#%#### makefile AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED ###### #%############### DO NOT EDIT ################ #%### EDIT makefile.src AND make config ###### DEPTH = ../ CONFIG = ../config/freebsd HERE = lib/ # FreeBSD 1.0 EPSILON configuration file. # With X11 # Most common conversion programs compiled. ExtraCFLAGS = ROFF = nroff ROFFOPT = -man ROFFPIPE = | lpr OTHERJUNK = core *~ #*# PBMDIR = ../../pbmplus INCPBMPLUS = -I$(PBMDIR) -I$(PBMDIR)/ppm -I$(PBMDIR)/pgm -I$(PBMDIR)/pbm LIBPBMPLUS = $(PBMDIR)/ppm/libppm.a $(PBMDIR)/pgm/libpgm.a \ $(PBMDIR)/pbm/libpbm.a INCTIFF = -I../../pbmplus/libtiff LIBTIFF = -L../../pbmplus/libtiff -ltiff LIBX11 = -L/usr/X386/lib -lX11 INCX11 = -I/usr/X386/include RI = ../include RL = ../lib DIRS = ALLDIRS = PGMS = ExtraLIBS = LIBS = $(RL)/librle.a $(DIRLIBS) ${ExtraLIBS} MachFLAGS = CFLAGS = -O $(DFLAGS) $(DIRFLAGS) $(ExtraCFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) $(MachFLAGS) IFLAGS = -I. -I$(RI) SHELL = /bin/sh # Description file for librle library. #ifdef LIB_DEST #set DEST LIB_DEST #@DEST = #endif #ifndef NO_RANLIB RANLIB = ranlib #endif # If nothing else is specified, default is to build the library. default: buildlib #ifadd NEED_BSTRING OPT_OBJS bstring.o #ifadd NEED_SETLINEBUF OPT_OBJS sVsetlinebuf.o #ifadd NEED_GETOPT OPT_OBJS getopt.o #emit OPT_OBJS OPT_OBJS = OBJS = Runput.o buildmap.o cmd_name.o colorquant.o dither.o \ float_to_exp.o inv_cmap.o rle_addhist.o rle_cp.o rle_getcom.o \ rle_getraw.o rle_getrow.o rle_getskip.o rle_global.o \ rle_open_f.o rle_putcom.o rle_putraw.o rle_putrow.o \ rle_raw_alc.o rle_rawrow.o rle_row_alc.o scanargs.o \ vaxshort.o \ $(OPT_OBJS) LIBNAME = librle.a # Just rebuild the object files. objs: $(OBJS) # Copy the library to the destination directory. # (Install a second copy on the debug subdirectory, on the theory that it # is more useful to have a non-debug version than nothing at all.) # Do nothing if $(DEST) is empty (or not defined) install: buildlib @sh -c "if test '$(DEST)x' != x ; then \ echo cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \ cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \ if test x$(RANLIB) != x ; then \ echo ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \ ranlib $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) ; \ else \ true ; \ fi ; \ if test -d $(DEST)/debug ; then \ echo cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \ if test x$(RANLIB) != x ; then \ cp $(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \ echo ranlib $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \ else \ true ; \ fi ; \ ranlib $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \ else \ true ; \ fi ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" touch install # Rebuild the library from all the .o files. buildlib: $(OBJS) -rm -f $(LIBNAME) #ifdef WHY #@ ar rc $(LIBNAME) #@ ar q $(LIBNAME) $(OBJS) #else ar cTq $(LIBNAME) `lorder ${OBJS} | tsort` #ifndef NO_RANLIB ranlib $(LIBNAME) #endif touch buildlib # Clean up installed stuff and binaries pristine: clean -@if test $(DEST)X != X ; then \ echo rm -f $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \ rm -f $(DEST)/$(LIBNAME) $(DEST)/debug/$(LIBNAME) ; \ else \ echo rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \ rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \ fi -rm -f install # Get rid of everything which must be recompiled on a different computer. clean: -rm -f *.o -@if test x$(DEST) != x ; then \ echo rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \ rm -f $(LIBNAME) ; \ else \ true ; \ fi -rm -f *.ln -rm -f buildlib lintlib # Lint actions: # # lintall - run lint on all the source files # lint1 - run line on one source file # llib-lrle - build human-readable form of lint library # llib-lrle.ln - build machine readable form of lint library for # use in linting programs that use the library # linstall - install the lint library # lintall: lint $(DFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) $(CFILES) lint1: lint $(DFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) -u $(LINTF) llib-lrle.ln llib-lrle: $(CFILES) -gemacs -tnull -q -l${AEM}/mk-llib.ml -emk-llib llib-lrle ${CFILES} lintlib llib-lrle.ln: llib-lrle /lib/cpp $(IFLAGS) -C -Dlint llib-lrle | > /usr/lib/lint/lint1 -uv > \ llib-lrle.ln touch lintlib # Install the lint library. linstall: llib-lrle.ln cp llib-lrle.ln llib-lrle /usr/lib/lint # Make all objects depend on rle_config.h, even if they really don't. # This forces a recompile whenever a reconfiguration happens. $(OBJS):${RI}/rle_config.h # Dependencies on .h files: # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE Runput.