__________________________________________________________________________ This is the Info-ZIP file ``Where,'' last updated on 22 October 1992. __________________________________________________________________________ Note that some ftp sites may not yet have the latest versions of Zip and UnZip when you read this. The latest versions, including the crypt sources, are always in the comp.sources.misc archives. SITE OWNERS: If you're listed in here but the information is not correct (or if you're a big site but aren't listed at all), please let us know! E-mail to zip-bugs at the address given in README and we'll update this file. __________________________________________________________________________ Basic source-archive names for Info-ZIP's portable Zip, UnZip, and related utilities (on some ftp sites, the .zip files may have a .zoo equivalent in Zoo 2.10 format): zip19p1.zip Zip 1.9, patchlevel 1 (deflation; includes zipnote, zipsplit) zip19p1.tar.Z ditto, compress'd tar format zip11.zip Zip 1.1 (shrinking, implosion; compatible with PKUNZIP 1.1) zip11.tar.Z ditto, compress'd tar format unzip50.zip UnZip 5.0 (all methods supported; includes zipinfo, funzip) unzip50.tar.Z ditto, compress'd tar format wunz13sr.zip WizUnZip 1.3 support files for Windows 3.1, UnZip 5.0 zcrypt19.zip encryption/decryption support (includes zipcloak) Related archives and files: UnzpHist.zip complete changes history of UnZip and precursors zip19p1x.zip MSDOS executables and docs for zip, zipnote, zipsplit unzip50.exe MSDOS self-extracting executable (contains unzip, docs) zip19_16.zip OS/2 1.x 16-bit executables and docs zip19_32.zip OS/2 2.x 32-bit executables and docs unz50_16.exe OS/2 1.x 16-bit executable unz50_32.exe OS/2 2.x 32-bit executable zip19vms.zip VMS executables and docs for zip, zipnote, zipsplit unz50vms.exe VMS executable for unzip zip_unzip.hqx Macintosh executables (zip 1.0 only, 1.9 not ready) wunz13.zip Windows 3.1 executable and docs for unzip (WizUnZip) pkz110eu.exe MS-DOS PKZIP/PKUNZIP 1.1 (self-extracting archive) pkz193a.exe MS-DOS PKZIP/PKUNZIP beta 1.93 (self-extracting) pkz102-2.exe OS/2 PKZIP/PKUNZIP 1.02 (self-extracting) ftp sites for the US-exportable sources and executables: NOTE: Look for the file names given above in the following directories. Some sites like to use slightly different names, such as zip-1.9p1.tar-z instead of zip19p1.tar.Z. In the case of comp.sources.misc archive sites, directories may be used (zip19/part01.Z ... part11.Z, zip19/patch01.Z). wuarchive.wustl.edu:/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume31/... wuarchive.wustl.edu:/packages/compression/... wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/misc/unix/... wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/misc/vaxvms/... wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/zip/... wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/windows3/... ftp.uu.net:/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume31/... ftp.uu.net:/pub/zip/... ftp-os2.nmsu.edu:/pub/os2/2.0/archivers/... ftp-os2.nmsu.edu:/pub/os2/all/archivers/... ftp-os2.nmsu.edu:/pub/downloads/Info-ZIP/... wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/msdos/zip/pkz110eu.exe ux1.cso.uiuc.edu:/pc/exec-pc/pkz193a.exe [] ftp sites for the encryption and decryption sources and/or executables: NOTE 1: Non-US users, please do NOT ftp from the US sites (US regulations and all that). Likewise, US users, please do not ftp from the European sites (it's not illegal, but it sure is a waste of expensive bandwidth). NOTE 2: Some sites may carry both encryption and non-encryption executables with slightly different names; for example, zip19c32.zip instead of zip19x32.zip ("c" == crypt version). From the US: wuarchive.wustl.edu:/mirrors/garbo.uwasa.fi/arcutil/zcrypt19.zip wuarchive.wustl.edu:/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume31/zcrypt19/part01.Z ftp.uu.net:/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume31/zcrypt19/part01.Z Outside the US: garbo.uwasa.fi:/pc/arcutil/zcrypt19.zip ftp.win.tue.nl:/pub/compression/zip/zcrypt19.zip ftp.inria.fr:/system/arch-compr/zcrypt19.zip ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de:/pub/utils/archiver/zcrypt19.zip (mail server at ftp-mailer@ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de) ftp.uni-erlangen.de:/pub/pc/utilities/zip/... ftp.uni-erlangen.de:/pub/pc/os2/Arc/ArcProgs/... (,,, ftp site for VMS-format Zip/UnZip package (sources and executables, no encryption/decryption--see also "Mail servers" section below): The ZIP-UNZIP package for VMS is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.spc.edu []; the following files are needed: [.MACRO32]AAAREADME.TXT [.MACRO32]LZDCMP.EXE [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]ZIP-UNZIP.BCK_Z VMS sources and object files are also available from vmsnet.sources archives (e.g., black.cerritos.edu:[.mailserv.zip_unzip]*.*). To find other ftp sites: The "archie" ftp database utility can be used to find an ftp site near you. If you don't know how to use it, DON'T ASK US--check the Usenet groups news.newusers.questions or news.answers or some such, or ask your system administrator. UUCP sites: uunet!~/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume31/... uunet!~/pub/zip/ ... Mail servers: If you don't have anonymous FTP capability, you can mail one of the following commands (in the body of an e-mail message) to listserv@vm1.nodak.edu or listserv@vm.ecs.rpi.edu in order to get a copy via e-mail: /pdget mail pd8:unzip50.tar-z uuencode /pdget mail pd8:zip19p1.tar-z uuencode To get the encryption source by e-mail, send the following commands to ftp-mailer@ftp.informatik.tu-muenchen.de: get /pub/utils/archiver/zcrypt19.zip quit To get the VMS Zip/UnZip package by e-mail, send the following commands in the body of a mail message to fileserv@wkuvx1.bitnet or fileserv%wkuvx1.bitnet@ukcc.uky.edu (the "HELP" command is also accepted): SEND ZIP-UNZIP SEND FILESERV_TOOLS __________________________________________________________________________ Again, if someone repackages any of the source or executable archives in Mac-, Amiga- or Atari-specific formats, please let us know (send e-mail to zip-bugs at the address listed in README). __________________________________________________________________________