity range (only 17 sublevels, * we want at least 51). Note that 8x8 would be sufficient, but * 16x16 is easier to build. * * magicfact is (N - 2)/16 so that we get numbers in the matrix from 0 to * N - 2: mod N gives numbers in 0 to N - 1, we want some chance that the * number is greater than a matrix entry, so the highest matrix * entry must be N - 2. */ magicfact = (N - 2) / 16.; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) for ( k = 0; k < 4; k++ ) for ( l = 0; l < 4; l++ ) dm16[4*k+i][4*l+j] = (int)(0.5 + magic[i][j] * magicfact + (magic[k][l] / 16.) * magicfact); #ifdef DEBUG printf( "Magic square: \n" ); for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) printf( "%4d", dm16[i][j] ); printf( "\n" ); } #endif } /** NOTE: This is the makemap program from /usr/people/gifts/mextools/tools, ** with the gamma and getset routines from /usr/people/gifts/mextools/portlib ** appended. The only modification is that it only does the part of the map ** required here, and expands the RGB map to 512 colors. **/ /* * Make the color map using the clues provided by ~/.desktop * most of the mextools need the colors mapped by this program. * * Paul Haeberli - 1984 * */ /** #include "gl.h" **/ /** #include "gl2/port.h" **/ float getgamma(); makemap() { register int i, j, v; register int r, g, b, w; int planes; planes = getplanes(); /* if there are more than 8 planes make a ramp at 128 */ /** Position as specified, and only do it if showing a b&w image. **/ if (planes > 8 /**>**/ && bwflag /**<**/ ) for (i=0; i<128; i++) { gammapcolor(i+ /**128>**/ bw_start /**<**/,i<<1,i<<1,i<<1); } /* if there are more than 8 planes make an ordered color map at 256 */ /** but if more than 9 planes, make the map at 512, 512 colors long. **/ if (planes > 9 /**>**/ && ! bwflag /**<**/ ) /** => **/ for (i=0; i<512; i++) { r = (i>>0) & 7; g = (i>>3) & 7; b = (i>>6) & 7; r = (255*r)/7; g = (255*g)/7; b = (255*b)/7; gammapcolor(i+ /**512>**/ color_start /**<**/,r,g,b); } } /* * gamma - * Some support for gamma correction when reading and writing * color map entries. * * Paul Haeberli - 1984 * */ /** #include "math.h" **/ /** #include "port.h" **/ /** #include "gl.h" **/ /** #include "stdio.h" **/ FILE *configopen(); float gammacorrect(); float ungammacorrect(); static unsigned char rgamtable[256]; static unsigned char ggamtable[256]; static unsigned char bgamtable[256]; static unsigned char rungamtable[256]; static unsigned char gungamtable[256]; static unsigned char bungamtable[256]; static short firsted; gammapcolor(index,r,g,b) register int index,r,g,b; { short i; if (!firsted) { readgamtables(); firsted++; } r = rgamtable[r&0xff]; g = ggamtable[g&0xff]; b = bgamtable[b&0xff]; mapcolor(index,r,g,b); } static makegamtables() { register float gamval; register float val; register short i; int rbal, gbal, bbal; gamval = getgamma(); getcolorbal(&rbal,&gbal,&bbal); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { rgamtable[i] = 255*gammacorrect((rbal*i)/(255.0*255.0),gamval); ggamtable[i] = 255*gammacorrect((gbal*i)/(255.0*255.0),gamval); bgamtable[i] = 255*gammacorrect((bbal*i)/(255.0*255.0),gamval); } bzero(rungamtable,256); bzero(gungamtable,256); bzero(bungamtable,256); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { rungamtable[rgamtable[i]] = i; gungamtable[ggamtable[i]] = i; bungamtable[bgamtable[i]] = i; } fixup(rungamtable); fixup(gungamtable); fixup(bungamtable); } static fixup(cptr) register unsigned char *cptr; { register short i, lowval; for (i=256; i--; ) { if (*cptr == 0) *cptr = lowval; else lowval = *cptr; } } gamgetmcolor(index,r,g,b) int index; unsigned short *r, *g, *b; { static short firsted; unsigned short tr, tg, tb; if (!firsted) { readgamtables(); firsted++; } getmcolor(index,&tr,&tg,&tb); *r = rungamtable[tr&0xff]; *g = gungamtable[tg&0xff]; *b = bungamtable[tb&0xff]; } float gammacorrect( i, gamma) float i, gamma; { return pow(i,1.0/gamma); } float ungammacorrect( i, gamma) float i, gamma; { return pow(i,gamma); } newgamma() { firsted = firsted = 0; } newgamtables() { FILE *outf; if ((outf = configopen(".gamtables","w")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't open .gamtables\n"); return; } makegamtables(); fwrite(rgamtable,256,1,outf); fwrite(ggamtable,256,1,outf); fwrite(bgamtable,256,1,outf); fwrite(rungamtable,256,1,outf); fwrite(gungamtable,256,1,outf); fwrite(bungamtable,256,1,outf); fclose(outf); } readgamtables() { FILE *inf; if ((inf = configopen(".gamtables","r")) == 0) { newgamtables(); if ((inf = configopen(".gamtables","r")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't open .gamtables\n"); return; } } fread(rgamtable,256,1,inf); fread(ggamtable,256,1,inf); fread(bgamtable,256,1,inf); fread(rungamtable,256,1,inf); fread(gungamtable,256,1,inf); fread(bungamtable,256,1,inf); fclose(inf); } /* * getset - * Get and set values stored in ~/.desktop and ~/.gamma * * Paul Haeberli - 1984 * */ /** #include "stdio.h" **/ /** #include "port.h" **/ /** #include "gl.h" **/ FILE *configopen(); /** savecolors and restorecolors **/ float getgamma() { FILE *gamfile; float gam; if ((gamfile = configopen(".gamma","r")) ) { if (fscanf(gamfile,"%f\n",&gam) == 1) { fclose(gamfile); return gam; } else fclose(gamfile); } return 2.2; } setgamma( gam ) float gam; { FILE *gamfile; if ((gamfile = configopen(".gamma","w")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't open .gamma\n"); return; } fprintf(gamfile,"%f\n",gam); fclose(gamfile); newgamtables(); } getcolorbal(r,g,b) unsigned int *r, *g, *b; { FILE *cbfile; if ((cbfile = configopen(".cbal","r")) ) { if (fscanf(cbfile,"%d %d %d\n",r,g,b) == 3) { if (*r>255) *r = 255; if (*g>255) *g = 255; if (*b>255) *b = 255; fclose(cbfile); return; } else fclose(cbfile); } *r = 255; *g = 255; *b = 255; return; } setcolorbal(r,g,b) int r, g, b; { FILE *cbfile; if ((cbfile = configopen(".cbal","w")) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"couldn't open .cbal\n"); return; } fprintf(cbfile,"%d %d %d\n",r,g,b); fclose(cbfile); newgamtables(); } FILE *configopen( name, mode ) char name[]; char mode[]; { char homepath[100]; FILE *f; char *cptr; cptr = (char *)getenv("HOME"); if (!cptr) return 0; strcpy(homepath,cptr); strcat(homepath,"/"); strcat(homepath,name); return fopen(homepath,mode); }