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_code.h ${RI}/rle_put.h buildmap.o: ${RI}/rle.h float_to_exp.o: ${RI}/rle.h rle_addhist.o: ${RI}/rle.h rle_cp.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_code.h ${RI}/rle_put.h rle_getcom.o: ${RI}/rle.h rle_getraw.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_raw.h rle_getrow.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_code.h rle_getskip.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_code.h rle_global.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_put.h rle_putcom.o: ${RI}/rle.h rle_putraw.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_put.h ${RI}/rle_raw.h rle_putrow.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_put.h rle_raw_alc.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_raw.h rle_rawrow.o: ${RI}/rle.h ${RI}/rle_raw.h rle_row_alc.o: ${RI}/rle.h config-subdirs: ################ Beginning of makefile.tlr ################ # Stuff that goes at the end of all the makefiles, but is not # configuration parameters should be in this file. It is included # after the makefile.src. subdirs: @sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'set -e ; for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ (cd \$$dir ; echo Make ${HERE}\$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) ) ; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" # Install all programs install-pgm: $(PGMS) @sh -c "if test 'x$?' != x ; then eval \ 'for pgm in $? ; do \ dpgm=\`basename \$$pgm .out\` ; \ echo cp \$$pgm $(DEST)/\$$dpgm ; \ cp \$$pgm $(DEST)/\$$dpgm; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" touch install-pgm # Install subdirectories install-subdirs: subdirs @sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ (cd \$$dir ; echo Install ${HERE}\$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) install) ; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" #config reads the configuration file and munches the apropriate make files config: doit ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}" "${MFLAGS}" # post-config is for any actions a directory may require following # configuration or reconfiguration. post-config: doit config-subdirs: doit @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for d in $(ALLDIRS) ; do \ ( cd $$d ; \ echo Configuring ${HERE}$$d ; \ ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}$$d/" \ "${MFLAGS}" ) \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi doit: # Clean up installed stuff and binaries # pristine-pgm target invoked pristine target in dirs that make programs # pristine target in library directory is different. # pristine-pgm: clean-pgm @-if test 'x$(PGMS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for pgm in $(PGMS); do \ dpgm=`basename $$pgm .out`; \ echo rm -f $(DEST)/$$dpgm; \ rm -f $(DEST)/$$dpgm; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \ if test -d $$dir ; then \ (cd $$dir; echo Make ${HERE}$$dir pristine ; \ make $(MFLAGS) pristine); \ else \ true; \ fi; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi -rm -f install install-pgm # Clean up binaries on program directories. clean-pgm: -rm -f $(PGMS) install* -rm -f *.o *.out *.new -rm -f $(OTHERJUNK) @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \ if test -d $$dir ; then \ (cd $$dir; echo Clean ${HERE}$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) clean); \ else \ true; \ fi; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi #ifndef NO_MAKE_MAKEFILE # Copy config action to here so that GNU make program will work. #@makefile:: makefile.src #@ ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}" "${MFLAGS}" #endif # Keep people who like to 'make depend' happy. Allow depend:: # actions in specific makefiles if desired. depend:: ################ End of makefile.tlr ################