/* * xvps.c - Postscript dialog box, file output functions * * callable functions: * * CreatePSD(geom) - creates the psW window. Doesn't map it. * PSDialog() - maps psW * PSCheckEvent(event) - called by event handler * PSSaveParams(str,int) - tells PSDialog what to do when 'Ok' clicked * PSResize() - called whenever ePic changes size * LoadPS() - attempts to load PS files using Ghostscript */ /* Copyright Notice * ================ * Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 by John Bradley * * Permission to use, copy, and distribute XV in its entirety, for * non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, provided that * this license information and copyright notice appear in all copies. * * Note that distributing XV 'bundled' in with ANY product is considered * to be a 'commercial purpose'. * * Also note that any copies of XV that are distributed MUST be built * and/or configured to be in their 'unregistered copy' mode, so that it * is made obvious to the user that XV is shareware, and that they should * consider donating, or at least reading this License Info. * * The software may be modified for your own purposes, but modified * versions may NOT be distributed without prior consent of the author. * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * If you would like to do something with XV that this copyright * prohibits (such as distributing it with a commercial product, * using portions of the source in some other program, etc.), please * contact the author (preferably via email). Arrangements can * probably be worked out. * * XV is shareware for PERSONAL USE only. You may use XV for your own * amusement, and if you find it nifty, useful, generally cool, or of * some value to you, your non-deductable donation would be greatly * appreciated. $25 is the suggested donation, though, of course, * larger donations are quite welcome. Folks who donate $25 or more * can receive a Real Nice bound copy of the XV manual for no extra * charge. * * Commercial, government, and institutional users MUST register their * copies of XV, for the exceedingly REASONABLE price of just $25 per * workstation/X terminal. Site licenses are available for those who * wish to run XV on a large number of machines. Contact the author * for more details. * * The author may be contacted via: * US Mail: John Bradley * 1053 Floyd Terrace * Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 * * Phone: (215) 898-8813 * EMail: bradley@cis.upenn.edu */ #define NEEDSDIR #include "xv.h" #define PSWIDE 431 #define PSHIGH 350 #define PMAX 200 /* size of square that a 'page' has to fit into */ #define PS_NBUTTS 6 #define PS_BOK 0 #define PS_BCANC 1 #define PS_BCENT 2 #define PS_BMAX 3 #define PS_BPOSX 4 #define PS_BPOSY 5 /* paperRB indicies */ #define PSZ_NORM 0 #define PSZ_A4 1 #define PSZ_B5 2 #define PSZ_LEGAL 3 #define PSZ_BSIZE 4 #define PSZ_4BY5 5 #define PSZ_35MM 6 /* orientRB indicies */ #define ORNT_PORT 0 #define ORNT_LAND 1 #define BUTTH 24 #define IN2CM 2.54 #define PIX2INCH 72.0 /* # of pixels per inch, at 100% scaling */ #ifdef __STDC__ static void drawPSD(int, int, int, int); static void drawPosStr(void); static void drawSizeStr(void); static void drawResStr(void); static void drawPage(void); static void clickPSD(int, int); static void clickPage(int, int); static void doCmd(int); static void changedScale(void); static void setScale(void); static void changedPaper(void); static void setPaper(void); static void drawIRect(int); static void centerImage(void); static void maxImage(void); static void moveImage(double, double); static void writePS(void); static int rle_encode(byte *, byte *, int); static void psColorImage(FILE *); static void psColorMap(FILE *fp, int, int, byte *, byte *, byte *); static void psRleCmapImage(FILE *, int); static void epsPreview(FILE *, byte *, int, int, int, int, byte *, byte *, byte *, int); static int writeBWStip(FILE *, byte *, char *, int, int, int); #else static void drawPSD(), drawPosStr(), drawSizeStr(), drawResStr(); static void drawPage(), clickPSD(), clickPage(), doCmd(), changedScale(); static void setScale(), changedPaper(), setPaper(), drawIRect(); static void centerImage(), maxImage(), moveImage(), writePS(); static void psColorImage(), psColorMap(), epsPreview(); static void psRleCmapImage(); static int rle_encode(), writeBWStip(); #endif /* local variables */ static Window pageF; static DIAL xsDial, ysDial; static RBUTT *orientRB, *paperRB; static CBUTT lockCB; static BUTT psbut[PS_NBUTTS]; static