#%#### makefile AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED ###### #%############### DO NOT EDIT ################ #%### EDIT makefile.src AND make config ###### DEPTH = ../ CONFIG = ../config/freebsd HERE = man/ # FreeBSD 1.0 EPSILON configuration file. # With X11 # Most common conversion programs compiled. ExtraCFLAGS = ROFF = nroff ROFFOPT = -man ROFFPIPE = | lpr OTHERJUNK = core *~ #*# PBMDIR = ../../pbmplus INCPBMPLUS = -I$(PBMDIR) -I$(PBMDIR)/ppm -I$(PBMDIR)/pgm -I$(PBMDIR)/pbm LIBPBMPLUS = $(PBMDIR)/ppm/libppm.a $(PBMDIR)/pgm/libpgm.a \ $(PBMDIR)/pbm/libpbm.a INCTIFF = -I../../pbmplus/libtiff LIBTIFF = -L../../pbmplus/libtiff -ltiff LIBX11 = -L/usr/X386/lib -lX11 INCX11 = -I/usr/X386/include RI = ../include RL = ../lib DIRS = ALLDIRS = PGMS = ExtraLIBS = LIBS = $(RL)/librle.a $(DIRLIBS) ${ExtraLIBS} MachFLAGS = CFLAGS = -O $(DFLAGS) $(DIRFLAGS) $(ExtraCFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) $(MachFLAGS) IFLAGS = -I. -I$(RI) SHELL = /bin/sh # # Makefile for Utah Raster Toolkit documentation directory # default: all # Only set DEST if MAN_DEST is defined. #ifdef MAN_DEST #set DEST MAN_DEST DEST = /usr/local/man #endif MAN_DEST # Destination directories for manual pages DEST1 = $(DEST)/man1 DEST3 = $(DEST)/man3 DEST5 = $(DEST)/man5 SUFF1 = 1 # Program manual pages, except those configured below. PAGES1 = \ man1/applymap.1 \ man1/avg4.1 \ man1/crop.1 \ man1/dvirle.1 \ man1/fant.1 \ man1/into.1 \ man1/mcut.1 \ man1/mergechan.1 \ man1/pyrmask.1 \ man1/rawtorle.1 \ man1/repos.1 \ man1/rleClock.1 \ man1/rleaddcom.1 \ man1/rleaddeof.1 \ man1/rlebg.1 \ man1/rlebox.1 \ man1/rlecat.1 \ man1/rlecomp.1 \ man1/rledither.1 \ man1/rleflip.1 \ man1/rlehdr.1 \ man1/rlehisto.1 \ man1/rleldmap.1 \ man1/rlemandl.1 \ man1/rlenoise.1 \ man1/rlepatch.1 \ man1/rleprint.1 \ man1/rlequant.1 \ man1/rlescale.1 \ man1/rleselect.1 \ man1/rlesetbg.1 \ man1/rlespiff.1 \ man1/rlesplice.1 \ man1/rlesplit.1 \ man1/rlestereo.1 \ man1/rleswap.1 \ man1/rletoascii.1 \ man1/rletoraw.1 \ man1/rlezoom.1 \ man1/smush.1 \ man1/to8.1 \ man1/tobw.1 \ man1/unexp.1 \ man1/unslice.1 \ man1/urt.1 \ $(XPAGES1) # Installation and printing of manual pages depends on configuration #ifdef ALL_MAN #define CUBICOMP #define MACPAINT #define ABEKASA60 #define ABEKASA62 #define TARGA #define WASATCH #define GRAYFILES #define GIF #define TIFF #define FB #define XWINDOWS #define APOLLO #define IRIS #define IRIS4D #define BOBCAT #define SUNTOOLS #define CX3D #define X11 #define HPQCR #define TAAC1 #define WAVEFRONT #define PBMPLUS #endif #ifadd ABEKASA60 XPAGES1 man1/rletoabA60.1 #ifadd ABEKASA62 XPAGES1 man1/rletoabA62.1 #ifadd APOLLO XPAGES1 man1/getap.1 #ifadd BOBCAT XPAGES1 man1/getbob.1 man1/getren.1 #ifadd BOBCAT XPAGES1 man1/read98721.1 #ifadd CUBICOMP XPAGES1 man1/cubitorle.1 #ifadd CX3D XPAGES1 man1/getcx3d.1 #ifadd FB XPAGES1 man1/getfb.1 #ifadd GIF XPAGES1 man1/giftorle.1 man1/rletogif.1 #ifadd GRAYFILES XPAGES1 man1/graytorle.1 man1/rletogray.1 #ifadd GRINNELL XPAGES1 man1/getgmr.1 #ifadd HPQCR XPAGES1 man1/getqcr.1 #ifadd IRIS XPAGES1 man1/getiris.1 man1/getmex.1 #ifadd IRIS4D XPAGES1 man1/get4d.1 #ifadd MACPAINT XPAGES1 man1/painttorle.1 man1/rletopaint.1 #ifadd ORION XPAGES1 man1/get_orion.1 #ifadd PBMPLUS XPAGES1 man1/pgmtorle.1 man1/ppmtorle.1 #ifadd PBMPLUS