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Cannot access your local database directory `%s':ucdb*ucdbDatabases%t%s%%x%dGive a new database name starting with `ucdb':The new name you supplied didn't start with `ucdb'.%s/%sU WVS=9 uhj5pj59 t$59 h5SѹS胲:V_DžjPh559 Oǃt719~-|u6`C9ƅSbath5jSF`P-tƅt Sah5SaSch5Sm`̹jjh5PK1ߍW`9}/VVW_Ph5S萸jjS FƐݹƍP賸t jWWb`H9urjjjjjjh5h6_ƃ tFjh5V  th16jWbV59 he6Pط-jW:VW^P59 he6P詷PjP4^[^_Load configuration requires professional mode.No configuration files available for loading.loading defaults from %sdone.U0WVSh 9z<uV]DžE1Dž=9 tgjEPh559 LNj 9 t<1ۋ9M~/|u6]C9]0u =9 tsjEPh559 [LNj 9 tHDž1ۋ9M~1M艍|u6Z]C9]00t uu uth:9肨ujgjjh5P1ۃ9~0SSEPU\Ph5V.jjV覶 C}ÍPS=SEP[(Phe6S´$)5* Shh9jRjSn+59 $~19}@jjC9|*t 1ۉ9}ƐjjC9|59 1ېPVCt jV9C0959 t 99 uj5 @ ڴj'65h9jl p5 @ 袴jEPOZ[^_U5l gj5| eEj5 XEj5 KEj5 >E$j5 .Ej5 !E: t s|   jPD: t s   jPD5l f!!!!!!In order for this new value to be rememberedand used next time, make sure that _this_ configuration is saved now or at the end.UE : 0҅t = „tQ "h=jh=jh=jh>j h=j;UE : (U/U,UMore than 10 browsers not recommended. Continue cloning ?Not supported: more than 20 browsers. U0=* ~ =* th>j tA=* ~h(?j$Ð59 Atj59 %P$0kill: no source browser ?Kill the last remaining browser and exit ?UVS=9 uh?&9 9u,h?jT9 jj:nLjPr/99 u59 (. * t jSG9 L9~HxLS*99 u֍e[^Uu}E Em9 mUub}E Em9 mU xlt5 |Operation TimeoutsUh!h*hLAhN HU9 9 U9 99 ~9 9 $5 9 $5 UjjlUVSu] jSV uhAjSVK1e[^U=  h3@jh?j5 hr@jh?j5 (h@jh?j5 dh$@jh?j5 K(j5 j5 vjh~-5 XYhAh 5 (5 h0Bjj5 `y5 5 ._" xluUjjMore ...Sort OptionsUh!hnChwChdL $UWVS}] jSW: h`CjSW/w>ujEPjEPV诬E2Q$DD`E`E`E`EDD`ED`E`EEEEE`E`E`E E`E`E`E`E`E`E`E`E`E`E`E`E`ED`E`E`E`EDD`ED`E`EEEEE`E`E`E E1=6.& >,t9  9 $j59 11e[^_AaFfGgIiMmNnLlOoSs^A^a^F^f^G^g^I^i^M^m^N^n^L^l^O^o^S^sRr^R^rDdCc^MAdjust Sort Options:U= jhjE54 BVjhmE5D 0VjhpE5( V$jhsE5< VjhvE58 UjhyE5@ U$jh|E50 UjhE5$ UjhE5, U$jhE5\ UjhE5l UjhE5P sU$jhE5d ^UjhE5` LUjhE5h :U$jhE5X %UjhE5L UjhE5T U$jhE5 TjhE5 TjhE5 T$jhE5 ThCh 5 ^ 5 0 xluhEjjPtp5 @ ʨ5 5 )sort_forms_aux.Cstartsort_form_syncno source browser.UC internal: browser_c:: unknown sort option.UjhhHjj ! hHhHЃ=9 u h.H5 ][j54 9j5D 9j5( 9j5< 9$j58 u9j5@ h9j50 [9j5$ N9 j5, >9j5\ 19j5l $9j5P 9 j5d 9j5` 8j5h 8j5X 8 j5L 8j5T 89 5 89 5 8 9  $I$J0J|U5 H=9 zhZ50 9j50 'hZ5 8hZ5 8 hZ5 8hZ5 8hZ5 8hZ5 8 hZ5 8hZ5 8hZ5 s85 |=5 q= 5 c=5 X=5 M=5 B=5 7=5 ,=5 !