double sz_inx, sz_iny; /* image size, in inches */ static double pos_inx, pos_iny; /* top-left offset of image, in inches */ static int dpix, dpiy; /* # of image pixels per inch */ static int tracking=0; /* used in changedScale */ static int posxType, posyType; /* sizes of pages in inches */ static double paperSize[7][2] = { { 8.500, 11.000}, /* US NORMAL */ { 8.267, 11.811}, /* A4 */ { 7.283, 10.630}, /* B5 */ { 8.500, 14.000}, /* US LEGAL */ {11.000, 17.000}, /* B-size */ { 3.875, 4.875}, /* 4 by 5 */ { 0.945, 1.417}}; /* 35mm (24x36) */ /* size of l+r margin and t+b margin. image is centered */ static double margins[7][2] = { { 1.000, 1.000}, /* US NORMAL */ { 1.000, 1.000}, /* A4 */ { 1.000, 1.000}, /* B5 */ { 1.000, 1.000}, /* US LEGAL */ { 1.000, 1.000}, /* B-size */ { 0.275, 0.275}, /* 4 by 5 */ { 0.078, 0.078}}; /* 35mm (24x36) */ static double psizex, psizey; /* current paper size, in inches */ static double in2pix; /* inch to pixels in 'pageF' */ static XRectangle pageRect; /* bounding rect of page, in screen coords */ static char *filename; /* filename to save to */ static int colorType; /* value of 'Colors' rbutt in dir box */ static int firsttime=1; /* first time PSDialog being opened ? */ /***************************************************/ void CreatePSD(geom) char *geom; { psW = CreateWindow("xv postscript", "XVps", geom, PSWIDE, PSHIGH, infofg, infobg, 0); if (!psW) FatalError("can't create postscript window!"); pageF = XCreateSimpleWindow(theDisp, psW, 20,30, PMAX+1,PMAX+1, 1,infofg,infobg); if (!pageF) FatalError("couldn't create frame windows"); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(theDisp, pageF, grayTile); XSelectInput(theDisp, pageF, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask); XSelectInput(theDisp, psW, ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask); CBCreate(&encapsCB, psW, 240, 7, "preview", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); CBCreate(&pscompCB, psW, 331, 7, "compress", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); DCreate(&xsDial, psW, 240, 30, 80, 100, 10, 800, 100, 5, infofg, infobg, hicol, locol, "Width", "%"); DCreate(&ysDial, psW, 331, 30, 80, 100, 10, 800, 100, 5, infofg, infobg, hicol, locol, "Height", "%"); xsDial.drawobj = changedScale; ysDial.drawobj = changedScale; CBCreate(&lockCB, psW, 318, 134, "", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); lockCB.val = 1; orientRB = RBCreate(NULL, psW, 36, 240+18, "Portrait", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); RBCreate(orientRB, psW, 36+80, 240+18, "Landscape", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); paperRB = RBCreate(NULL, psW,36, 240+18+36, "8.5\"x11\"", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); RBCreate(paperRB, psW, 36+80, 240+18+36, "A4", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); RBCreate(paperRB, psW, 36+154, 240+18+36, "B5", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); RBCreate(paperRB, psW, 36, 240+36+36, "8.5\"x14\"", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); RBCreate(paperRB, psW, 36+80, 240+36+36, "11\"x17\"", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); RBCreate(paperRB, psW, 36, 240+54+36, "4\"x5\"", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); RBCreate(paperRB, psW, 36+80, 240+54+36, "35mm slide", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); BTCreate(&psbut[PS_BOK], psW, PSWIDE-160, PSHIGH-10-BUTTH, 60, BUTTH, "Ok", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); BTCreate(&psbut[PS_BCANC], psW, PSWIDE-80, PSHIGH-10-BUTTH, 60, BUTTH, "Cancel", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); BTCreate(&psbut[PS_BCENT], psW, 240, 153, 80, BUTTH, "Center", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); BTCreate(&psbut[PS_BMAX], psW, 331, 153, 80, BUTTH, "Maxpect", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); BTCreate(&psbut[PS_BPOSX], psW, 256-14, 190+13-8, 8,8, "", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); BTCreate(&psbut[PS_BPOSY], psW, 256-14, 190+26-8, 8,8, "", infofg, infobg, hicol, locol); posxType = posyType = 0; pos_inx = 1.0; pos_iny = 1.0; /* temporary bootstrapping... */ setPaper(); setScale(); XMapSubwindows(theDisp, psW); } /***************************************************/ void PSDialog(vis) int vis; { if (vis) { if (picType == PIC24) { /* no comp in 24-bit mode */ pscompCB.val = 0; CBSetActive(&pscompCB, 0); } else CBSetActive(&pscompCB, 1); setScale(); if (firsttime) centerImage(); firsttime = 