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Jolitz 12/90 # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided # that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and # comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following # acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the # University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the # documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in # all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software. # Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # @(#)MAKEDEV 5.2 (Berkeley) 6/22/90 # # Device "make" file. Valid arguments: # all makes all known devices, standard number of units (or close) # std standard devices # local configuration specific devices # mach-4 mach4&lites+devices for Mach's XFree86 distribution # (see http://www.cs.hut.fi/lites.html for more info on LITES) # # Tapes: # wt* QIC-interfaced (e.g. not SCSI) 3M cartridge tape # st* "NEW type scsi tapes" (old driver uses the # block devices of the disks to get access) # ft* QIC-40/QIC-80 3M cartridge tape (interfaced # via the floppy disk controller) # # Disks: # wd* "Winchester" disk drives (ST506,IDE,ESDI,RLL,...) # fd* "floppy" disk drives (3 1/2", 5 1/4") # sd* "SCSI disks" # cd* "SCSI CD-ROM disks" # mcd* "Mitsumi CD-ROM disks" # scd* "Sony CD-ROM disks" # matcd* "Matsushita (Panasonic) CD-ROM disks" # wcd* "IDE CD-ROM disks" # vn* "vnode disks" # od* "optical disks" # # Console ports: # vty* virtual console devices for syscons/pcvt/codrv # # Pointing devices: # mse* Logitech and ATI Inport bus mouse # psm* PS/2 mouse # # Time devices: # refclock-* serial ports used by xntpd parse refclocks # # Terminal ports: # tty* general purpose serial ports # cua* dialout serial ports # ttyA* Specialix SI/XIO dialin ports ('*' = number of devices) # cuaA* Specialix SI/XIO dialout ports # ttyD* Digiboard - 16 dialin ports # cuaD* Digiboard - 16 dialout ports # # Pseudo terminals: # pty* set of 32 master and slave pseudo terminals # vty* virtual terminals using syscons/pcvt/codrv console # # Printers: # lpt* stock lp # # SCSI devices (other than CD-ROM, tape and disk): # uk* "unknown" device (supports ioctl calls only) # worm* WORM driver # pt* Processor Type (HP scanner, as one example) # # PC-CARD (previously called PCMCIA) support # card* PC-CARD slots # # Special purpose devices: # apm Advanced Power Management BIOS # bpf* packet filter # speaker pc speaker # tw* xten power controller # snd* various sound cards (generic entries) # gusmax A GUS MAX sound card (does various snd* entries) # pas16 A ProAudio Spectrum 16 card (does various snd* entries) # sb A sound blaster card (any type) # pcaudio PCM audio driver # socksys iBCS2 socket system driver # vat VAT compatibility audio driver (requires snd*) # gsc Genius GS-4500 hand scanner # joy pc joystick # tun Tunneling IP device # spigot Video Spigot video acquisition card # meteor* Matrox Meteor video acquisition card (pci) # qcam* Connectix QuickCam(tm) parallel port camera # isdn* ISDN devices # labpc* National Instrument's Lab-PC and LAB-PC+ # # $Id: MAKEDEV,v 1996/07/02 14:24:56 bde Exp $ # #PATH=/sbin:/bin/:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin: umask 77 # Convert integer to partition name dkitop() { local p case $1 in 0) p=a;; 1) p=b;; 2) p=c;; 3) p=d;; 4) p=e;; 5) p=f;; 6) p=g;; 7) p=h;; *) p="?";; esac echo $p } # Convert integer to slice name dkitos() { local s case $1 in 0) s="";; 1) s="";; *) s=s$(($1-1));; esac echo $s } # Convert disk (type, unit, slice, partition) to minor number dkminor() { echo $((32 * 65536 * $1 + 8 * $2 + 65536 * $3 + $4)) } # Convert the last character of a tty name to a minor number. ttyminor() { case $unit in [0-9]) m=$unit;; a) m=10;; b) m=11;; c) m=12;; d) m=13;; e) m=14;; f) m=15;; g) m=16;; h) m=17;; i) m=18;; j) m=19;; k) m=20;; l) m=21;; m) m=22;; n) m=23;; o) m=24;; p) m=25;; q) m=26;; r) m=27;; s) m=28;; t) m=29;; u) m=30;; v) m=31;; *) m="?";; esac echo $m } # Raw partition for disks dkrawpart=2 # Compatibility slice for disks dkcompatslice=0 # Raw slice for disks dkrawslice=1 # Control bit for SCSI scsictl=536870912 # Standard umasks disk_umask=037 # allow group operator to read disks tape_umask=017 # allow group operator to read/write tapes for i do case $i in all) sh MAKEDEV std # standard sh MAKEDEV wd0 wd1 wd2 wd3 fd0 fd1 sd0 sd1 sd2 sd3 # bdev, disk sh MAKEDEV cd0 mcd0 scd0 matcd0 wcd0 # bdev, cdrom sh MAKEDEV ft0 wt0 st0 # bdev, tape sh MAKEDEV ttyd0 ttyd1 ttyd2 ttyd3 # cdev, serial sh MAKEDEV cuaa0 cuaa1 cuaa2 cuaa3 # cdev, serial sh MAKEDEV lpt0 lpt1 lpt2 # cdev, printer sh MAKEDEV pty0 ch0 tw0 bpf0 # cdev sh MAKEDEV speaker pcaudio psm0 mse0 # cdev sh MAKEDEV vty4 # cdev sh MAKEDEV tun0 # cdev ;; std) rm -f console drum mem kmem null random urandom zero io tty klog rm -f stdin stdout stderr lkm mknod console c 0 0; chmod 600 console; chown root.wheel console mknod drum c 4 0; chmod 640 drum; chown root.kmem drum mknod kmem c 2 1; chmod 640 kmem; chown root.kmem kmem mknod mem c 2 0; chmod 640 mem; chown root.kmem mem mknod null c 2 2; chmod 666 null; chown root.wheel null mknod random c 2 3; chmod 644 random; chown root.wheel random mknod urandom c 2 4; chmod 644 urandom; chown root.wheel urandom mknod zero c 2 12; chmod 666 zero; chown root.wheel zero mknod io c 2 14; chmod 600 io; chown root.wheel io mknod tty c 1 0; chmod 666 tty; chown root.wheel tty mknod klog c 7 0; chmod 600 klog; chown root.wheel klog mknod stdin c 22 0; chmod 666 stdin; chown root.wheel stdin mknod stdout c 22 1; chmod 666 stdout; chown root.wheel stdout mknod stderr c 22 2; chmod 666 stderr; chown root.wheel stderr mknod lkm c 32 0; chmod 644 lkm; chown root.wheel lkm rm -f fd/* mkdir fd > null 2>&1 (cd fd && eval `echo "" | awk ' BEGIN { \ for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) \ printf("mknod %d c 22 %d;", i, i)}'`) chown -R bin.bin fd chmod 555 fd chmod 666 fd/* ;; mach-4) mknod iopl c 22 0 mknod kbd c 23 0 mknod mouse c 24 0 mknod time c 25 0 mknod timezone c 26 0 ;; # Create device files for new Archive/Wangtek QIC-02 tape driver (vak) wt*) umask $tape_umask u=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` if [ x$u = x ]; then u=0; fi rm -f r[Ww]t$u nr[Ww]t$u r[Ww]t$u[a-f] nr[Ww]t$u[a-f] mknod rwt${u} c 10 `expr 0 + $u` # default density, 512b blocks mknod nrwt${u} c 10 `expr 4 + $u` # mknod rWt${u} c 10 `expr 64 + $u` # default density, 1024b blocks # mknod nrWt${u} c 10 `expr 68 + $u` mknod rwt${u}b c 10 `expr 16 + $u` # 60 megabytes mknod nrwt${u}b c 10 `expr 20 + $u` mknod rwt${u}c c 10 `expr 24 + $u` # 120 megabytes mknod nrwt${u}c c 10 `expr 28 + $u` mknod rwt${u}d c 10 `expr 32 + $u` # 150 megabytes mknod nrwt${u}d c 10 `expr 36 + $u` # mknod rwt${u}e c 10 `expr 40 + $u` # 300 megabytes? # mknod nrwt${u}e c 10 `expr 44 + $u` # mknod rwt${u}f c 10 `expr 48 + $u` # 600 megabytes? # mknod nrwt${u}f c 10 `expr 52 + $u` chown root.operator r[Ww]t$u nr[Ww]t$u r[Ww]t$u[a-f] nr[Ww]t$u[a-f] umask 77 ;; # Individual slices. od*s*|sd*s*|vn*s*|wd*s*) umask $disk_umask case $i in od*s*) name=od; blk=20; chr=70;; sd*s*) name=sd; blk=4; chr=13;; wd*s*) name=wd; blk=0; chr=3;; vn*s*) name=vn; blk=15; chr=43;; esac unit=`expr $i : '..\([0-9]*\)s'` slice=`expr $i : '..[0-9]*s\([0-9]*\)'` part=`expr $i : '..[0-9]*s[0-9]*\(.*\)'` case $unit in [0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31) case $slice in [0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30) oldslice=$slice slice=$(($slice+1)) slicename=`dkitos $slice` rm -f $name$unit$slicename* r$name$unit$slicename* minor=`dkminor 0 $unit $slice $dkrawpart` mknod $name$unit$slicename b $blk $minor mknod r$name$unit$slicename c $chr $minor case $part in [a-h]) case $oldslice in 0) slice=$oldslice ;; esac for part in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do minor=`dkminor 0 $unit $slice $part` partname=`dkitop $part` mknod $name$unit$slicename$partname \ b $blk $minor mknod r$name$unit$slicename$partname \ c $chr $minor done ;; "") ;; *) echo bad partition for disk in: $i ;; esac chgrp operator $name$unit$slicename* \ r$name$unit$slicename* ;; *) echo bad slice for disk in: $i ;; esac ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i "(unit=$unit, slice=$slice, part=$part)" ;; esac umask 77 ;; fd*) umask $disk_umask unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` name=fd; blk=2; chr=9 rm -f $name$unit* r$name$unit* case $unit in 0|1|2|3) mknod ${name}${unit} b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64` mknod r${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64` # Fake BSD partitions for i in a b c d e f g h do ln ${name}${unit} ${name}${unit}$i ln r${name}${unit} r${name}${unit}$i done # User-readable and programmer-readable name sets mknod ${name}${unit}.1720 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 1` mknod r${name}${unit}.1720 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 1` # ln ${name}${unit}.1720 ${name}${unit}135hs21 # ln r${name}${unit}.1720 r${name}${unit}135hs21 mknod ${name}${unit}.1480 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 2` mknod r${name}${unit}.1480 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 2` # ln ${name}${unit}.1480 ${name}${unit}135hs18 # ln r${name}${unit}.1480 r${name}${unit}135hs18 # ln ${name}${unit}.1480 ${name}${unit}96hs18 # ln r${name}${unit}.1480 r${name}${unit}96hs18 mknod ${name}${unit}.1440 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 3` mknod r${name}${unit}.1440 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 3` # ln ${name}${unit}.1440 ${name}${unit}135 # ln r${name}${unit}.1440 r${name}${unit}135 # ln ${name}${unit}.1440 ${name}${unit}135ds18 # ln r${name}${unit}.1440 r${name}${unit}135ds18 # ln ${name}${unit}.1440 ${name}${unit}96ds18 # ln r${name}${unit}.1440 r${name}${unit}96ds18 mknod ${name}${unit}.1200 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 4` mknod r${name}${unit}.1200 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 4` # ln ${name}${unit}.1200 ${name}${unit}96 # ln r${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}96 # ln ${name}${unit}.1200 ${name}${unit}96ds15 # ln r${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}96ds15 # ln ${name}${unit}.1200 ${name}${unit}135ds15 # ln r${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}135ds15 mknod ${name}${unit}.820 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 5` mknod r${name}${unit}.820 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 5` # ln ${name}${unit}.820 ${name}${unit}96hs10 # ln r${name}${unit}.820 r${name}${unit}96hs10 # ln ${name}${unit}.820 ${name}${unit}135hs10 # ln r${name}${unit}.820 r${name}${unit}135hs10 mknod ${name}${unit}.800 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 6` mknod r${name}${unit}.800 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 6` # ln ${name}${unit}.800 ${name}${unit}96ds10 # ln r${name}${unit}.800 r${name}${unit}96ds10 # ln ${name}${unit}.800 ${name}${unit}135ds10 # ln r${name}${unit}.800 r${name}${unit}135ds10 mknod ${name}${unit}.720 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 7` mknod r${name}${unit}.720 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 7` # ln ${name}${unit}.720 ${name}${unit}96ds9 # ln r${name}${unit}.720 r${name}${unit}96ds9 # ln ${name}${unit}.720 ${name}${unit}135ds9 # ln r${name}${unit}.720 r${name}${unit}135ds9 mknod ${name}${unit}.360 b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 8` mknod r${name}${unit}.360 c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 8` # ln ${name}${unit}.360 ${name}${unit}48 # ln r${name}${unit}.360 r${name}${unit}48 # ln ${name}${unit}.360 ${name}${unit}48ds9 # ln r${name}${unit}.360 r${name}${unit}48ds9 chgrp operator ${name}${unit}* r${name}${unit}* ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; ft*) umask $tape_umask unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` name=ft; blk=2; chr=9 rm -f $name$unit* r$name$unit* case $unit in 0|1|2|3) mknod ${name}${unit} b $blk `expr $unit '*' 64 + 32` mknod r${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 64 + 32` ln ${name}${unit} ${name}${unit}a ln r${name}${unit} r${name}${unit}a chgrp operator ${name}${unit}* r${name}${unit}* ;; *) echo bad unit for tape in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; od*|sd*|vn*|wd*) umask $disk_umask case $i in od*) name=od; blk=20; chr=70;; sd*) name=sd; blk=4; chr=13;; vn*) name=vn; blk=15; chr=43;; wd*) name=wd; blk=0; chr=3;; esac unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` case $unit in [0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31) for slicepartname in s0h s1 s2 s3 s4 do sh MAKEDEV $name$unit$slicepartname done case $name in od|sd) rm -f r${name}${unit}.ctl mknod r${name}${unit}.ctl c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + $scsictl ` chmod 600 r${name}${unit}.ctl ;; esac ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; ccd*) umask 37 name=ccd blk=21; chr=74 unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'` case $unit in [0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30|31) rm -f r${name}${unit}.ctl mknod r${name}${unit}.ctl c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + $scsictl ` chmod 600 r${name}${unit}.ctl for part in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do minor=`dkminor 0 $unit 0 $part` partname=`dkitop $part` mknod $name$unit$partname \ b $blk $minor mknod r$name$unit$partname \ c $chr $minor done ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; uk*) unit=`expr $i : 'uk\(.*\)'` rm -f uk$unit mknod uk$unit c 31 $unit ;; worm*) unit=`expr $i : 'worm\(.*\)'` if [ "X${unit}" = "X" ]; then unit=0 fi chr=62 name=worm rm -f r${name}${unit} mknod r${name}${unit} c $chr ${unit} rm -f r${name}${unit}.ctl mknod r${name}${unit}.ctl c $chr `expr $unit + $scsictl ` ;; # SCSI processor type driver pt[0-9]*) chr=61 name=pt unit=`expr $i : 'pt\([0-9][0-9]*\)'` if [ "X${unit}" = "X" ]; then unit=0 fi unit=`expr $unit + 1 - 1` rm -f ${name}${unit} mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr $unit rm -f ${name}${unit}.ctl mknod ${name}${unit}.ctl c $chr `expr $unit + $scsictl ` ;; pty*) class=`expr $i : 'pty\(.*\)'` case $class in 0) offset=0 name=p;; 1) offset=32 name=q;; 2) offset=64 name=r;; 3) offset=96 name=s;; # Note that xterm (at least) only look at p-s. 4) offset=128 name=P;; 5) offset=160 name=Q;; 6) offset=192 name=R;; 7) offset=224 name=S;; # This still leaves [tuTU]. *) echo bad unit for pty in: $i;; esac case $class in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7) umask 0 eval `echo $offset $name | awk ' { b=$1; n=$2 } END { \ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { c = substr("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv", i + 1, 1); \ printf("rm -f tty%s%s pty%s%s; \ mknod tty%s%s c 5 %d; \ mknod pty%s%s c 6 %d; \ chown root.wheel tty%s%s pty%s%s;", \ n, c, n, c, \ n, c, b+i, \ n, c, b+i, \ n, c, n, c); \ } \ }'` umask 77 ;; esac ;; st*) umask $tape_umask unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` chr=14 #remove old stype names rm -f [hml]rst[0123456] [hml][en]rst[0123456] [hml]enrst[0123456] #remove new style names rm -f rst${unit} [en]rst${unit} enrst${unit} rm -f rst${unit}.[0123] nrst${unit}.[0123]\ erst${unit}.[0123] st${unit}ctl.[0123] #remove control device case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6) for mode in 0 1 2 3 do mknod rst${unit}.${mode} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + $mode '*' 4 + 0` mknod nrst${unit}.${mode} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + $mode '*' 4 + 1` mknod erst${unit}.${mode} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + $mode '*' 4 + 2` mknod st${unit}ctl.${mode} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + $mode '*' 4 + 3` chgrp operator rst${unit}.${mode}\ nrst${unit}.${mode} \ erst${unit}.${mode} \ st${unit}ctl.${mode} chmod 600 st${unit}ctl.${mode} done rm -f rst${unit}.ctl mknod rst${unit}.ctl c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + $scsictl ` chmod 600 rst${unit}.ctl ln rst${unit}.0 rst${unit} ln nrst${unit}.0 nrst${unit} ln erst${unit}.0 erst${unit} ;; *) echo bad unit for tape in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; ch*) umask 37 unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` case $i in ch*) name=ch; chr=17;; esac rm -f $name$unit case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6) mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 0` chgrp operator ${name}${unit} rm -f r${name}${unit}.ctl mknod r${name}${unit}.ctl c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + $scsictl ` chmod 600 r${name}${unit}.ctl ;; *) echo bad unit for media changer in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; cd*|mcd*|scd*) umask $disk_umask case $i in cd*) unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'`; name=cd; blk=6; chr=15;; mcd*) unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'`; name=mcd; blk=7; chr=29;; scd*) unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'`; name=scd; blk=16; chr=45;; esac rm -f $name$unit? r$name$unit? case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6) mknod ${name}${unit}a b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0` mknod ${name}${unit}c b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 2` mknod r${name}${unit}a c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0` mknod r${name}${unit}c c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 2` chgrp operator ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h] case $name in cd) rm -f r${name}${unit}.ctl mknod r${name}${unit}.ctl c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + $scsictl ` chmod 600 r${name}${unit}.ctl ;; esac ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; matcd*) umask 2 case $i in matcd*) unit=`expr $i : '.....