=5 = 5 =5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <uhZ50 7j50 %hZ5 7hZ5 o7 hZ5 \7h[5 L7h [5 <7h[5 ,7 h[5 7h[5 7h#[5 65 &;5 ; 5 ;5 ;5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 : 5 :5 :5 :5 :5 :5 {:5 p:5 nE5 'Ftreesource_colourtarget_colourwwwhwxwypacking_levelfont_sizefont_stylename_lengthNormalFgColNormalBgColLinkFgColLinkBGColCurrentFgColCurrentBgColLinesFgColLinesBgColU< B B B B  U< xlt5 h  u覬Uuu u5 h  謫U5< vDj 5 5@ 3j 5 5d 3j 5 5l 3(= t5 5< C5< qDU5< C< xlt,5 5 PUT5 5 5< S25< KC5< DUS< xlta= t:   = t< p5 @ 蒑q41ۃJt 5< /]]U< xlt5O p5 @ 螐U< xltp5 @ 舏NULL form in raw cb. tree form raw cb with wrong window ID !tree press. is real click. is HOLD. warning: node without button. cannot move root directory. deact_node: null node UVS] }u h6aFދ< C9BthLah! 荎;3'=T thtah! K  0҃{ ~< @9C$~0҃~4u0F1uF1ttF0jj< p5 @ Jt3=T thah! 觍  R=T thah! tv$v j5< =9h u 0҃= t = „P5 {  x u!hah!   9 uhajd  =T t'phah! 襌P蜌Pӌ  p 3 ;=T t/hah! \Sjjjj5h V1e[^UUCTree:UCTreeU=$ &$ hah 5< )tjhd5< ej jj5@ &.(j jj5H .jjj5D . jjj5L -j j j5X - jjj5\ -jjj5P - jjj5T -jjj5` - jjj5d ~-jjj5l m- j5H A.j5D 4.5` 3< xl.5` 3j(j(5< /uF:/uBЍXSRVń u/ހ>uE%MYtVSu [ u1e[^_UVS]u {t0sS[{uN[tVS[ ue[^UWVS]u }C 9x tH@$+EP$$踄]F @$+EP$$蚄]Etދ[ tzC @$+EP$$a]F @$+EP$$C]Etދ[ u![tuWVSƋ[ ue[^_UWVSEM U9 } xt5pt*RAPVUM UM9~Njv u׉e[^_UWVS]u}su t 9>u.{t![tWVu Su [ u1e[^_US]{t@EC9Xu 7uE}tCCtxtP9BuЅu1]UW}t-tGtx@u GtZu W Wƒu~toWR=t[jW^]S t6UtG txu@ uG )@"@ Gtx u@u1UWVS}t" t_ { t [ { uB tG 4_t${ tVs u[ ᐋ[FڐGe[^_UWVS}zt$tG@?$tG$4_t${$tVs$u[$ᐋ[FڐGe[^_/UWS]{tNs0 H~ /thGqh ~sh ~sh ~e[_Uu / -> %sUWVSuV  B(V  B,~uq ~ G  ~ G$jhq5 5 =V B(jv c$=d LJl ǀn~$u6V ~  x(=L z V F@ x$z$0V F$@ @ B v$uV @ @$B,P B$ƅ00ɋV z ~B B(< R9~u F x$uF P$P,< @9~ƅtF ǀV u R>%95 uvV B,B,P$$}}E Em$[mًd F @ )ȉB F @$B$J(Z,F 95 uyV B,B,P$$|}E Em$Ymˋl F @ )؉B F @$@B$Z(J,F 0Ҁ~t~„~t VSvhqS{ډ׊щHPS5 5 Vǃz(VF x x(z VF @$B$V~ ,z,F uFǀ2NA A(< R9~ǁ ǁ~t vd~ tv S[^_UWVSu=< ~5< <5vhqSzߊщHPS5 5 l SjPjjj_FjP 5 v5 vjhv/=9 tj jv8jj 5 v$5 v3Fp`[^_@333333?UW19 |Ƅ* B9 } Ƅ(0HPR5 5 X 0҃= t = ut2v  ٽ ٭ ٭PP5 5 ]  t ta }P$$xٽ ٭L ٭ [ }R$$lxٽ ٭L ٭  VUUU ꡬ )‰R$$wٽ ٭L ٭ vP $$wٽ ٭ ٭ P P5 ?d jj 5L +dL  tt! }P M }P$$vٽ ٭P ٭j j5P cP U= tS5< *j5 5 `5 X5< y)5< 2*readlink of null path UCTree: couldn't readlink %s: %sUCTree:cannot handle empty symbolic link names (%s)UVSuVÃuhMzh! u1hPSRw t5M uPShdzj!1UuShzj F18Ƅ*/t=0 t 0 PvF[^US]9 uj 5 s 5 j 5 s 5 s N{t!j 5 s5 s'{t s{ ts q]UCT: reconnect failed. UCT: cut_yourself failed. USM] E00t = uu9  uu9uE}th |9Yt&Quh8|h! sPSM]UCTree: cannot handle directory names (%s) starting with `@'UWVS0ɋUzuztUrh 9sEph s  E0 ЍxWh 5 5 E )9|E}t1!Ƈ E ))‰Uu0ۃ}tÄt,~Eș}9]~NƆ *Ɔ = @uh h|j ? h Ep 5 Ur 5 Ep I0ɃUztzExÄtP}Urhqh q щJRh 5 5 lEE@UP(5 Ep$5 Ur} t)Ext jpUz t jr e[^_??U WVS B X$R@ +X$S}r x< @PcrƉ) jjS$$5D 蕓+ P$$5D  W$V<$$r]|]EtE? E?EP5D oE$5D R B X EEPRM +]S|qp < @PeqÉ)؃~tP$$jj5H 蠒5 1qP$$5H V$S<$$|Et$5H 聓e[^_Save Directory Tree to Database ?U= t8: t shcj1t ÐUC: no default dir ?.%s/uctreedb%s %s %s.oldUC:cannot open tree output file:.# Unix Cockpit version directory tree data base. # Better don't edit this file by hand :-) /->dump_tree failed. # end of UC tree. UH WVS_X = u1D=9 uhӁY䐐59 hVm jVmu"VV5x] hSZmSmDž # jjPm hjVjn@ " @! @tw| PVhd@! @ " @@ B # B 4 APjP0R@4h#59 h%SflP]lPTlh=59 SClP:lhYS/l5  u hXhSk\l@! @ " @@ B # B 4t tAPjP0R@4и[^_ start tree restore. restoring tree databaseLoad tree database requires professional mode.UC:cannot open tree input file (rescanning): tree_restore: unrecognized line in tree database.UC tree: cannot construct path:no link flag found, assuming no link. no perms flag found, assuming perms ok. link name not found, reading. end tree restore. database loaded.U@ WVS=T th'h! ih=jyhU? t1=9 uhӁU㐐59 hSui Dž # jjPi hjSjVj@O Dž@O @t.=9 t%59 hSh hjSV`i@}t| PPhK`  @O @O @@ B # B 4 APjP0R@4z= tO} 5<  pP?@ xu5<  hGqj(Pw ug@O @O @@ B # B 4 APjP0R@4Dž5< 0j hPPh1҅tRu t000#t uu uu /tuhPghjghjghjg uhtR jVCCCu#Dž| PVh^ u'=T hh! f?lCu =T t&h,h! e?pC{cu&=T thUh! eS1fCO5< #Pe=T thth! 8ehj@O @O @@ B # B 4t tAPjP0R@4и[^_UWVSU} 9 u  @ @ zu50ztztBB H H(9} ,1%Z1tWStƋ[ ue[^_U tI5 <  I)щʋ@ +P$Ѓ~  ~   tZ B @ EEPR< @+EPR$Et  ~  @U WVS} ]uL L HPjD= $c}U Um$XmPOƒ  tt6uߍ4;VMD PKSQEuVMDPSQu\:SMD PWQUuSU؋MDPWQ[uD:PM\ SWQUuU؍D8PSWu(uD:PۋMt VWQ豨uD;PVWu蟨e[^_@@U WVSu ]MM}EE0҃~< @9~u'= W$EtE}u4< @= P,$S$EtE} E < B9~ E$ E(B9E~ EE,} tjuWuSV}$tjuWuSVf}(tjuWuSVM},tjuWuSV4uGPEHPSV e[^_root: draw_lines. @U WVSuEEEE~u&=T h6h! `F Lx,$_V }M Mm$XmB$E~$uSF@ X X( L uEF uEuujj5 jQu/F@ P P(L L F uEujjj5 jQuSV((~ FP J J(L L B,B,P$$^F@ U+P$}M Mm$Xm)‰UF@ u x$EF ux$x,< R9~Ejjuu5 uQE+EPSVE(0~t~0V t FJ J(L }B,B,P$$]V }M Mm$XmB$EL L ujjj5 jQuSVF X X(0j5 E@PL PuS~t v~ tv e[^_).No button in tree_node_c (flag = UVSuU ~ u3hRhh! \P!]P\P]a=9 u 1ۃ=9 u t$1=9 u =9 u j Pv eSv e[^UCTree: drag & drop _copy_moveUCT: wintitle->get_path failed. directory `' ...' to `'UCTree: 2D-SpeedScroll(%d nodes, level %d of %d)SELECT NEW TARGET%s: Scanning %s ...%s%s%s %sNULL from get_path!UWVS< xlƅ0000=  t = t = tt = tt = t׾W󥤸s= tlPRZ p5 0 tuthxh! ZhSWZVSPZ 9 uhS5Z]hS!ZWSZhSZ7= t h,5 h̔SY = ~hՔSYDžPj5 e1ҡ t @Buƅ|@PRhה|ScYSP^Y= t5 oƃd= ttp= t#hEVSh PX);EPV59 Sh!PXP< p5 @ vY h+Jp[^_tree_change_source: no path? US]tXSƒt:CjjPjjR/t/S@9 99 uSAhh! =X]U t 5 tree_change_target: no path? US]tPSƒt2CPjRa t-S`A9 99 uSN@hh! W]U$ t 5 Null new current node ! Null button in new current node ! attempt to set current: US]u h-{ u"=T hFh! V=T t+SPhih! VPV PW9 uC urjijjS.6 u SmU= tj5 n jS]0= t}tu ]UM09  tyuth8|h! V1ÐQ9Ju,Bx t@ BA@@$2B'y$u1ÐQ$A B y t Q A$B$AA$A tree_node_c::dump_tree: Cannot dump to invalid out file stream. tree_node_c::dump_tree: Cannot dump to invalid out file stream. l n pUWVSu} @t#h!h! ThbZ1VP_ST~thhST~thhGPzT~t2~u Vm~tvhGPKTPBTGPvT^tWS@[ ue[^_LinkbuttonCB:->get_path: couldn't resolve: %sr_path: resolved: UVSE 9 Pƃ=T t%Vhh! |SPsSPSSVTuShȜjڵt=T tSPhݜh! +SP"SPYS=T t%Shh! RPRP+SjP/jjP[^UCT: no root or negative val. val %d maps to invalid nodeUCT/DirButtonCBbutton %d, name %sattempt matchButton 3. Button 2. Button 1. No buttons in fl_keymaskDirButtonCBUWVS}u j0= tthh! QV5 ÃuchhTgjj_! Vh h)ЉhhTgjjV_! ss h9hL9 %  " td=T thZh! ,Q0҃= t  9x tt jjS t j-EC " tg=T theh! P0҃= t  9x tt jjSg CtjTCj  " tg=T thph! OP0҃= t  9x ut%= t jj A= u70jjS$h?hTgjj]! h{hЍe[^_U  L  U  L ) Ud  P ) UD  P  U! 5H r}E Em$Zm9 t  ^U EPEP5D r5D crm}E Em$Zm9 t  US= ~  = ~   B X$R@ +X$SO C< @PO)ډ t9 }   B X EEPRA+]SpOC< @P\O)ƒ~ 9~ډ  5< EPEP5D xq5D qm}E Em$Zm9 tE% $5D o 5H p}E Em$Zm9 t" P$$5H Ko 5 5< 5< ]No current