0; CenterMapWindow(psW, psbut[PS_BOK].x + psbut[PS_BOK].w/2, psbut[PS_BOK].y + psbut[PS_BOK].h/2, PSWIDE, PSHIGH); } else XUnmapWindow(theDisp, psW); psUp = vis; } /***************************************************/ int PSCheckEvent(xev) XEvent *xev; { /* check event to see if it's for one of our subwindows. If it is, deal accordingly, and return '1'. Otherwise, return '0' */ int rv; rv = 1; if (!psUp) return 0; if (xev->type == Expose) { int x,y,w,h; XExposeEvent *e = (XExposeEvent *) xev; x = e->x; y = e->y; w = e->width; h = e->height; /* throw away excess expose events for 'dumb' windows */ if (e->count > 0 && (e->window == xsDial.win || e->window == ysDial.win || e->window == pageF)) {} else if (e->window == psW) drawPSD(x, y, w, h); else if (e->window == xsDial.win) DRedraw(&xsDial); else if (e->window == ysDial.win) DRedraw(&ysDial); else if (e->window == pageF) drawPage(); else rv = 0; } else if (xev->type == ButtonPress) { XButtonEvent *e = (XButtonEvent *) xev; int x,y; x = e->x; y = e->y; if (e->button == Button1) { if (e->window == psW) clickPSD(x,y); else if (e->window == pageF) clickPage(x,y); else if (e->window == xsDial.win || e->window == ysDial.win) { if (e->window == xsDial.win) { tracking = 1; DTrack(&xsDial, x,y); tracking = 0; } else if (e->window == ysDial.win) { tracking = 2; DTrack(&ysDial, x,y); tracking = 0; } } else rv = 0; } /* button1 */ else rv = 0; } /* button press */ else if (xev->type == KeyPress) { XKeyEvent *e = (XKeyEvent *) xev; char buf[128]; KeySym ks; int stlen; stlen = XLookupString(e,buf,128,&ks,(XComposeStatus *) NULL); buf[stlen] = '\0'; if (e->window == psW) { double dx, dy; int movekey; movekey = 0; dx = dy = 0.0; if (ks==XK_Left || ks==XK_KP_4 || ks==XK_F30) { dx = -0.001; movekey = 1; } else if (ks==XK_Right || ks==XK_KP_6 || ks==XK_F32) { dx = 0.001; movekey = 1; } else if (ks==XK_Up || ks==XK_KP_8 || ks==XK_F28) { dy = -0.001; movekey = 1; } else if (ks==XK_Down || ks==XK_KP_2 || ks==XK_F34) { dy = 0.001; movekey = 1; } else if (stlen) { if (buf[0] == '\r' || buf[0] == '\n') { /* enter */ FakeButtonPress(&psbut[PS_BOK]); } else if (buf[0] == '\033') { /* ESC */ FakeButtonPress(&psbut[PS_BCANC]); } } if (movekey) { if (e->state & ShiftMask) { dx *= 10.0; dy *= 10.0; } moveImage(pos_inx+dx, pos_iny+dy); } } else rv = 0; } else rv = 0; if (rv==0 && (xev->type == ButtonPress || xev->type == KeyPress)) { XBell(theDisp, 50); rv = 1; /* eat it */ } return rv; } /***************************************************/ void PSSaveParams(fname, col) char *fname; int col; { filename = fname; colorType = col; } /***************************************************/ void PSResize() { if (!savenormCB.val) changedScale(); } /***************************************************/ static void drawPSD(x,y,w,h) int x,y,w,h; { char *title = "Save PostScript File..."; int i,cx; XRectangle xr; xr.x = x; xr.y = y; xr.width = w; xr.height = h; XSetClipRectangles(theDisp, theGC, 0,0, &xr, 1, Unsorted); XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg); XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, infobg); RBRedraw(orientRB,-1); RBRedraw(paperRB,-1); for (i=0; ix-16, orientRB->y-3-DESCENT); ULineString(psW, "Paper Size", paperRB->x-16, paperRB->y-3-DESCENT); /* draw 'lock' arrows */ cx = 240 + 40; /* center of xsDial */ XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, lockCB.x, lockCB.y+6, cx+2, lockCB.y+6); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx+2, lockCB.y+6, cx+2, lockCB.y-2); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, lockCB.x, lockCB.y+10, cx-2, lockCB.y+10); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx-2, lockCB.y+10, cx-2, lockCB.y-2); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx-2-3, lockCB.y-2+3, cx, lockCB.y-2-2); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx+2+3, lockCB.y-2+3, cx, lockCB.y-2-2); cx = 330 + 40; /* center of ysDial */ XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, lockCB.x+17, lockCB.y+6, cx-2, lockCB.y+6); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx-2, lockCB.y+6, cx-2, lockCB.y-2); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, lockCB.x+17, lockCB.y+10, cx+2, lockCB.y+10); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx+2, lockCB.y+10, cx+2, lockCB.y-2); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx-2-3, lockCB.y-2+3, cx, lockCB.y-2-2); XDrawLine(theDisp, psW, theGC, cx+2+3, lockCB.y-2+3, cx, lockCB.y-2-2); XDrawString(theDisp, psW, theGC, 10, 19, title, strlen(title)); ULineString(psW, "Position:", 