\(.*\)'`; name=matcd; blk=17; chr=46;; esac rm -f $name$unit? r$name$unit? $name$unit?? r$name$unit?? case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15) mknod ${name}${unit}a b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0` mknod ${name}${unit}c b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 2` mknod r${name}${unit}a c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0` mknod r${name}${unit}c c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 2` chgrp operator ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h] chmod 640 ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h] mknod ${name}${unit}la b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 128` mknod ${name}${unit}lc b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 130` mknod r${name}${unit}la c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 128` mknod r${name}${unit}lc c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 130` chgrp operator ${name}${unit}l[a-h] r${name}${unit}l[a-h] chmod 640 ${name}${unit}l[a-h] r${name}${unit}l[a-h] ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; wcd*) umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'` blk=19 chr=69 rm -f wcd$unit? rwcd$unit? case $unit in 0|1|2|3) mknod wcd${unit}c b $blk `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0` mknod rwcd${unit}c c $chr `expr $unit '*' 8 + 0` chgrp operator wcd${unit}[a-h] rwcd${unit}[a-h] chmod 640 wcd${unit}[a-h] rwcd${unit}[a-h] ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; lpt*) unit=`expr $i : 'lpt\(.*\)'` rm -f lpt$unit rm -f lpctl$unit mknod lpt$unit c 16 $unit mknod lpctl$unit c 16 `expr $unit + 128` chown root.wheel lpt$unit chown root.wheel lpctl$unit ;; tw*) unit=`expr $i : 'tw\(.*\)'` rm -f tw$unit mknod tw$unit c 19 $unit chown root.operator tw$unit ;; # Use this to create virtual consoles for syscons, pcvt or codrv # ttyv0-b # use as MAKEDEV vtyNN to create NN entries vty*) chr=12 units=`expr $i : 'vty\(.*\)'` eval `echo ${chr} ${units} | awk ' { c=$1; n=$2 } END { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("rm -f ttyv%01x; mknod ttyv%01x c %d %d; \ chown root.wheel ttyv%01x;", \ i, i, c, i, i); }'` ln -fs ttyv0 vga # XXX X still needs this pccons relic ;; bpf*) unit=`expr $i : 'bpf\(.*\)'` rm -f bpf$unit mknod bpf$unit c 23 $unit chown root.wheel bpf$unit ;; speaker) rm -f speaker mknod speaker c 26 0 chown root.wheel speaker ;; cuaa?|cua?) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` rm -f cua*a$unit m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod cuaa$unit c 28 `expr $m + 128` mknod cuaia$unit c 28 `expr $m + 32 + 128` mknod cuala$unit c 28 `expr $m + 64 + 128` chown uucp.dialer cua*a$unit umask 77 ;; tty0?|ttyd?|tty?) unit=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` rm -f tty*d$unit m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod ttyd$unit c 28 $m mknod ttyid$unit c 28 `expr $m + 32` mknod ttyld$unit c 28 `expr $m + 64` chown root.wheel tty*d$unit ;; cuac?) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` rm -f cua*c$unit m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod cuac$unit c 48 `expr $m + 128` mknod cuaic$unit c 48 `expr $m + 32 + 128` mknod cualc$unit c 48 `expr $m + 64 + 128` chown uucp.dialer cua*c$unit umask 77 ;; ttyc?) unit=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` rm -f tty*c$unit m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod ttyc$unit c 48 $m mknod ttyic$unit c 48 `expr $m + 32` mknod ttylc$unit c 48 `expr $m + 64` chown root.wheel tty*c$unit ;; # RISCom8 'rc' driver entries cuam?) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` rm -f cuam$unit m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod cuam$unit c 63 `expr $m + 128` chown uucp.dialer cuam$unit umask 77 ;; ttym?) unit=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` rm -f ttym$unit m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod ttym$unit c 63 $m chown root.wheel ttym$unit ;; # Specialix SI/XIO. # Note: these are 'base 1' to match the numbers on the panels, and to match # the manual that comes with the system. ttyA*) major=68 nports=`expr $i : 'ttyA\(.*\)$'` port=1 while [ $port -le $nports ]; do minor=`expr $port - 1` name=`expr $port + 1000 | cut -c 3-4` rm -f tty*A$name mknod ttyA$name c $major $minor chown root.wheel ttyA$name mknod ttyiA$name c $major `expr $minor + 65536` chown root.wheel ttyiA$name mknod ttylA$name c $major `expr $minor + 131072` chown root.wheel ttylA$name port=`expr $port + 1` done # For the user-mode control program, 'sicontrol' rm -f si_control mknod si_control c 68 262144 chmod 600 si_control chown root.wheel si_control ;; cuaA*) umask 7 major=68 nports=`expr $i : 'cuaA\(.*\)$'` port=1 while [ $port -le $nports ]; do minor=`expr $port - 1` name=`expr $port + 1000 | cut -c 3-4` rm -f cuaA$name mknod cuaA$name c $major `expr $minor + 128` chown uucp.dialer cuaA$name port=`expr $port + 1` done umask 77 ;; # Digiboard PC/?? 16 port card. # The current scheme of minor numbering is: # # unused{14} CARD{2} major{8} CALLOUT{1} LOCK{1} INIT{1} PORT{5} # # CARD bitfield in future versions may be extended to 3 bits. # # See dgb(4) # ttyD?) portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f" major=58 card=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=`expr $card \* 65536 + $minor` name=$card$unit rm -f tty*D$name mknod ttyD$name c $major $minor mknod ttyiD$name c $major `expr $minor + 32` mknod ttylD$name c $major `expr $minor + 64` chown root.wheel tty*D$name done ;; cuaD?) portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f" major=58 card=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` umask 7 for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=`expr $card \* 65536 + $minor` name=$card$unit rm -f cua*D$name mknod cuaD$name c $major `expr $minor + 128` mknod cuaiD$name c $major `expr $minor + 160` mknod cualD$name c $major `expr $minor + 192` chown uucp.dialer cua*D$name done umask 77 ;; mse*) unit=`expr $i : 'mse\(.*\)'` chr=27 rm -f mse$unit mknod mse$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 2 + 1` # non-blocking for X11 chown root.wheel mse$unit ;; psm*) unit=`expr $i : 'psm\(.*\)'` chr=21 rm -f psm$unit mknod psm$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 2 + 1` # non-blocking for X11 chown root.wheel psm$unit ;; mouse*) name=`expr $i : 'mouse\(.*\)'` if [ ! -c $name ]; then $0 $name # make the appropriate device fi ln -fs $name mouse ;; pcaudio) rm -f pcaudio pcaudioctl mknod pcaudio c 24 0 mknod pcaudioctl c 24 128 chown root.wheel pcaudio pcaudioctl ;; socksys) rm -f socksys nfsd spx mknod socksys c 41 0 mknod spx c 41 1 ln -s socksys nfsd chown root.wheel socksys nfsd spx chmod 666 socksys nfsd spx ;; snd*) # # changes from Linux voxware # minor Linux FreeBSD # 8 sequencer2 (aka music0) music0 # 17 patmgr0 sequencer1 # 33 patmgr1 sequencer2 # unit=`expr $i : 'snd\(.*\)'` chr=30 # XXX write this less verbosely, like std snd_security_hole=0 # XXX umask $snd_security_hole if [ $unit = "0" ] ; then ln -fs mixer$unit mixer ln -fs sequencer$unit sequencer ln -fs dsp$unit dsp ln -fs audio$unit audio ln -fs dspW$unit dspW ln -fs music$unit music ln -fs pss$unit pss fi rm -f mixer$unit # Mixer [ Control ] mknod mixer$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 0` rm -f sequencer$unit # Sequencer [ FM Synth and MIDI output ] mknod sequencer$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 1` rm -f midi midi$unit # Midi 0 mknod midi$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 2` rm -f dsp$unit # DSP [ Digitized voice ] mknod dsp$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 3` rm -f audio$unit # SPARC audio [ Not fully implemented ] mknod audio$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 4` rm -f dspW$unit # Wide DSP (each sample is 16 bits) mknod dspW$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 5` rm -f sndstat # Status Device [ Debugging interface, only 1 ] mknod sndstat c $chr 6 # minor number 7 is unused rm -f music$unit # Sequencer level 2 mknod music$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 8` rm -f pss$unit # PSS and programmable devices mknod pss$unit c $chr `expr $unit '*' 16 + 9` # minor numbers 10-15 are unused umask 77 ;; # More specialized cases of snd driver. gusmax) sh /dev/MAKEDEV snd0 snd1 snd2 ln -fs /dev/dsp2 /dev/dsp ;; pas16) sh /dev/MAKEDEV snd0 snd1 ;; sb) sh /dev/MAKEDEV snd0 ;; vat) rm -f vatio mknod vatio c 25 128 chown root.wheel vatio chmod 660 vatio ;; gsc*) rm -f gsc0 mknod gsc0 c 47 0 chmod 666 gsc0 chown root.wheel gsc0 ;; apm*) rm -f apm chr=39 mknod apm c $chr 0 chown root.operator apm chmod 660 apm ;; card*) unit=`expr $i : 'card\(.*\)'` chr=50 rm -f card$unit mknod card$unit c $chr $unit chmod 644 card$unit chown root.wheel card$unit ;; ttyx?|ttyy?|ttyz?) case $i in *0) unit=0;; *1) unit=1;; *2) unit=2;; *3) unit=3;; *4) unit=4;; *5) unit=5;; *6) unit=6;; *7) unit=7;; *8) unit=8;; *9) unit=9;; *a) unit=10;; *b) unit=11;; *c) unit=12;; *d) unit=13;; *e) unit=14;; *f) unit=15;; esac case $i in ttyy?) unit=`expr $unit \+ 16`;; ttyz?) unit=`expr $unit \+ 32`;; esac rm -f $i mknod $i c 42 $unit chown uucp.wheel $i ;; cronyx) rm -f cronyx mknod cronyx c 42 63 chown root.wheel cronyx ;; joy) rm -f joy0 joy1 mknod joy0 c 51 0 mknod joy1 c 51 1 chown root.operator joy0 joy1 chmod 640 joy0 joy1 ;; spigot) rm -f spigot mknod spigot c 11 0 chmod 444 spigot ;; qcam?) unit=`expr $i : 'qcam\(.*\)'` rm -f qcam$unit mknod qcam$unit c 73 $unit chmod 444 qcam$unit ;; meteor?) unit=`expr $i : 'meteor\(.*\)'` rm -f meteor$unit mknod meteor$unit c 67 $unit chown root.wheel meteor$unit chmod 444 meteor$unit ;; tun?) unit=`expr $i : 'tun\(.*\)'` rm -f tun$unit mknod tun$unit c 52 $unit chown uucp.dialer tun$unit ;; snp?) unit=`expr $i : 'snp\(.*\)'` rm -f snp$unit mknod snp$unit c 53 $unit chown root.wheel snp$unit ;; # Valid arguments to isdn: # none makes all the node but nic0 # 5000 makes nic0 for Niccy 5000 # 3008 makes nic0 for Niccy 3008 # 3009 makes nic0 for Niccy 3009 # 1000 makes nodes for Niccy 1000 # tel* makes nodes for TELES S0 # isdn*) type=`expr $i : 'isdn\(.*\)'` if [ "X${type}" = "X" ]; then type=none fi unit=54 rm -f nic0 snic0 n?ic0 isdn isdn? ity?? itel?? ispy mknod n8ic0 c $unit 0 mknod snic0 c `expr $unit + 4` 0 mknod n9ic0 c `expr $unit + 6` 0 mknod isdn c `expr $unit + 1` 0 mknod isdn1 c `expr $unit + 1` 1 mknod isdn2 c `expr $unit + 1` 2 mknod ity00 c `expr $unit + 2` 0 mknod ity01 c `expr $unit + 2` 1 mknod ityo0 c `expr $unit + 2` 130 mknod ityo1 c `expr $unit + 2` 131 mknod itel00 c `expr $unit + 3` 0 mknod itel01 c `expr $unit + 3` 1 mknod ispy c `expr $unit + 5` 0 chown root.wheel n8ic0 n9ic0 snic0 isdn isdn? ity?? itel?? ispy chown uucp.wheel ityo[01] case $type in 5000) ln snic0 nic0 chown root.wheel nic0 ;; 3008) ln n8ic0 nic0 chown root.wheel nic0 ;; 3009) ln n9ic0 nic0 chown root.wheel nic0 ;; 1000|tel*|TEL*|none) ;; *) echo "No such ISDN device subtype: $type" ;; esac ;; # dufault@hda.com: If I do much more work on other A-D boards # then eventually we'll have a "ad" and "dio" interface and some of these # "labpcaio" ones will be gone. # labpcaio: D-A and A-D. # labpcdio: Digital in and Digital out. # labpc*) umask 7 case $i in labpcaio*) name=labpcaio unit=`expr $i : 'labpcaio\(.*\)'` all="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" offset=0 ;; labpcdio*) name=labpcdio unit=`expr $i : 'labpcdio\(.*\)'` all="0 1 2 3" offset=8 ;; *) echo "Don't understand that labpc name" exit ;; esac if [ "X${unit}" = "X" ] . ..MAKEDEVconsoledrumqkmemq mem nullq random urandom zeroq io ttyklogqstdinstdoutstderr lkm fdU wd0Vrwd0Wwd0aXrwd0aYwd0bZrwd0b[wd0c\rwd0c]wd0d^rwd0d_wd0e`rwd0eawd0fbrwd0fcwd0gdrwd0gewd0hfrwd0hgwd0s1hrwd0s1iwd0s2jrwd0s2kwd0s3lrwd0s3mwd0s4nrwd0s4o wd1prwd1qwd1arrwd1aswd1btrwd1buwd1cvrwd1cwwd1dxrwd1dywd1ezrwd1e{wd1f|rwd1f}wd1g~rwd1gwd1hrwd1hwd1s1rwd1s1wd1s2rwd1s2wd1s3rwd1s3wd1s4rwd1s4 wd2rwd2wd2arwd2awd2brwd2bwd2crwd2cwd2drwd2dwd2erwd2ewd2frwd2fwd2grwd2gwd2hrwd2hwd2s1rwd2s1wd2s2rwd2s2wd2s3rwd2s3wd2s4rwd2s4wd3rwd3wd3arwd3awd3brwd3bwd3crwd3cwd3drwd3dwd3erwd3ewd3frwd3fwd3grwd3gwd3hrwd3hwd3s1rwd3s1wd3s2rwd3s2wd3s3rwd3s3wd3s4rwd3s4 fd0rfd0fd0arfd0afd0brfd0bfd0crfd0cfd0drfd0dfd0erfd0efd0frfd0ffd0grfd0gfd0hrfd0hfd0.1720 rfd0.1720fd0.1480ة rfd0.1480fd0.1440ة rfd0.1440fd0.1200ة rfd0.1200fd0.820rfd0.820ةfd0.800rfd0.800ةfd0.720rfd0.720ةfd0.360rfd0.360ة fd1rfd1ةfd1aةrfd1afd1bةrfd1bfd1cةrfd1cfd1dةrfd1dfd1eةrfd1efd1fةrfd1ffd1gةrfd1gfd1hةrfd1hfd1.1720ة rfd1.1720fd1.1480ة rfd1.1480fd1.1440ة rfd1.1440fd1.1200ة rfd1.1200fd1.820rfd1.820ةfd1.800rfd1.800ةfd1.720rfd1.720ةfd1.360rfd1.360 sd0rsd0sd0arsd0asd0brsd0bsd0crsd0csd0drsd0dsd0ersd0esd0frsd0fsd0grsd0gsd0hrsd0hsd0s1rsd0s1sd0s2rsd0s2sd0s3rsd0s3sd0s4rsd0s4rsd0.ctl sd1 sd2rsd1sd1arsd1asd1bUrsd1bsd1cUrsd1csd1dUrsd1dsd1eUrsd1e sd1fU rsd1f sd1gU rsd1g sd1hUrsd1hsd1s1rsd1s1sd1s2rsd1s2sd1s3rsd1s3sd1s4rsd1s4rsd1.ctlUrsd2Usd2aUrsd2asd2bUrsd2b sd3`  UVSu^V~t u9w!;t'j/3Pp u p p EEt5!S6]P /usr/libexec/ld.soNo ld.so Failure reading ld.so Bad magic: ld.so Cannot map ld.so ld.so failed: UHWVSjjhjmEuj hjjRjjIj URuj6wjhjjjjUf t$f}tjhjjjjEU t0t(Uf t SQjujjujhvE܃$ujhjj[jjRE= t)=t"Uf tUfuIMU t*tUf t 1:U= t"=tUf t 1QRjujjuċUURhy$ujhjjajjX}tKjjjuhjuȋUUURh($ujhjjjjE!UEp UM܃ URjщEu{j hjj= tC R ҉Åt2jh jjڃ;tB:u)RSjjojh jj\jjS P }~rЃe[^_U=P tP u uÐ1U=P tP u@ÐU=P tP u u@Ð1Service unavailableU=P t P @ øUS]M UQ)A8uCtJu1]UWVSE18t8=t@F8u!;t%VW3 u 8=u@ ;u1e[^_YXQQrøUUM 18 uЀ:tBfixit_crunch%s: %s not compiled in UWVS} o?t8u1j/7tp7 p = p t)3V t;u;t WuCVhhhl CMe[^_UVS]j/S,ޅtp p = p t"3V u  ;u1e[^UVSu] OSNVe[^Usage: %s ..., where is one of: %sUWVShh hl ^L1 p = p tO;0׍7OhAhl L3hChl L ;uhAhl KjVgrepfindrlogintelnetsedrshftpmount_nfsmount_cd9660mount_msdosumountswaponscsirrestorerestorerebootpingmount_mfsnewfsmountmknodftfdiskdmesgrdumpdumpdisklabelclrichgrpchownbadsect[testsyncsttysleeprmdirrmrcppwdmvmtmkdirlslnkillhostnameexpredechodfdddatecpchrootchmodcatUuu uGbenstuvusage: cat [-benstuv] [-] [file ...] stdoutUVSu] lh@SV| 7w$(x ` l | x p l h jh pl ahHhl Hj$ Ã=` u-=| u$=x u=p u=h u =l t SI Sh gthnj[5t mstdin-r%sUWVS] d ;tV3t4h3 `ƃu$3h\t * d V' t Vf;ue[^_%6d UWVSE1 MIyQd M=  ug=p tJ}u8  x  h j 0DE=x t5=` u, =x t!GWhnh zF   @E uZ=| 9  y  9,  $ $h j$C@ =h   y  9,  ^ ^h j^(C  y  9,  I Ih jI=l KÀ  y  9,  M Mh jMBH  y  9,  - -h j-LBڅ}tRQ T D5  y  9,  ^ ^h j^A?t @  y 9,  t  ,h R6  y 9,  t ڈ h SMAt MA @t$5d hXt Ma   @thnjJWe[^_UWVS]5 d ;tV3t2jj3諗ƃ }%3h:Xt .5 d V% 9t V ;ue[^_U`WVS=" =\ uWEPWE t5d hjdVE=sX PZ \ uh j2V5X 5\ u à ~31S\ PWh } hnjU)ƅu벐}5d hWt e[^_Uuu u{HLPRXfgorstuwxthe -R and -h options may not be specified together.invalid file mode: %s%s: %sfts_readU$WVS} 3cEEEEE11h!WusE܃ k9S$"$$$$$$$$$#$$$#$$$"$#$$$$$#$$$$$$$$$$$$$###$$$$$$#$$####$##1EEE$ T:-u&B9Euzu $ sz $ )M}OE}t)}t h!jStEteM<wg!jEPSYƒ v !"=!t Sh4"jRE8tSh4"jgSUE'SjEuSh4"j;SEjuW_ǃ u jjYR1WÃC4H $T%%%%%%%%%%%%,%,%}ujSW DsH9PshJ"S$s(9PshJ"SM}tfEC<@Pu%Ps} sR=!thQ"j3QVusage: chmod [-R [-H | -L | -P]] mode file ... 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All rights reserved. @(#)main.c,v 1.1 1994/02/01 00:34:42 alm Exp*usage: %s [-] [-sx] [-p string] [name] p:sxcrypt unavailable ? ? interrupt? invalid filename%s %swarning: file modifiedscript, line %d: %s unexpected end-of-fileUWVS1M 0ЍP~ |r5 hu u t`st pt 6xt-0x  hhl !뤋M 15 hl jp $ E )Mt2M 8-u( }~$ JE Mj;jthj舀h$jyjjphPjdhy &ǃt)hl hhhT Cg }M 8tIPG;tt]M 8!t]Ph :M}tFhl hgM 8uhhT ju j} = thT hhl _ =x t5x hÍh ~ %…|=dx = uwhl hhƍhT j:u3hT 5Hx = tݍPhl j% dx j0z | t$hhT q% w YDž|+Dž| W,x PP=4ǃ t" tTjdx hl hhƍhT j~j~u.hT 5Hx = tݍPhl &hT = tPhl ] j[hl hj} hT 5Hx = tݍPhl jwUz ,x Xx (x …|9z Xx (x Xx `x 8,t8;u`x 8;uʼn,x 뽐=z ~ z z z t9Xx t Xx (x %$number out of rangeinvalid addressUWVS,x `x }tR% T D5t`x 8 t `x 뵐=`x `x AU$tЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗtЗЗЗЗlЗЗЗttЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗt`x `x }tRMTMT D5t `x 8 u`x }%u5 1tZj h`x 5`x M M=t=u=!"u hq-t^u )ʅ}tRMMT D5u-t^uKeC^8j h`x 5`x à t )=!"hq`x .,x /%PM4PbÃM`x 9`x t|`x `x P`x b/Ã}uft4`x z ;u,x Xx Xx 0x :9=`x u1|90x }hhT 1e[^_invalid command suffixunexpected addressunexpected command suffixinvalid redirectioncannot nest global commandsinvalid destinationno previous substitutioninvalid pattern delimiterawcrypt unavailable%ld ! unknown commandU WVS11E`x }tR T D5t`x 8 t `x 뵐`x 8G`x p~$lp8\<L̛T؞|(ȣXTإث<P1Ґ`x t>!tVh j >tPX,Bdx   Y=z ~ h/`x }tR T D5u hB[ƅ>!u h\1Ґ`x tVh hh K(Ph8S=w t hp50x j;1gtGuP5EGtVuE}t`1Ґ`x Xx HP~w,x @P5,x 2 1Ґ`x !tVh 5Xx  >tPrƅ7 950x  dx { `x !tVh 5Xx 5(x ՘WuӘP >tPƅ'950x udx u=dx g= Z}qPF=z ~ h/1Ґ`x , `x `x C]=8x x 90 =0  =}W5, yyun5!CPhhl hhT  = G t j 'jg=0 , u& t jY t j*58x F, FC8x x 9r.= h 0HEE90 =0  =}W5, 9xun5!Phhl ǨhhT 踦 =  t jZ j'=0 , u6 t j tj, FCM}u5`x `x `x 8 lC9Dx =Dx  =}W58x #w5!Phhl 譧hhT 螥 =  t j@  j hϵhnhT E=Dx 8x u& t j  t j S5, 58x 譀x 8x 1>!t>%ue[^_UWVSE1,x =w uC} t z | t% %[/`x ;t4`x ; t`x `x 8 u`x )؃u;.u{ u 1< S^Ãu9 W t j  7j +t5,x FQ,x PPj^ƃ u9  t jQ  j 9Hdx   t j  rj ce[^_ UWVS1U B90x %!R1Eu&ƃ9u"VE F9w w  F=}S54 sum5!蚟Phhl ^hhT O =  t j  jj ^w 4 u& t j  t j 4 vuPw} ~69uG9w w  =}S54 ruf5!蓞Phhl WhhT H =  t j tgj ^w 4 u& t j t j 4 ffu u} MI ,x  54 Ѭt,x PPj$ u- u t j tjdx  u# t j tj1e[^_UWVSXx B90x %؉!