node in tree! Resetting.cnode_is_stableNo current node->button in tree! Resetting.U= uDhhTgjj1Z! hޣhС u u  1á x u!hhTgjjY! h믐uc::tree_c::null node found in collapse. Cannot remove the root tree node.US = < xl=4 EEPj5 à uhäh! +K9 ul9 u| Ph @}5< U{ t jjs {$t jjs$ jj p Ss"5< EHP5 5< I]subdirectory expand0U= < xl0ҡ4 9 u}„t 8 8  4 5< Ut%j5 +jjj5 1a=8 th4 uhHv=8 uj5 >+jj58 5 1=8 tz5< UWVS0}u @ = 9= u  X S G J$+H$5< F  S G J +H +H(F݉  e[^_U`jj5 P@U<jj5 %Ut!5 t jjPUt!5 t jjPnull in tree_down_arrow. bottom in lev. change right?. UcVt'w t!vtGΐƐ뾐1e[^tree_set_target_cb ! tree_set_target_cb: no path? U=T thh! 8B= t\9 99 tz5 tPh` Ah` K h3h! A虱Ð9 99 tÃ= uvHOMEUh_AtjP8t jjPG = u jj^,removing invalid node. tree: invalid node, removing (%s).US]tj=T thTh! ASPhlj5< @{tSs Sn5< s]tree_dnd_tracking no ob below mouse track ob is not a node, or target. US=T th h! D@000= t = tu =  uu = u=  t  p Ku uj5< qÃ=  t  p u=T tqh6S5 0t9 ut=T t9h0h! c?(jjS u S%S(]UCT: no from-node or root. UCT: not a target node. can't move root directory.directory is already direct child of parent.cannot move parent into child directory.shift = copy. to dndmove UCT: get_path failed. %s/%sdnd from: dnd to: %s%sCan't move between file systems (use copy instead).Sorry, drag & drop move failed.U WVS} u0҃}t = uthh! =000҃~ < 9x}u< @9~u tVWj5< 0҃t9 h uSQ5 艸ƃu h`E9 uhj葟9u E9puhб܋Vt9URu= th&h! <=T t\vh5Eph:h! <Px<Pi<PZ<P<uHƒu hCwRW;V!ƒ u hCPEpRhZS;=T tJWh`h! ;P;P;Shkh! ;P;P;SW<p5< Vu5 uqt5 0ҡ9 99 t = „t#5 u1t5 59 0959 t 959 „<0ҋщKt„tl0ҋщH9rSO; „t3PPhvS":SV+gjV 959 25< 4=M uh{h2hhr21[^_UWVSMu }00tuu = uu$Q5 \ÃtjV7u1PSt%e[^_, tree rename path: UWVS} 00}tuu = u=T t?Wh]uh`h! 8P8P8P8P 9u5 ~ƃtYj/W:0t{uu:)PWu\9 u%~t v9CP9FjVe[^_redwhitefolder cursor creation failed. U0WVS=< j @ O t8t4j j h< < pQ8E؃ MMQ]Shdr )Ѝ)п@# t5 @ 8tWuVShhr ))t5 @ 8t"jjVuju5 @ 8< hnh! )7< e[^_tree FL_DRAW event. new tree size handle_free: push and hold: shove == true and dnd. handle_free: release ,key ,y handle_free: mouse position at x ,shove,dnd: compressing. tree handle free called with Null xev or obj. tree handle free called. tree: found an X key press event. tree got F1. tab, event: ) unprocessed. ) X(tree event (U WVS}u]} } t$} } 9 =T thh! J50ۋ< B9@ u B9D tt6=T thh! 5< P@ @D ] = 5 u=T thh! 4=H 5L P = tF=T thԹh! ~4j4< p蔮hhhdj4苯0= t =  =T thh! 4  9 t;jjP  9 t!   d]  5< < p5 @ 4/\P K9 =T thh! j3= t"< pɭ = tw< p螭 =  t  p cVW5   t5 u5 eX  {=P m:=T tWuh VhWhh! 