XPAGES1 man1/rletoppm.1 #ifadd POSTSCRIPT XPAGES1 man1/rletops.1 #ifadd SUNRASTER XPAGES1 man1/rastorle.1 man1/rletorast.1 #ifadd SUNTOOLS XPAGES1 man1/getsun.1 #ifadd TAAC1 XPAGES1 man1/gettaac.1 #ifadd TARGA XPAGES1 man1/targatorle.1 #ifadd TIFF XPAGES1 man1/rletotiff.1 man1/tifftorle.1 #ifadd WASATCH XPAGES1 man1/wasatchrle.1 #ifadd WAVEFRONT XPAGES1 man1/rlatorle.1 man1/rletorla.1 #ifadd X10 XPAGES1 man1/getx10.1 #ifadd X11 XPAGES1 man1/getx11.1 #emit XPAGES1 XPAGES1 = man1/rletoabA60.1 man1/rletoabA62.1 man1/getap.1 man1/getbob.1 man1/getren.1 man1/read98721.1 man1/cubitorle.1 man1/getcx3d.1 man1/getfb.1 man1/giftorle.1 man1/rletogif.1 man1/graytorle.1 man1/rletogray.1 man1/getqcr.1 man1/getiris.1 man1/getmex.1 man1/get4d.1 man1/painttorle.1 man1/rletopaint.1 man1/pgmtorle.1 man1/ppmtorle.1 man1/rletoppm.1 man1/rletops.1 man1/getsun.1 man1/gettaac.1 man1/targatorle.1 man1/rletotiff.1 man1/tifftorle.1 man1/wasatchrle.1 man1/rlatorle.1 man1/rletorla.1 man1/getx11.1 # Must list names explicitly, as some are longer than 14 chars, so *.3 # won't work. PAGES3 = ${MANPAGES3} ${SOPAGES3} MANPAGES3 = \ man3/buildmap.3 \ man3/colorquant.3 \ man3/dither.3 \ man3/float_to_exp.3 \ man3/inv_cmap.3 \ man3/librle.3 \ man3/rgb_to_bw.3 \ man3/rle_addhist.3 \ man3/rle_cp.3 \ man3/rle_get_set.3 \ man3/rle_getraw.3 \ man3/rle_getrow.3 \ man3/rle_getskip.3 \ man3/rle_hdr.3 \ man3/rle_op.3 \ man3/rle_open_f.3 \ man3/rle_put_init.3 \ man3/rle_putcom.3 \ man3/rle_puteof.3 \ man3/rle_putraw.3 \ man3/rle_putrow.3 \ man3/rle_raw_free.3 \ man3/rle_rawtorow.3 \ man3/rle_row_free.3 \ man3/rle_skiprow.3 SOPAGES3 = \ man3/bwdithermap.3 \ man3/ditherbw.3 \ man3/dithergb.3 \ man3/dithermap.3 \ man3/make_square.3 \ man3/rle_debug.3 \ man3/rle_delcom.3 \ man3/rle_freeraw.3 \ man3/rle_get_error.3 \ man3/rle_get_setup.3 \ ${GET_SETUP_OK_PAGE3} \ man3/rle_getcom.3 \ man3/rle_open_f_noexit.3 \ man3/rle_put_setup.3 \ man3/rle_raw_alloc.3 \ man3/rle_row_alloc.3 #ifdef FILE_NAME_14_CHARS #@PAGE3_INSTALL_NAME = \`basename \$$i .3 | sed 's/^\(............\).*/\1/'\`.3 #else PAGE3_INSTALL_NAME = \`basename \$$i\` GET_SETUP_OK_PAGE3 = man3/rle_get_setup_ok.3 #endif PAGES5 = ${MANPAGES5} ${SOPAGES5} MANPAGES5 = rle.5 SOPAGES5 = RLE.5 # Default action is to print all man pages all: $(ROFF) $(ROFFOPT) `ls $(PAGES1) | sort` $(ROFFPIPE) $(ROFF) $(ROFFOPT) `ls $(MANPAGES3) | sort` $(ROFFPIPE) $(ROFF) $(ROFFOPT) ${MANPAGES5} $(ROFFPIPE) # Put the manual pages into a global location install: install-1 install-3 install-5 touch install install-1: $(PAGES1) @-sh -c "if test '$(DEST)X' != X ; then \ for i in $? ; do \ dpgm=\`basename \$$i .1\`.$(SUFF1) ; \ echo cp \$$i $(DEST1)/\$$dpgm ; \ cp \$$i $(DEST1)/\$$dpgm ; \ done ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" touch install-1 install-3: $(PAGES3) @-sh -c "if test '$(DEST)X' != X ; then \ for i in $? ; do \ dpgm=${PAGE3_INSTALL_NAME} ; \ echo cp \$$i $(DEST3)/\$$dpgm ; \ cp \$$i $(DEST3)/\$$dpgm ; \ done ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" touch install-3 install-5: man5/*.5 @-sh -c "if test $(DEST)X != X; then \ echo cp $? $(DEST5); \ cp $? $(DEST5); \ else true; \ fi" touch install-5 # Clean up installed man pages pristine: -rm -f install* @-if test $(DEST)X != X ; then \ for i in man1/*.1 ; do \ echo "rm -f $(DEST1)/`basename $$i .1`.