/* * xvgif.c - GIF loading code for 'xv'. Based strongly on... * * gif2ras.c - Converts from a Compuserve GIF (tm) image to a Sun Raster image. * * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 by Patrick J. Naughton * * Author: Patrick J. Naughton * naughton@wind.sun.com * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, * provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that * both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in * supporting documentation. * * This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author * shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights, * trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no * event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or * other special, indirect and consequential damages. * */ /* Copyright Notice * ================ * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by John Bradley * * Permission to use, copy, and distribute XV in its entirety, for * non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, provided that * this license information and copyright notice appear in all copies. * * Note that distributing XV 'bundled' in with ANY product is considered * to be a 'commercial purpose'. * * Also note that any copies of XV that are distributed MUST be built * and/or configured to be in their 'unregistered copy' mode, so that it * is made obvious to the user that XV is shareware, and that they should * consider donating, or at least reading this License Info. * * The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified * versions may NOT be distributed without prior consent of the author. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * If you would like to do something with XV that this copyright * prohibits (such as distributing it with a commercial product, * using portions of the source in some other program, etc.), please * contact the author (preferably via email). Arrangements can * probably be worked out. * * XV is shareware for PERSONAL USE only. You may use XV for your own * amusement, and if you find it nifty, useful, generally cool, or of * some value to you, your non-deductable donation would be greatly * appreciated. $25 is the suggested donation, though, of course, * larger donations are quite welcome. Folks who donate $25 or more * can receive a Real Nice bound copy of the XV manual for no extra * charge. * * Commercial, government, and institutional users MUST register their * copies of XV, for the exceedingly REASONABLE price of just $25 per * workstation/X terminal. Site licenses are available for those who * wish to run XV on a large number of machines. Contact the author * for more details. * * The author may be contacted via: * US Mail: John Bradley * 1053 Floyd Terrace * Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 * * Phone: (215) 898-8813 * EMail: bradley@cis.upenn.edu */ #include "xv.h" typedef int boolean; #define NEXTBYTE (*dataptr++) #define EXTENSION 0x21 #define IMAGESEP 0x2c #define TRAILER 0x3b #define INTERLACEMASK 0x40 #define COLORMAPMASK 0x80 FILE *fp; int BitOffset = 0, /* Bit Offset of next code */ XC = 0, YC = 0, /* Output X and Y coords of current pixel */ Pass = 0, /* Used by output routine if interlaced pic */ OutCount = 0, /* Decompressor output 'stack count' */ RWidth, RHeight, /* screen dimensions */ Width, Height, /* image dimensions */ LeftOfs, TopOfs, /* image offset */ BitsPerPixel, /* Bits per pixel, read from GIF header */ BytesPerScanline, /* bytes per scanline in output raster */ ColorMapSize, /* number of colors */ Background, /* background color */ CodeSize, /* Code size, read from GIF header */ InitCodeSize, /* Starting code size, used during Clear */ Code, /* Value returned by ReadCode */ MaxCode, /* limiting value for current code size */ ClearCode, /* GIF clear code */ EOFCode, /* GIF end-of-information code */ CurCode, OldCode, InCode, /* Decompressor variables */ FirstFree, /* First free code, generated per GIF spec */ FreeCode, /* Decompressor,next free slot in hash table */ FinChar, /* Decompressor variable */ BitMask, /* AND mask for data size */ ReadMask, /* Code AND mask for current code size */ Misc; /* miscellaneous bits (interlace, local cmap)*/ boolean Interlace, HasColormap; byte *RawGIF; /* The heap array to hold it, raw */ byte *Raster; /* The raster data stream, unblocked */ byte *pic8; /* The hash table used by the decompressor */ int Prefix[4096]; int Suffix[4096]; /* An output array used by the decompressor */ int OutCode[4097]; int gif89 = 0; char *id87 = "GIF87a"; char *id89 = "GIF89a"; static int EGApalette[16][3] = { {0,0,0}, {0,0,128}, {0,128,0}, {0,128,128}, {128,0,0}, {128,0,128}, {128,128,0}, {200,200,200}, {100,100,100}, {100,100,255}, {100,255,100}, {100,255,255}, {255,100,100}, {255,100,255}, {255,255,100}, {255,255,255} }; static int readImage(); static int ReadCode(); static void DoInterlace(); static int gifError(); static void gifWarning(); int filesize; char *bname; byte *dataptr; /*****************************/ int LoadGIF(fname, pinfo) char *fname; PICINFO *pinfo; /*****************************/ { /* returns '1' if successful */ register byte ch, ch1, *origptr; register int i, block; int aspect, gotimage; /* initialize variables */ BitOffset = XC = YC = Pass = OutCount = gotimage = 0; RawGIF = Raster = pic8 = NULL; gif89 = 0; pinfo->pic = (byte *) NULL; pinfo->comment = (char *) NULL; bname = BaseName(fname); fp = fopen(fname,"r"); if (!fp) return ( gifError(pinfo, "can't open file") ); /* find the size of the file */ fseek(fp, 0L, 2); filesize = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0L, 0); /* the +256's are so we can read truncated GIF files without fear of segmentation violation */ if (!(dataptr = RawGIF = (byte *) calloc(filesize+256,1))) return( gifError(pinfo, "not enough memory to read gif file") ); if (!(Raster = (byte *) calloc(filesize+256,1))) return( gifError(pinfo, "not enough memory to read gif file") ); if (fread(dataptr, filesize, 1, fp) != 1) return( gifError(pinfo, "GIF data read failed") ); origptr = dataptr; if (strncmp((char *) dataptr, id87, 6)==0) gif89 = 0; else if (strncmp((char *) dataptr, id89, 6)==0) gif89 = 1; else return( gifError(pinfo, "not a GIF file")); dataptr += 6; /* Get variables from the GIF screen descriptor */ ch = NEXTBYTE; RWidth = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE; /* screen dimensions... not used. */ ch = NEXTBYTE; RHeight = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE; ch = NEXTBYTE; HasColormap = ((ch & COLORMAPMASK) ? True : False); BitsPerPixel = (ch & 7) + 1; numcols = ColorMapSize = 1 << BitsPerPixel; BitMask = ColorMapSize - 1; Background = NEXTBYTE; /* background color... not used. */ aspect = NEXTBYTE; if (aspect) { if (!gif89) return(gifError(pinfo,"corrupt GIF file (screen descriptor)")); else normaspect = (float) (aspect + 15) / 64.0; /* gif89 aspect ratio */ if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"GIF89 aspect = %f\n", normaspect); } /* Read in global colormap. */ if (HasColormap) for (i=0; ir[i] = NEXTBYTE; pinfo->g[i] = NEXTBYTE; pinfo->b[i] = NEXTBYTE; } else { /* no colormap in GIF file */ /* put std EGA palette (repeated 16 times) into colormap, for lack of anything better to do */ for (i=0; i<256; i++) { pinfo->r[i] = EGApalette[i&15][0]; pinfo->g[i] = EGApalette[i&15][1]; pinfo->b[i] = EGApalette[i&15][2]; } } /* possible things at this point are: * an application extension block * a comment extension block * an (optional) graphic control extension block * followed by either an image * or a plaintext extension */ while (1) { block = NEXTBYTE; if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"LoadGIF: "); if (block == EXTENSION) { /* parse extension blocks */ int i, fn, blocksize, aspnum, aspden; /* read extension block */ fn = NEXTBYTE; if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"GIF extension type 0x%02x\n", fn); if (fn == 'R') { /* GIF87 aspect extension */ int sbsize; blocksize = NEXTBYTE; if (blocksize == 2) { aspnum = NEXTBYTE; aspden = NEXTBYTE; if (aspden>0 && aspnum>0) normaspect = (float) aspnum / (float) aspden; else { normaspect = 1.0; aspnum = aspden = 1; } if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"GIF87 aspect extension: %d:%d = %f\n\n", aspnum, aspden,normaspect); } else { for (i=0; i0) { /* eat any following data subblocks */ for (i=0; i0) { /* build into one un-blocked comment */ cmt = (byte *) malloc(cmtlen); if (!cmt) gifWarning("couldn't malloc space for comments\n"); else { sp = cmt; do { sbsize = (*ptr1++); for (j=0; jcomment) { /* have to strcat onto old comments */ cmt1 = (byte *) malloc(strlen(pinfo->comment) + cmtlen); if (!cmt1) { gifWarning("couldn't malloc space for comments\n"); free(cmt); } else { strcpy((char *) cmt1, (char *) pinfo->comment); strcat((char *) cmt1, (char *) cmt); free(pinfo->comment); free(cmt); pinfo->comment = (char *) cmt1; } } else pinfo->comment = (char *) cmt; } /* if (cmt) */ } /* if cmtlen>0 */ } else if (fn == 0x01) { /* PlainText Extension */ int j,sbsize,ch; int tgLeft, tgTop, tgWidth, tgHeight, cWidth, cHeight, fg, bg; SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING, "%s: %s", bname, "PlainText extension found in GIF file. Ignored."); sbsize = NEXTBYTE; tgLeft = NEXTBYTE; tgLeft += (NEXTBYTE)<<8; tgTop = NEXTBYTE; tgTop += (NEXTBYTE)<<8; tgWidth = NEXTBYTE; tgWidth += (NEXTBYTE)<<8; tgHeight = NEXTBYTE; tgHeight += (NEXTBYTE)<<8; cWidth = NEXTBYTE; cHeight = NEXTBYTE; fg = NEXTBYTE; bg = NEXTBYTE; i=12; for ( ; i filesize) break; /* EOF */ } while(ch1); } else if (readImage(pinfo)) gotimage = 1; if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr," at end: dataptr=0x%x\n",dataptr-RawGIF); } else if (block == TRAILER) { /* stop reading blocks */ if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"trailer"); break; } else { /* unknown block type */ char str[128]; if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"block type 0x%02x ", block); /* don't mention bad block if file was trunc'd, as it's all bogus */ if ((dataptr - origptr) < filesize) { sprintf(str, "Unknown block type (0x%02x) at offset 0x%x", block, (dataptr - origptr) - 1); if (!gotimage) return gifError(pinfo, str); else gifWarning(str); } break; } if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } free(RawGIF); RawGIF = NULL; free(Raster); Raster = NULL; if (!gotimage) return( gifError(pinfo, "no image data found in GIF file") ); return 1; } /********************************************/ static int readImage(pinfo) PICINFO *pinfo; { register byte ch, ch1, *ptr1, *picptr; int i, npixels, maxpixels; npixels = maxpixels = 0; /* read in values from the image descriptor */ ch = NEXTBYTE; LeftOfs = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE; ch = NEXTBYTE; TopOfs = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE; ch = NEXTBYTE; Width = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE; ch = NEXTBYTE; Height = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE; Misc = NEXTBYTE; Interlace = ((Misc & INTERLACEMASK) ? True : False); if (Misc & 0x80) { for (i=0; i< 1 << ((Misc&7)+1); i++) { pinfo->r[i] = NEXTBYTE; pinfo->g[i] = NEXTBYTE; pinfo->b[i] = NEXTBYTE; } } if (!HasColormap && !(Misc&0x80)) { /* no global or local colormap */ SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING, "%s: %s", bname, "No colormap in this GIF file. Assuming EGA colors."); } /* Start reading the raster data. First we get the intial code size * and compute decompressor constant values, based on this code size. */ CodeSize = NEXTBYTE; ClearCode = (1 << CodeSize); EOFCode = ClearCode + 1; FreeCode = FirstFree = ClearCode + 2; /* The GIF spec has it that the code size is the code size used to * compute the above values is the code size given in the file, but the * code size used in compression/decompression is the code size given in * the file plus one. (thus the ++). */ CodeSize++; InitCodeSize = CodeSize; MaxCode = (1 << CodeSize); ReadMask = MaxCode - 1; /* UNBLOCK: * Read the raster data. Here we just transpose it from the GIF array * to the Raster array, turning it from a series of blocks into one long * data stream, which makes life much easier for ReadCode(). */ ptr1 = Raster; do { ch = ch1 = NEXTBYTE; while (ch--) { *ptr1 = NEXTBYTE; ptr1++; } if ((dataptr - RawGIF) > filesize) { SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING,"%s: %s", bname, "This GIF file seems to be truncated. Winging it."); break; } } while(ch1); if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr,"xv: LoadGIF() - picture is %dx%d, %d bits, %sinterlaced\n", Width, Height, BitsPerPixel, Interlace ? "" : "non-"); } /* Allocate the 'pic' */ maxpixels = Width*Height; picptr = pic8 = (byte *) malloc(maxpixels); if (!pic8) return( gifError(pinfo, "couldn't malloc 'pic8'") ); /* Decompress the file, continuing until you see the GIF EOF code. * One obvious enhancement is to add checking for corrupt files here. */ Code = ReadCode(); while (Code != EOFCode) { /* Clear code sets everything back to its initial value, then reads the * immediately subsequent code as uncompressed data. */ if (Code == ClearCode) { CodeSize = InitCodeSize; MaxCode = (1 << CodeSize); ReadMask = MaxCode - 1; FreeCode = FirstFree; Code = ReadCode(); CurCode = OldCode = Code; FinChar = CurCode & BitMask; if (!Interlace) *picptr++ = FinChar; else DoInterlace(FinChar); npixels++; } else { /* If not a clear code, must be data: save same as CurCode and InCode */ /* if we're at maxcode and didn't get a clear, stop loading */ if (FreeCode>=4096) { /* printf("freecode blew up\n"); */ break; } CurCode = InCode = Code; /* If greater or equal to FreeCode, not in the hash table yet; * repeat the last character decoded */ if (CurCode >= FreeCode) { CurCode = OldCode; if (OutCount > 4096) { /* printf("outcount1 blew up\n"); */ break; } OutCode[OutCount++] = FinChar; } /* Unless this code is raw data, pursue the chain pointed to by CurCode * through the hash table to its end; each code in the chain puts its * associated output code on the output queue. */ while (CurCode > BitMask) { if (OutCount > 4096) break; /* corrupt file */ OutCode[OutCount++] = Suffix[CurCode]; CurCode = Prefix[CurCode]; } if (OutCount > 4096) { /* printf("outcount blew up\n"); */ break; } /* The last code in the chain is treated as raw data. */ FinChar = CurCode & BitMask; OutCode[OutCount++] = FinChar; /* Now we put the data out to the Output routine. * It's been stacked LIFO, so deal with it that way... */ /* safety thing: prevent exceeding range of 'pic8' */ if (npixels + OutCount > maxpixels) OutCount = maxpixels-npixels; npixels += OutCount; if (!Interlace) for (i=OutCount-1; i>=0; i--) *picptr++ = OutCode[i]; else for (i=OutCount-1; i>=0; i--) DoInterlace(OutCode[i]); OutCount = 0; /* Build the hash table on-the-fly. No table is stored in the file. */ Prefix[FreeCode] = OldCode; Suffix[FreeCode] = FinChar; OldCode = InCode; /* Point to the next slot in the table. If we exceed the current * MaxCode value, increment the code size unless it's already 12. If it * is, do nothing: the next code decompressed better be CLEAR */ FreeCode++; if (FreeCode >= MaxCode) { if (CodeSize < 12) { CodeSize++; MaxCode *= 2; ReadMask = (1 << CodeSize) - 1; } } } Code = ReadCode(); if (npixels >= maxpixels) break; } if (npixels != maxpixels) { SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING,"%s: %s", bname, "This GIF file seems to be truncated. Winging it."); if (!Interlace) xvbzero(pic8+npixels, maxpixels-npixels); /* clear to EOBuffer */ } fclose(fp); /* fill in the PICINFO structure */ pinfo->pic = pic8; pinfo->w = Width; pinfo->h = Height; pinfo->type = PIC8; pinfo->frmType = F_GIF; pinfo->colType = F_FULLCOLOR; sprintf(pinfo->fullInfo, "GIF%s, %d bits per pixel, %sinterlaced. (%d bytes)", (gif89) ? "89" : "87", BitsPerPixel, Interlace ? "" : "non-", filesize); sprintf(pinfo->shrtInfo, "%dx%d GIF%s.",Width,Height,(gif89) ? "89" : "87"); /* pinfo.comment gets handled in main LoadGIF() block-reader */ return 1; } /* Fetch the next code from the raster data stream. The codes can be * any length from 3 to 12 bits, packed into 8-bit bytes, so we have to * maintain our location in the Raster array as a BIT Offset. We compute * the byte Offset into the raster array by dividing this by 8, pick up * three bytes, compute the bit Offset into our 24-bit chunk, shift to * bring the desired code to the bottom, then mask it off and return it. */ static int ReadCode() { int RawCode, ByteOffset; ByteOffset = BitOffset / 8; RawCode = Raster[ByteOffset] + (Raster[ByteOffset + 1] << 8); if (CodeSize >= 8) RawCode += ( ((int) Raster[ByteOffset + 2]) << 16); RawCode >>= (BitOffset % 8); BitOffset += CodeSize; return(RawCode & ReadMask); } /***************************/ static void DoInterlace(Index) byte Index; { static byte *ptr = NULL; static int oldYC = -1; if (oldYC != YC) { ptr = pic8 + YC * Width; oldYC = YC; } if (YC= Height) { Pass++; YC = 4; } break; case 1: YC += 8; if (YC >= Height) { Pass++; YC = 2; } break; case 2: YC += 4; if (YC >= Height) { Pass++; YC = 1; } break; case 3: YC += 2; break; default: break; } } } /*****************************/ static int gifError(pinfo, st) PICINFO *pinfo; char *st; { gifWarning(st); if (RawGIF != NULL) free(RawGIF); if (Raster != NULL) free(Raster); if (pinfo->pic) free(pinfo->pic); if (pinfo->comment) free(pinfo->comment); if (pic8 && pic8 != pinfo->pic) free(pic8); pinfo->pic = (byte *) NULL; pinfo->comment = (char *) NULL; return 0; } /*****************************/ static void gifWarning(st) char *st; { SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING,"%s: %s", bname, st); }