240, 190); drawPosStr(); ULineString(psW, "Size:", 240, 190+45); drawSizeStr(); ULineString(psW, "Resolution:", 240, 190+90); drawResStr(); XSetClipMask(theDisp, theGC, None); } /***************************************************/ static void drawPosStr() { int x,y; double cmx, cmy, inx, iny; char str[64], str1[64], *xst, *yst; x = 256; y = 190 + 13; inx = iny = 0; xst = yst = (char *) NULL; switch (posxType) { case 0: xst = "Left: "; inx = pos_inx; break; case 1: xst = "Right:"; inx = psizex - (pos_inx + sz_inx); break; case 2: xst = "X Mid:"; inx = pos_inx + sz_inx/2; break; } switch (posyType) { case 0: yst = "Top: "; iny = pos_iny; break; case 1: yst = "Bot: "; iny = psizey - (pos_iny + sz_iny); break; case 2: yst = "Y Mid:"; iny = pos_iny + sz_iny/2; break; } cmx = inx * IN2CM; cmy = iny * IN2CM; sprintf(str, "%s %.3f\" (%.2fcm) ", xst, inx, cmx); sprintf(str1, "%s %.3f\" (%.2fcm) ", yst, iny, cmy); XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg); XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, infobg); XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, monofont); XDrawImageString(theDisp, psW, theGC, x, y, str, strlen(str)); XDrawImageString(theDisp, psW, theGC, x, y+13, str1, strlen(str1)); XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, mfont); } /***************************************************/ static void drawSizeStr() { int x,y; double cmx, cmy; char str[64], str1[64]; x = 256; y = 190+13+45; cmx = sz_inx * IN2CM; cmy = sz_iny * IN2CM; sprintf(str, "%.3f\" x %.3f\" ", sz_inx, sz_iny); sprintf(str1, "%.2fcm x %.2fcm ", cmx, cmy); XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg); XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, infobg); XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, monofont); XDrawImageString(theDisp, psW, theGC, x, y, str, strlen(str)); XDrawImageString(theDisp, psW, theGC, x, y+13, str1, strlen(str1)); XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, mfont); } /***************************************************/ static void drawResStr() { int x,y; char str[64]; x = 256; y = 190 + 13 + 90; sprintf(str, "%ddpi x %ddpi ", dpix, dpiy); XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg); XSetBackground(theDisp, theGC, infobg); XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, monofont); XDrawImageString(theDisp, psW, theGC, x, y, str, strlen(str)); XSetFont(theDisp, theGC, mfont); } /***************************************************/ static void drawPage() { /* draw page */ XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infobg); XFillRectangle(theDisp, pageF, theGC, pageRect.x+1, pageRect.y+1, pageRect.width-1, pageRect.height-1); XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg); XDrawRectangle(theDisp, pageF, theGC, pageRect.x, pageRect.y, pageRect.width, pageRect.height); drawIRect(1); } /***************************************************/ static void clickPSD(x,y) int x,y; { int i; BUTT *bp; /* check BUTTs */ for (i=0; ix, bp->y, bp->w, bp->h)) break; } if (i= 0) { if (RBTrack(orientRB, i)) changedPaper(); } else if ((i=RBClick(paperRB,x,y)) >= 0) { if (RBTrack(paperRB, i)) changedPaper(); } /* check CBUTTs */ else if (CBClick(&lockCB,x,y)) { if (CBTrack(&lockCB) && lockCB.val) { /* turned on lock */ DSetVal(&ysDial, xsDial.val); /* copy xsDial.val to ysDial */ changedScale(); } } else if (CBClick(&encapsCB,x,y)) CBTrack(&encapsCB); else if (CBClick(&pscompCB,x,y)) CBTrack(&pscompCB); } /***************************************************/ static void clickPage(mx,my) int mx,my; { Window rW,cW; int rx,ry,x,y; unsigned int mask; double offx, offy, newx, newy; /* compute offset (in inches) between 'drag point' and the top-left corner of the image */ offx = ((mx - pageRect.x) / in2pix) - pos_inx; offy = ((my - pageRect.y) / in2pix) - pos_iny; /* if clicked outside of image rectangle, ignore */ if (offx<0.0 || offy < 0.0 || offx>=sz_inx || offy >= sz_iny) return; while (1) { if (XQueryPointer(theDisp,pageF,&rW,&cW,&rx,&ry,&x,&y,&mask)) { if (!