Ƌ(x K19]t M9 Xx u t(VSUơXx ,x UVSj3 t(UB90x %!Ruj  u8 u# t j tjV^ǃM9 (x ~SHu>u0S(ÃpGGB;_M9 (x EXx +(x MD,x =w t R6ȵdx  u# t j+ tj1e[^_UWVS]5(x uE1Xx +(x pE,x 9(x  9Xx +(x pXx )ډU uÃt,Sot_O,x PPjJǃ u5 u# t jA tjpdx  u& t j t jUUN=uE,x @PCE1e[^_UWVS u uj{ u8 u# t jt tjEU B90x %!R踪Ƌ}OW謪Ã=w t V3莳3^0x JE +E)‰0x =,x dx  u# t j tj1e[^_UWVSuuhhT ЛaU B90x %!RVÃ9t1S辥tu5,x VFsP|9u1e[^_invalid mark characterUVSu] څ}tRT T D5uh`hT  = u# t j tj1^5< 8 u% t j t jz 8 z;\uC tC㐐8 e[^_UE= tH  ÐP:UE= tH  ÐPed.hupHOMEUWVS= u j*MI! =0x 50x jh՘h|袷}}hƃtj0ҍzB=MB PzgÃt;VS|;/t /D;h|SDW50x jh՘S!jge[^_U= u jIMI! jhy UMI! EPhht@jJ|&f}v E f}v E@ ..UWVE= t;8!t"ƿtj/P蟰thhT 聖1e^_@(#)re.c,v 1.6 1994/02/01 00:34:43 alm Expinvalid pattern delimiterno previous pattern%s out of memoryUS`x < uh{hT < t`x `x : t8u#=| hhT 諕PÃ=| t= u5| 9@j5e| u-5!zPhhl >hhT /T jS5|  u | /h(hT 5| PF5| f| 1]unbalanced brackets ([])trailing backslash (\)UWVSu`x >; t=<[t <\t!)CSuÃuh;C; *C9u+=`x G9 5  =}V5 ]eun5!'Phhl hhT ܓ =  t j~ jK5 u& t j= t jW5`x 5 o `x =w u 'hhT 1j jW5 茤e[^_UU:^uB:]tA: t?:[u4J.t :t=u! u1B:]u9uB:]u:]%!@(#)sub.c,v 1.1 1994/02/01 00:34:44 alm Expnumber out of rangeUWVSu} `x  ux u `x 8 u s8u`x `x <wHj h`x R藭 = (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (t=u9=!"u0h\hT 蜑:gu `x 1e[^_no previous substitution%s out of memoryUVS1`x E`x `x 8%8M8H,`x =4x hOhT N `x F9hx }jhx  =}S54x ahx 4x u& t jE t j4x `x `x F u`x 8U\uT4x `x `x F u8=w u/…t~z | t % ސ`x M8F9hx hx  =}S54x `ud5!蹌Phhhl }hlhT n = u# t j tj1Khx 4x u# t j tj5x 4x 4x e[^no matchUWVS,x E(x J,x EXx +(x 9E`,x 5,x Ϝuu PuƃT1,x PPs5px  S~Ãu9   t j jt5,x -GM,x PPj~ ǃ u5  t jq j>y9L u& t j8 t j E,x EXx +(x 9E,x }uU uhhT E tu ,x PP|1e[^_infinite substitution loop UWVS] DžDžDž1Sǖǃ@=w tj jsWKj PjWu芅H}t9M] 9x x  =}S5px 7]ul5!Phhhl ōhlhT 趋 = R t jX 2j%&x px u& t j t j=w tjj (W誜px VWPf Mq PW )(9x x  =}S5px [um5!誇Phhhl nhlhT _ =  t j jx px u& t j t j=w tjj VWWpx VWPpe (?t@tEt1(u ,tj PjWu裂)D9x x  =}S5px pZue5!:Phhhl hlhT  =  t j tojbfx px u& t jY t j*~3(u*,u!MthhT N]=w tjj VW踙px VWPcpx fftD1[^_UWVS} 4x M=x .M9&M IM)9x }j5x  =}V5px X5x px u& t j t j9]|px M CG9]aM9\AM90999EM DE)9x }j5x  =}V5px W65x px u& t j+ t j9]px M CG9]G9x }jx  =}S5px GWx px u& t j t jbpx MGEE+4x 9x G9x x  =}S5px Vuh5!qPhhhl 5hlhT & = u# t j tjCx px u# t j tj^px e[^_@(#)undo.c,v 1.1 1994/02/01 00:34:44 alm Exp%s out of memoryUS] 9 # d @PRlUƒt[ @uB RDu '  @L  R5!ـPh]hl 蝅hahT 莃5 T  1]nothing to undoU WVS=,x }=0x }= t = uh]hT = t dx j6 = }EO} 4t= tMD PD D D @ByT BT BBT T PPVD D FBD PFVD @BT D T D BME6M/= }@ЉEO}9~} U<}ƐM}ED3ED3E@ )RDD3DD3EEDED}M9M|=w t膙 ,x }= 0x }= u# t j tj1e[^_UWVSC @<u(D8t9tV6VQ9u = u ,x 0x e[^_Uuu umalloc() failedUS]jOuhj臖X]U WVSujOEtViEMAu hj51>}Eu5 ǃ1u>-utX0I9s6<2}Eu5 ǃ1u1But M EEe[^_UUHwrPUVSu>u*>t#vvO^1e[^%dUVSuHv3jeNÃu hjvhSr~^e[^UE8%|&=<>+-*/%:()UWS8z 8u 18z 0uPhstEPu1{=u+<u!SW8؍e[^_UWVSu} Vu Wt*V`WZwvۧPÃ+VWF9G%PÃVW؍e[^_UWVSu} V6u W)t*VWwvKP0Ã)V^WXF9G%PÃVW؍e[^_UWVSu} Vu Wt"V@W:wv軦VWF9G%P}ÃVW؍e[^_UWVSu} Vu Wt"VWwv3VNWHF9G%PÃVW؍e[^_non-numeric argumentUWVSu} Vt Wuhj:FGPVW؍e[^_UWVSu} Vt WuhjF+GP,VHWB؍e[^_UWVSu} V>t W1uhj芎FGPVW؍e[^_division by zeroUWVS}u Wt Vuhj~uhj G~PSWoVi؍e[^_UWVS}u Wbt VUuhj讍~uhj蚍G~RWV؍e[^_%sU0WVS}W7u /jM quVnƒt!hSVRqShjjURjwVouD}u>}u8}|WMWUR4U؋M+UMQRÃ!}u j hl.ÃWu URp؍[^_yacc stack overflowUWVSTz Dz @z Lz ( Pz Xz 1f( u, =@z }O@z } @z uv @z xxp]Ē 9@z u`=Lz  $Lz Lz 4] f0Pz Pz tE8tu 6hgjS v u 6E u >u51_j EPu 6pƒ >tE8tu 6hWR uu 6hjE u >uSunknown signal %s; valid signals:Uuh|谄hl jo%s UWVS}_6hWn uhWnKuhWne[^_usage: kill [-l] [-sig] pid ... Uhhl nnjUuu uFfs.%sU`WVS]u hVS舠 tHft# ?t4Ft -st%   G륐$ )Ӹ,= t) tt :t1jh6Pjv6P\EPStShjfEf%f=@t19tjS6. ǃ 9uWh%s: is a directory%s/%sU`VSu] = uFEPVt V= u#fEf%f=@uVh&}uEPSuIfEf%f=@u;j/VW9u@PShhS۲EPS蹂 EPS誂%= tt SuSV ЃtSh܀1[^usage: ln [-fs] file1 file2 ln [-fs] file ... directory Uhhl nkjUuu uUE @PE@PB(UE@PE @P*(UME P=܆ t )h EP* } =̆ tT=؆ u = t y=Ȇ t <a R=؆ u == t %=Ȇ t  = t  p #= t    tSWV Sh0 jC j %s: directory causes a cycle%s: %s %s: %s: fts_readUWVS]1= u PSu ǃ u jjsjWDPjL= (E=І u%EW~ÃC4t tAېtt̍C@Pht빐s\ZPC@Phtf{2t{@.u = t= tsh@w}~sh)w uWOVSV=І *"jSW =!thj;re[^_-%lu%quUWVS} Dž|=Ԇ u= u =Ć t Dž|EEEEEEEEEDžpEEU UEEfx4tfx4 u7UrXlPE@PhsUB j}u"Efx4u8= u/@ CUz@.u= uB "= tE@&PU@RR2 EH&9MsM|Ur %sUVSUfz2uB@Ph hP#B@PBphhPhSV u!5!:JPVhhl NƄ(Sh'5g[^UWVSMu[A} }}G} څ}tRM[MT D6?tڋ}Nue[^_usage: ls [-1ACFLRTacdfiklqrstu] [file ...] Uhjhl NjUuu u/m:pinvalid file mode: %s%sUWVS}] oEEE1hSW t(mt~puEא50Ő$ Ã;uuEW<w,jEPVfE |E8tVhjqaV肤EuVhjSa11;tq}t3gtKtfEhuע%P3}}u3hza;uVUdWVS]fE;/uC;ts;/ui{thtjfE%?P1EPWDt-=!uhWy}Wh`/C느u EP1e[^_usage: mkdir [-p] [-m mode] directory ... Uhhl jKjUuu uretensioncompeomdensityblocksizeeraseweofstatusrewofflrewindofflinefsrfsfeofbsrbsfTAPE/dev/nrst0f:t:%s: unknown command%s: %s%s: unknown densityUsing "%s" as an alias for %s %s: illegal count%s: %s: %s%sU\WVSu] $lhEuEhSV|ƒ tft~tu 0E͐+5$ $ EÍFvEE0ҋ}щHE ?uuhu7uB tҐG t tlG t%Pu貝E}5!aDPuh KfGfE;}u5 ƒ1҅uZG tT3YEu3hu3V tV3h&` EEjEP3CbE UG t~~E8t3hFh EEPhmu }[5!>CP7uhX&;]Shm@@u }5!CPhc Suj+WangtekArchive ViperSCSI tape drive%d: unknown tape drive type %s tape drive, residual=%d ds erUVSuě f;trff9tf;u VDrFPshKZ_sFPhg`s FPhjN$  x#  Ph. _ h j De[^%s=%o%s=%xUWVSE} ]1t;u WPhWPh!^ )C   y  9,  < h j h j>Be[^_usage: mt [-f device] command [ count ] Uhhl DjWmt: UVSu] hhl DSVhl 趝hhl DjX3B5/91-174X3.193-1990ECMA TC17X3.202-1991X3B5/88-185AQIC-1350QIC-320QIC-150QIC-120HI-TC2HI-TC1X3.56-1986X3B5/86-199X3B5/87-099X3.158-1986X3.116-1986X3.157-1987X3.136-1986X3.54-1986X3.39-1986X3.22-19830x%02xUU = t9t8u8t@ÐRhh |A UWVSu0Ѝx = tWVsZ@ t;ue[^_variable= %d bytesUEtPh h @ Ð Present Mode: Density = %-12s Blocksize %s ---------available modes--------- Mode 0: Density = %-12s Blocksize %s Mode 1: Density = %-12s Blocksize %s Mode 2: Density = %-12s Blocksize %s Mode 3: Density = %-12s Blocksize %s US]sPs Ph Zh !YsPs$Ph,!Y$srPs(PhZ!YsSPs,Ph!Y s 1Ps0Ph!zY]The "eof" command has been disabled. Use "weof" if you really want to write end-of-file marks, or "eom" if you rather want to skip to the end of recorded medium. Uh"hl n@jUuu u7-if%s: destination pathname too longUpWVSu ah#Vujrƒ t8ft -t,"iuD ǐ@ _뱐$ )Eƃ}DEPEtԓufEf%f=@t}~v6@PEtSV0҉߈щ\ /1ۃ>0щH9tz/uJ9u z/tJ9u0ыD=~6h#FT'QRGP6etMaSoverwrite %s? override %s%s%s/%s for %s? rename %s to %s%sUpWVS}u =@ jV1ۃ=D tVh`%hl = wjVthEPVuWEPEPfVjuלPju%Pp%} uo%PEPhr%hl Y=$ta  yh Z  t0 t+  yh Z  uՃyuVWu1a=!tVWh%QC]SWtWh%Q fEf%f=u SVWNVWe[^_%s: remove%s: set owner/group%s: set mode%s: set timesUWVSjju臐ǃ }uh%UBPhu [ƃ }u h%PWw=8 u+UB@8 P < ujPC58 5< Wà ~S5< V 9tu }@uh%cPu ttu hO'DPWGVAW6Urr V'tu hZ'PUBPV"tu hn'OUBEB EEEEPu btu h{'OVt u h%uu1uhO'gOe[^_-PRpmv/bin/cp%s: waitpid%s: did not terminate normally%s: terminated with %d (non-zero) status-rf/bin/rmUw…u7ju uhr)hw)hz)hz)h%N jVjEPR(5 uhz)h)}NÐEthz)h)EtPhz)h)HNÐ…u1juh)hw)h)h)h% NjjEPR4 u h)_Eth)h)MEu1Ph)h)Musage: mv [-if] src target; or: mv [-if] src1 ... srcN directory Uh#+hl F8jUuu uP%s UVS]u Yh+VS`j t?tPtMې9$ t;jj7u jjjKPh+Ojusage: pwd Uh,,hl v7jUuu u_dfprttcpshell%s/tcp: unknown serviceunknown user %d -d -p -rrcp%s%s%sUWVS]u XE1h,VS8i T5<$-P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.,P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P..P.$.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.-P..P.8.p l h t t E+$ $ h,h,{uh,h,jIf@fx d Pf u5d h,jhI t" 5d VS5| 0}t5d VS5| ~ h  ,=h t,P,=p t,P,=l t,Ph,j@h zh|Oj  t4t VSP VS=h t t45| F.@/usr/bin/rsh%s %s -l %s -n %s %s '%s%s%s:%s'exec %s %s -n %s %s '%s%s%s:%s'%s -t %sTOS (ignored)U(WVS]UBU:uE/j@E t@KEt.EU TU:t#uujsE DEEEE H9E]U2ƃF>u/j@E0JEU:0щM؉щM܋U؍T U}щK}щHE؃}t&}0щM܍T Ӊ]܋E؍\T]]܋U؍\TSE u jjE}tvEEU:?u 8Wuu칼,}t/QMu,QVh Wuh/h/Su:x0Fuu칼,}t/QMu,QVh E0h/h0Suw,5d uuI = }0щ˃SSEu jjDuh h>0Su~wUUjuMu Q 0x PEPh ,} jEjEPjjQ} hG0hE}ju`5d ujEEE H9E9e[^_/bin/cpexec %s%s%s %s %s%s -f %sUWVSEEH9EKM ME0ÃM90ҋEM |0Ӊ]TRU>ǃUu jjCEM tE0,=p t,S,=l t,Sh3h3RWu 5d Wmt| WVC;u/j@M1F‰UuEE 1-EE0>u 0VJ0щʃSRU3ǃUu jjBSh h3RWtjWV 0x PEPZf ,W0= }| l5d EjEPjj5 } hG0BME LQjj@5  EEEH9Ee[^_%s: %s%s: not a regular fileT%ld 0 %ld 0 C%04o %qd %s UWVSDž]9uu jjSD |PKt$5!'PhL6dfU@t u&<=l tN&hS6 j/;tutt=p tRuuhj6hr0JR5  tUԋMRQfURhx6h9r0JR5 (|"hhH Q uADžxDž|Dž}};ډx|9M|u9Us }+xuAWvƒ 9tDž} !tWv5  8Ws5 gƒ 9tDž} 5!x||9u|9]ux9utu/!ujh,5  "$PhL6u9\h[^_D%04o %d %s ..%s/%s: name too long%s/%sE UWVSu0Ru5!$PuhL6Nj/uƃuuF=p tQE pp hj6hSCo0ɉ߈щJRS5  |XVjE f@%Ph{:hSn0ɉ߈щJRS5 C$?}>U9tY޿/t͉޿:t}0щщTvSuh: kSuh:hSmPj2==jh:5 32[^_ambiguous targetunexpected lost connectionmtime.sec not delimitedmtime.usec not delimitedatime.sec not delimitedatime.usec not delimited%sexpected control recordbad modemode not delimitedsize not delimited/%s%s%s%s: set times: %sdropped connection%s: truncate: %s%s: set mode: %sprotocol error: %sUWVSu DžPDžTDž\jx%l=p uflRQ}h< j<& < < = ,= D= x= = = 6D=h t Vjh,5 URDxufUff@u DžTLjQ5  a L jR5 X LALU9s uLʀwY=t u2<0hdhP  udILDžDžxDž|DžtX48824%x|48X<@@98@98u<94v X+xtWL5 .<@ @Gu <w<<u @t5!=Rh]=j+<<Lnt9Sqd^<@t48 49d\tRuRDž\URHA})5!PHh=Džt,s8PhPHhL6jh,5 : 1Rh=qjfjh,5 ([^_UVSjP5  t jbt |< 1CjP5  t j C9s uă=t u)PVjF | u jm[^usage: rcp [-p] f1 f2; or: rcp [-pr] f1 ... fn directory UhKhl jw%crcp: UVSu] | =` uh$L5 3` t`jh&L5` Dh)L5` 4SV5` 'p h/L5` 5`  =t uSV,e[^UE8:u1ÐÐ8:t8/t@8u1%s: %sU`S]EPSjufEf%f=@t+!5!PShMj]%s: invalid user nameUWVS}|uڅ}tRD# T D5u6؅}%u5 1u _t-uF>uWhiMM+1e[^_-csh/bin/shUWVS,Ãtt 1lu @juhNh Nh#N[jjj/jj$jEPS}EWjVjEe[^_fstat: %s%sU`WVS}uEPu ]}5!PhNVEH1ޅu9r=SwGt !5!PhN1e[^_lost connectionU=t u hjO)jUuu udfiPRrUWVSu] 51H hOSV@F T3<$PHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQHQ,QHQmaximum option value is %d -- %soption requires a numeric argument -- %sU WVSuEEhcj jh ]S 4Eu%hcj jh S3Eu1&uuhcT;uu޿>ct; ;uлШ =Ш t>8u,RW赯uC!F[ ^F  ;u1e[^_tablet disc; new tty disc; slip disc; ppp disc; #%d disc; ispeed %d baud; ospeed %d baud;speed %d baud; %d rows; %d columns; lflags-icanon-isig-iexten-echo-echoe-echok-echoke-echonl-echoctl-echoprt-altwerase-noflsh-tostop-flusho-pendin-nokerninfo-extprociflags-istrip-icrnl-inlcr-igncr-ixon-ixoff-ixany-imaxbel-ignbrk-brkint-inpck-ignpar-parmrkoflags-opost-onlcr-oxtabscflags-creadcs5cs6cs7cs8-parenb-parodd-hupcl-clocal-cstopbctsflowrtsflow-crtscts-dsrflow-dtrflow-mdmbufcchars%s = %s;%-8s%s UWVSu E1tXt t:tt,h`qhnqh}qhq*ǃPhqǃu耟uj9tPShqǃ Shqǃ}vFPPhqǃ t hqUZ hq}wuqP}w|qP}wu qP}wurPf}wt rPF}wtrP%}wt؃rP}wtrP}w@t'rP}w t0rP}wt 9rP}w}DrPf}w@tLrPB}wtTrP}w t\rP}wtdrP}wt prPUhyrc}w trP}wurPa}w@trP@}w}rP }wu rP}wt rP}wu rP}w u rP}wt؃rP~}wurP^}wtrP=}wtrP}wtrPUZhr}wu؃rP}wurP}wurPUZhr6}wu sPU%=t t5=t=t%h shshshs  sP}w t $sP}w@u,sP}wf}3sP}wt ;sPp%=t =t hCs*hKs"}wtSstTsP}wt\sP}wtesP}wtnsPU4}uehvsS = t;]F4PVP6h}sjdSd/SR >ujj 1= U08,}tF48Ftp6hs0P-F4PVIPhs,SG u%10hs<,hs, >mtEPhs 8Phs [^_US]=l thql p ]%s: %s %s %sUWS]=l uS5p hS|l P0Hl Hv hZ|ZSh]|Ol Sh`|9l e[_%dUEM @wQh|jhd Z-d Ðu|Ðd }d Me -f u ^B? ^B@ ȈBd -aefgaef:g%sstdin isn't a terminalTIOCGETDTIOCGWINSZ: %s gfmt1illegal option -- %stcsetattrTIOCSWINSZUTWVS1E [h}$ E 4 E$ ] 0ɋh@r _}BP|%hDžDž9uDžhDžlu 9(uyu ȋ;tih`|LE9u fffTffCUOutDž9)uytGh}TczYA9|wru?u V6?uVj uu jjI6h/p ?u>t 38u<t69tP6L0~DžuPWP0 f;tf;u9nE9uw)DžuGPtw)DžuGPLuffffYThP [^_UE8u@8uÐxu Ð1U@WVS}u $PȉԉT 0Ht$t$ԋV2e}My裣tۻ*蓣twtOiM9Au URj19MA9DB9|I:@2 *`"URvMAMfQ9uy| FZFNMQt̃y}1ҋMy|;Q86v؄FV:t뒐0~JVVN Nv vIڃu )ىˉ^두V9V  'V9V  V9V V9V V9V V9V e[^_UWVSu} VU&U8PuVP联u )u׸e[^_UpVSuh`6Ã|rVUtt/UEPR;+EEPEPSO}%e[^UVSuhv Ã}KruEP6EPv EFEjEPS}%e[^%s: trailing non-numeric characters%s: underflow%s: overflow%s: expected integerUVS]u ;tA}tRT D5tC;uŀ;u }%u5 1u8;-t ;+C}%u5 1tn!j EPS‹E 8tShnj=!"u/uShjbuShjKShj7e[^syntax errorUh jexpression is too complexUh(jߏ܏ُ֏ӏЏ͏ʏǏď-z-x-w-u-t-s-r-p-n-k-h-g-f-e-d-c-b!<:7530,($ -ge-le-lt-gt-ne-eq!==&-a|-o<:75 Uuu uC@(#) Copyright (c) 1981, 1983, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)badsect.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93usage: badsect bbdir blkno [ blkno ] ./dev/Cannot find dev 0%lo corresponding to %s sector %ld cannot be represented as a dev_t Don't forget to run ``fsck %s'' UWVSu }h=hl jv|EPhc%}vHpj~@e@fifDS<uS pj~0ЍD8<ÃtLCP8a@PW} WojH~E9TufHf%f=`u<uvuhkj~8@40ҋ8R84 8rj@S$4( }Snj}t x hx h h t Jd4R4Й4 E }~T61jS u0t HdPh6 }6Qnx( M}@Ph‘5x( |block %ld out of range of file system block %ld in non-data area: cannot attach cg %d: bad magic number Warning: sector %ld is in use UWVS t MQd}u E9p$s uhhVMQ!Q‰A9}tQU9~+KE9~uhhx 5 t A!AQ IdR =| U t,=L U t Shhl x( i t Ӆ}Z=| U ux  P 3Ӆ}Z$)‰r uhӔ1e[^_seek error: %ld rdfsread error: %ld UVS]u j- EUuu5( 蝚EU}}Shj3h{kjBzVu5(  9tShh{mkjze[^Uuu u[HLPRfhthe -R and -h options may not be specified together.%s: %sfts_readUWVS} j/7rt@( xoƒ( E11hPWuB )$ȘԘ1( ( E3$ )U}E=( t*}t hWjtEteM( ( =( t8j.7?uj:7/t @Pb7 7MjuWjǃ u jj1WmÃC4H $D\||=( ujSWp EsPsh$shPshI5( 5( s$ )=( s@=!thjV.vgroupUS];t(( Sh_u hSb@( ]userUS];t$SAuhES(@( ]%s%s: illegal %s nameUS]!j EPSƒ =!tShjE8tu ShjLЋ]you are not a member of group %sU@S]=!u =( t8=< u/Z< t!=( tjtShj=( tk=@ ubEPj賐@  @ x#( @ 9Tt @ y=@ }$=( tjht5( hj^=( u Sh][owner][:group]usage: %s [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f] %s file ... U=( tP5( hhl \jsUuu uusage: clri filesystem inode ... %sclri: %s: can't read the superblock. clri: %s: superblock magic number 0x%x, not 0x%x. clri: %s is not a valid inode number. clearing %d UH`WVS]Hhhl TjrE U jjR }hjjjh 蠒}hjh S = thhl jr߁\Tt*hT\h۝hl vjq0E E 8ПM 1jƃE 0hhl jqVh5YOы!GGؙx_`_d ԟ؟j؟ԟ}hjПy 9thjxПslFhjSsljىșȟ̟̟ȟ_}hjUП襏 9thj 轏E U :OtjoUuu uCCDfloppytype 9HP-FLHP-IBST506ESDISCSIold DECMSCPSMDunknownbootISO9660HPFS4.4LFSMSDOS4.2BSDEighth Edition4.1BSDSystem VVersion 7Version 6swapunusedBNRWb:ers:w/dev/%sr%s%c%sr%sioctl DIOCWLABELrU$WVSDž1ېh\u utƒ 8$ȣ4ԣTt1 01 0q = t. = t. = t. _= tr. ?q 1= tF. /.$ )EE =1 tq = u5 )= u  q 1 }-E 1 :/tJjcRhhhn5 膼 q 0ҋ= щ  q = %P5q =!ub1 :/tWRhhhv5q q 01 = %PR&}5q ) JO$<XȦT}tq,SE7}t9,Sh 5 S;$=1 t"}uhq jE pE }t+hq hQ IhE p ƃuE p(SV3}u E XE}tb+hq SE p5hq hQ É߾q ESE#EEPhmdm h|(=ÍE}uhq jE p hq hQ ÉߍES"uShQ  hauto%s: unknown disk type /usr/mdec%s/%sUWVS]޿u$ SyuShhl Ǻj0h}E=1 uFUzt=B8/tPhhh) 脸Ph) 1 ) =q uCUzt:B8/tPhhh- 5Ph- q - juV} t ju Ve[^_ioctl DIOCSDINFOwriteioctl DIOCWDINFOUVSu]S$WEVǃWEVfǃS)f=q ShfdVfk }=!t=!t hҩjjjV܆EEPhmdVk} h|Wu V+ 9u&=q t/5q 5q V 9q thW?EEPhmdVj$ShgdVj }h1e[^disklabel: %s: No disk label on disk; use "disklabel -r" to install initial label Label magic number or checksum is wrong! (disklabel or kernel is out of date?) Open partition would move or shrink Labeled partition or 'a' partition must start at beginning of disk US!uhEhl P tH t[t?tLhUhl !hm'hhl hīhhhl !jU]Bad pack magic number (label is damaged, or pack is unlabeled) ioctl DIOCGDINFOUSE=q h hQ P褃 =5q "Q p wL;WEVu WEVt p vp w";WEVuWEVuSs%ft=hhl ܵjEcq hq hedAPg } h.!؋]%s/%sboot%s/boot%sBootstrap doesn't leave room for disk label UWVS} (uG(LJ }] {(}hW =1 uJ=q h uuI =5q 8!hup =1 t =q Z5 j/51 u 1 AA<}%u5 1u A 9u  =1 uhVhh5 'j5 e}>ruF 1 VhhP0=1  =q uhVhh#5 趱j5 d}>ruF q Vhh#P聱0=q  j51 ƃ}51 ] s(Eu51 l} w(uuČ w(uVE }51 7Vd1w]<%Btt}Ǿuƾu趁j5q ƃ }5q } +G(PEG(PV }5q VUdM9s!9th-hl j_A9rߋEe[^_# %s: type: %s type: %d disk: %.*s label: %.*s flags: removeable ecc badsect bytes/sector: %ld sectors/track: %ld tracks/cylinder: %ld sectors/cylinder: %ld cylinders: %ld sectors/unit: %ld rpm: %d interleave: %d trackskew: %d cylinderskew: %d headswitch: %ld # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds drivedata: %ld %d partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg] %c: %8ld %8ld %8.8s%8d %5ld %5ld %5.5s %5ld %5ld %5d %5ld %5ld %5d%20.20s # (Cyl. %4ld- %ld) UWVSu5q hV軯 M fy wA4l hDZ M APhѱV良 E Pjh۱VrE PjhV^ hVPM AXthV9M AXthV"M AXth V hVM q(hVM q,h*Vۮ M q0h>VǮM q8hTV趮M q4hkV襮$M q MAXPARTITIONS (%d)partition %c: size 0, but offset %dpartition %c: offset past end of unit partition %c: partition extends past end of unit unused partition %c: size %d offset %dUWVSu1~(u jhI ~,u jhZ~0ujhmhl 腘~4ujhhl a f~HujhJ~8u N,N0N8~<u N8N4N<ujhhl G 1v(t hujhhl ʗG 1v(t hfvjPh  1fрaM;u {tsPhOUE UC9F1h( hedASG }h.SG1kSGf=*) w f*) =,) u ,) =0) u 0) f=( u f( f=( u f( ( boot overlaps used partition %c marked as FS_BOOTboot overlaps partition %c, %sCannot install boot program UWVS}1=q q 1w(E19}yڀa8tTM9Hrx uF@ @x t8x tPhvhl UF@ hPh= C9|thhl jAe[^_Warning, US]hhl E PShl hhl ȓ]disklabel: US]hl hNS`2jA(to write disable/enable label)or disklabel [-NW] disk(to restore label and boot program)or disklabel -R -B [ -b boot1 [ -s boot2 ] ] disk protofile [ type ](to write label and boot program)or disklabel -w -B [ -b boot1 [ -s boot2 ] ] disk type [ packid ](to install boot program with existing label)or disklabel -B [ -b boot1 [ -s boot2 ] ] disk [ type ](to restore label with existing boot program)or disklabel -R [-r] disk protofile(to edit label)or disklabel -e [-r] disk(to write label with existing boot program)or disklabel -w [-r] disk type [ packid ](to read label)usage: disklabel [-r] disk%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s Uh0hPhhhhhh5hchhhhhhChmh}hhl 芐Hj=U1ɋU9s f3 9rUuu u rcannot read %s: %s WARNING: no file `%s', making an empty one wcannot create %s: %s cannot read %s even after creating it: %s USh5p Ã=!t5!蟊P5p hn 5p hh5p 诧Ãu5!WP5p h& S衮h5p qà u5!P5p hjCPu?S SQ]UVSuh j(SVS|X ` ` ː\ jX @PT ` X Jx9}e[^UWVS=0  H 0j1T 95X ~RhSW u-8 ~9 } H FT 95X e[^_r+cannot rewrite %s: %s fseek: %s %s: %s ftruncate (%s): %s the epoch level %c dump on %sUWVS=| Jh5p 莥ǃu5!6P5p h_]jS= 0 M5T [T X ` \ WjjWk,}5!赇Ph3  ET 2]9X ~=hVu u8 t=ET M49 X hj X T X huV֢  ET 2 ]9X ~"VWET M49 X WY6t5!裆P5p h>rW]qM]uuuҨt5!\P5p hF+W親= th 3!ZR Rhee[^_%-16s %c %sUVSu] P PPShV褊}5!辅P5p h>e[^Unknown intermediate format in %s, line %d US uhS$ 9t 0 Pu 9}5 5p hF1%16s %c %[^ ] UVS]uVPShu =oVM|1x[^TAPE/dev/rmt8/etc/dumpdates/etc/dtmpTP_BSIZE must be a multiple of DEV_BSIZE Must specify a key. output filedensitysizetime of last dumpbad time "%s" number of blocks per writenumber of blocks per filehonor levelbad key '%c' Must specify disk or filesystem Unknown arguments to dump: %s You cannot use the T and u flags together. -standard outputinvalid characters in tape an unlisted file systemnonethe epoch Date of this level %c dump: %sDate of last level %c dump: %sDumping %s (%s) to %s on host %s to %s Cannot open %s bad sblock magic number dev_bsize (%d) is not a power of 2TP_BSIZE (%d) is not a power of 2mapping (Pass I) [regular files] mapping (Pass II) [directories] estimated %ld tape blocks. estimated %ld tape blocks on %3.2f tape(s). can't allocate tape buffers - try a smaller blocking factor. dumping (Pass III) [directories] dumping (Pass IV) [regular files] DUMP: %ld tape blocks DUMP: %ld tape blocks on %d volumes(s) DUMP IS DONE! DUMP IS DONE (\.