/* * This software is copyrighted as noted below. It may be freely copied, * modified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is * preserved on all copies. * * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software, * it is provided solely "as is". Bug reports or fixes may be sent * to the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires. * * You may not include this software in a program or other software product * without supplying the source, or without informing the end-user that the * source is available for no extra charge. * * If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the * name of the person performing the modification, the date of modification, * and the reason for such modification. */ /* * rleswap.c - Swap the channels in an RLE file around * * Author: Spencer W. Thomas * Computer Science Dept. * University of Utah * Date: Thu Jan 22 1987 * Copyright (c) 1987, University of Utah */ #include #include #include #ifdef USE_STDLIB_H #include #else #ifdef VOID_STAR extern void *malloc(); #else extern char *malloc(); #endif extern void free(); #endif /* USE_STDLIB_H */ extern void scan_usage(); /***************************************************************** * TAG( main ) * * Usage: * rleswap [-p channel-pairs,...] [-f from-channels,...] * [-t to-channels,...] [-d delete-channels,...] [infile] * Inputs: * -p, -f, -t, -d: Only one of these may be specified, they indicate * different ways of indicating the channel swapping * from input to output. * * channel-pairs: A comma separated list of pairs of channel numbers * The first channel of each pair indicates a channel * in the input file that will be mapped to the * the channel in the output file indicated by the * second number in the pair. No output channel * number may appear more than once. Any input channel * not mentioned will not appear in the output file. * Any output channel not mentioned will not receive * image data. * * from-channels: A comma separated list of numbers indicating the * input channel that maps to each output channel * in sequence. I.e., the first number indicates * the input channel mapping to output channel 0. * The alpha channel will be passed through unchanged * if present. Any input channels not mentioned * in the list will not appear in the output. * * to-channels: A comma separated list of numbers indicating the * output channel to which each input channel, in * sequence, will map. I.e., the first number gives * the output channel to which the first input channel * will map. No number may be repeated in this list. * The alpha channel will be passed through unchanged * if present. Any output channel not mentioned in * the list will not receive image data. If there * are fewer numbers in the list than there are input * channels, the excess input channels will be ignored. * If there are more numbers than input channels, it * is an error. * * delete-channels:A comma separated list of input channels that should * not appear in the output. All other channels will * be passed through unchanged. * * infile: Optional input file name specification. * outfile: Optional output file name specification. * Outputs: * An RLE file similar to the input file, but with the color channels * remapped as indicated, will be written to the output. * Assumptions: * [None] * Algorithm: * [None] */ void main( argc, argv ) int argc; char **argv; { int nspec, * specs; int tflag = 0, fflag = 0, oflag = 0, dflag = 0, pflag = 0, verbose = 0; char * fname = NULL, *out_fname = NULL; FILE *outfile = stdout; static CONST_DECL char * argfmt = "% v%- f%-from-channels!,d t%-to-channels!,d \n\ \td%-delete-channels!,d p%-channel-pairs!,d o%-outfile!s infile%s"; register int i; int j, errs = 0; int * outchan = 0, noutput = 0, outalpha = -2; rle_hdr out_hdr; rle_op ** scanraw, ** outraw; int * nraw, * outnraw, y, nskip; int rle_cnt, rle_err; if ( scanargs( argc, argv, argfmt, &verbose, &fflag, &nspec, &specs, &tflag, &nspec, &specs, &dflag, &nspec, &specs, &pflag, &nspec, &specs, &oflag, &out_fname, &fname ) == 0 ) exit( 1 ); /* Do some sanity checks */ if ( fflag + tflag + dflag + pflag != 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: You must specify exactly one of -d, -f, -t, or -p\n", argv[0] ); /* * Generate usage message. */ scan_usage( argv, argfmt ); exit( 1 ); } if ( pflag && (nspec % 2) != 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: You must specify pairs of channels with -p\n", cmd_name( argv ) ); exit( 1 ); } /* More later, after we have the RLE header in hand */ /* Open input */ rle_dflt_hdr.rle_file = rle_open_f(cmd_name( argv ), fname, "r"); /* Read in header */ for ( rle_cnt = 0; (rle_err = rle_get_setup( &rle_dflt_hdr )) == RLE_SUCCESS; rle_cnt++ ) { /* Set up mapping and sanity check simultaneously */ if ( fflag ) /* where does output come from? */ { outchan = specs; noutput = nspec; /* Sanity check */ for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) if ( outchan[i] >= rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors || outchan[i] < -1 || outchan[i] < 0 && !rle_dflt_hdr.alpha ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: No input channel %d\n", cmd_name( argv ), outchan[i] ); errs++; } if ( rle_dflt_hdr.alpha ) outalpha = -1; /* pass alpha channel through */ } if ( tflag ) /* where does input go */ { if ( nspec > rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Input file has %d channels, can't swap %d channels\n", cmd_name( argv ), rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors, nspec ); errs++; } else { /* Find highest output channel */ noutput = -1; /* assume none */ for ( i = 0; i < nspec; i++ ) if ( specs[i] > noutput ) noutput = specs[i]; noutput++; /* Allocate space for output pointers */ outchan = (int *)malloc( noutput * sizeof( int ) ); if ( outchan == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Malloc failed\n", cmd_name( argv ) ); exit( 1 ); } /* Initialize to empty state */ for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) outchan[i] = -2; /* Fill it in */ for ( i = 0; i < nspec; i++ ) { if ( specs[i] < -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: No channel %d in output\n", cmd_name( argv ), specs[i] ); errs++; } else if ( specs[i] < 0 ) { if ( outalpha > -2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Output alpha channel can't come from both inputs %d and %d.\n", cmd_name( argv ), outalpha, i ); errs++; } else outalpha = i; } else { if ( outchan[specs[i]] > -2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Output channel %d can't come from both inputs %d and %d.\n", cmd_name( argv ), specs[i], outchan[specs[i]], i ); errs++; } else outchan[specs[i]] = i; } } if ( outalpha < -1 && rle_dflt_hdr.alpha ) outalpha = -1; /* map alpha channel through */ } } if ( dflag ) /* Delete some input channels */ { /* First, set up identity mapping from input to output */ noutput = rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors; /* Allocate space for output pointers */ outchan = (int *)malloc( noutput * sizeof( int ) ); if ( outchan == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Malloc failed\n", cmd_name( argv ) ); exit( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) outchan[i] = i; if ( rle_dflt_hdr.alpha ) outalpha = -1; /* Now, delete indicated channels from mapping */ for ( i = 0; i < nspec; i++ ) if ( specs[i] < -rle_dflt_hdr.alpha || specs[i] >= rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: Warning: No channel %d in input\n", cmd_name( argv ), specs[i] ); else if ( specs[i] == -1 && outalpha == -2 || outchan[specs[i]] == -2 ) fprintf( stderr, "%s: Warning: Deleted channel %d twice\n", cmd_name( argv ), specs[i] ); else if ( specs[i] >= 0 ) outchan[specs[i]] = -2; /* null it out */ else outalpha = -2; /* Figure out how many output channels we really have */ while ( outchan[noutput - 1] == -2 ) noutput--; } if ( pflag ) /* Do pairs of mappings */ { /* Find highest output channel */ noutput = -1; /* assume none */ for ( i = 1; i < nspec; i += 2 ) if ( specs[i] > noutput ) noutput = specs[i]; noutput++; /* Allocate space for output pointers */ outchan = (int *)malloc( noutput * sizeof( int ) ); if ( outchan == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Malloc failed\n", cmd_name( argv ) ); exit( 1 ); } /* Initialize to empty state */ for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) outchan[i] = -2; /* Fill it in */ for ( i = 0; i < nspec; i += 2 ) { if ( specs[i] < -rle_dflt_hdr.alpha || specs[i] >= rle_dflt_hdr.ncolors ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: No channel %d in input\n", cmd_name( argv ), specs[i] ); errs++; } if ( specs[i+1] < -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: No channel %d in output\n", cmd_name( argv ), specs[i+1] ); errs++; } else if ( specs[i+1] < 0 ) { if ( outalpha > -2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Output alpha channel can't come from both inputs %d and %d.