$! A VMS Command procedure to make the foreign symbol definitions for $! XV programs. Keep this command proc in the same directory where the $! binaries are kept and it will get the pointers setup correctly. $! $ Write Sys$Output "SETting UP XV (v 3.00)..." $ THIS_PATH = F$Element (0, "]", F$Environment ("PROCEDURE")) + "]" $ BGGEN :== $ 'THIS_PATH'BGGEN.EXE $ DECOMPRESS :== $ 'THIS_PATH'DECOMPRESS.EXE $ VDCOMP :== $ 'THIS_PATH'VDCOMP.EXE $ XV :== $ 'THIS_PATH'XV.EXE $! $! Put the help library into the next available help library slot $! $ LIB = "Hlp$Library" $ X = F$Trnlnm (LIB, "Lnm$Process") $ If X .eqs. "" Then GoTo INSERT $ If X .eqs. "''THIS_PATH'XV.HLB" Then GoTo EXIT $ BASE = LIB + "_" $ N = 1 $NEXTLIB: $ LIB := 'BASE''N' $ X = F$Trnlnm (LIB, "Lnm$Process") $ If X .eqs. "" Then GoTo INSERT $ If X .eqs. "''THIS_PATH'XV.HLB" Then GoTo EXIT $ N = N + 1 $ GoTo NEXTLIB $INSERT: $ Define 'LIB' 'THIS_PATH'XV.HLB $EXIT: $ Exit