@UWVSR1EE h N3` h@ u  Ep O ^ 0}uhhl j)2 E E EE Nu ;BȃJ$8 P`@jwmj0jW]j0}hjfV E E MVURhj hjd\ EgfffmME)‰ pbZ KVEPjjhjs E)` }hjT E 0F }E 0hhl aj/EH ?ME VEPhjhjbd  VURjjhjB? m ` V| H E 0E hlhl  M}uhphl jn.}t"=| thrhl ހjG.5 u8  = t =  F= u= td  =` u 6= t ` j:5 Kth j:P2  j 5 thhl jV-5 Yu j;-HPFjj+ thPj+jj+thPjp+jjd+thPjP+jj D+thPj 0+jj $+thPj +jj+thPj*hj*u jj*P 50 Ãt/30 j@3hx 蕕j@sh8 膕'j@50 hx nj@hh8 ] w $ ( j@h ʋ У4  }u= th 0Q Ph= th QH PhP50 h2@ tsh>|= t5 5 hDZ 5 hVDj50  }50 h] j*/Cl P h hP h }>l \Tt hm l JdEJ4ș}É u 9 tSh  l ,~ Q,U?\ jR j5\  j5\ t \  ET@< E94 ˆUЃ hu h< u`/h\ th< u;0Ãu=8 t!< < Ph  = t =< = t3< 5 P $5 < 8F= qu< 5 P $5 < Q $5` }E Emx mx x J\  @< < x < $Ph* u hW_ j$hD ?(EHPj5 8h 1= 9]vDCu 7Gt"S9ff%f=@u SQ2C9]whd =t 9]vECu 7Gt$S8f%=@t SQM2C9]w 19 ~uNV8C9 =8 t5 h 5 5 h 9hh* j&e[^_bad '%c' (%s) value "%s" UWVS}E]yu u0>t1}%u5 1tB:uV]9Et"9~Vu uhhl 4xj%e[^_The '%c' flag (%s) requires an argument Uu uhhl wjI%Signal on pipe: cannot recover Rewriting attempted as response to unknown signal. SIGSEGV: ABORTING! UEH$h=8 t hhhl !h !jL$h<vjj "j jX#/rUWS}j/W DÃt|hWhr yv /r 0щM)Phhr 脞r 0щM)PC]Shr Yr 1e[_r/dev/ttyfopen on %s fails: %s excessive operator query failures DUMP: "Yes" or "No"? DUMP: %s: ("yes" or "no") U@WVShhƃu5!pPhhdUv v 1Vj?EP( uf G~WhH}yt}Yu9}nt}Nu1(hhl tuh hl t|j9hPj  u jj V؍e[^_ U= u=v t/h;Q8=v th>9h@#5v h hl #t hDj jx9v Interrupt received. Do you want to abort dump?Uhgh%tj operatorNo group entry for %s. U= t9h>  0 = uhh  /var/run/utmpCannot open %s: %s ttydU,WVS=  = jEP3 u jhV t uV;uG tW茑j1e[^_/dev/w Message from the dump program to all operators at %d:%02d ... DUMP: NEEDS ATTENTION: UWVSffhuS{hS谉ÃPSf/ pphSq = ua1> u$KyC9C  Sj DnKy C9C t Ȉ SQnF>utu >uS[^_%3.2f%% done, finished in %d:%02d Y@U SEPHE9T ,T = D +EU+D  R<$< P$}E Em]mųmM E))E)ЉE踉m]U)PQ`$h=] DUMP: UVSuhYhl Eo] SVhl 6h hl SVh e[^UE Puhl US]hYhl nE PShl h hl j]%s UVSuji<Ãt4vCt"vCt6u5!}iPhRFCFC؍e[^/etc/fstabCan't open %s for dump table information: %s rwrorqUWVS"u!5!hPhhf!Åst(stsuSj2;ƃu5!zhPhO ^v 5v og"e[^_UWVS}5v t{^Ws*t]W3*tN3#tWP)t2?/t18/uW@P)tC8/uW@P)u6u1e[^_Dump these file systems: Last dump(s) done (Dump '>' file systems): ??%c %8s (%6s) Last dump: Level %c, Date %s UWVSMMEPBhj5X 5T I}wu h@hZE1T 95X hSu> PG]SHE1҃t0xt*@@)‰)M)9Ѐ}wut>WP@}tMAPS t }wt>Ph/FT 95X 3e[^_UVSEU 0hSVYu +e[^UWS]0P28v tSP跁v hj &=v |1e[_rdump: Lost connection to remote host. Uhhl ijCtcpshellrdump: shell/tcp: unknown service rdump: who are you? rmtTCP_MAXSEG setsockoptUVS= uchh贯 uhhl 9ij#2P} uhhl ijsj@5v Ãt*5v Vuj=Cv 0jh2V 0 @Phv Ҡv  U~EE}~2]jShh5v `/}E}jEPhh5v ./EjEPjj5v /(} h6e[^rdump: invalid user name %s UWVSu>tjÀuEڅ}tRtT D5%u_t-tWhhl Tg1 F>ue[^_O%.226s %d UVSuu VhhS踭 SV{[^C closeU= uhhM R%d readU WVSu hj]SDSh ǃ}=!719},)PEP5v 3à X9|։e[^_W%d writeU WVSu Vhj]S軬0HPS5v 3Vu5v 3(he[^_U WSuhj]S]0HPS5v 2e[_Uu u5v 2UhL%d %d seekUPSu uh_jP]SShg]S statusUVS= t11hh}1 CF?v e[^I%d %d ioctlUSE |'PuhhSIShUWS] 0щHPS5v {1E0J 9UtFuFe[_%s: %sProtocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). U WSj]SE<w6hSSuhG}Fu  F}At70ЍD9v H8 uEPhfEPv{[_UjEP5v m0 t,EProtocol to remote tape server botched. (rmtgets got "%s"). UWVS}u ~< u C'CNhuh -tjҐrollforward: protocol botch DUMP: error writing command pipeEOT detected at start of the tape! UWVS= }E M Z1B x~N}PW8u}EuNUxЃxu h >tN EMA= }}uNG      j K ]+]Su r h0 9th2 j B $= r  P MA>t~} +} u ME}D S }G BS ?u   {tQjURs h1 thj BU9@ t hU e[^_Context save fork fails in parent %d Parent %d waiting for child %d has another child %d return Child %d returns LOB status %o Bad return code from dump: %d Dumping volume %d on %s Cannot open output "%s". Do you want to retry the open?Volume %d begins with blocks from inode %d UWVSjjENǃujw!Ã}Wh j jjCuV9tPSWh ᐀}tEPShQ  EEr t 't j%jFuhq kj =4 uj,5 t]=4 t4 8t j,5 t @4 4 5 5 h  = tj5 *=8 uhh5 f h }.5 h ~h < uj념O L }td P P    p)% = ~ p5 h e[^_The ENTIRE dump is aborted. U= t 9 tj5 #hyjUu)U=w t jhw v too many slaves, %d (recompile smaller): %s UWVS hj9hj -h4j!hj1 E P )ʉщ)Ѝ9u v  v EPjjj[|EM` }5!LPWh(uEP t D|uC19!1ې\ Un$UB9~jj/WuRjkE$G1j_VUUU)ʉU4R)E 4` V<}4\ h0 n߃~ e[^_UWVS1P 1ې|~j t2$F~e[^_slave couldn't reopen disk: %s master/slave protocol botched - didn't get pid of next slave. master/slave protocol botched. error reading command pipe: %s US5 j50 - }5!JPh: jEPuh1 !t hZ5 p uh1 9  X  = ;t'C P BP3 C{u.h  PRuh1 j=t h S K9 lhw Ơuw =v uOw v 1EE9@ ~a= t$@ +EP MHP(@ +EP MHP5h  | uCE ~~E}}j5 ^jjEPuh0 5ju,t5!HPh~]UWVS} u]SVWU҃ ~ )Å~琐|E)؍e[^_UWVS}Wh jhQR޾EWO jhQR軾9E~El R0RUӉډ9O wu/9Wv*U} )э} UE@e[^_UWVSEEul f7EHы  @u  G9 ~ G 9 H= uGdu9t  t@tt U !WU @uEEU9U6t Ee[^_U$WVSEE ]EM9MUJu]]E}MMIt u ƋVUEE} ]܃|(tjuBl HPщM]]9^ rM9N u]9^rP0 l V#8@#QLRMt(u  E]t E l R0)UE܃}WE}~2}*M܃|XtURQtXu EE܃}Ћ]t8UJڋ t V] E?Mu6UJ t  rÉڋ EE]9]Ee[^_U@WVS}1l p0R@dU P }a1ۃ? l 9Yt~|t7q0Pu ƃt  l @0)C?;M1ۃ?~/l 9Xt~#tWuPu6 ƃC?Ӊ[^_corrupted directory, inumber %d U@WVS}1uPl @d] P 9}~}19u/fzuuh^Bǃ:tqz.uz teB%=.tVHt s u. s u 9}[[^_Warning: undefined file type 0%o UWVS=d td u j5t a U JÉڋ=t 8 u   Mf@2 `t]{u { l (щ]9{ r9K uY9{sN$  u }MqSʃ(R}WƄ*jSMyu/y u)u 1]fRhzl P0Rщ]9{ w9K u9{v P8Rul P4Jщ}O_ P4щxu RU(Rl R0Rщ}O_ +  uBv91RV]tXu ) uvF~̍[^_U@WVSE }t"l r0QJdR  l r0R}~l PtP09O|u.9s*P4JӉwP4QRVSl BtB8l rtr0)OuPRF7M1%Wuuu?v Cl 9Ztэ[^_U WVSl M K4} E [0]199M}M9},ؙ}U<t )ƀ$  )ƀ$ C9|ԉ) uM}U4M9}=>t+E9 l p0) P6MM]9| 9}=e[^_UVS]E \  u2195 ~jSF95 e[^USE  l 1ҹ?IyI)Ӊ jh t]UWVSu5 95(w w95,w v+(w 0w l Ur0h0w M1ÉEA!ÉQUQU1qxNjY`EUZdP l 1qxӉ)أ(w Qx,w +5(w 0w MEe[^_bread: lseek fails read error from %s: %s: [block %d]: count=%d short read error from %s: [block %d]: count=%d, got=%d More than %d block read errors from %d DUMP IS AILING! This is an unrecoverable error. Do you want to attempt to continue?bread: lseek2 fails! read error from %s: %s: [sector %d]: count=%d short read error from %s: [sector %d]: count=%d, got=%d U(WVSjEÉ֊ U؉MEUuu5 EU Uވ9uu9}t h#uu 5 " ƃ 9uE= ]] l YdA$9E~ )U$u#uu5!8P50 h#Vuu50 h$ = ~M50 j hG$ho$h$h$u j  uu 19}jEÉ֊ U؉MEUuu5 7 EU U]؉u܃E9EuU9Ut h$5 u 5 ƃ 95 tHu&5 u5!>7P50 h$V5 u50 h %=  M E9}e[^_UHjuEPREEEP_E|MEPSEEPSE܍EPSE؍EPSEԍEPSEEPoÐUVS u= t?jVSϏ u$ ]VUUUщ)ME;uĸe[^U4WV}ԋu }E uWEPM)P M̅~!EIy̋EЍe^_UMU A9B}9B~ËA9B|A 9B |A9B|ۋA9B|ы9|1øUuu uw_msgbufpM:N:dmesgkvm_nlist: %snamelist%s: msgbufp not foundkvm_read: %smagic number incorrect%sUWVS} T[11h)Wukƒ t(Mt ~Nt 0Ћ50utPh)jjSV6Ãu jjhȰ Sa9uS2Ph)jJM=̰ uu)Ph)j&M jP5а S2:u"hPS:=tS1Ph*jLSD6a0th*jLv Dž (K1199u t>11t 32MB)Extended DOSPrimary DOS with 16 bit FATXENIX /usr filesystemXENIX / filesystemPrimary DOS with 12 bit FATunused/dev/dev/r%sCannot open disk %s (%s) Cannot open any disk (%s) ******* Working on device %s ******* Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1 Information from DOS bootblock is: We haven't changed the partition table yet. This is your last chance. Should we write new partition table?fdisk {-a|-i|-u} [-{0,1,2,3}] [disk] UWVS]u ?T €:tB sysid %d,(%s) start %d, size %d (%d Meg), flag %x beg: cyl %d/ sector %d/ head %d; end: cyl %d/ sector %d/ head %d US]` jh P uhc5Ed P[Pd Phm5E` Pl PRh h|5E$e Pf ?Pg f %Ra Pb ?Pc b %Rh5JE]UWVE )¿ off U   h h h PIh h h  P)e^_The data for partition %d is: Do you want to change it? The static data for the DOS partition 3 has been reinitialized to: sysidstartsizeExplicitly specifiy beg/end address ?beginning cylinderbeginning headbeginning sectorending cylinderending headending sectorAre we happy with this entry?U WVSE` uhN7nCuB = *hm7 = t,jSt}ujh7Cj MMCPuh76 tECsuh7 tECs uh7 tEC h7 CS4KMK?Vuh8 tuuuh8 tMMWuh%8u t}K?$ˆSMKSC%4KMK?Vuh68 tuuuhF8 tMMWuhR8 t}K$?ЈCMK3CPCPCPsCPCPCPCC HP u h`8w(e[^_parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are: cylinders=%d heads=%d sectors/track=%d (%d blks/cyl) Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1 parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are: Uh:;@5 5l 5 5 h;@= ?=  = ~ hU;?h;?5 5 5 5 h;?Do you want to change the active partition?active partitionAre you happy with this choiceUWVSE` = tthV<ltHuSVh<X t]h<@tٸ0yw e[^_Do you want to change our idea of what BIOS thinks ?BIOS's idea of #cylindersBIOS's idea of #headsBIOS's idea of #sectorsUSh;=]5 Shp=g tE 5 Sh=G tE 5 Sh=' tE    th<s]UWVS} u}uURE=  )EE=  U)BUE$?U EUe[^_%s: Can't get file status of %s %s: Device %s is not character special %s: Can't open device %s %s: Can't get disk parameters on %s U`EP5h {xu#5h 5 h>hl $ÐE u5h 5 h?hl #= u}t 1P5h &x u)=!uÐ5h 5 h6?pjt Ð5h 5 hP?hl U#US] jU QR5 hS5 b]US] jU QR5 hS5 ]%s: Can't get disk parameters on %s; supplying dummy ones Uhp hedA5  t` l l  l Ð5h 5 h@hl "    l     %s: Can't read fdisk partition table %s: Invalid fdisk partition table found Uh ju5 hBhl (!Ðf= Uu1Ð5 hBBhl %s: Can't write fdisk partition table U= t j1Ðh ju5 hBhl %s [n] yesYESyYUWVuh C ELU 2:Ãu%U 2ÃuU 2hgj s\gtnu~ou  1ۉ8t8,uC@8uPǃuj;14wj,Pt @Ce[^_%s,%sUWVSutW>tR0ҋ} ЍS~ǃu jj\u VhsSW<6u pǃtV荾e[^_,-oUWVSEM E]h]tEPUK#UtY8t8-u'Bj=PUUt@B봉ƿ_gt_t뎐M e[^_[-dfruvw] special | node[-adfruvw] [-t ufs | external_type]special node[-dfruvw] [-o options] [-t ufs | external_type]usage: mount %s %s mount %s mount %s UhuhuhBuhOuhuhl jOgroupquotauserquotaupdateforcesyncasyncunionrdonlysuidexecdevautorwroo:ufsvfsload("ufs")%s on %s: mount table full. Specified device does not match mounted device. Incorrect super block. %s UlVSu] E|$ hCvSV8 t0?t#oujEPhL 50ǐw뽐+5$ $ ÃtUEsEEt E EjahFv\`ÃuKhFvbt:hFv(cthJv ahFv `ÃEPuVtC$P}oVuhYvhl !tu.hdvEt hwvhvhl qmPPhvhl VR1e[^usage: mount_ufs [-o options] special node Uhyxhl jo,-o %s: option not supportedU WVSuOkEu jjluhxV ƃ>nu~ou EE] ;tqE}0ҍzWuVaE u<t<=t;u;t(U{ tUE9Cu[ %C!=h uVhxjZ11ue[^_Uuu u+U1ɋU9s f3 9r,-o %s: option not supportedU WVSuiEu jjuhPzVƃ>nu~ou EE] ;tqE}0ҍzWuVE u<t<=t;u;t(U{ tUE9Cu[ %C!=Ⱥ uVhRzj11uNe[^_asyncunionrdonlysuidexecdevautorwromfsNF:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:i:m:o:s:NOS:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:i:k:l:m:n:o:p:r:s:t:u:x:%s: bad sector size%s: bad maximum contiguous blocks %s: bad block size%s: bad cylinders/group%s: bad rotational delay %s: bad blocks per file in a cylinder group %s: bad fragment size%s: bad bytes per inode %s: bad track skew%s: bad interleave%s: bad free space %% %s: bad rotational layout count spacetime%s: unknown optimization preference: use `space' or `time'.%s: bad spare sectors per track%s: bad revolutions/minute %s: bad file system size%s: bad total tracks%s: bad sectors/track%s: bad spare sectors per cylinder/dev/%sr%s%s%s%s: %s%s: getmntinfo: %s%s is mounted on %s%s: unknown disk type%s: %s: not a character-special device %s: can't figure out file system partition%s: `%c' partition is unavailable%s: `%c' partition overlaps boot program%s: maximum file system size on the `%c' partition is %d%s: no default #tracks%s: no default #sectors/track%s: no default sector sizeWarning: changing optimization to space because minfree is less than %d%% disagrees with disk labelWarning: calculated sectors per cylinder%s (%d) %s (%lu) mfs:%dUWVS]Pj/U 2̰P tP U P h{5P bt 0 Dž{= t Dž{u Se -9$4؁$Dp؂0\X<hȅ0 4 50$ 50h{0@ 0, }50, a50h |50u =250h,|P50E 50h?| X 50 0 50hW|50T 50hq|50 u50h|50\ I50h|g50] 50h|;501H 50h|50$ | c50h|504 }50h } =4 y4 j= tjh@ hd 50@50+}u( 501}u( h6}n 50 50hr}50 50h}50L i50h}D 50w 750h}XD 50G 50h}(50 50h}U +$ $ E t= ut U  j/RߪuW h~h~h PEPh 1u h~h!~h Dž =0 tDžj S1}5!P h&~JjPqƃu5!P h-~ jWh~.1 usnæjSh~1 urSWStCPWBuLP h@~ Ny= t<=@ t35@ Ãu5@ hT~Kj 0}5!P h&~EP}5!P h&~fEf%f= t"= u 5P hj~i jU 2[Qt2A<v;A}%u5 1uU 2h~?= u=@ u U B@  Ë}%u5 1t >uPU 2h~ ~ uPU 2h~} =L uL L 9s'= u6PU 2h== uCH   = uC0 U 2hA= uC, U 2hX=$ uC($ U 2hv= uCL }  =H uCJH  H = u F C(=s = u2F F !  ~  =, u!= H, } , =\ u \ =$ 6=( t-hhl jhhl ( = uC@ }    ( = uCB }    + D =D t%9C8t s8hPhh hl d=T u T CP CT EFEFEF E V =0 u = 舃Ph2SDž$ @ tDž Dž 8 L $ P5@ U rj芞}5!lPU rh&~=, tL $ P58 jqioctl (GDINFO)USh hedAu ҇ }N=@ t. 5@ Ãu5@ hT~(huhH  ]UWVS}u jj}"jj5P oVWj1 SWj藂usage: %s [ -fsoptions ] special-device mount-point [device-type]usage: %s [ -fsoptions ] special-device%s where fsoptions are: -N do not create file system, just print out parameters -O create a 4.3BSD format filesystem -S sector size -T disktype -a maximum contiguous blocks -b block size -c cylinders/group -d rotational delay between contiguous blocks -e maximum blocks per file in a cylinder group -f frag size -i number of bytes per inode -k sector 0 skew, per track -l hardware sector interleave -m minimum free space %% -n number of distinguished rotational positions -o optimization preference (`space' or `time') -p spare sectors per track -s file system size (sectors) -r revolutions/minute -t tracks/cylinder -u sectors/track -x spare sectors per cylinder U= t5P hhl  hю5P hhl h hl h!hl h[hl ~hhl o hhl ]hhl Nhhl ?hЏhl 0 hhl hhl hFhl hUhl  hthl hhl hhl h͐hl  hhl h0hl hMhl hmhl s hhl ahhl Rhhl Cj}mfsmmappreposterous size %d preposterous ntrak %d preposterous nsect %d block size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size must be a power of 2, not %d fragment size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size %d is too small, minimum is %d block size (%d) cannot be smaller than fragment size (%d) fragment size %d is too small, minimum with block size %d is %d There is no block size that can support this disk minimum bytes per inode isWith a block size of %d %s %d Minimum bytes per inode is %d With %d bytes per inode, minimum cylinders per group is %d With %d sectors per cylinder, This requires the block size%s to be changed from %d to %d and the fragment size %s to be changed from %d to %d CylinderWarning: cylinder%s groups must have a multiple of %d cylinders panic (fs_cpg * fs_spc) % NSPF != 0cylinder groups must have at least %d cylinders Warning: Block size and bytes per inode restrictBlock size restrictsBytes per inode restrict cylinders per group to %d. file systems must have at least one cylinder File system performance may be impaired. and ntrakrotational layout tables with nsectWarning: insufficient space in super block for %s %s %d %s %d.%sinode blocks/cyl group (%d) >= data blocks (%d) must be increasednumber of cylinders per cylinder group (%d) %s. Filesystem must have at least %d sectors Warning: inode blocks/cyl group (%d) >= data blocks (%d) in last cylinder group. This implies %d sector(s) cannot be allocated. Warning: %d sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated cylinders%s: %d sectors in %d %s of %d tracks, %d sectors %.1fMB in %d cyl groups (%d c/g, %.2fMB/g, %d i/g) super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at: %d, %s/>UWVSDžURQw= udhjuqtLuhgj rvjUR tEu UREvj =vj.=, hh5, ǃ }5, Tgj u1L $ 9sHvSRWy 9t5, gj uދL $ 9rjjWjjL $ Rjg8 uhfj YuWyUL $ 9< s< 15$ L L $ R,8 u j tM E =4 t    <=L 5L h{j th` 5$ L JRx.5 5   Sh2jKtVhƓj2t= =    J0 tWhݓjs5 N5 tShjs9$ ~5$ Sh2js= hWh`pjs9= ~SWhTjms0щ У 0 𙣠   ~ ѽ  ~ ѽ    ~ ѽ= ~.5 }^RV5 hƔDj]r 4     ؙ=$ Ɖ5  ~ ѽ 8  < I ؙ= K ؙ= 5 5h < I ؙ= K ؙ=   l  p  J ؙ= K ؙ= 5 5x |  ~%| ѽ J t%| @Й   ։Dž X\X扅 \ X  5 = ~  = r  D  ࣸ D ~GuB= ѽ= ~-u"= ѽ= ~ t  $ tI5 15 5  9 tS5 h-hCj-h  t[m=X tdSh JЙ؉ =X u t  +|ؙ=\ N ؙ=   4VUUU)ˉI 0ș= 5 495 Džl` 0)  t +|=\ N5 {x5 5 0{x5 <95 ` L H =  0  P0 y404  @~|0}=$C U u C C F >х}J$)F95 h C 5 l Pe[^_fsinit: inode value out of range (%d). U@WVSh C 5 l R =$C U thljI @C E  C |C M h C 5 l P< ( H  9E ru h8j I` E 1ljщ | !ljx p 1vxNj 牽 ㍅P5 SE 1vx5u 5 S\[^_UjJHgetrlimitsetrlimitUWVS]= uj\lkH ‰!)R=lƍ}}Wjc} h09UMUMuja} h9})=<    ҉!9< s< )< tSk1e[^_UWVS}u VÃtVSWkW71e[^_UVS]] SSV-e[^Useek error: %ld rdfsread error: %ld UWVSu] }= tSW$ 8 RZk|j-$ EUuu5 fEU}}Vh5EhF7j!TFSW5 f 9tVhKhF7j"$Fe[^_wtfswrite error: %ld UWVS]u }= tV$ 8 RWj=0 uj-$ EUuu5 eEU}}Sh5hh6j#wEVW5 e 9tSh5h6j$DEe[^_isblock bad fs_frag %d UWVSUu ]B8t=tR|tur<3%x؃‰4؃‰؃‰" 08%r8hhl 1e[^_clrblock bad fs_frag %d USM] EQ8t3 tLbt uVb  E - q8hhl N]setblock bad fs_frag %d USU] MB8t3 tL^t uR^ʃ ʃ U)r8hwhl 袕]COLUMNSUS1ۍEPhht@jsG t]u"h#AtP脭ÅuP؋]Uuu uRc:dfh:i:l:np:qrs:vping: bad number of packets to transmit. ping: %s ping: bad timing interval. ping: bad preload value. ping: packet size too large. ping: illegal packet size. ping: unknown host %s ping: -f and -i incompatible options. ping: out of memory. icmpping: unknown protocol icmp. ping: socketping: record routePING %s (%s): %d data bytes PING %s: %d data bytes ping: recvfromUWVSuXDž]SjCBt$E4 MSjj2B Dž|< hu V Z$B$XLXx50荪 !hhl >j? x @[tjDPhhl jq? x jh -P50 ` hhl 辑j'? x |50ͩ`hhl }j> x < x 50| x  x  x 50IX =~hhl jd>h<hl ݐjF> x +5$ =$ E t\M 1jh| } VZ t 5 `VfÃuVhXhl Ej=C} s h C0Ibh3S x t x thohl jM==X v  =X LjW]ƃuhhl 虏j=x u)9X ~Ћ|A|B9X <%( hUuhhl /j<pjj脄‰ }h-jl<Džx @tjPjhRU=x }jPjh5 Ux tHƅƅ'ƅj(Pjj5 U}h*-j;DžjPhh5 HU=} u,5X 5 P5 hO5X 5 h 2 hXj9h j9hj9ux ux tRDžDž' 牽PjjP @P?~DžPSjV5 蓂} =!kh$+YSPV = @ 9 /N p[^_@@USh jx8= t t 9 ~ 5` Q= t3l }E Em$[mu  hXj8S!Q]ping: sendtoping: wrote %s %d chars, ret=%d UWVS, - f. ft f2 t f( f0 2 =T }у = tjh4 5X Vh, f. jh| jVh, 5 蒡à |9t&} h)SV5 hJx ux tjh] jWe[^_ping: packet too short (%d bytes) from %s %d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%u ttl=%d time=%.3f ms (DUP!) wrong data byte #%d should be 0x%x but was 0x%x %x %d bytes from %s: LSRR: %s (same route) RR: NOP unknown option %x@@UWVS] juVEUUE9}.y Urf~PShhl y+]}}?G9(  = tiGPVM}Ut t d Eu d El Eu l G=T щ s  1x x tjh\ jU *GPUr4}PSh虠UBPh:臠= tuuhBk t hPZ_< 95X 8tj%PPVhX!_95X ~}F$)‰Ѓu hPh۟FC95X =FCA95X 0y Ur PSh蘟W2 ]}> t=tEh6EC;CCCЉCЉCuhP/ PhО En  x  념h j 踃pC;C3E9~$95 uOE9uEVh Si u2x u)h;F}Fƃ)u5 Vh SWhCCЉCЉCuh˝P Ph謝 E~O  x  느h j 蘂thfPhRMC}x u1  x  h j 4h /e[^_USU ]1fE~u EE ffM]UUM B+ABy B@B ) %ld/%ld packets received (%ld%%) %.3f min / %.3f avg / %.3f max @@U= td l $  tt P4$t $$=t t+t + @Ѝ=t d)1P5t 5 hhl 2--- %s ping statistics --- %ld packets transmitted, %ld packets received, +%ld duplicates, -- somebody's printing up packets!%d%% packet lossround-trip min/avg/max = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms @@U4SjjH.  x  h j h ,5 hc5t hS5 hC= t5 h'=t tL 9t }h0t + @Ѝ=t Phҙ  x  h j ~= tv= tmPt ɡ  P4$}ЋUж Um̃$XmЋp l RQP<$$h d PRh#)= t']Sj/teSjj/ = t j.j-Echo Reply Destination Net Unreachable Destination Host Unreachable Destination Protocol Unreachable Destination Port Unreachable frag needed and DF set Source Route Failed Dest Unreachable, Bad Code: %d Source Quench Redirect NetworkRedirect HostRedirect Type of Service and NetworkRedirect Type of Service and HostRedirect, Bad Code: %d(New addr: 0x%08lx) Echo Request Time to live exceeded Frag reassembly time exceeded Time exceeded, Bad Code: %d Parameter problem: pointer = 0x%02x Timestamp Timestamp Reply Information Request Information Reply Address Mask Request Address Mask Reply Bad ICMP type: %d US]$($`|h4Cw[$8PX`hpxh@&h]h{hhh莕PhyhfCt t7tt(hh(h6h[CPh} shVhCtt hhʔ$CPh赔CPh 衔CPXh/芔Jh:~>hKr2h`f&hsZhNPh>]Vr HL TOS Len ID Flg off TTL Pro cks Src Dst Data %1x %1x %02x %04x %04x %1x %04x %02x %02x %04x %s %02xUWVS]4{h蒓CPCPCPP%PhhfC%PfC% Ph3G(C PC PCPh?+s oPhQsoPhQ(PGhVN  x  h j we[^_%s%s (%s)USx ujjUR貭à uu oPhXh$ !xunP3h[h$ x$ ]TCP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) UDP: from port %u, to port %u (decimal) US]S3 { u"AQPQPh&{ u%AQPQPh艑]ping: patterns must be specified as hex digits. %2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2xPATTERN: 0x UDWVSM ʀ9tC}%u 6 1uhhl {xj%B:uUEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPRhQ]ƃH~31ɸ)9w&E19}D}:C9|9Msx u:h$1ۃ9}};PhVC9|he[^_usage: ping [-Rdfnqrv] [-c count] [-i wait] [-l preload] [-p pattern] [-s packetsize] host Uh$hl *wj$Uuu uhaltlnq%s???halted by %srebootrebooted by %sshutdown~SIGTSTP init: %sSIGTERM processes: %sWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't die (can't restart init): %s%sUWVS&hj/M 1Ct@M Pt11E1hu uX t@nt ?t,lt %qtŐE븻뱐멐o?tjpPh tW蠜5!pPhuaR Åu?>Pt=tj"jh@Shj"jh*Shjihhh  }u:jjc!u5!oPh1 jj jj0!u5!oPh j"}uz:j"j j u =!t,3]Pb"Ch&hl tW05!"oPjj uNRheSe[^_usage: %s [-nq] U=tPhhl sj %s: US] =tPh<hl RsSuhl DhAhl 5s j Uuu u./restoresymtableTAPE/dev/rmt8b:cdf:himNRrs:tvxyillegal blocksize -- %sblock size must be greater than 0%c and %c options are mutually exclusiveillegal dump number -- %sdump number must be greater than 0none of i, R, r, t or x options specified.Begin incremental restore Calculate node updates. Begin level 0 restore Calculate extraction list. Verify the directory structure UVSHj?T7}h$ÃuE PMQhu u舣ƒ &B+$TDd j P50‰P 8t50hjrh j\  0 = t PRh.j Y I 9j P50‰ 8t50hWj蘃hqj脃  { $ )M $ E = uhj*hju jjhjtu jjchl ZSQ}uEE E  &6$4T0sTj.jMsST=tS~j= thh FmVMjR.= thh mh<jh1$4&Z= thh lj:Mj-= th h lh<jhD1 V'j*jK;R+= t/= th'h ^lhL#jh0 jVI>VLe0V&)j:*jVHRj -jQLM}hVE 0E V:ÃthxSVI0 M}uwRj,jKM}tVhVE 0E V҂Ãt!= t Vyh SV/ M}u.'(j9= t)j?[^ restore Rfsvy restore rfsvy restore ifhmsvy restore xfhmsvy [file ...] restore tfhsvy [file ...] usage: %s%s%s%s%sUhhhh h'hBhl AjjZ>UWVSE} 7VU0:-'P7Ét%0}@P7EEu jj}EUЃPK7u jj)}-UP6P趀>t'}uU-BUEUUBUEU:\}tUUue[^_/addcd%s: not a directory delete%s: not on extraction list extracthelp directory is used If no `arg' is supplied, the current help or `?' - print this list (useful with ``ls'') verbose - toggle verbose flag what - list dump header information quit - immediately exit program setmodes - set modes of requested directories extract - extract requested files list of files to be extracted delete [arg] - delete `arg' from files to be extracted add [arg] - add `arg' to list of pwd - print current directory cd arg - change directory ls [arg] - list directory Available commands are: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%slspwd/ %s quitxitverboseverbose mode off verbose mode on setmodeswhatDebugdebugging mode off debugging mode on %s: unknown command; type ? for help U< WSEEE@E0EE,1ExExhPh hvt4}tEEEPv  EPhPPP>Ѓ9$YXt($0ҋJRhT S{ǃ*= t Sqh WS'0ҋJRhз +SzǃW5uShhl bSP#zk0ҋJRh4 SK8ƒtBuShhl @bhrS&0ҋJRh1訶 j0= t  f0ҋJRh90 h>hRhwhhhhhhEhihhhhhh!h=hVhl aL0ҋJRhy| PPP0ҋJRh| wuhhl ;`Phhl `0ҋJRh*0ҋJRhl 0ҋJRh  {= t"hhl ?_ hhl _ 0ҋJRh萳 j-p0ҋJRh< FS!0ҋJRh uK= t"hhl ^ hhl ] Phhl ]v[_restore > %s: out of memory UWVS] u~= h hl ]]hl #5hh>v@ u = tC\0ЍP t  u H8 t8 t@ShJ^48uuut h5 8u  =/uuuh 5uSshShSuuS{$FPjj@u}v4hhl [ ~t;FFV+VF4u6sN~uFP[^_command lines cannot be continued missing %c UVS]C; t; tu p;tu;\uC;uhhl =[L;'t;"t CF:C8t;t ɀCF8uCuPh;hl ZK ; t; u؍e[^../canonname: not enough bufferspace ..UWVS]޿tjhS7 uU ,;/ufU ffU fB0} ҉ЍD9Ewhhl Zj!. Su ] ރ;tC/tF;uN>/u] ;toCހ;/t;tC;/u)u>.u NSVp)ujh V( uNE @9v N>/t9wSVp댍e[^_ls: out of memory directory reopen failed %s: U$WVSuVÃO= uHx(V%EEMMQS*} 0M܉҉U]ӋEU9ut4މuV3EE}0҉UfEfHfECEu8$ÃtEꐐuh%M IP%Euh hl W-V$Eu h BpVh hl WEMM u#Ãto;tj= uJxsȃ= u)Sֿtֿ tuE SE끐ul$}tBhj uu4uu}t0} w29}vh hl Vu%e[^_Warning: undefined file type %d UVSu] FP1Cƒ:t= u <^v?B:uf+SfS= t!HxrC ^!3Y*t@tC *C F w;$ TDL$T$L$h$<$DFPh* hl U.C @*C ="C #6(uC /C e[^%*d %sU(WVS1EEE @u4u]9s29vK9}π{ tE{ tE 9]w΃}tG}tG= t4EU؅~gfffEEu)U؅E|8GQEuEu ET0Й}EE9EEu9ujE؉Eu4vE= t%3uhshl TfCf@fEfC}tBK t yt 9  tl Ȉl hl Q1QfCshxhl S }tEK t yt 9  tl Ȉl hl QPfCu4vu9rh hl ;S[[9}< t y t 9 l l hl j hPC9|ċEEEu9uE؋E9Ete[^_UVSuVÃtY;t= uJxsʅt.CC@PhCP$1e[^UVSu u Ãt#= u"Hxr3$ufF@fF1e[^UEU rprestore interrupted, continueU= iu=tjhh^iuj%leafdir %s%10d %s UVSu = ؍Fxs?= t#e}u`Phjh P uVhmh P؍e[^%s: not on the tape ./%uUlWVSu}= %EE Hxr = Vhh [Pw= u'u h]S>Nރ u u V!Gu $ÃtS 'PV"  tWu V'à uS`KEe[^_UVSu = ؍FxsV#t`؍e[^Mark entries to be removed. %s: REMOVE UVS= th2h GO95ԗV#ÃtwVhSr^= tS%PhOh N{uS2aSP(S]s:$<C <[uF95ԗme[^corrupted symbol table name/inode conflict, mktempname %s [%s] %s: %s deleted hard link %s to directory %s [%s] %s: %s|LINK cannot KEEP and change modes[%s] %s: Extraneous name %s: (inode %d) not found on tape [%s] %s: inconsistent state [%s] %s: impossible state UWVSEEE Hx%Eu-#ǃt-Mw!ƃu h*e9tEu c!ƃtM^t9t0[uEuS9tO}uW_W<&2Ӄ= tW#PhBh LWh[1eMt#t F9EuMt G9EtM}M$|D4$ttT\TT\N}uWD^Wb% WZuu u}#à }u S\K= qS}u Fu4NFu*uVu"P[uV%N~uEVA"PuhsE Pu u"ÀK = SaPuuPh9}ubW<]WZ$E Pu u"Ã}u S[K= uSRaPuuPh}uOO= :WFthV_~u*V\V#uu u!VZ;F u VXv}<F 5<uu u!ƃN= V}`PuuPhfh Iy= tuuPhh IEIu uhuuaPhhl NIuuAPh!aEe[^_|NIL|ONTAPE|INOFND|NAMEFND|MODECHGUS] thhthhythhbthhK]Find unreferenced names. %s: remove unreferenced name unreferenced with flagsUWVS= thGh H9=ԗWNƃth~tbWxsI^tBf{u1= tSPhah GSYS![uG9=ԗw5<td^tT{uFf{thS\= tS.Phah &GSuYS [uv ue[^_Remove old nodes (directories). cannot remove, non-emptyUWVS= thh F1<<t*{ts C S XSGuمu<thS[[ ue[^_Continue extraction of new leaves Extract new leaves. %d: bad first %s: not found on tape expected next file %d, got %d unknown file on tape unexpected file on tapeUWVS= Ru= t@hh eE,= thh HE5 u"jmYƋ= VVYƃ95vKVbÃuVh]SPhhl DcV Yƃ95w95t"5Vhhl Dw>XVÃu h]CuhSYCt SVcSCP:c9= t5 u!== 9ԗe[^_Extract requested files UWVS= thh Cj0i=jWEԗHPXE uWEuWE9E69v(jV0 =8U9w5sWƃ= 95s9= u <95r<G9 t9= V95vKV6Ãu h*W[SPhhl BcVVƃ95w959uVÃu h*ZSTP8c9= ;e[^_Add links UWVS= th!h BDž9ԗvy1ƃtH^tACt3VPWY ~ujjSPWU c[u9ԗw[^_Check the symbol table. incomplete operationsUVS= th_"h A95ԗvFVZÃt+c{ucf{thx"S4V[uF95ԗwe[^Warning: missing name %s missing inumber %d type should be LEAFUWVSuVLÃuVh #hl G@1Su 9t1t9t@uuu h$#X{u}t h8#SVUe[^_Extract directories from tape /tmp/%srstdir%d-XXXXXXwrestore: %s - cannot create directory temporary fopen: %s %srstmode%drestore: %s - cannot create modefile /opendirfile: %s Root directory is not on tape US= th#h >5h#h$hB <= rt%= Rth$hB IhB whh hB Ȓà t h$SZuBSQhB h$hl ">5!C9PhK$hl >j  }5h#hV$hB ;= rt%= Rth$hB }hB 諄hh hB à t h$SZuBShB hb$hl V=5!w8PhK$hl ;=jT Džƅƅf$ffDž $t ff%f=@tt5]\hB k u5!7Ph$hl <=t5\hB SuUh$TI5R5>hbh,6P +KK U=t ff%f=@u5=u.Warning: `.' missing from directory %s ..Warning: `..' missing from directory %s %s%s: name exceeds %d char corrupted directory: %s. UWVS] SujSuEjSuEЉ huSQE0щ)Ph$Sb0щH@PP5$5Ãt)s'u5Ãuh'hl J: t's(u5HÃuh(hl : 5ƃ;Ƅ(S=v hCPWh0(hl 90RCPWau3W6pV5$55ƃiuPhL(hl 79[^_UVSuSzP/u@8/t1h$Plt 8tPV Ãu1 3ȉ؍[^UWVSu u[ tA@PP50Ѝx 5yÃt;u1C9uWVCP uƉ؍e[^_lsMangled directory: reclen not multiple of 4 reclen less than DIRSIZ (%d < %d) reclen name too big (%d > %d) UWVS= t;}} ]9Nf;tVS/VA 9r&19u ]=ЗtSh+D=\St;t=ЗuCCC%)CuS9C$9= th+h 6Ct= th+h 6SC$9s= t/PRh+h r6= th,h W6փ;S[^_US]fCf$ffC%D =~/t>u9t7t0W3t[utFu [u1[^_%s is not a directory UWVS}j/WÃtW9/u1~t Wh8:Ae[^_%s: pathname too long UVSu!)RS6jF9t K/vV9wSh:SA؍e[^no memory to extend symbol table bad name to addentry %s link to non-existant name duplicate entry UWVS}=t tt C t j$S}j$jnÃu h ;@E$CWƃuJ} uj9tWh,;[@WZ0ȈC[Sjj/W@P)E0ҋ}щMEȈCsFC^ Et.u ƃu hE;?E CFC^-} t%u zt h`;?Su ؍e[^_not marked REMOVEDfreeing referenced directoryfreeing non-empty directorylookupino failedlink not foundUVSuf~th<V;~u(~th<V;~th<V;~tmvÃuh=V{;9u(^S~t8vS*FCt9st[uuh*=V-;V6t F 5t e[^cannot move ROOTUWVSu} WÃuh>V:9^tV^CFsj/WC6SS0ȈF6V4P%u N fߍe[^_cannot find entry in parent listUMQ9JuABÐABRt9JtRuu h>Q9bad name no space for string table UWS]u h5?<0׍Gt "G$Pǃu h??<SW\;e[_UWS0}J] e[_Check pointing the restore wfopen: %s cannot create save file %s for symbol table fwrite: %s output error to file %s writing symbol table ULWVS= th @h "= h&@uQ;Eu+5!Ph(@hl "uh3@C;Ub 9=ԗv=WÃt%s FuC$Pj3X[uG9=ԗwÍuE9=ԗWÃt|j$VSOUC$‰UC@ F {t C@ F{t C@ F{t C@ F{ t C @ F ujj$V?X[uG9=ԗh19=v;<u E @ EujjEPWG9=wNjU UԗEԡEȋUUġtSE̡EСPEujjEPWUB @t+5!4Ph`@hl uhl@9up@e[^_Initialize symbol table. no memory for entry table .open: %s cannot open symbol table file %s stat: %s cannot stat symbol table file %s cannot allocate space for symbol table read: %s cannot read symbol table file %s Incremental tape too low Incremental tape too high initsymtable called from command %c UWVS= thBh t}uWԗUjReEu hC7jjhC€J6jjupsà }+5! PhChl uh)Ck7EPSR}+5!PhKChl uhUC/7uVj eǃu hwC 7VWS |jEPS }+5!sPhChl 7uhC6 Rt8rukU9tStr~ hChChl jKEtSE= u uu  PhD.6EԗE>)‰EX܉19~񐐃9t B9S$9scKD:AAyt AAyt AAyt AA9t $$9rt[^_-r/dev/ttycannot open %s: %s /dev/nullCannot allocate space for magtape buffer UWVS]PBC= t 5Pj U j:SHt9 j:S3C5 4 j޿FhFhF>4ue5!PhFhFhl hFhG4u*5!PhGhFhl gj JP$S֛CuhGhl +jDe[^_Cannot allocate space for tape buffer US]P9 }J= Ct5 C P CuhHhl j ]Verify tape and initialize maps %s: %s Tape is not a dump tape Converting to new file system format. .cannot stat .: %s bad block size %d Tape is not volume 1 of the dump header read failed at %d blocks no header after volume mark! Cannot find file removal list maxino = %d no memory for file removal list Cannot find file dump list no memory for file dump list U`S= th0Ih = tj5C5 1= t jj5Cm = }+5!P5ChQIhl wj J PCC= u= uhȓuT C G  hȓ_uhYIhl j hrIhl = tEl= tk(CCC1ɐ HuI)ˉ,C= u = tuH ГtS̓EPhIk}%5!hPhIhl ,jE}t}@wEࣤ H t5 hIhl j=ԓthIhl j hȓ u.= t5GhIh  hJ/hȓ!=ȓth"Jhl Xjq h @ԗ= tPhAJh ' ԗPj\@Gu hNJ.@GhShbh\b4=ȓthoJhl j ԗPj \@Gu hJ.@Gxhbh\b]Changing volumes on pipe input? towards towards the first. with the last volume and work file(s) are on you should start Unless you know which volume yourYou have not read any tapes yet. %s%s%s%s%sYou have read volumes: %s%d, Specify next volume #: Volume numbers are positive numerics Mount tape volume %d Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes otherwise enter tape name (default: %s) none Cannot open %s tape is not dump tape Wrong volume (%d) Wrong dump date got: %s wanted: %sread %ld recs, tape starts with %ld sSkipping %d duplicate record%s. active file into volume 1 UWVS}uG = t%}t h^NU+=  G= t j= Rt= rt =tMDžDžDžC=Gu3hNhNhNhNhNh Ohl h+Ohl fAOfCOGt-WShDOhl fIOfKOG~hLOhl uhNOhl ahl '5hSF*@ u t jESL)hfOhl 9 u GhOhl hOhl 5ChOhl  hl ]5hSv)@ t j޿Ou ~% t*S5C'C0D= tj5C7, jj5CEd = u(5ChOhl    PA CPuC= t5GhIh U h Phl C  9 t"Rh#Phl  `9u9tStHPPh6Phl hPhOPhl   G G= t|5 h[Ph ]xu+| ~~V Oh|~_ H9|}Q +|x= t#P~PPWhPhl OxV Oy=u= uvhP&ju)xt ~V2 OhȓhȓZ= t jhG_[^_End-of-input encountered while extractingWarning: %s %s U= t!=u5hVhV$ Vԗ= t jhG^Cannot have multiple dumps on pipe input ioctl MTFSF: %s U= = uz= thnWhl j fE HE= t Pjb*ÍEPhm5 蘽 }5!PhWhl ~ Dump date: %sthe epoch Dumped from: %sLevel %d dump of %s on %s:%s Label: %s Uh̓KPhDXh =ГthГ(TXPh_Xh =t8hhh5|hoXhl hlhXhl %s: unknown file mode 0%o skipped socket %s unextracted directory %s extract file %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) %s: cannot create FIFO: %s extract special file %s %s: cannot create special file: %s %s: cannot create file: %s UVSu5 AEMbAA)‰UAEAA)‰Uځ`* 42@t\&t SVh+Yr= VhFYh  = t/Vƒt BVhYY!= tVhsYh [ 5V<DGHKh8bha=HKu$= !VhYh  jVhDG_SVL}5!PVhYTptppVSVs= tVhYh w = u|p(SV }5!qPVhYptppV?SVX= tVhsYh  = thhV8[‰%s%s; too long %d US]E HKHK=~&PShDG5hahl jShDG]unallocated block in symbolic link %s U5hbhl pjUS] S5@Guv@G]hole in map US] h}b@G]Umid-media short read error. partial block read: %d should be %d Tape read error while trying to set up tape trying to resynchronize restoring %s skipping over inode %d continuecontinuation failed: %s End-of-tape encountered UWVSC9C~hu  CRC619P~ C DC9P=Cu PC=P }E= tuU CRKÃuU CR5 à = uBC9P~+~'= thbh 4PC= t u}*~hP 9t[= t])]}B]=t= tRShbh څ} C hbhl t9t"thchchl ](5h6c5hDchl 3 = uh\cu j/P S5 CS= tjS4jމQR5 ^щ1u …t%5!Phechl j= th~ch ^= u. B CR1uz}tP RWhb 4hU CRhC  Chu5 CCG e[^_tape read error: %s is not a multiple of dump block sizeTape block size (%d) %s (%d) Tape block size is %d US19P~ C DC9PC= tP P5 CÃP P5 C5 à %5!Phghl jt$hh0gShUghl rj؅} PC= tPhsgh 7]U= |= t5 !Note: Doing Byte swapping 8l4s31lNote: Doing Quad swapping gethead: unknown inode type %d UWVS]= S^{ltDs=ld=Зu%= thhh CЗS%=З'ShhVhSOSS S S{SSf fS f"fS"$&(S(K,,SHTS0XS8\S@`hRdRDku Vu1=Cl{(u{,t{,w uG{(v>fS ff@u.=LKu.S(K,uthhLK=LKtS(K,ȉщ‰S(K,Jww$TkkklkkklkC S(K,19~B@9-xu \SC3hh=\St{${&= tS[^_oldnewVolume header (%s inode format) begins with record %dDump mask headerRemove mask headerFile header, ino %dFile continuation header, ino %dEnd of tape header; predicted %d blocks, got %d blocksUS];uhl=\StlPhlhl  |t|h8lhl  hLOhl ~ = Bwi$xmmmmmmhNl:h_l25 hrl5 hlhl  hlhl GH9BtP5Bhlhl hLOhl 1҃;t!19~tB@9BGBC ]unexpected tape header unknown tape header type %d resync restore, skipped %d blocks UWVSuV~lt VtF9uH$Toooolooo19~3t WC9V~t F9t` V FEԗ8\n,pn hn^ 5ȓhnK >= ~5 hnhl  [^_Checksum error %o, inode %d file %s UWVSu1=Зu>Ku6NǃKuIu !55WhHphl 1e[^_UE Puhl KUSM] AQKyȋ]UVS]u Nx#S BJJB Ny؍e[^US]M xht89]0|Xst# lt0Fwt=TPC=uRQDuRQT uC1Ҁ;u]lUURhq[EUWVS}j/WqtJƀ>tC>/u7WnÃujWE0WS*K/F>ue[^_mktempname: called with TMPNAMEUWVSuF thzrVhN VPSL6VwPg0ҋщȈFVPS[^_not on ino listRSTTMP%s%d%dUVSu1vt9tC@uuh@sVvShPshWshPKPKe[^warning: cannot rename %s to %s: %s rename %s to %s UVSu] = u0SV艷}"5!PSVhshl = tSVhsh ne[^newnode: not a nodewarning: %s: %s Make node %s UVSu~thYtVV Ã= u4hS葷}"N@5!PShmthl = tSh~th e[^removenode: not a noderemovenode: non-empty directoryRemove node %s US]{thuS{th'uSKcS#Ã= u-Sϵ} 5!1PShmthl = tShGuh ]removeleaf: not a leafRemove leaf %s US]{thuSKcSwÃ= u-S2} 5!PShmthl H= tShvh +]warning: cannot create symbolic link %s->%s: %s warning: cannot create hard link %s->%s: %s linkit: unknown type %d symbolichardCreate %s link %s->%s UWVSu} ]u,= usWV蜲}e5!~PVWhv/u;= uBWV }45!MPVWhvhl 1BShv10= t!VWwuwPhwh e[^_US]9ԗv#S t xt@u C9ԗwމ؋]US]vSҿt xt@uKw؋]bad entry: %s name: %s parent name %s sibling name: %s next entry name: %s next link name: %s next hashchain name: %s NODELEAFentry type: %s inode number: %ld flags: %s US]u hnxhl SuPh}xhl ms]Phxhl U,{tszTOPOCth?zhPOߦC thHzhPOǦCthQzhPO详CthZzhPO藦Cth_zhPOC@thezhPOgQO]%s is not on the tape UVSuVB1ۅttCxrVh+{hl 5؍e[^%s? [yn] UVSuVh{hl hl ΒJyR t:JyRs u t@ u uȀytnv1e[^abortdump coreUE Puhl X@ = u3hD|"u!hJ|ucj9UWS]0P´TStSPGTShD}j 趒=PS|1e[_rdump: Lost connection to remote host. Uh}hl jjӓtcpshellrdump: shell/tcp: unknown service rdump: who are you? rmtTCP_MAXSEG setsockoptUVS=( uch`}hd}D,( uhj}hl j2賮P `, uh}hl jj@5TSeÃt*5TSVuj͒CTS , 0jh}V, 0( @PhTSbPSP U~EE}~2]jShh5PS}E}jEPhh5PS辫EjEPjj5PS被(} h}Ae[^rdump: invalid user name %s UWVSu>tjÀuEڅ}tRPT D5%u_t-tWhNhl 1 F>ue[^_O%.226s %d UVSuu VhhSH*$ SV{[^C closeU=$ uhChFM$ R%d readU WVSu hsj]S)Shx ǃ}=!719},)PEP5PS*à X9|։e[^_W%d writeU WVSu Vhj]SK)0HPS5PS襯Vu5PS薯(he[^_U WSuhj]S(0HPS5PSGe[_Uu u5PS,UhL%d %d seekUPSu uhρjP]Sw(Shׁ]S statusUVS=$ t11h h }1CF?ve[^I%d %d ioctlUSE |'Puh^hS'ShfUWS] 0щHPS5PS E0J 9UtFuFe[_%s: %sProtocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). U WSj]SE<w6hSSuh W}Fu $ F}At70ЍD9v H8 uEPh fEP[_UjEP5PS t,EProtocol to remote tape server botched. (rmtgets got "%s"). UWVS}u ~< u C'CNhLWhGAe[^_Uuu uUsage: scsi -f device -d debug_level # To set debug level scsi -f device [-v] -z seconds # To freeze bus scsi -f device -m page [-P pc] # To read mode pages scsi -f device -p [-b bus] [-l lun] # To probe all devices scsi -f device -r [-b bus] [-t targ] [-l lun] # To reprobe a device scsi -f device [-v] [-s seconds] -c cmd_fmt [arg0 ... argn] # A command... -o count out_fmt [arg0 ... argn] # EITHER (data out) -i count in_fmt # OR (data in) "out_fmt" can be "-" to read output data from stdin; "in_fmt" can be "-" to write input data to stdout; If debugging is not compiled in the kernel, "-d" will have no effect UhЄ7jPceprvf:d:b:t:l:z:m:P:s:%s: unable to open device %s: %s UWVSU:U 1`|hSW  ;$p,dԊ`pHdt`0 hj50l}/5!P503hhl 5!9Bjj50}p| jj50U4 jj5098 jj50< jj50@ jj50H jj50L pxjj50D J>+=$ U:$ ËU ue[^_Expecting an integer argument. %s: %d UWVS]} C9h8hl >EjjSC4C =0 tt?t VWhXNe[^_Expecting a character pointer argument. cget: %s: %sUWVS]} C9h̋hl SC4C=0 tt VWhe[^_%s: %d %s Unknown format letter: '%c' UWVSu }E=0 tt8tPh]\ct$ bt_itztPuhcLGP觤WuSzuG|ؐ8 uH9}Shg Vhk=0 t%  x  h j e[^_get "%s". Uu hh1-o-iNeed either "-i" or "-o" for data phase; not "%s". -readWarning: only read %lu bytes out of %lu. writeWarning: wrote only %d bytes out of %d. U WVS} ]uE]uEP]Sh`Wjjjuk E9E EuF EpjSh‰ֿ1t FO)ȃuEM@ֿuEuRhhl  j]SAMA EjSEuJuF }UuuÃ}~!uSj腡E ~ )EÃ}}uhčr5!