(mask & Button1Mask)) break; /* button released */ /* compute new pos_inx, pos_iny based on x,y coords */ newx = ((x-pageRect.x) / in2pix) - offx; newy = ((y-pageRect.y) / in2pix) - offy; moveImage(newx, newy); } } } /***************************************************/ static void doCmd(cmd) int cmd; { switch (cmd) { case PS_BOK: writePS(); PSDialog(0); break; case PS_BCANC: PSDialog(0); break; case PS_BCENT: drawIRect(0); centerImage(); drawIRect(1); drawPosStr(); break; case PS_BMAX: drawIRect(0); maxImage(); drawIRect(1); drawPosStr(); drawSizeStr(); drawResStr(); break; case PS_BPOSX: posxType = (posxType + 1) % 3; drawPosStr(); break; case PS_BPOSY: posyType = (posyType + 1) % 3; drawPosStr(); break; default: break; } } /***************************************************/ static void changedScale() { double oldx,oldy; drawIRect(0); if (lockCB.val) { if (tracking == 1) DSetVal(&ysDial, xsDial.val); else if (tracking == 2) DSetVal(&xsDial, ysDial.val); } oldx = pos_inx; oldy = pos_iny; setScale(); drawIRect(1); if (pos_inx != oldx || pos_iny != oldy || posxType != 0 || posyType != 0) drawPosStr(); drawSizeStr(); drawResStr(); XFlush(theDisp); } /***************************************************/ static void setScale() { double hsx, hsy; int w,h; if (savenormCB.val) { w = cWIDE; h = cHIGH; } else { w = eWIDE; h = eHIGH; } sz_inx = (double) w / PIX2INCH * (xsDial.val / 100.0); sz_iny = (double) h / PIX2INCH * (ysDial.val / 100.0); /* round to integer .001ths of an inch */ sz_inx = floor(sz_inx * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; sz_iny = floor(sz_iny * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; dpix = (int) (PIX2INCH / (xsDial.val / 100.0)); dpiy = (int) (PIX2INCH / (ysDial.val / 100.0)); /* make sure 'center' of image is still on page */ hsx = sz_inx/2; hsy = sz_iny/2; RANGE(pos_inx, -hsx, psizex-hsx); RANGE(pos_iny, -hsy, psizey-hsy); /* round to integer .001ths of an inch */ pos_inx = floor(pos_inx * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; pos_iny = floor(pos_iny * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; } /***************************************************/ static void changedPaper() { setPaper(); XClearWindow(theDisp, pageF); centerImage(); drawPosStr(); drawPage(); } /***************************************************/ static void setPaper() { double tmp; psizex = paperSize[RBWhich(paperRB)][0]; psizey = paperSize[RBWhich(paperRB)][1]; in2pix = (double) PMAX / psizey; if (RBWhich(orientRB)==ORNT_LAND) { tmp = psizex; psizex = psizey; psizey = tmp; } pageRect.x = (int) ((PMAX/2) - ((psizex/2.0) * in2pix)); pageRect.y = (int) ((PMAX/2) - ((psizey/2.0) * in2pix)); pageRect.width = (int) (psizex * in2pix); pageRect.height = (int) (psizey * in2pix); } /***************************************************/ static void drawIRect(draw) int draw; { int x,y,w,h; XRectangle xr; x = pageRect.x + (int) (pos_inx * in2pix); y = pageRect.y + (int) (pos_iny * in2pix); w = sz_inx * in2pix; h = sz_iny * in2pix; xr.x = pageRect.x + 1; xr.y = pageRect.y + 1; xr.width = pageRect.width - 1; xr.height = pageRect.height - 1; if (draw) XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infofg); else XSetForeground(theDisp, theGC, infobg); XSetClipRectangles(theDisp, theGC, 0,0, &xr, 1, Unsorted); XDrawRectangle(theDisp, pageF, theGC, x, y, w, h); XDrawLine(theDisp, pageF, theGC, x, y, x+w, y+h); XDrawLine(theDisp, pageF, theGC, x, y+h, x+w, y); XSetClipMask(theDisp, theGC, None); } /***************************************************/ static void centerImage() { pos_inx = psizex/2 - sz_inx/2; pos_iny = psizey/2 - sz_iny/2; /* round to integer .001ths of an inch */ pos_inx = floor(pos_inx * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; pos_iny = floor(pos_iny * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; } /***************************************************/ static void maxImage() { double scx, scy; int w,h; if (savenormCB.val) { w = cWIDE; h = cHIGH; } else { w = eWIDE; h = eHIGH; } sz_inx = psizex - margins[RBWhich(paperRB)][0]; sz_iny = psizey - margins[RBWhich(paperRB)][1]; /* choose the smaller scaling factor */ scx = sz_inx / w; scy = sz_iny / h; if (scx < scy) { sz_iny = h * scx; } else { sz_inx = w * scy; } DSetVal(&xsDial, (int) ((100 * (sz_inx * PIX2INCH) / w) + .5)); DSetVal(&ysDial, xsDial.val); sz_inx = (double) w / PIX2INCH * (xsDial.val / 100.0); sz_iny = (double) h / PIX2INCH * (ysDial.val / 100.0); /* round to integer .001ths of an inch */ sz_inx = floor(sz_inx * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; sz_iny = floor(sz_iny * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; dpix = (int) (PIX2INCH / (xsDial.val / 100.0)); dpiy = (int) (PIX2INCH / (ysDial.val / 100.0)); pos_inx = psizex/2 - sz_inx/2; pos_iny = psizey/2 - sz_iny/2; /* round to integer .001ths of an inch */ pos_inx = floor(pos_inx * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; pos_iny = floor(pos_iny * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; } /***************************************************/ static void moveImage(newx,newy) double newx, newy; { double hsx, hsy; hsx = sz_inx/2; hsy = sz_iny/2; /* round to integer .001ths of an inch */ newx = floor(newx * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; newy = floor(newy * 1000.0 + 0.5) / 1000.0; /* keep center of image within page limits */ RANGE(newx, -hsx, psizex-hsx); RANGE(newy, -hsy, psizey-hsy); if (newx != pos_inx || newy != pos_iny) { /* moved */ drawIRect(0); pos_inx = newx; pos_iny = newy; drawIRect(1); drawPosStr(); } } /***************************************************/ static void writePS() { FILE *fp; int i, j, q, err, rpix, gpix, bpix, nc, ptype; int iw, ih, ox, oy, slen, lwidth, bits, colorps, w, h; double iwf, ihf; byte *inpix, *bwpic, *rmap, *gmap, *bmap, *gampic24; slen = bits = colorps = 0; if (savenormCB.val) { inpix = cpic; w = cWIDE; h = cHIGH; } else { inpix = epic; w = eWIDE; h = eHIGH; } bwpic = NULL; rmap = rMap; gmap = gMap; bmap = bMap; nc = numcols; ptype = picType; fp = OpenOutFile(filename); if (!fp) return; WaitCursor(); bwpic = HandleBWandReduced(colorType, &nc, &rmap, &gmap, &bmap); if (bwpic) { inpix = bwpic; ptype = PIC8; } /* deal with possiblity of Gamma-fication in 24-bit mode... */ gampic24 = NULL; if (ptype == PIC24) { gampic24 = GammifyPic24(inpix, w, h); if (gampic24) inpix = gampic24; } /* printed image will have size iw,ih (in picas) */ iw = (int) (sz_inx * 72.0 + 0.5); ih = (int) (sz_iny * 72.0 + 0.5); iwf = sz_inx * 72.0; ihf = sz_iny * 72.0; /* compute offset to bottom-left of image (in picas) */ ox = (int) (pos_inx * 72.0 + 0.5); oy = (int) ((psizey - (pos_iny + sz_iny)) * 72.0 + 0.5); /*** write PostScript header ***/ fprintf(fp,"%%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n"); fprintf(fp,"%%%%Title: %s\n",filename); fprintf(fp,"%%%%Creator: XV %s - by John Bradley\n",REVDATE); if (RBWhich(orientRB)==ORNT_LAND) /* Landscape mode */ fprintf(fp,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n", (int) (pos_iny * 72.0 + 0.5), (int) (pos_inx * 72.0 + 0.5), (int) (pos_iny * 72.0 + 0.5) + ih, (int) (pos_inx * 72.0 + 0.5) + iw); else fprintf(fp,"%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n", ox, oy, ox+iw, oy+ih); fprintf(fp,"%%%%Pages: 1\n"); fprintf(fp,"%%%%DocumentFonts:\n"); fprintf(fp,"%%%%EndComments\n"); switch (colorType) { case F_FULLCOLOR: case F_REDUCED: slen = w*3; bits = 8; colorps = 1; break; case F_GREYSCALE: slen = w; bits = 8; colorps = 0; break; case F_BWDITHER: slen = (w+7)/8; bits = 1; colorps = 0; break; default: FatalError("unknown colorType in writePS()"); break; } if (encapsCB.val) epsPreview(fp, inpix, ptype, colorType, w, h, rmap,gmap,bmap, (RBWhich(orientRB)==ORNT_LAND) ); fprintf(fp,"%%%%EndProlog\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"%%%%Page: 1 1\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"%% remember original state\n"); fprintf(fp,"/origstate save def\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"%% build a temporary dictionary\n"); fprintf(fp,"20 dict begin\n\n"); if (colorType == F_BWDITHER || ptype==PIC24 || !pscompCB.val) { fprintf(fp,"%% define string to hold a scanline's worth of data\n"); fprintf(fp,"/pix %d string def\n\n", slen); } if (RBWhich(orientRB)==ORNT_LAND) { /* Landscape mode */ fprintf(fp,"%% print in landscape mode\n"); fprintf(fp,"90 rotate 0 %d translate\n\n",(int) (-psizey*72.0)); } if (RBWhich(paperRB) == PSZ_4BY5 || RBWhich(paperRB) == PSZ_35MM) { fprintf(fp,"%% we're going to a 4x5 or a 35mm film recorder.\n"); fprintf(fp,"%% clear page to black to avoid registration problems\n"); fprintf(fp,"newpath\n"); fprintf(fp," 0 0 moveto\n"); fprintf(fp," 0 %d rlineto\n", (int) (psizey * 72.0)); fprintf(fp," %d 0 rlineto\n", (int) (psizex * 72.0)); fprintf(fp," 0 %d rlineto\n", (int) (-psizey * 72.0)); fprintf(fp," closepath\n"); fprintf(fp," 0 setgray\n"); fprintf(fp," fill\n\n"); } fprintf(fp,"%% lower left corner\n"); fprintf(fp,"%d %d translate\n\n",ox,oy); fprintf(fp,"%% size of image (on paper, in 1/72inch coords)\n"); fprintf(fp,"%.5f %.5f scale\n\n",iwf,ihf); if (colorType == F_BWDITHER) { /* 1-bit dither code uses 'image' */ int flipbw; /* set if color#0 is white */ flipbw = (MONO(rmap[0],gmap[0],bmap[0]) > MONO(rmap[1],gmap[1],bmap[1])); fprintf(fp,"%% dimensions of data\n"); fprintf(fp,"%d %d %d\n\n",w,h,bits); fprintf(fp,"%% mapping matrix\n"); fprintf(fp,"[%d 0 0 %d 0 %d]\n\n", w, -h, h); fprintf(fp,"{currentfile pix readhexstring