/* * rlecat.c - Concatenate RLE files. * * Author: Spencer W. Thomas * EECS Dept. * University of Michigan * Date: Mon Nov 5 1990 * Copyright (c) 1990, University of Michigan */ #include #include "rle.h" #include "rle_raw.h" #ifdef USE_STDLIB_H #include #else #ifdef VOID_STAR extern void *malloc(); #else extern char *malloc(); #endif extern void free(); #endif /* USE_STDLIB_H */ /* * rlecat * * Concatenate RLE files, adding title comments, and/or repeating files. * * Usage: * rlecat [-c] [-n repeat-count] [-o outfile] [files...] * Inputs: * -c: "Collated" Multiple input images will be repeated * (see -n) in sequence 1 2 3 ... 1 2 3 ... The default * is uncolllated, 1 1 ... 2 2 ... 3 3 ... * * -n repeat-count: * Repeat each input image 'repeat-count' times. The -c * flag controls the ordering of the repeats. Repeating * creates a temporary file in the "/tmp" directory that * is the size of a single "repeat unit". In collated * mode, a repeat unit consists of the concatenation of * all the input images, otherwise it is just a single * image. * * files: Input file names. If none specified, input will be * read from the standard input. * * Outputs: * -o outfile: * Output file. If not specified, output is written to * the standard output. * * Algorithm: * Reads each input image, adds a 'title' comment to it based on * the input file name (no title is added to images read from the * standard input), and writes it to the output. If a repeat * count is specified, the image is written to a temporary file, * and this is repeatedly copied to the output according to the * repeat count. If the collation flag (-c) is specified, then * all images will be read before starting to repeat. */ void main( argc, argv ) int argc; char **argv; { char **infname = NULL, *outfname = NULL; char *dash = "-"; /* Used to fake a request for stdin. */ static char temp[] = "/tmp/rlecatXXXXXXXX"; int cflag = 0, nflag = 0, rep_cnt = 0, oflag = 0, nfiles = 0; int rle_cnt, rle_err, y, nskip; int file_cnt; FILE *outfile, *tmpfile; rle_hdr in_hdr, out_hdr; /* Headers for input and output files. */ rle_hdr tmp_hdr; /* Header for temp file for repeats. */ char buf[BUFSIZ]; /* For building title comment. */ rle_op **rows; /* Storage for input data. */ int *n_op; /* Number of ops per row. */ int *nraw; /* This was missing */ if ( scanargs( argc, argv, "% c%- n%-repeat-count!d o%-outfile!s files%*s", &cflag, &nflag, &rep_cnt, &oflag, &outfname, &nfiles, &infname ) == 0 ) exit( 1 ); /* If no input, use standard input. */ if ( nfiles == 0 ) { nfiles = 1; infname = ‐ } /* Open the output file now, to make sure we can. */ outfile = rle_open_f_noexit( cmd_name( argv ), outfname, "w" ); /* If requesting repeats, create temp file. */ if ( nflag ) { if ( rep_cnt < 2 ) nflag = 0; /* Not really repeating! */ else { mktemp( temp ); /* Make a temporary file name */ tmpfile = rle_open_f( cmd_name( argv ), temp, "w+" ); } } /* For each file, read it and write it. */ for ( file_cnt = 0; file_cnt < nfiles; file_cnt++ ) { /* Open the input file. * The output file won't be opened until the first image header * has been read. This avoids unnecessarily wiping out a * pre-existing file if the input is garbage. */ in_hdr.rle_file = rle_open_f_noexit( cmd_name( argv ), infname[file_cnt], "r" ); if ( in_hdr.rle_file == NULL ) continue; rle_cnt = 0; while ( (rle_err = rle_get_setup( &in_hdr )) == RLE_SUCCESS ) { /* Count the input images. */ rle_cnt++; /* The output header is a copy of the input header. The only * difference is the FILE pointer. */ out_hdr = in_hdr; out_hdr.rle_file = outfile; /* Add to the history comment. */ rle_addhist( argv, &in_hdr, &out_hdr ); /* Build the title comment. */ if ( rle_getcom( "title", &in_hdr ) || rle_getcom( "TITLE", &in_hdr ) ) ; /* Don't disturb existing title. */ else if ( in_hdr.rle_file != stdin ) { if ( rle_cnt == 1 ) sprintf( buf, "TITLE=%s", infname[file_cnt] ); else sprintf( buf, "TITLE=%s(%d)", infname[file_cnt], rle_cnt ); rle_putcom( buf, &out_hdr ); } /* Write the output image header. */ rle_put_setup( &out_hdr ); if ( nflag ) { tmp_hdr = out_hdr; tmp_hdr.rle_file = tmpfile; rle_put_setup( &tmp_hdr ); } /* Allocate memory into which the image scanlines can be read. * This should happen after the above adjustment, to minimize * the amount of memory allocated. */ if ( rle_raw_alloc( &in_hdr, &rows, &n_op ) < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "rleskel: Unable to allocate image memory.\n" ); exit( RLE_NO_SPACE ); } /* Read the input image and copy it to the output file. */ y = in_hdr.ymin - 1; while ( (nskip = rle_getraw( &in_hdr, rows, n_op )) != 32768 ) { nskip -= y; y += nskip; if ( nskip > 1 ) rle_skiprow( &out_hdr, nskip - 1 ); /* Write the processed scanline. */ rle_putraw( rows, n_op, &out_hdr ); if ( nflag ) { if ( nskip > 1 ) rle_skiprow( &tmp_hdr, nskip - 1 ); rle_putraw( rows, n_op, &tmp_hdr ); } rle_freeraw( &in_hdr, rows, n_op ); } /* Free memory. */ rle_raw_free( &in_hdr, rows, nraw ); /* Write an end-of-image code. */ rle_puteof( &out_hdr ); if ( nflag ) rle_puteof( &tmp_hdr ); /* If not collating, do the repeats now. */ if ( !cflag && nflag ) rep_file( &tmp_hdr, &out_hdr, rep_cnt ); } /* Check for an error. EOF or EMPTY is ok if at least one image * has been read. Otherwise, print an error message. */ if ( rle_cnt == 0 || (rle_err != RLE_EOF && rle_err != RLE_EMPTY) ) rle_get_error( rle_err, cmd_name( argv ), infname ); } /* If collating, do the repeats here. */ if ( cflag && nflag ) rep_file( &tmp_hdr, &out_hdr, rep_cnt ); /* If repeating, delete the temp file. */ if ( nflag ) unlink( temp ); exit( 0 ); /* All ok. */ } /***************************************************************** * TAG( rep_file ) * * Copy an rle file repeatedly to the output file. * Inputs: * in_hdr: Header for the file to copy from. * rep_cnt: Number of times to repeat + 1 (one copy has * already been written at this point.) * Outputs: * out_hdr: Header for the output file. * Assumptions: * in_hdr refers to a seekable file, file "cursor" is at the end * of the image(s) to be copied. * Algorithm: * Save current file position in nbytes. * Repeat rep_cnt-1 times: * Rewind the input. * Copy nbytes bytes from the input to the output. * Rewind the input. */ rep_file( in_hdr, out_hdr, rep_cnt) rle_hdr *in_hdr, *out_hdr; int rep_cnt; { long int pos = ftell( in_hdr->rle_file ); char buf[BUFSIZ]; int n, nr; while ( --rep_cnt > 0 ) { rewind( in_hdr->rle_file ); for ( n = 0; n < pos && (nr = fread( buf, 1, BUFSIZ, in_hdr->rle_file )) > 0; n += nr ) { if ( pos - n < nr ) nr = pos - n; fwrite( buf, 1, nr, out_hdr->rle_file ); } } rewind( in_hdr->rle_file ); }