}}uGMq A +EPhɍhl Mu)N uPg)Sh`uuL )uVVuuVjhl 5!MAXuy\tujhl k }}EunMY}~"uSj=E ~ )EÃ}}}hq5!U}uZuv F +EPhhl e[^_UVSuNyV څ}tR T D5u#u*NyV]  tu념VSe[^/usr/share/misc/scsi_modesSCSI_MODESr%iExpected %c. Stupid program: Buffer overflow. U WVShYtP hd5P eƃu1/EEVEPhfV_U9UuEVN~}V<{u&{tj{hihl cjzNyV uj}hihl # {uG}uOt;}t1 t,}vhwhl j XzUTBUu}UƂT1}tTe[^_UVSE]SEPjy5\\jSjyt:5Xt h\kh\lt h\je[^tmpnam failedwUTh\uhj5!Yyhh\IXuh\j5!(y\hCan't edit format %c. edit table overflow UE itbtPhhl Tjx=T?vh5hl 4j x T}dTUE UitbtPhhl jJx ThTCan't report format %c. %s: %d UU Tdt:itbtRhhl bjwuuh5XBTfgetsExpected "%s" and read "%s" UTWVSu TEhd5XjP]S uhh5!-w0щMD щHPSVGE tSVhhl tjvjj0)ˉ]STЍe[^_EDITORvi%s %sUWVShƃu5X0ҿ\ЍDP訖h\VhSSSٗ hdh\Xuh\Yg5!ue[^_editdisplayNo mode data base entry in "%s" for page %d; binary %s only. Sorry: can't edit without a format. It only makes sense to edit page 0 (current) or page 3 (saved values) %02x%cUWVS]u ǃu3=0 t*ItDPu 5P hQhl luhhl Njt=H t=H thhl #jt0 u jhSu\sjhLWPV(u jhuWTjhWPVpTjh(WPVM8TjhWPVCPPSTƅ q?ƅ=H %PDPuFjGsu 5H hSu_tuk19}6Z u P2Ph ڋ9|  x  0h j "0 jhWPV[^_12 0 0 0 v 0For bus %d lun %d: %d: nothing. SCIOCADDR: %s scsireq_enter: %s s8 c8 c16 c4%s %s %s Ut6Ã>uSj/rwrorq%s: unknown mount typeUWVSsqÅsHt݋sJt(sMtsPusYushSqPo0{Ptƃu jjRsV.1Vut1e[^_%s: not currently mounted%s: not a directory or special device%s: unmount from %s Cannot MNT PRCBad MNT RPCUWVSuSVu VS&ލURV}8SjVǃ SjVǃ u~VhfdfUff`u RjV]ǃ uLVhf2f@u%RjW4ƃ u#Shf Vhj@VÃtSR@9j:VÃtVs: Dž3`=tWVh =;5W}Wh85jj]SEfEq Q2UR艓Dž|DžDžR|jhS#Ã0uh5oDžtDžxSxtjhYVh(jS҃ thʧSL2J RQҋSSR1h[^_getmntinfoUWVSjEPNǃuh191ۃ} u6uEPuu}t EUELM} u6uELPuu}t EUEF9y1e[^_UUu$Ð=%Ð9t8u=%empty type listUWVSut>uhj#>nu~ou 1>t ;,uGC;uP/Eu jj1tEUUj,V8ÃtCVUu VhSj|ރEGuUe[^_devfsunioncd9660afsprocfskernfsumapnullportalfdesclofslfsmsdosmfsufsnoneUVSu = t&3Vsu -  ;u1e[^US]tD=t;35t'j.3t 35輲u O[;tC35藲tj.3t35pt;u1]UhE Pu謯umount -a[fv] [-h host] [-t fstypelist]umount [-fv] [-t fstypelist] special | nodeusage: %s %s Uh>hfhhl jebUuu uunionrdonlysuidexecdevautorwrou:g:m:o:"%s" is a relative path.getcwd/using "%s" instead.stat %smsdosvfsload(msdos)mountUWVSu] DžDžDž Dž$jtjEP hSV`ƒ mta?gt1otku50EDž롐50iEDž 냐50ifEDž_j$Ph 50;.$ 9t$ $ t>/Vhh(S+u h8j0щ)Ph?S0щ)PVSVhA  EE$t EE tt u],PVau VhUju 8E u nu~ou EE] ;tqE}0ҍzWuV豫E u<t<=t;u;t(U{ tUE9Cu[ %C!= uVhj11u@}e[^_Uuu uorripgensextattupdateunionrdonlysuidexecdevautorwroego:rcd9660vfsload(cd9660)%sUtWVSu] \EEhSV t`gt# ?tLetEotrt28MƐM뾐EPEPhl 50`럐M떐덐+5$ $ Ãt3{uEMEEEh ÃuBh8#t1h#t hj8#"h ÃEPuWtC$Pt}Vh+jjYusage: mount_cd9660 [-egrt] [-o options] special node Uhhl jKY,-o %s: option not supportedU WVSu/,Eu jjLuhVƃ>nu~ou EE] ;tqE}0ҍzWuVAE u<t<=t;u;t(U{ tUE9Cu[ %C!=h uVhj:11uye[^_Uuu utcpsoftnqnfsresvportmywriterdiralooknqlookleaseintrdumbtimerconnbgupdateforceunionrdonlysuidexecdevautorwroa:bcdD:g:iKklL:Mm:o:PpqR:r:sTt:w:x:illegal -a value -- %sillegal -D value -- %sillegal -g value -- %sillegal -L value -- %sillegal -R value -- %sillegal -r value -- %sillegal -t value -- %sillegal -w value -- %sillegal -x value -- %snfsvfsload(nfs)%snqnfs 1/mount_nfs:nfssvc err %mU\WVS 'EE}ľ` uč}hu u 4h$X<H`,p|̼ؼ$0T8xj W50VËE 8u}50hjۻ^,N@ Nj W50ËE 8u50hj^4N]NPj W50ËE 8u50hj/S^(N N@Nj W50FËE 8u50h)jʺ^0N NNEPEPh 50 Et EtNEtNEtN@E tNE@tN}}NEtNEtNEtNEtFENNj W50"ËE 8u50h@j觹 j W50ËE 8u50hWjg^NHN?F0j W50芾ËE 8u50hnj^ Nj W50JËE 8u50hjϸ^Nj W50 ËE 8u50hj菸^$Npf$ )UE }t~U zVPuj1QhÃuEh?t4hthj?'hÃVuWtC$PktWhĺjF uLpotuhǺj϶juP7jjUj UjUhϺXnjjhѺ} EPSj}#=!QthܺjՐ͐jOno : or @ specbad net address %scan't get net id for hostNFS PortmapCannot MNT RPCbad MNT RPCnqnfs 2can't access %sUWVSEjZuh̦轸&j@uĹƒtZ'j:u誹ƒu h8r]JM}u5 1҅t&S4uHSheܶ1S6ƒuhx軶1tr hR2*s  = ofM yuRjhh.fEfu hhf 1M yujjURjhh:URWVjhhy Åu  hE ESuuhh@uh(jS҃ t& u>hSPhĺ[#J RQҋSSR  = ~y tY% k…tu hjjLfj\QjUQjNQhϺj j<[M= #=t2 t jbL!uh13fUfM AAA8̦e[^_UhE Pu謘UVSu] SV趔u1;uj CPV臖e[^ rhost:path node [-r readsize] [-t timeout] [-w writesize] [-x retrans] [-g maxgroups] [-L leaseterm] [-m realm] [-o options] [-R retrycnt][-bcdiKklMPqsT] [-a maxreadahead] [-D deadthresh]usage: mount_nfs %s %s %s %s Uhhhhh@hl :jJ,-o %s: option not supportedU WVSuEu jj謰uhVMƃ>nu~ou EE] ;tqE}0ҍzWuV衙E u<t<=t;u;t(U{ tUE9Cu[ %C!= uVhj蚰11u0ke[^_Uuu uz/sorry, arguments too long (%s) UWVSu0׍_vhس}uhóƃ h )PWQua}0щM\ ~ uƃ9%EE @Ee[^_Already connected to %s, use close first. tousage: %s host-name [port] %s: bad port number-- %s asciinon-printstreamfile8SYSTRemote system type is %s. 215 UNIX Type: L8binaryUsing %s mode to transfer files. 215 TOPS20Remember to set tenex mode when transfering binary files from this machine. UVS=t5 hg}hE PUR Ew5f@}~IE p舱f4E pph荱E 0h~APE pA$4$f8f(,4:>fBfDfHfJKO (fPfh=tE p.D5$=u $hR|FuXtTj hhÃuj hhÃt{.uKUhhhWtUjhrhdO ud=Lt` 0,$ff(*tZh$hI=Lt` 0t"j hhd u h45$e[^LtenexEebcdicimageIAusage: %s [ %s%s | ] %s: unknown mode TYPE %s %sTYPE %sUVSEu ~\6h谮 = t3Ph苮 ;uhqh$hL = t 3vRt;u;uvhS{ tC 8tPsh1C sh<Cu3h$ǬC,4e[^ftp: internal error: unknown type %d UVS]5$u94=u} u $ = t9Xt8u8uShu Cu=hthhph1 Cph<Bu45$e[^typeUl hh jUl 4hh jUl hh jWe only support %s mode, sorry. Uhh2We only support %s format, sorry. UhhWe only support %s structure, sorry. Uhh.誫local-fileremote-fileusage: %s local-file remote-file STOUSTORAPPEUWVS1}uEU BBG}hrE PMQ t}9h}E PMQ u E 0hE p@EE P(uU 9rt 9ruBBE 8at=tt:=tE p+U B=tE p-U B1ҋE 9puM9HtRE ppSFe[^_local-filesusage: %s local-files mputContinue with%s: not foundU4WVS}:hE PMQ u!E 0h~mE `0hj<h$ =Lju ǃ?u 0؃=0tWE 0%t=4;tA}tR蚝 T D5uC;uŀ;uVtB}tRFT D5t CFu=t S)Ã=t S+Ã19u =uPSW=tPD=0=h5h:h$t0`9}e==03E 40 $=tE 4( E =t S*1ҋE 9u =uRSE 4=tPC=0=h5h:U#t0Vj,jjh E 4u u%E 4hH聣2 >=06E 0"=t6o'=t S+)19u =uPS6=tP5B=0u;=t2h5h:"t0%2G9}j80[^_r+wUhju uwU= u = t7Pju uausage: %s remote-file [ local-file ] local: %sMDTM %s%*s %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%s RETRUWVS1}uEM QQG}h}U REP| t%}@hrU REP| u!U 2hmƣFU BRU R |u=4U Z;tA }tQ T T5uC;uĀ;ujU ZtF}tQ辗 T T5t CFuU Bt:=tU r1$U B=tU r%U B}RU rGƒ}u<}U rh OD$=u $U rh7$RRRRRRhhdn R9CQ)эI)Љƒ9Sdu S9|WS9u S 9|AS 9u S9|+S9u S9|S9u*9} fhdhŠ$L1ɋU 9Bu 9BtQuU rrh=H  1p[^_ UShRh 2=0tJ=tA5`h:tjh0jhremote-filesusage: %s remote-files mgetU WVS}:h4E PMQ u!E 0hAvE `0hj2h 5Lu 8u 0Ѓ=0tE 0t=4wOڅ}tRt T D5t/څ}t R"{T 4؈Fu=t Vƃ=t V!ƃ19u =uPh7VhE=0=hYh:kt0_j10[^_/tmp/ftpXXXXXXNLSTarcan't find list of remote files, oops UWVS]=0uC=uXg=t W5t t ==u7=XuXXX^XO=t UU}辦fR8$U$=} t=L%PV7;t#ujP3VhC;u} t=L%PEVU$=h]S՛t S =t uh蔛1L5t hhX+ u5t 詢t ɐj hXtXe[^_onoffU}tConnected to %s. Not connected. Connected for proxy commands to %s. No proxy connection. Mode: %s; Type: %s; Form: %s; Structure: %s Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompting: %s; Globbing: %s Store unique: %s; Receive unique: %s Case: %s; CR stripping: %s Ntrans: (in) %s (out) %s Ntrans: off Nmap: (in) %s (out) %s Nmap: off Hash mark printing: %s; Use of PORT cmds: %s Macros: %s UVS=t5 hzhj=LuAjS=t5 h;h8*jShhh$hhN5P5P5P5$Ph{輘,5DzP5nPh蔘5UP54IPho =thhhO h >=th,hh h05P5Ph;=~8hiЗ1ۃ9~!PVhr豗C9e[^Bell mode %s. U=%P/PhXPacket tracing %s. U=H%HPPhHHash mark printing %s (%d bytes/hash mark). U=%PPh 謖 thh"茖h8Verbose mode %s. U=$%$PPh@$Use of PORT cmds %s. U=%PPhInteractive mode %s. U=%PPh(訕Globbing %s. U=%P;Phtd%s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (debug=%d). US] }~+s}+sh]=%t  %PPPh觔=ƒ]remote-directoryusage: %s remote-directory CWD %sCWD command not recognized, trying XCWD XCWD %sU}7hE PUR uE 0hÐE ph)u2=u&=$t h豓E ph)usage: %s local-directory Local directory now %s getwd: %sUSU]  B Ct3ht-zCP_u ]s$F}sh褏5S?t Sh辒 Shusage: %s remote-file DELE %sU}7h}E PURY uE 0hqOÐE phT(mdeleteUS}7h4E PUR uE 0hAE `0hj`%Eh ju ~Ã;u 0؃=0tSE 08tSh'=0u=thh: t0fuj$0]from-nameto-name%s from-name to-name RNFR %sRNTO %sU}hE PUR t}4hE PURz uE 0h'pËE ph=x&uE phE`&-usage: %s remote-directory local-file LISToutput to local-file:UWVSE] @C@C~3h躏E8nuEstVSUR tst/C8|t'u tsh ojh7ssu6e[^_usage: %s remote-files local-file UWVS}h4E PUR t}:hrE PUR u!E 0h蒎?UE \]D޿t);|t$EP tuh tE ExluE`0hj!Eh =0EH9}xuEwEajEPE 4uua5=0u;=t2=E 0h:9 t0=C=0uuj 0e[^_SHELL/bin/shsh-c%sTry again laterU8WVSjj Ejj @ÃS&C~jjd jj[ hAẼuEj/uNAÃu]̍U؉UffECSR1޿1t FO)ȃtE+=tuh4h  }~j5huu,juu, uh裈j ~uԐV69uujUWjMuhhR e[^_usernameusage: %s username [password] [account] USER %sPassword: PASS %sAccount: ACCT %sLogin failed. UPWVS1ۃ}hE PuV EvE 0hȊE ph }hU BEE ph uc}EhXh h jO]S0DE X EE p h1 thh qu}uE p he[^_PWDPWD command not recognized, trying XPWD XPWDUS$$hFu =uhJ\hsv$]directory-nameusage: %s directory-name MKD %sMKD command not recognized, trying XMKD XMKD %sU}7hE PUR uE 0h賈ÐE phu2=u&=$t hmE ph"~RMD %sRMD command not recognized, trying XRMD XRMD %sU}7hE PUR uE 0hÐE phu2=u&=$t h詇E phcommand line to sendusage: %s line-to-send U}7h|E PUR= uE 0h3Ðu uhQxarguments to SITE commandSITE U}7hE PUR uE 0h迆Ðu uhUWVSuP蓅} 0щKEpP]0щ\ 9u ~aU C2P0щ\ F9u P j9t[^_modefile-nameusage: %s mode file-name SITE CHMOD %s %sU}hE PUR) t}4hE PUR uE 0hËE pphSITE UMASKSITE UMASK %sUSE $$p<}u1P$]SITE IDLESITE IDLE %sUSE $$p}uPd$]HELPHELP %sUSE $$p}uP$]U=t jj3j=>=t jjjQUITU=tRhd=t 5跊 =Lu %s %s? U=u Ðu uhh h hP蠃u11ntN%Uuhj~U,VSu=tRj,j]S߯Sjh 6(u}u6hHSu1E0S^e[^Account:UBC:u0pσ|t T9TtBC9TuCA9=\t \e[^_Store unique %s. U=%PPhyReceive unique %s. U=D%DPPhxDCDUPCDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP XCUPUhHu,=u =$t hM`xhwwrestart: offset not specified execute get, put or append to initiate transferrestarting at %qd. %s UVSU }thw2rDÉډ hQRhwe[^UhR Limit of 16 macros have already been defined macro nameUsage: %s macro_name Enter macro line by line, terminating it with a null line macdef:end of file encountered Macro not defined - 4k buffer exceeded UVS=u h}.hE PMQt uE 0hjv=t hQvjE pPPt =u5\Jh*K\H`@\\thP  yh z  i< u"9\ [{PCu  yh z  tuЃt2  yh iz t믐  uh5te[^Passive mode %s. U=(%(PkPhBt(Data port range restrictions %s. U=%PPhbtjPSh\-n dS:ƃu)5!NPSh lFv F0h0jP6h\m \jjP!Lǃ }h k-fU fjhW#L Fx!5&K!Ph EkFv F0h/5JPh h V(WjjPVKǃYh j^h #EEPhWbl }h jEjEPjjW} h hjh Wqh Wq=tuh j-=$t5 h" Omj~==t5it=t5RtCEjEPhhW}=t h4 i  W1e[^_Name (%s:%s): Name (%s): USER %sPassword:PASS %sAccount:ACCT %sLogin failed.init$initU`WVSEEEEEPEPEPu?}1}]ƅuPt0tVuh`k uhokh jOSGl0D }uu]}{uh{~uI}uhEuhSuEhZEPh0 thJh1}u}tuh=Lt3`ff-8h@5!F219~%P߹t@9e[^_ UhKjh  = tjh7---> PASS PASS XXXXNo control connection for command QUITUWVS =tYhiu }jWhuhiVWh 4 hwih =uhf1hjÍu }VW5өh*5P5d -%Pxƃ= t tjӃSjZe[^_%c%c%c421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection %s:UWVSEE1EhjEE1EdJy Rcm Jy R/m|~ +Jy RlSh&Jy RlShhh`5N5FuB}P0=$thggh z =$=$~w}5uq~l=t&tu=$u5 hf  y 9,  t ؈ h SuK<؅}%u5 1tDCУu=u~6u1؅}%u5 1tu# t)t؋MAM Mu-u}t E}u]}cR؋MAMB=$=$~M}5uG  y 9,  t ؈ h S%Jh x}t;M9 t0 Mujb1bM}1t duj4=t }uS.= t}t }tjMыEЍe[^_UE EEEPjjuj  send aborted waiting for remote to finish abort U0 hch Ajhɝlocal: %s remote: %s -%slocal: %s%s: not a plain file. STORAPPEREST %ldr+w%s %snetoutsentUWVSDžDžxDžt=$t8}t2} tM 9-tQh\b}tuhgb=Ltuu u!w 49,tj5,5DžDžDž|Džp h\tq=dtj=du= |5  tj||j h$ju s1t VO)ʃuDž M 9|u`jj C|h ] CS>u%Shu2^j |j BDžh u _au*u hx]jDžPURQR"|fUfft/u hh qHjTg돐t;j.|t|j h>#= u =  utu4uj5 kl 8|3.|)j R RQRll}'u hxN\  5 ht  |  Džp}tuuh8 uhu#tKj|t|j qs`p hjR\jj |41!hhhQR ƃ xhVSQRǃ ~)݃=tC  y 9,  # h j#Btt9x}h ;=x~zx9  y 9,  # h j#0B  x   h j Bh [}u hxYIy Qb 2 =tgt9x|Y  y 9,  # h j#PAh t=uA @IyQ9Q j @xIyQ9Q+ t$ dʋdV@x=t{t9x}8  y 9,  # h j#D@  x   h j @h oA @tu hxWA @t =! t hmWDžxjSXtуajj|t|j xSjRRXj|t|j =d= |5  t`jAttуx~RRxhX[^_ receive aborted waiting for remote to finish abort U0 h"Xh ajhdRETR./mallocnetin%s: short writeWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode File may not have transferred correctly. receivedUWVSEDžpDžlDžhu<#҉xtA=$t8}t2} t} ?-tWh\W}tuhgW=Ltxtuu uy EEDž|Džt=ux҉thd0tM=dtj=du= |5  }h#jEu s1t VO)ʃ#} ?|jW@j/WM Ã=!t=! tWhx/Stj9] tA#t U C#Rƃt/}u hxR=DuD=! u2hu }u hxRuj=Dt:=! u1u :E u]=Dtu E t@xu=4t%jj49,tj5,y tuj,hdCxt.= u = t5 h$}tuuh tuhu㐐h  Eu su E z} ?|u uhE#dPUjURQ4 = u = tDj RQ}WRw} u hxO}W81!55}WRà S5}WRƃ 9uul=tA  y 9,  # h j#7hh9l}h K=l~zl9  y 9,  # h j#7  x   h j 6h /} =! t hL#QNDžl9u hR#N= u = jju |V5 ~4}OyW~V }t uCC9|jjul })u hxM}u}}OyWV }5 ph9l|Y  y 9,  # h j#X5h h=ul}OyWaU } u tt>}G @u{OyW9W} uj 4tC {}Oy W9W t}ڈuS4lptphb#COh#9O =tyh9l}6  y 9,  # h j# 4  x   h j 3h 7}G @t =! t hL#TKDžl}G @tu hx1K}t u}׃uj|t|j j]ShLuhUjlxSURlh#wjURL|t uj gjj[=duu8= |5 ? }t}t u}׃}t uTl~URURlh#uj\[^_ftp: socketftp: setsockopt (ignored)PASVPassive mode refused. %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dPassive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen! ftp: connectftp: setsockopt TOS (ignored)bindftp: all data ports in usesetsockopt (reuse address)setsockopt (ignored)listenPORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dU VS1E=(^jjj(‰ }h/t'jEPjhRH} h/h-/th2/PKEPEPEPEPEPEPhI/hi th[/K^EU ЋU EࣰfEff Efjh5 ( }h/EjEPjj5 Lh/= t5 jjj^'‰ }h Fn ==tv1f f fcf=v f @f fjh5  }=!0C~~gh/fjhR };vjEPjhR} h/Ujh5 뺐t,jEPjh5 } h/EEEPh5 4G } h j5 } h 0VE=trPPPPPPh0xu =u%xt EjEPjj5 } h D16h/D5  t e[^acceptUVSuE=(u}EPEP5 à }%hp4D5  1J5  EjEPjjS} h CV5 4Ke[^%ld bytes %s in %.2f seconds (%.2f Meg/s) %ld bytes %s in %.2f seconds (%.2f Kbytes/s) .AI0A@U VSu] =$uuEP|5}E]ES$E@t 5Eu 5$$VSh#55$$VShN5Ee[^USME U+@+BAy A@B]U U WVS] ht6jEt(=L$EL&=L_E$LE= t/h5 ^SC0D FE  EEEE   EEE E $E$(E(,,E,,40E04d4E4d8E8D<E<D4@E@4DEDjhHSA0щMƄGEHPhAjhYSfA0щMƄX EYPhAlElhhpSA0щMƄoEpPhTAhh,pS@0щMƄo(EpPh,Auj= t jEЍe[^_UhAh 10 jh{STOUproxy server does not support third party transfers. No primary connection PORT %slocal: %s remote: %s abortU,WVSEu<#t E<#Eԙ=DtEԈ:,u=0t=`t94t jSh-/th:t@1j=u!h:O@j94t jS贒hh::uFhyhH:jEuuhtujhj1~jjEu uhuK j"jjujj uu h:M? jj u<#1t FO)ȃt=Luj"u<#u=Lt jL=duH}uLu uh Ij=d2j0#j!=L%P=duJ}u;u uhk t#j=dj=dt j=L%Pd=dtpj ]S!{@ Dj So'} h:`:=t ejj=Lt jj=t uje[^_resetU Sj EPbz@ DjEPÃ}h>9tjY]runique: can't find unique file name. UWVS}j/W,E1tj9t A#t C#PUƃUt/}'Whx81h_?<1WhU;0Hƀ.UuSE}dtC9u0jhU7ƃU|0u{.uC1볐CK뫐e[^_%cABOR U VSuhhhh`S jjS@P"$t h:7hh@5"5ij Sx@ tF j SG'} h:87=t =t<FthSFP  ju=(u jj[^tcpftppftpdginptvUusage: ftp [-dginptv] [host [port]] U$WVS#C1h0Bh4Bgu-jjPf%B (j/U 2uU @ƿ8B1t FO)ȃu (h=Bu uR  !$pCTDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDdDCdDdD DdDDdDdDdDdD,DdD5CdDdDdD sorry, input line too long ?Ambiguous command ?Invalid command Not connected. UW}u*  x  h j =thF4h #h hh<5 u jj萰0Ѓ1 uƀP=uIhF/4  yh z9  uk=5@ǃu hF"uhF t=uh G3h@5G Ѓ=t;t5  y  9,   h j\ KlhEjhEj }UWVSE1E  tCU :tCBA8t:u +E9E}E] 9EuF u E e[^_US@88,t ꐐ]!$UVS1ۋ85:!t:$uI,tt+9,8I:!I,< t  < uB吡,tt,,< tR tL< tH<"t<\uB Bt*BAǐt<"uB뷐BA吅tA 8t2,tt ,,1e[^Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: %s ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s %-*s %s U WVS}OEhEK20   9s;0I9M}M9rE$EP}EuEE JЙ}EE9EEE9EJEUE ;=Lt{ t3hsK]/o;tj;01tW0Ґ  y  9,   h j U%UF;щH9rUڡ  9rhvK.n;0щO9}~BGǃ  y  9,   ΐh j 뼐EEEE9EEE9ESE E 0V%Ãu VhxK uVhK .s3j hK-Oe[^_macdefmachineaccountpasswdpasswordlogindefaultHOME.%s/.netrcr%sanonymousError: .netrc file is readable by others.Remove password or make file unreadable by others.Remove account or make file unreadable by others.Missing macdef name argument. Limit of 16 macros have already been defined Macro definition missing null line terminator. 4K macro buffer exceeded Unknown .netrc keyword %sUhWVSDžheNYujNPhlNShvNS,u=!)ShxN(hS!}ƅj.Se+u Dž{N#t t琐Dž uhuh5 j.5 *ƃtDVru1+ Ph5  u+ tZj.ux*ƃV+]ShuU  tx tLN5tM 9u#0P~M hM 1FeM 9t1|N t*P@P| ?M90PMaP@Pv| ?NM90PxMhP( p=L Jy R.t t׃ t҃t u hO=ڈPQ1Jy R-څ}tRT D5u ؈FG~C t0Jy R7- uӃ=u)\>N `{H`@\4\tMJy R,tt u ~wFuhOIhhO5$mhN"$hN:5-1@h4OhbO&hN#hN#5-[^_US@ `%Jy R+AvЃ t˃,tƃ"ucJy RW+"\u!JyR!+ ȈC뢐ȈCJyR* t>\u_FPh6qt t9\CzЋM ytA9xsRh@qj M 9y}5y0>&t>\u%\CM8%> uhZqjCF>n+EEE+E=euEhh hqjUe[^_more than one number or 'g' in substitute flagsno wfile specifiedbad flag in substitute command: '%c'UWVS} GGG 1ۍ}tIE=}tRT D5tE@E8t}Et>\uhujPVkƃu huPNVJƃu?hvp}tRT D5tF>t}0JH9thDvj+1ah6 ǸJHyt:AC9u] ;[^_UWVSDžh 1htA|?}tRT D5tC;t}1Ҁ;t!;\u{t C; uFC;u߉+Džt5)=>ѥ GP [^_unterminated regular expressionexpected context addressUVS]u <9<0}H<$t8t@; t8}tR T D5C;utu hyj5 )@PVPA Pe[^undefined label '%s'UVS]u 9C$z{{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{i{{i{{i{i{i{i{i{i{\{xQ{ u CBs Cus hczj/ s 茷3s9e[^duplicate label '%s'UWVS1}O 4Au}t89su*Cp }w uw hz{jx ujË}s}{C }e[^_UWVS}1t4Aut,9suCp WWu C Cu1e[^_unused label '%s'UWVSEt.3{ uCp h|j SuԃE}~e[^_ae:f:nusage: sed script [-an] [file ...] sed [-an] [-e script] ... [-f script_file] ... [file ...] stdout: %sUWVS}] 1h }SW </$}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t50j 50j^h'}hl j6$ Ã=uu;t3j;tt3;u j j5|h  t5!hPh}jj蕑r%s: %s"%s" ..."UVSu] rl֐=u1Pt t]hp u#5!Pphj'@p Kphjh)v ffp@ 5SVƒ t.=u>#u~nu 5- x=u8#uxnu 򐐐K~ȋ t< t(> 9H@  BB떐e[^stdinUVSu==8u pہBphPu!5!P5phjJyR u ujjVjjPhL@)ǺWjjVuU{U9jWVhL|p+xWjjVu?Kuً+8jP58hL~MApVhLp+xjWVhLQ,}88LLuXLMAxth 5<j58 MAx=@x uGhh pf'MQB u$5!PMAphj5<58MAp ן 9<t!5!PMAphj;e[^_rstdout: %sU WVS19=`1|2ttqh t2jt2XhJt2rÃt>Sh jth PjKΐSN G9=`k  @t!!uPPhLj9h`[^_COLUMNS\ \ \abfnrtv%03oUWVSu=h uYh^tPDh 8EPhht@j uf}t}=h h <1ۀ>Y9h hf1ۃ>}tRT D6tK>\tF  y 9,  t Ȉ h QC  y  9,  \ h j\`PhitL-ir  y 9,  t Ȉ h QPh{F>  y  9,  $ h j$  x  h j   @t!!uP PhLje[^_first RE may not be emptyRE error: %sUWVSU]u=luhjKlt } | uKB1JZ MQR1҃}uBRu 5ldƒtt 15lRXPhje[^_U WVS}M7wuD&u1\u3}%u5 1t A}[\u 9\t9&uAG9Gr*GGPw M[G wuMuFuG<u ||u| trt+4G)H9Gr2GЉGPw UMG wuMURu 4PuUMWUUW MAG9Gr!GGPw nG wuue[^_UVS]uSB9CsCPs &C }uCVu CP貥SSe[^%s: %sUVS]u 9CӅ}tRfT D5uMAMFuMt FMe[^_UE^u@1119ujh M 4Zà uhhl ^u${t4G1{ ~M DP1{ ~M DPCEs Cd jh` Id Cjh` iIshh{F9uJ9}%e[^_Ud jh` IUuhh3Uuhh$UuhhUuhh4Usage: send %s "value" must be from 0 to 255 Valid options are: "%s" '%s': ambiguous argument ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': bad value ('send %s ?' for help). UWVS}1hWgWEuhʛWRWu hZhPhŢF = tF;0щσ7A~hڢ 3hݢ;uhjh WWSKXtu Whhl at- ZtBA< v9tu Whhl Evu WhGhl %= tjVEи h1e[^_%-15s %s US = t"{ts3h ;u1]U&setsockopt (SO_DEBUG)U=4~)54 jh54茉} hX\Will send carriage returns as telnet . Will send carriage returns as telnet . U=&thhܥAlready operating in binary mode with remote host. Negotiating binary mode with remote host. Already in network ascii mode with remote host. Negotiating network ascii mode with remote host. UE |&6\$ < u &u &=&%u.