very close to ksh/sh grammar, with csh additions most features of ksh, bash, and tcsh 75 builtins, 80 options, 149 key bindings short for loops, ex: for i (*.c) echo $i select shell functions conditional expressions (test builtin, [ ... ], and ksh-style [[ ... ]]) global aliases (may be expanded anywhere on the line) directory stack access with =num process substitution (vi =(cmd) edits the output of cmd) generalized pipes (ls foo >>(cmd1) 2>>(cmd2) pipes stdout to cmd1 and stderr to cmd2) arithmetic expressions advanced globbing: ls **/file searches recursively for "file" in subdirectories ls file<20-> matches file20, file30, file100, etc. ls *.(c|pro) matches *.c and *.pro ls *(R) matches only world-readable files ls *.c~lex.c matches all .c files except lex.c null command shorthands: "< file" is same as "more file" is same as "cat >file" ">> file" is same as "cat >>file" ksh-style coprocesses automatic file stream teeing (ls >foo >bar puts output in two places) chpwd() function run every time you change directory (useful for updating the status line) job control csh-style history full vi line editing, including "c2w" and "y$" and such things full emacs line editing incremental history search magic-space history spelling correction array parameters $HOSTTYPE, $LINENO, $RANDOM, $SECONDS, $cdpath, $COLUMNS, $fignore, $HISTCHARS, $mailpath with autocd option, typing a directory name by itself is the same as typing "cd dirname" menu completion: pressing TAB repeatedly cycles through the possible matches incremental path hashing automatic process time reporting for commands that run over a certain limit full tcsh-style prompt substitution utmp login/logout reporting with histverify option, performing csh-style history expansions causes the input line to be brought up for editing instead of being executed with sunkeyboardhack option, accidently typed trailing ` characters are removed from the input line (for those of you with Sun keyboards :-) ) autoloaded functions (loaded from a file when they are first referenced) "cd old new" replaces "old" with "new" in directory string generalized argument completion, including: - command name completion - filename and path completion - hostname completion - key binding completion - option completion - variable name completion - user-specified keyword completion prompt on right side of screen directory stacks history datestamps and execution time records command scheduling (like at(1), but in the shell's context) tty mode freezing up to 9 startup files (but you only need 1 or 2) 8-bit clean which -a cmd lists all occurences of "cmd" in the path