#ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /a/cvs/386BSD/ports/xv/tiff/tif_machdep.c,v 1993/08/18 21:10:25 smace Exp $"; #endif /* * Copyright (c) 1992 Sam Leffler * Copyright (c) 1992 Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, * OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, * WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE * OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* * TIFF Library Machine Dependent Routines. */ #include "tiffiop.h" #ifdef tahoe typedef struct ieeedouble { u_long sign : 1, exp : 11, mant : 20; u_long mant2; } ieeedouble; typedef struct ieeefloat { u_long sign : 1, exp : 8, mant : 23; } ieeefloat; typedef struct { u_long sign : 1, exp : 8, mant : 23; u_long mant2; } nativedouble; typedef struct { u_long sign : 1, exp : 8, mant : 23; } nativefloat; /* * Beware, over/under-flow in conversions will * result in garbage values -- handling it would * require a subroutine call or lots more code. */ #define NATIVE2IEEEFLOAT(fp) { \ if ((fp)->native.exp) \ (fp)->ieee.exp = (fp)->native.exp - 129 + 127; /* alter bias */\ } #define IEEEFLOAT2NATIVE(fp) { \ if ((fp)->ieee.exp) \ (fp)->native.exp = (fp)->ieee.exp - 127 + 129; /* alter bias */\ } #define IEEEDOUBLE2NATIVE(dp) { \ if ((dp)->native.exp = (dp)->ieee.exp) \ (dp)->native.exp += -1023 + 129; \ (dp)->native.mant = ((dp)->ieee.mant<<3)|((dp)->native.mant2>>29); \ (dp)->native.mant2 <<= 3; \ } #endif /* tahoe */ #ifdef vax typedef struct ieeedouble { u_long mant : 20, exp : 11, sign : 1; u_long mant2; } ieeedouble; typedef struct ieeefloat { u_long mant : 23, exp : 8, sign : 1; } ieeefloat; typedef struct { u_long mant1 : 7, exp : 8, sign : 1, mant2 : 16; u_long mant3; } nativedouble; typedef struct { u_long mant1 : 7, exp : 8, sign : 1, mant2 : 16; } nativefloat; /* * Beware, these do not handle over/under-flow * during conversion from ieee to native format. */ #define NATIVE2IEEEFLOAT(fp) { \ float_t t; \ if (t.ieee.exp = (fp)->native.exp) \ t.ieee.exp += -129 + 127; \ t.ieee.sign = (fp)->native.sign; \ t.ieee.mant = ((fp)->native.mant1<<16)|(fp)->native.mant2; \ *(fp) = t; \ } #define IEEEFLOAT2NATIVE(fp) { \ float_t t; int v = (fp)->ieee.exp; \ if (v) v += -127 + 129; /* alter bias of exponent */\ t.native.exp = v; /* implicit truncation of exponent */\ t.native.sign = (fp)->ieee.sign; \ v = (fp)->ieee.mant; \ t.native.mant1 = v >> 16; \ t.native.mant2 = v;\ *(fp) = t; \ } #define IEEEDOUBLE2NATIVE(dp) { \ double_t t; int v = (dp)->ieee.exp; \ if (v) v += -1023 + 129; /* if can alter bias of exponent */\ t.native.exp = v; /* implicit truncation of exponent */\ v = (dp)->ieee.mant; \ t.native.sign = (dp)->ieee.sign; \ t.native.mant1 = v >> 16; \ t.native.mant2 = v;\ t.native.mant3 = (dp)->mant2; \ *(dp) = t; \ } #endif /* vax */ #if !HAVE_IEEEFP #if !defined(IEEEFLOAT2NATIVE) || !defined(NATIVE2IEEEFLOAT) "Help, you've configured the library to not have IEEE floating point,\ but not defined how to convert between IEEE and native formats!" #endif /* * These unions are used during floating point * conversions. The above macros define the * conversion operations. */ typedef union { ieeedouble ieee; nativedouble native; char b[8]; double d; } double_t; typedef union { ieeefloat ieee; nativefloat native; char b[4]; float f; } float_t; void DECLARE3(TIFFCvtIEEEFloatToNative, TIFF*, tif, u_int, n, float*, f) { float_t *fp = (float_t *)f; while (n-- > 0) { IEEEFLOAT2NATIVE(fp); fp++; } } void DECLARE3(TIFFCvtNativeToIEEEFloat, TIFF*, tif, u_int, n, float*, f) { float_t *fp = (float_t *)f; while (n-- > 0) { NATIVE2IEEEFLOAT(fp); fp++; } } #endif