\$ < uh5?hij*\ uhhŦrjAlready receiving in binary mode. Negotiating binary mode on input. Already receiving in network ascii mode. Negotiating network ascii mode on input. UE u\Ѓu,\th@hϧ~jˁ*\uhahRjˁAlready transmitting in binary mode. Negotiating binary mode on output. Already transmitting in network ascii mode. Negotiating network ascii mode on output. UE u \Ѓu)\t h̨f=hZj觀*\uh=hC.j觀print hexadecimal representation of terminal traffic(debugging) toggle printing of hexadecimal terminal datatermdatashow option processingviewing of options processing (debugging)optionsprint user readable output for "netdata"output of "netdata" to user readable format (debugging)prettydumpprint hexadecimal representation of network trafficprinting of hexadecimal network data (debugging)netdataturn on socket level debuggingdebuggingdebug recognize certain control characterslocal recognition of certain control characterslocalcharsmap carriage return on outputmapping of received carriage returnscrmodsending carriage returns as telnet crlfsending of binary dataoutbinaryreceiving of binary datainbinarysending and receiving of binary databinaryskip reading of ~/.telnetrc filedon't read ~/.telnetrc fileskiprcsend interrupt characters in urgent modeautomatic sending of interrupt characters in urgent modeautosynchflush output when sending interrupt charactersflushing of output when sending interrupt charactersautoflush%-15s toggle %s display help informationUS = t7{t'C8tP3h! h;uhqh2hʛh]1]enabledisable%-15s %s %s UVSu = tG{t7C8t"PtP3hɮh;ue[^Need an argument to 'toggle' command. 'toggle ?' for help. '%s': ambiguous argument ('toggle ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('toggle ?' for help). WillWon't%s %s. UWVS}E8h<hl 譳1VhyVhhl 茳1E M 1M jh VKS$Lut{ t9S : {t#sC ޯ8tٯRh] {t jC!EOyEe[^_alternate AYT characterforw2alternate end of line characterforw1character to use for XOFFstopcharacter to use for XONstartcharacter to use to erase a wordworderasecharacter to use for line reprintreprintcharacter to cause a Suspend Processcharacter to use for literal nextlnextcharacter to use to erase a linekillcharacter to use to erase a charactereraseThe following are for local editing in linemodecharacter to cause an EOF character to cause an Abort processquitcharacter to cause an Interrupt Processcharacter to cause an Abort OutputflushoutputThe following need 'localchars' to be toggled truefile to write trace information totracefilerlogin escape characterrlogincharacter to escape back to telnet command modecharacter to toggle local echoing on/offechoUjh8 u*HTelnet rlogin escape character is '%s'. Telnet escape character is '%s'. UE= t5t8t Pb %PuPhrÅt8t P-%PAPh9>Format is 'set Name Value' 'set ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('set ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('set ?' for help). onFormat is 'set togglename [on|off]' 'set ?' for help. %s set to "%s". %s character is '%s'. UWVSuFhʛU rEuhU rDtX8 =8 ts3h ;uhjh2hʛh1U rÃjh U rEà uU rhSE{ t{t\U zu C +U zt h_XC {t#sC ޯ8tٯQh {jCЃthԴ1SEtU rh.hl 21z{tU rCs 3hIU ztr C C PP3hUYe[^_Need an argument to 'unset' command. 'unset ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('unset ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('unset ?' for help). %s reset to "%s". UWVS}hhl 1hʛM qAuhM qAtv8 =8 ts3h ;uhjh2hʛh1VhOVh}hl @1E M 1M VSÃunjh VyBà tSBu{ t2C {t#sC ޯ8tٯRh {t[jCЃOSjB?{tjCs 3hC C PP3hO e[^_Uh jj"?jj}>jjt>U=h t jj[>jj">jjF>U=h t jj= jj"+?jj=?Need to have LINEMODE option enabled first. 'mode ?' for help. UE~uhhJ1Ð} t&ˆU "&EjjEPDNUjuUjuPrint help informationkludgelineDisable literal character echo-litecho+litechoEnable literal character echolitecho-softtabs+softtabsEnable tab expansionsofttabsDisable character editing-edit+editEnable character editingeditDisable signal trapping-isig+isigEnable signal trappingisigThese require the LINEMODE option to be enabled(or enable obsolete line-by-line mode)Enable LINEMODE optionline(or disable obsolete line-by-line mode)Disable LINEMODE optioncharacterformat is: 'mode Mode', where 'Mode' is one of: USh˽ = t6{t'C8tP3hս hƽ;u1]'mode' command requires an argument Unknown mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). Ambiguous mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). UVSu }t h\_jh v==à u vhSz=tvhhl 葤;{ t"= uhühJ蹼{t sC1e[^won't %s. %-15s [%s] %-15s "%s" ?Ambiguous argument '%s'. ?Unknown argument '%s'. UWVS} = tD{ t3{t-C 8thhush{;uhѻ8 =8 [t?8 t8~u!F PP6h蔻v Ph~ >u EU9U} 75jh 7a;V;u S;t 7huu7h1t9{ t3{t-C 8thhuκsh{辺tD>t?8 t8~u!F PP6h茺v Phv EU9Ure[^_Deprecated usage - please use 'set escape%s%s' in the future. new escape character: Escape character is '%s'. U4VS]u o~FPo~Ph覹 ~F h莹h j2]S.؃8t= uPNPhK h Ke[^Deprecated usage - please use 'toggle crmod' in the future. %s map carriage return on output. U=&ƒ&h许ޯ=&tٯPh萸h KUShEPEP/jjLEPEP.t"= tuE9EuE9Ete*jeh]Fork failed SHELL/bin/sh-cExeclUSHhEPEPw.%Elt th >hÃu j/Slu@}~jhh(PSX jPSW h+=jPjEPEP- t$= t}uE9EuE9Et}d]Connection closed. fromquitUWVu = t>j54eh5蔶54- x @}uvI tjhD [e^_byeUjhIhhTkj`Ujj2#Verify remote special character definitionscheckUse remote special character definitionsimportUse local special character definitionsexportUS = t7{t'C8tP3h5 h&;uˋ]Ujh u*5Need an argument to 'slc' command. 'slc ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('slc ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('slc ?' for help). UVSu }thhl Sv0Ãu vhG-S4us CjFvhshl 誛1e[^List the current environment variableslistSend an environment variablesendDon't mark an environment variable for automatic exportunexportMark an environment variable for automatic exportUndefine an environment variableundefineDefine an environment variabledefineUS = t7{t'C8tP3h豲 h袲;uˋ]Ujh u2Need an argument to 'environ' command. 'environ ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('environ ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('environ ?' for help). only Need %s%d argument%s to 'environ %s' command. 'environ ?' for help. UWVS}u hhl 1vÃu vhS1tvhhl ٘1YC 9t>3p{ uoPs Go9C }5Rh;hl 蒘1v vCиe[^_UVSu tVsoUuu1e[^DISPLAYunix:%s%sUSERLOGNAMEPRINTERUWVS!;t8j=3ǃtGP3 F=;uhGƃF 8:tjhPQ uvj:v hSE0ҋЍDPeShW-$v Bf~ hu-hƃtv h/h) hh[^_UVSuV:Ãt%{t se{ t8s e+jIdá  C ;tXV$JCCVCu C ؍e[^USuÃtP&Ph#h <e^_statusUjhhh;?Already connected to %s open (to) -l-ausage: %s [-l user] [-a] host-name [port] Bad source route option: %s tcp%s: bad port number telnettelnet: tcp/telnet: unknown service Trying %s... telnet: socketsetsockopt (IP_OPTIONS)telnet: setsockopt (IP_TOS) (ignored)telnet: connect to address %s: telnet: Unable to connect to remote hostConnection closed by foreign host. UDWVSU] EEEEEEjEPUeUȃ= t5\ h'StAfEfhGקh 0ҿщMĸ)PщPFEJh3UC&Uȅhʛ3U&&Uȅup3MuJtUEE3PuJ, x}u E}uEЃJRuhS迦}tEԀ8@t 8!j:uO[\ uj@u9[\ \ EEPEPu ‰U uud}uuh~-~UEu褘‰UtOUEjjEPE t h0huhn \ euhEuuE@EEp @0EPfhE0h\ }tuEЀ8-u@Eh hufEfu2huE܃t f@fE~uh;fEfEa}uQhhE܃u-hhl ZMUP'S1hEf@fEhuPhd jjjm4TPR=4|}t)uujj54R} h*= }  = t3jh jj54R}=!*t h6*=4 t(jjh54V} hX*jEP54р }tpE@xtd!uEPh;hl !j)E@U@EċEp E0Rud 54h[f)1 = q5\ u =, tS}uSh7ẼtPÃt*1S9Ct 'SPÃEt]̃}tuhEh' jhhh~h  u uiJ54jh[oe[^_skeyenvironzslctoggleunsetsetopenmodedisplaylogoutcloseUS]ME ptApBupPBPӋlUS]jh Sx! u jhh Sd!]%s> %s ?Ambiguous command ?Invalid command UWVSu }oQ}u-  x  -h j jj[4jjR4= u5@ h蓠tT~FB< tO1t/J: u)t!= uehh>Q= t5@ hh hh踠 u `=tzF=tl5bS> th uh{ t= uh苟h5CЃ}u= ujhD ^jOe[^_Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: %-*s %s ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s UWVS}h谞 = tp{ts3jh腞;uIE U 2VSt VhuVh*sh7O1e[^_HOME/.telnetrcrDEFAULT?Ambiguous command: %s ?Invalid command: %s ?Need to be connected first for %s. ULWVS1}0щHE} 0щHE=0 u]S肜]= ufh‰ t*0щȃ wRh$7 $hh$zB $h5 ǃWhhx ==#tυtD}tRe T D5ƒu1}tR! 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All rights reserved. @(#)cat.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 7/19/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)chmod.c 8.8 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)chroot.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/9/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)cp.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@t (@(#)utils.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1985, 1987, 1988, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)date.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93@(#)netdate.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93>>>>>>>>>>>>>>}>u>m>e>\>V>M>H>@>5>0>@(#)args.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94CGCGC4ICGCH@@CHC0HC@HC\H ClH@@CHH ~ HH  H ր HHHH { H | H } HHHHH@(#)conv.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#)conv_tab.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93    [.<(+!&]$*);^-/|,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr~stuvwxyz{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ01234567897-./% <=2&?'@O{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|JZ_myjС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx    .<(+|&!$*);~-/,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr^stuvwxyz[]{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ01234567897-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|ཚmyO_ !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwxjJ7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx@(#) Copyright (c) 1991, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)dd.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#)misc.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#)position.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1990, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)df.c 8.7 (Berkeley) 4/2/94o_i_:@e_a_]_Y_ S_M_F_?_8_4_ *_@%_@ _@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)echo.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93k z s@ tz,Y[HP00@(#)yaccpar 1.9 (Berkeley) 02/21/93B[aim3O (                      !"   (:%&)*+%-/*+-/:<=>:%&)*+-)/%&)*+-/<=>%&*)<=>/%&)*+-:/&|)+-<=>&)<=>&)+-|<=>&|)&|)<=>&)&)<=>|<=>|<=><=>|&)%&|*+-/|<=>:<=>||%&|*+|-/:<=>%*+-/||:<=> @(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)hostname.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)kill.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1987, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)ln.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 3/31/94@(#)cmp.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93@(#)stat_flags.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)ls.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 4/2/94P., @(#)print.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 4/17/94@(#)util.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mkdir.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/25/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mt.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93         |tld[NB8, @(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mv.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1991, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)pwd.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)rcp.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#)util.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1990, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)rm.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 4/18/94@(#)stat_flags.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 5/31/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)rmdir.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)sleep.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#)cchar.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 4/2/94bb bbbbbbbbb bb bb b bbcbb@(#)gfmt.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#)key.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94hih jhDjhDjhkhdjhjhjhjhPlhkhPlh8kh`khkhkhlh(lhPl@(#)modes.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94mmmmmxmrmkmdm\mUm Mm Fm#>m38m#1m3,m2&m3 m3m#m@ m@m@m@llllllllllllllpnhnanYnRnJnCn;n5n.n'n n n@n@ nnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m oooooooooooooo~osolodo]oUoMo@Do@}Uu|. tMissing operating systemError loading operating systemInvalid partition tableAuthor - Siegmar Schmidt//////h/H/9/ / /.@.P.Q.R.V.a.c.d.et.uo.\.F.;.*...-----....-.n- G @=zo;v_qC:tW1b|w[QcdjǼe~k*NԽf1l +WϬOAg'25mE!, 8Xyp­PuHڊTB$^ha(L/?36nF"-=9;Y zqZ{ Q[vrI|גUC %sw\R_Jib)}M0܂V@4&7 DoxGt#S].K`>:< 8?61$#*-pw~ylkbeHOFATSZ] '.)<;25 PW^YLKBEhofatsz}G@IN[\URxqvcdmj709>+,%"ڧg`in{|ur_XQVCDMJ /(!&34=:@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mknod.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mount.c 8.19 (Berkeley) 4/19/94@g gggff fff ffzmpm@(#) Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mount_ufs.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 3/27/94@v=v8v4v/v*v#vv v@v vvuu@(#)getmntopts.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 3/27/94@(#)dkcksum.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93@(#)getmntopts.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 3/27/94@(#)newfs.c 8.8 (Berkeley) 4/18/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. {{{{{{{{ {@ @%s: can't read disk label; disk type must be specified@(#)mkfs.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 2/3/94......@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)ping.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/938.dA@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1986, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)reboot.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/7/94@(#)interactive.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93@(#)restore.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93@(#)dirs.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/21/94##.@(#)symtab.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93@(#)tape.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@@(#)utilities.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 3/25/94@(#)dumprmt.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93>@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)swapon.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)umount.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 2/20/94,()$߬٬$Id: mount_msdos.c,v 1.3 1994/11/01 23:51:42 wollman Exp $  @(#)getmntopts.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 3/27/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mount_cd9660.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 3/27/94  ڵյе@(#)getmntopts.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 3/27/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)mount_nfs.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 3/27/94 {vj `@XOID@   '@(#)getmntopts.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 3/27/94@(#)cmds.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 4/6/944hRQ@(#)cmdtab.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94send account command to remote serverappend to a fileset ascii transfer typebeep when command completedset binary transfer typetoggle mget upper/lower case id mappingchange remote working directorychange remote working directory to parent directorychange file permissions of remote fileconnect to remote tftptoggle carriage return stripping on ascii getsdelete remote filetoggle/set debugging modelist contents of remote directoryterminate ftp sessionexecute macroset file transfer formattoggle metacharacter expansion of local file namestoggle printing `#' for each buffer transferredprint local help informationget (set) idle timer on remote sidechange local working directorylist contents of remote directorydefine a macrodelete multiple fileslist contents of multiple remote directoriesget multiple filesmake directory on the remote machinelist contents of multiple remote directoriesshow last modification time of remote fileset file transfer modesend multiple filesget file if remote file is newer than local file nlist contents of remote directoryset templates for default file name mappingset translation table for default file name mappingenter passive transfer modetoggle use of PORT cmd for each data connectionforce interactive prompting on multiple commandsissue command on alternate connectionprint working directory on remote machineterminate ftp session and exitsend arbitrary ftp commandreceive fileget file restarting at end of local fileget help from remote serverrename filerestart file transfer at bytecounttoggle restriction of data port rangeremove directory on the remote machineshow status of remote machinetoggle store unique for local filesclear queued command repliessend one filesend site specific command to remote server Try "rhelp site" or "site help" for more informationescape to the shellshow size of remote fileshow current statusset file transfer structuretoggle store unique on remote machineshow remote system typeset tenex file transfer typetoggle packet tracingset file transfer typeget (set) umask on remote sidesend new user informationtoggle verbose mode   u W      t    X|  $w ' t O o o |i  c _ l`  Y  S # O = D _ l?  ; J <6  1  <,  K'  !  X @  _   `    (  `  ,  ( c  8  z X     |    (    @ C T   _  w   x  $ /  J < W    l ~  w  Pq Z >i  (`  Z  R 6 M w H   C  <  x5 ) T. k |& E       D    L    KI@(#)ftp.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 4/6/94@@(#) Copyright (c) 1985, 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 4/3/94@(#)ruserpass.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94]NWNNNGN?N7N 0N@(#)domacro.