$(SUFF1)" ;\ rm -f $(DEST1)/`basename $$i .1`.$(SUFF1) ;\ done ; \ for i in $(PAGES3) ; do \ eval "echo rm -f $(DEST3)/${PAGE3_INSTALL_NAME}" ; \ eval "rm -f $(DEST3)/${PAGE3_INSTALL_NAME}" ; \ done ; \ for i in man5/*.5 ; do \ echo rm -f $(DEST5)/$$i ; \ rm -f $(DEST5)/$$i ; \ done ; \ else \ true ;\ fi # No other actions clean: ################ Beginning of makefile.tlr ################ # Stuff that goes at the end of all the makefiles, but is not # configuration parameters should be in this file. It is included # after the makefile.src. subdirs: @sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'set -e ; for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ (cd \$$dir ; echo Make ${HERE}\$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) ) ; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" # Install all programs install-pgm: $(PGMS) @sh -c "if test 'x$?' != x ; then eval \ 'for pgm in $? ; do \ dpgm=\`basename \$$pgm .out\` ; \ echo cp \$$pgm $(DEST)/\$$dpgm ; \ cp \$$pgm $(DEST)/\$$dpgm; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" touch install-pgm # Install subdirectories install-subdirs: subdirs @sh -c "if test 'x$(DIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(DIRS) ; do \ (cd \$$dir ; echo Install ${HERE}\$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) $(DIRMFLAGS) install) ; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi" #config reads the configuration file and munches the apropriate make files config: doit ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}" "${MFLAGS}" # post-config is for any actions a directory may require following # configuration or reconfiguration. post-config: doit config-subdirs: doit @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for d in $(ALLDIRS) ; do \ ( cd $$d ; \ echo Configuring ${HERE}$$d ; \ ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}$$d/" \ "${MFLAGS}" ) \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi doit: # Clean up installed stuff and binaries # pristine-pgm target invoked pristine target in dirs that make programs # pristine target in library directory is different. # pristine-pgm: clean-pgm @-if test 'x$(PGMS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for pgm in $(PGMS); do \ dpgm=`basename $$pgm .out`; \ echo rm -f $(DEST)/$$dpgm; \ rm -f $(DEST)/$$dpgm; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \ if test -d $$dir ; then \ (cd $$dir; echo Make ${HERE}$$dir pristine ; \ make $(MFLAGS) pristine); \ else \ true; \ fi; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi -rm -f install install-pgm # Clean up binaries on program directories. clean-pgm: -rm -f $(PGMS) install* -rm -f *.o *.out *.new -rm -f $(OTHERJUNK) @-if test 'x$(ALLDIRS)' != x ; then eval \ 'for dir in $(ALLDIRS); do \ if test -d $$dir ; then \ (cd $$dir; echo Clean ${HERE}$$dir ; \ make $(MFLAGS) clean); \ else \ true; \ fi; \ done' ; \ else \ true ; \ fi #ifndef NO_MAKE_MAKEFILE # Copy config action to here so that GNU make program will work. #@makefile:: makefile.src #@ ${DEPTH}Configure "${CONFIG}" "${DEPTH}" "${HERE}" "${MFLAGS}" #endif # Keep people who like to 'make depend' happy. Allow depend:: # actions in specific makefiles if desired. depend:: ################ End of makefile.tlr ################