pop}\n"); fprintf(fp,"image\n"); /* write the actual image data */ err = writeBWStip(fp, inpix, "", w, h, flipbw); } else { /* all other formats */ byte *rleline = (byte *) NULL; unsigned long outbytes = 0; /* if we're using color, make sure 'colorimage' is defined */ if (colorps) psColorImage(fp); if (ptype==PIC8 && pscompCB.val) { /* write cmap & rle-cmapped image fn */ psColorMap(fp, colorps, nc, rmap, gmap, bmap); psRleCmapImage(fp, colorps); } fprintf(fp,"%d %d %d\t\t\t%% dimensions of data\n",w,h,bits); fprintf(fp,"[%d 0 0 %d 0 %d]\t\t%% mapping matrix\n", w, -h, h); if (ptype==PIC8 && pscompCB.val) fprintf(fp,"rlecmapimage\n"); else { fprintf(fp,"{currentfile pix readhexstring pop}\n"); if (colorps) fprintf(fp,"false 3 colorimage\n"); else fprintf(fp,"image\n"); } /* dump the image data to the file */ err = 0; if (ptype==PIC8 && pscompCB.val) { rleline = (byte *) malloc(w * 2); /* much worse than possible */ if (!rleline) FatalError("unable to malloc rleline in writePS()\n"); } for (i=0; i70) { putc('\n',fp); lwidth = 0; } } } else { /* write non-rle raw (gray/rgb) image data */ for (j=0; j70) { putc('\n',fp); lwidth = 0; } inpix += (ptype==PIC24) ? 3 : 1; } } } if (ptype==PIC8 && pscompCB.val) { free(rleline); fprintf(fp,"\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"%%\n"); fprintf(fp,"%% Compression made this file %.2f%% %s\n", 100.0 * ((double) outbytes) / ((double) eWIDE * eHIGH * ((colorps) ? 3 : 1)), "of the uncompressed size."); fprintf(fp,"%%\n"); } } fprintf(fp,"\n\nshowpage\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"%% stop using temporary dictionary\n"); fprintf(fp,"end\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"%% restore original state\n"); fprintf(fp,"origstate restore\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"%%%%Trailer\n"); if (bwpic) free(bwpic); if (CloseOutFile(fp, filename, (err==EOF)) == 0) { DirBox(0); } SetCursors(-1); } /**********************************************/ static int rle_encode(scanline, rleline, wide) byte *scanline, *rleline; int wide; { /* generates a rle-compressed version of the scan line. * rle is encoded as such: * # 'run' of count+1 equal pixels * # count+1 non-equal pixels * * count can range between 0 and 127 * * returns length of the rleline vector */ int i, j, blocklen, isrun, rlen; byte block[256], pix; blocklen = isrun = rlen = 0; for (i=0; i1) { /* we have a run block to flush */ rleline[rlen++] = blocklen-1; rleline[rlen++] = block[0]; block[0] = pix; /* start new run block with pix */ blocklen = 1; } else { isrun = 0; /* blocklen<=1, turn into non-run */ block[blocklen++] = pix; } } } else { /* not a run */ if (pix == block[blocklen-1]) { /* case 3: non-run, prev==cur */ if (blocklen>1) { /* have a non-run block to flush */ rleline[rlen++] = (blocklen-1) | 0x80; for (j=0; jI function\n"); fprintf(fp," /rgbdata exch store %% call input 'rgbdata'\n"); fprintf(fp," rgbdata length 3 idiv\n"); fprintf(fp," /npixls exch store\n"); fprintf(fp," /rgbindx 0 store\n"); fprintf(fp," /grays npixls string store %% str to hold the result\n"); fprintf(fp," 0 1 npixls 1 sub {\n"); fprintf(fp," grays exch\n"); fprintf(fp," rgbdata rgbindx get 20 mul %% Red\n"); fprintf(fp," rgbdata rgbindx 1 add get 32 mul %% Green\n"); fprintf(fp," rgbdata rgbindx 2 add get 12 mul %% Blue\n"); fprintf(fp," add add 64 idiv %% I = .5G + .31R + .18B\n"); fprintf(fp," put\n"); fprintf(fp," /rgbindx rgbindx 3 add store\n"); fprintf(fp," } for\n"); fprintf(fp," grays\n"); fprintf(fp," } bind def\n\n"); fprintf(fp," %% Utility procedure for colorimage operator.\n"); fprintf(fp," %% This procedure takes two procedures off the\n"); fprintf(fp," %% stack and merges them into a single procedure.\n\n"); fprintf(fp," /mergeprocs { %% def\n"); fprintf(fp," dup length\n"); fprintf(fp," 3 -1 roll\n"); fprintf(fp," dup\n"); fprintf(fp," length\n"); fprintf(fp," dup\n"); fprintf(fp," 5 1 roll\n"); fprintf(fp," 3 -1 roll\n"); fprintf(fp," add\n"); fprintf(fp," array cvx\n"); fprintf(fp," dup\n"); fprintf(fp," 3 -1 roll\n"); fprintf(fp," 0 exch\n"); fprintf(fp," putinterval\n"); fprintf(fp," dup\n"); fprintf(fp," 4 2 roll\n"); fprintf(fp," putinterval\n"); fprintf(fp," } bind def\n\n"); fprintf(fp," /colorimage { %% def\n"); fprintf(fp," pop pop %% remove 'false 3' operands\n"); fprintf(fp," {colortogray} mergeprocs\n"); fprintf(fp," image\n"); fprintf(fp," } bind def\n"); fprintf(fp," } ifelse %% end of 'false' case\n"); fprintf(fp,"\n\n\n"); } /**********************************************/ static void psColorMap(fp, color, nc, rmap, gmap, bmap) FILE *fp; int color, nc; byte *rmap, *gmap, *bmap; { /* spits out code for the colormap of the following image if !color, it spits out a mono-ized graymap */ int i; fprintf(fp,"%% define the colormap\n"); fprintf(fp,"/cmap %d string def\n\n\n", nc * ((color) ? 