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/2/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. From: @(#)rsh.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/6/94$Id: rsh.c,v 1996/06/23 13:08:36 markm Exp $@(#)compile.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93{}abcdDgGhHilnNpPqrs tw xy !:#=@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 1/3/94@(#)misc.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93@(#)process.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 4/20/94@(#)authenc.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93@(#)commands.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/15/93ʝ{urVS<5ӜΜĜz^Y;7x&̛&ʛ(@Xp8 p G@$0 ׬άHpc&]8&߫D&op4 Px٪&~ g^%&ʛLLγ&5 uR`/ o+ ĜȲ$ ò% 7 oTN( #! ڱ* Y& " ` ZA( <")   ް. o|eo>ooo μлɼлlbXлP2) лooʛ߻zsJDʛ߻) mhKF0ʛ߻0connect to a siteclose current connectionforcibly logout remote user and close the connectionexit telnetprint status informationprint help informationtransmit special characters ('send ?' for more)set operating parameters ('set ?' for more)unset operating parameters ('unset ?' for more)toggle operating parameters ('toggle ?' for more)change state of special charaters ('slc ?' for more)display operating parameterssuspend telnetcompute response to s/key challengeinvoke a subshellchange environment variables ('environ ?' for more)try to enter line or character mode ('mode ?' for more)Z TS K пF Ծx Ax ò h ğ=D 7p  0 , *$ wW 4"i ʛ D3 deprecated command -- use 'toggle crmod' insteaddeprecated command -- use 'set escape' insteadD59 4] @@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1990, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/15/93@(#)network.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/15/93@(#)ring.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93@(#)sys_bsd.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/15/93@(#)telnet.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/15/93.""""@(#)terminal.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93@(#)tn3270.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93@(#)utilities.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/15/93,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m.h.d.R.M.F.:.5.0.+.$......----------}-n-g-[-S-N-G-A-8-/-#-- --..,,,,,,,,,,.....z.t.(standard output)@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1990, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)rlogin.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93~ JJJJJJ JJJIIIIIIIII@(#)find.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@(#)function.c 8.6 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@(#)ls.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93@(#) Copyright (c) 1990, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 4/16/94@(#)misc.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/1/94@(#)operator.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/93@(#)option.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/16/94ׄ΄HńP̃|DGNU grep version 2.0? ( ( ((((@(#)genget.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93@(#)logwtmp.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93@(#)termcap.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93K%  `   X,nK2dH+pL1@(#)kvm.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 2/13/94@(#)kvm_hp300.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93?3z#zzzy} }||||||| | | ~| x| h|]|p2}q"} (Ԉ ШSH?3( CCCCCC@(#)getbsize.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93@(#)disklabel.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93! !!         u!p!f!\!S!L!=!6!0!)!!$!!!C  <ߔԔʔÔ  Hh0 (qZK)     oY@$pX=$08@(#)localtime.c 7.44WILDABBRe e @(#)asctime.c 7.5 |X$t D|01000000000000000J1B19101)1!100011111110123456789abcdefUnknown error: RuneMaginoneBBBBB@(((((((((((((((          (((((((    ((((((    ((((  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~  0000000000000000}?$@Y@@@@j@.AcAחAeA _BvH7BmB@0BļB4&k C7yAC؅W4vCNgmC=`XC@xDPKDMD7yACnF?O8M20HwZ&2 exit 64 # EX_USAGE } # # Prepend a hyphen to the first arg if necessary, so the traditional form # ``tar xvf /dev/foobar'' will work, too. More kludgy legacy forms are not # supported however. # if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then usage fi case "$1" in -*) break ;; *) tmp="$1" shift set -- -$tmp "$@" ;; esac while getopts "ctxvb:f:" option do case $option in [ctx]) if [ $mode = "none" ] ; then mode=$option else usage fi ;; v) verbose="-v" ;; b) blocksize="${OPTARG}" ;; f) archive="${OPTARG## }" ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ "X${archive}" != "X-" ] ; then device="-F ${archive}" # else: use stdin or stdout, which is the default for cpio fi case $mode in none) usage ;; t) exec cpio -it $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" "$@" ;; x) exec cpio -idmu $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" "$@" ;; c) if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then # use current dir -- slightly bogus set -- "." fi find "$@" -print |\ cpio -o -H ustar $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" exit $? ;; esac  . .. protocolsgroupspwd.dbservicesЪwheel:*:0:root daemon:*:1:daemon kmem:*:2:root sys:*:3:root tty:*:4:root operator:*:5:root bin:*:7: news:*:8: man:*:9: games:*:13: staff:*:20:root guest:*:31:root uucp:*:66: xten:*:67:xten dialer:*:68: nogroup:*:65533: nobody:*:65534: # # Internet (IP) protocols # # $Id: protocols,v 1995/08/30 06:19:30 davidg Exp $ # from: @(#)protocols 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89 # # Updated for FreeBSD based on RFC 1340, Assigned Numbers (July 1992). # ip 0 IP # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number icmp 1 ICMP # internet control message protocol igmp 2 IGMP # Internet Group Management ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol ipencap 4 IP-ENCAP # IP encapsulated in IP (officially ``IP'') st 5 ST # ST datagram mode tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol egp 8 EGP # exterior gateway protocol pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol udp 17 UDP # user datagram protocol hmp 20 HMP # host monitoring protocol xns-idp 22 XNS-IDP # Xerox NS IDP rdp 27 RDP # "reliable datagram" protocol iso-tp4 29 ISO-TP4 # ISO Transport Protocol class 4 xtp 36 XTP # Xpress Tranfer Protocol idpr-cmtp 39 IDPR-CMTP # IDPR Control Message Transport rsvp 46 RSVP # Resource ReSerVation Protocol vmtp 81 VMTP # Versatile Message Transport ospf 89 OSPFIGP # Open Shortest Path First IGP ipip 94 IPIP # Yet Another IP encapsulation encap 98 ENCAP # Yet Another IP encapsulation  ... ... ... ... ...a  n}vq''nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/nonexistent3xten*CCX-10 daemon/usr/local/xten/nonexistent1xtengames* Games pseudo-user/usr/games2bin*news*News Subsystem//nonexistent2rm11uucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexman* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man2games* Games pseudo-user/usr/games3bin*Binaries Commands and Source,,,//nonexistent1binOJYU i ? i nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/nonexistent2 uucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico3Bman* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man1manoperator*System &/usr/guest/operator/bin/csh3operator*System &/usr/guest/operator/bin/csh1opeuucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico2 news*News Subsystem//nonexistent3rootCharlie &/root/bin/csh3rootCharlie &/root/bin/csh2 xs72nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/nonexistent1nobodyxten*CCX-10 daemon/usr/local/xten/nonexistent2 man* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man3 daemon*Owner of many system processes/root3toor*Bourne-again Superuser/root2=8ZV j @ j nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/nonexistent2 uucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico3Bman* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man1manoperator*System &/usr/guest/operator/bin/csh3operator*System &/usr/guest/operator/bin/csh1operatordaemon*Owner of many system processes/root2daemon*Owner of many system processes/root1daemontoor*Bourne-again Superuser/root1toorrootCharlie &/root/bin/csh1root f`% ;;xten*CCX-10 daemon/usr/local/xten/nonexistent3Cuucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/libexec/uucp/uucico1uucpnews*News Subsystem//nonexistent1newsgames* Games pseudo-user/usr/games1gamesbin*Binaries Commands and Source,,,//nonexistent3operator*System &/usr/guest/operator/bin/csh2m11man* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man2games* Games pseudo-user/usr/games3bin*Binaries Commands and Source,,,//nonexistent2# # Network services, Internet style # # Stripped-down version. # # $Id: fixit.services,v 1.1 1996/11/09 16:25:32 joerg Exp $ # # WELL KNOWN PORT NUMBERS # echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users #Active Users systat 11/udp users #Active Users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp chargen 19/tcp ttytst source #Character Generator chargen 19/udp ttytst source #Character Generator ftp-data 20/tcp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp-data 20/udp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp 21/tcp #File Transfer [Control] ftp 21/udp #File Transfer [Control] ssh 22/tcp #Secure Shell Login ssh 22/udp #Secure Shell Login telnet 23/tcp telnet 23/udp # 24/tcp any private mail system # 24/udp any private mail system smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer smtp 25/udp mail #Simple Mail Transfer time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver domain 53/tcp #Domain Name Server domain 53/udp #Domain Name Server bootps 67/tcp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootps 67/udp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootpc 68/tcp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client bootpc 68/udp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client tftp 69/tcp #Trivial File Transfer tftp 69/udp #Trivial File Transfer gopher 70/tcp gopher 70/udp finger 79/tcp finger 79/udp http 80/tcp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP http 80/udp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP sunrpc 111/tcp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call sunrpc 111/udp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call auth 113/tcp ident tap #Authentication Service auth 113/udp ident tap #Authentication Service nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol nntp 119/udp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol rmt 411/tcp #Remote MT Protocol rmt 411/udp #Remote MT Protocol https 443/tcp https 443/udp # # Berkeley-specific services # exec 512/tcp #remote process execution; # authentication performed using # passwords and UNIX loppgin names biff 512/udp comsat #used by mail system to notify users # of new mail received; currently # receives messages only from # processes on the same machine login 513/tcp #remote login a la telnet; # automatic authentication performed # based on priviledged port numbers # and distributed data bases which # identify "authentication domains" who 513/udp whod #maintains data bases showing who's # logged in to machines on a local # net and the load average of the # machine cmd 514/tcp shell #like exec, but automatic # authentication is performed as for # login server syslog 514/udp printer 515/tcp spooler printer 515/udp spooler talk 517/tcp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) talk 517/udp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) ntalk 518/tcp ntalk 518/udp utime 519/tcp unixtime utime 519/udp unixtime efs 520/tcp #extended file name server router 520/udp route routed #local routing process (on site); # uses variant of Xerox NS routing # information protocol uucp 540/tcp uucpd uucp 540/udp uucpd uucp-rlogin 541/tcp uucp-rlogin 541/udp klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos (v4/v5) klogin 543/udp # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/udp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5)  ... . ..share . ..misc̷ . .. scsi_modesbe Offset Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Write Retry Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Recovery Time Limit} i2 } # Rigid Disk Drive Geometry Page 0x04 { {Number of Cylinders} i3 {Number of Heads} i1 {Starting Cylinder-Write Precompensation} i3 {Starting Cylinder-Reduced Write Current} i3 {Drive Step Rate} i2 {Landing Zone Cylinder} i3 {Reserved} *t6 {RPL} t2 {Rotational Offset} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium Rotation Rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # Verify Error Recovery Page 0x07 { {Reserved} *t4 {EER} t1 {PER} t1 {DTE} t1 {DCR} t1 {Verify Retry Count} i1 {Verify Correction Span} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Verify Recovery Time Limit} i2 } # CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page 0x0E { {Reserved} *t5 {Immed} t1 {SOTC} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Reserved} *i2 {APRVal} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Format of LBAs / sec.} t4 {Logical Blocks per Second of Audio Playback} i2 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 0 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 0 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 1 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 1 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 2 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 2 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 3 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 3 Volume} i1 } # SCSI mode page data base. # Copyright (c) 1995 HD Associates # (contact: dufault@hda.com) # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of HD Associates # may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY HD ASSOCIATES ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HD ASSOCIATES BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # The ordering is alphabetical by page name, as it appears in the SCSI spec. # ALL DEVICE TYPES # Control mode page: 0x0a { {Reserved} *t7 {RLEC} t1 {Queue Algorithm Modifier} t4 {Reserved} *t2 {QErr} t1 {DQue} t1 {EECA} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {RAENP} t1 {UAAENP} t1 {EAENP} t1 {Reserved} *i1 {Ready AEN Holdoff Period} i2 } # Disconnect-Reconnect Page: 0x02 { {Buffer Full Ratio} i1 {Buffer Empty Ratio} i1 {Bus Inactivity Limit} i2 {Disconnect Time Limit} i2 {Connect Time Limit} i2 {Maximum Burst Size} i2 {Reserved} *t6 {DTDC} t2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # Peripheral Device Page: 0x09 { {Interface Identifier} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # DIRECT ACCESS DEVICES # Caching page: 0x08 { {Reserved} *t5 {WCE} t1 {MF} t1 {RCD} t1 {Demand Retention Priority} t4 {Write Retention Priority} t4 {Disable Pre-fetch Transfer Length} i2 {Minumum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch Ceiling} i2 } # Flexible disk page: 0x05 { {Transfer rate} i2 {Number of heads} i1 {Sectors per track} i1 {Data bytes per sector} i2 {Number of cylinders} i2 {Starting cylinder-write precompensation} i2 {Starting cylinder-reduced write current} i2 {Drive step rate} i2 {Drive step pulse width} i1 {Head settle delay} i2 {Motor on delay} i1 {Motor off delay} i1 {TRDY} t1 {SSN} t1 {MO} t1 {Reserved} *t5 {Reserved} *t4 {SPC} t4 {Write Compensation} i1 {Head load delay} i1 {Head unload delay} i1 {Pin 34} t4 {Pin 2} t4 {Pin 4} t4 {Pin 1} t4 {Medium rotation rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } # Format device page: 0x03 { {Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Sectors per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Logical Unit} i2 {Sectors per Track} i2 {Data Bytes per Physical Sector} i2 {Interleave} i2 {Track Skew Factor} i2 {Cylinder Skew Factor} i2 {SSEC} t1 {HSEC} t1 {RMB} t1 {SURF} t1 {Reserved} *t4 } # Medium types supported page: 0x0b { {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium type one supported} i1 {Medium type two supported} i1 {Medium type three supported} i1 {Medium type four supported} i1 } # Notch page (0x0c) # Read-Write Error Recovery Page 0x01 { {AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {TB (Transfer Block)} t1 {RC (Read Continuous)} t1 {EER (Enable Early Recovery)} t1 {PER (Post Error)} t1 {DTE (Disable Transfer on Error)} t1 {DCR (Disable Correction)} t1 {Read Retry Count} i1 {Correction Span} i1 {Head Offset Count} i1 {Data Stro: # $Id: fixit.profile,v 1997/03/11 09:29:06 jkh Exp $ export BLOCKSIZE=K export PS1="Fixit# " export EDITOR="/mnt2/stand/vi" export PAGER="/mnt2/stand/more" export SCSI_MODES="/mnt2/usr/share/misc/scsi_modes" # the root MFS doesn't have /dev/nrst0, pick a better default for mt(1) export TAPE=/mnt2/dev/nrst0 alias ls="ls -F" alias ll="ls -l" alias m="more -e" echo '+---------------------------------------------------------------+' echo '| You are now running from a FreeBSD "fixit" floppy. |' echo '| ------------------------------------------------------------- |' echo "| When you're finished with this shell, please type exit. |" echo '| The fixit floppy itself is mounted as /mnt2. |' echo '| |' echo '| You might want to symlink /mnt/etc/*pwd.db and /mnt/etc/group |' echo '| to /etc after mounting a root filesystem from your disk. |' echo '| tar(1) will not restore all permissions correctly otherwise! |' echo '| |' echo '| Note: you might use the arrow keys to browse through the |' echo '| command history of this shell. |' echo '+---------------------------------------------------------------+' echo echo 'Good Luck!' echo # Make the arrow keys work; everybody will love this. set -o emacs 2>/dev/null cd /