\n", cmd_name( argv ), outalpha, specs[i] ); errs++; } else outalpha = specs[i]; } else { if ( outchan[specs[i+1]] > -2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Output channel %d can't come from both inputs %d and %d.\n", cmd_name( argv ), specs[i+1], outchan[specs[i+1]], specs[i] ); errs++; } else outchan[specs[i+1]] = specs[i]; } } } /* If errors, go away */ if ( errs ) exit( 1 ); /* Be verbose if requested */ if ( verbose ) { fprintf( stderr, "Channel mapping from input to output:\n" ); if ( outalpha != -2 ) if ( outalpha < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "alpha\t-> alpha\n" ); else fprintf( stderr, "%d\t-> alpha\n", outalpha ); else fprintf( stderr, "No output alpha channel\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) if ( outchan[i] == -2 ) fprintf( stderr, "nothing\t-> %d\n", i ); else if ( outchan[i] == -1 ) fprintf( stderr, "alpha\t-> %d\n", i ); else fprintf( stderr, "%d\t-> %d\n", outchan[i], i ); } /* Set up output the_hdr now */ out_hdr = rle_dflt_hdr; /* same as input, basically */ /* Except for a few changes */ if ( rle_cnt == 0 ) outfile = rle_open_f(cmd_name( argv ), out_fname, "w"); out_hdr.rle_file = outfile; out_hdr.ncolors = noutput; rle_addhist( argv, &rle_dflt_hdr, &out_hdr ); if ( outalpha != -2 ) { out_hdr.alpha = 1; RLE_SET_BIT( out_hdr, RLE_ALPHA ); } else { out_hdr.alpha = 0; RLE_CLR_BIT( out_hdr, RLE_ALPHA ); } for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) if ( outchan[i] != -2 ) RLE_SET_BIT( out_hdr, i ); else RLE_CLR_BIT( out_hdr, i ); /* Do background color */ if ( out_hdr.background ) { out_hdr.bg_color = (int *)malloc( out_hdr.ncolors * sizeof(int) ); for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) if ( outchan[i] < 0 ) out_hdr.bg_color[i] = 0; /* got to be something */ else out_hdr.bg_color[i] = rle_dflt_hdr.bg_color[outchan[i]]; } /* And color map!? */ if ( rle_dflt_hdr.ncmap > 1 ) /* only one channel color map stays */ { int cmaplen = 1 << out_hdr.cmaplen; int cmapshift = 16 - out_hdr.cmaplen; out_hdr.cmap = (rle_map *)malloc( noutput * cmaplen * sizeof(rle_map) ); out_hdr.ncmap = noutput; /* If input channel is in color map, copy it, else use identity? */ for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) if ( outchan[i] >= 0 && outchan[i] < rle_dflt_hdr.ncmap ) { register rle_map * imap, * omap; imap = &rle_dflt_hdr.cmap[outchan[i] * cmaplen]; omap = &out_hdr.cmap[i * cmaplen]; for ( j = 0; j < cmaplen; j++ ) *omap++ = *imap++; } else { register rle_map * omap; omap = &out_hdr.cmap[i * cmaplen]; for ( j = 0; j < cmaplen; j++ ) *omap++ = j << cmapshift; } } /* Write output header */ rle_put_setup( &out_hdr ); /* Allocate raw buffers for input */ rle_raw_alloc( &rle_dflt_hdr, &scanraw, &nraw ); /* Allocate buffer pointers for output */ rle_raw_alloc( &out_hdr, &outraw, &outnraw ); for ( i = -out_hdr.alpha; i < out_hdr.ncolors; i++ ) if ( outraw[i] ) { free( (char *)outraw[i] ); /* don't need these */ break; }; /* Finally, do the work */ y = rle_dflt_hdr.ymin - 1; while ( (nskip = rle_getraw( &rle_dflt_hdr, scanraw, nraw )) != 32768 ) { nskip -= y; /* difference from previous line */ y += nskip; if ( nskip > 1 ) rle_skiprow( &out_hdr, nskip - 1 ); if ( outalpha != -2 ) { outraw[-1] = scanraw[outalpha]; outnraw[-1] = nraw[outalpha]; } for ( i = 0; i < noutput; i++ ) if ( outchan[i] != -2 ) { outraw[i] = scanraw[outchan[i]]; outnraw[i] = nraw[outchan[i]]; } else outnraw[i] = 0; rle_putraw( outraw, outnraw, &out_hdr ); rle_freeraw( &rle_dflt_hdr, scanraw, nraw ); } rle_puteof( &out_hdr ); /* all done! */ /* Release memory. */ if ( outchan != specs ) free( outchan ); rle_raw_free( &rle_dflt_hdr, scanraw, nraw ); } /* Check for an error. EOF or EMPTY is ok if at least one image * has been read. Otherwise, print an error message. */ if ( rle_cnt == 0 || (rle_err != RLE_EOF && rle_err != RLE_EMPTY) ) rle_get_error( rle_err, cmd_name( argv ), fname ); exit( 0 ); }