3 : 1)); fprintf(fp,"%% load up the colormap\n"); fprintf(fp,"currentfile cmap readhexstring\n"); for (i=0; i MONO(rmap[1],gmap[1],bmap[1])); } fprintf(fp,"%%%%BeginPreview: %d %d %d %d\n", w, h, 1, (w/(72*4) + 1) * h); writeBWStip(fp, prev, "% ", w, h, !flipbw); fprintf(fp,"%%%%EndPreview\n"); if (colorType != F_BWDITHER) free(prev); if (landscape) free(pic); /* lpic, actually... */ } /***********************************/ static int writeBWStip(fp, pic, prompt, w, h, flipbw) FILE *fp; byte *pic; char *prompt; int w, h, flipbw; { /* write the given 'pic' (B/W stippled, 1 byte per pixel, 0=blk,1=wht) out as hexadecimal, max of 72 hex chars per line. if 'flipbw', then 0=white, 1=black returns '0' if everythings fine, 'EOF' if writing failed */ int err, i, j, lwidth; byte outbyte, bitnum, bit; err = 0; for (i=0; i=72 && j+1pic = (byte *) NULL; pinfo->comment = (char *) NULL; #ifdef GS_PATH #ifndef VMS sprintf(tmpname, "%s/xvpgXXXXXX", tmpdir); #else sprintf(tmpname, "Sys$Disk:[]xvpgXXXXXX"); #endif mktemp(tmpname); if (tmpname[0] == '\0') { /* mktemp() blew up */ sprintf(str,"LoadPS: Unable to create temporary filename???"); ErrPopUp(str, "\nHow unlikely!"); return 0; } strcat(tmpname,"."); /* build command string */ #ifndef VMS /* VMS needs quotes around mixed case command lines */ sprintf(tmp, "%s -sDEVICE=%s -r%d -q -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=%s%%d ", GS_PATH, gsDev, gsRes, tmpname); #else sprintf(tmp, "%s \"-sDEVICE=%s\" -r%d -q \"-dNOPAUSE\" \"-sOutputFile=%s%%d\" ", GS_PATH, gsDev, gsRes, tmpname); #endif #ifdef GS_LIB sprintf(tmp1, "-I%s ", GS_LIB); strcat(tmp, tmp1); #endif if (gsGeomStr) { sprintf(tmp1, "-g%s ", gsGeomStr); strcat(tmp, tmp1); } /* if 'quick' is set, stop processing after first page by tacking some PostScript commands that break the 'showpage' operator onto the front of the stream passed to the ghostscript interpreter */ if (quick) { sprintf(tmp1, "echo '%s' | cat - %s | %s -", "/showpage { showpage quit } bind def", /* mk showpage exit */ fname, tmp); strcpy(tmp, tmp1); } else { strcat(tmp, " -- "); strcat(tmp, fname); } WaitCursor(); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"LoadPS: executing command '%s'\n", tmp); SetISTR(ISTR_INFO, "Running '%s'...", GS_PATH); #ifndef VMS gsresult = system(tmp); #else gsresult = !system(tmp); #endif WaitCursor(); /* figure out how many page files were created, by stating files. breaks out on first failure, assuming there won't be any more after that, and it would complicate matters too much anyhow... */ for (i=1; i<1000; i++) { struct stat st; sprintf(tmp, "%s%d", tmpname, i); if (stat(tmp, &st)!=0) break; } nump = i-1; WaitCursor(); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"%s: %d pages found\n", fname, nump); if (gsresult) { SetISTR(ISTR_INFO, ""); SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING,"Ghostscript interpreter returned error code %d.", gsresult); KillPageFiles(tmpname, nump); SetCursors(-1); return 0; } else { if (nump<1) { SetISTR(ISTR_INFO, "Ghostscript: No pages produced."); if (!quick) Warning(); SetCursors(-1); return 0; } SetISTR(ISTR_INFO, "Running '%s'... Done. (%d page%s)", GS_PATH, nump, (nump==1) ? "" : "s"); } /* from this point on, the 'gs' command was successful, and page files were produced. Try to load the first (or only) page image created. Note that if there is only one page, the page file is deleted, as it won't be needed. */ sprintf(tmp, "%s%d", tmpname, 1); filetype = ReadFileType(tmp); if (filetype == RFT_ERROR || filetype == RFT_UNKNOWN || filetype == RFT_COMPRESS) { /* shouldn't happen */ SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING, "Couldn't load first page '%s'", tmp); KillPageFiles(tmpname, nump); SetCursors(-1); return 0; } i = ReadPicFile(tmp, filetype, pinfo, quick); if (nump == 1) unlink(tmp); if (!i) { /* failed to read page 1 */ SetISTR(ISTR_WARNING, "Couldn't load first page '%s'", tmp); KillPageFiles(tmpname, nump); SetCursors(-1); return 0; } /* SUCCESS! */ if (nump>1) { strcpy(pinfo->pagebname, tmpname); } pinfo->numpages = nump; #endif /* GS_PATH */ return 1; /* can safely return '1' as this should never be called if we don't have 'gs' package */ }