2P2Po2P2P]2P2P29 =T tG5 h95 h;h! 2PT2P2PB2P120= u = tj< p5 @ ?5 t$=T ehGh! 1Q= tG1EOM< 9z}+JMtB9~F+Z+ H M+L 0}uttM)  ) W= VW0t}ut=T OhUh! ;=T thh! 09 =T thh! l0jEPjEPSO0Su>tSugtkߐSu诛t/ǐSuÛt믐Suכt 菰t jjnju끐Suӛt dSut$Ctjj; 0Sut +SuWt CE=w@= =wSs===tYw==t=ta=tj=T thh! .h+H7tjjo/jjC& jj'0jj/-` tF5< 5` = tjj5 5< 諝=T t,hϺu hѺh! -P-P-= \Mtc0h SfT?jj"0tj0 j tjx!C0tjjEPuS EPuS juS+) uSSM=T tAh޺Phu hh! ,P,P,P,Pv,1e[^_More ...Directory Tree SearchTree Select Target ModeDirectory TreeU0ҡ` t < xl„th!hHhQhR =Ð= th!hHhgh8S =h!hHhhpP =tree_form_scale_cb. UVS=T thh! s+@ < sp(sp,@$@ D @(sĉp,@$@ H sĉq(A,sq$A (L @(@,@ Q$P$X @(@,q q(p Q$P$P @(@,@ q$p$T @(@,@ @$\ @(@,@ Q$P$` @(d@,S+P(P @$S5 C5 3޸5< e[^..found a symlink: UCTree: error in stat of file %s in dir %s: %sUCTree: error in lstat of file %s in dir %s: %sU`WVS}]޿#޿uVSi*fEf%f=@uUf=VS*uLfEf%f=@ux=T t"Shh! (P(P(U?5M (Ph\ Sh5M (Ph\ Shj1e[^_US]t/9 t'{tsSO{utjS:]tree_node_c: attempt to delete an invalid subtree.UVSu] V10t4t"9u 琐R uhg9^u'Fx t@ F@$7F+S$C B { tS C$B$sSg{utjSRe[^USE t)Pj(P褟ÃtSu*1]UCT: insert_child failed. UWVS}u uhh! &1m~uw\w^ GC$LG1ۅt;vsV'u9_tˋC$p C$F$s$^ C Đs ^$e[^_UVSu] tsV&u [ u1e[^rescan: strange: no prev in tmp_node != old_child0stranger: no path! US]U 9uC t@$q{$tS$C B C$Chh! u%Sw tPh! ]%P%hh! A%{ tS C$B$C ]UVSUu 0t = uuPR5 輠0t9 uu+StSxt%1e[^tree_node_c:: cannot construct a Null path. tree_node_c:: cannot construct an empty path. tree_node_c:: construct: relative path. couldn't match to root (multi?) tree_construct_path: tok is: tree_construct_path: skipping `.' tree_construct_path: attempting `..' uctree: No parent in tree construct path! tree_error_c::insert_new failed. U WVS]= u1u h ;u h6n;/t=T theh! "{u: pS#u  hhA CPSd"hGqS#C=T t*hh! U"PL"P"#t$=T hh! "tP=T thh! !9 tpzt R_hh! !1kOÃu)AÃ} t艪hGqjw"[^_NULL path in restat. UC: restat: The following file is no directory:Not a directory: %sUC: restat: The following directory cannot be accessed:Cannot stat directory: %sU`WVS}WfÃuhh! F 1EPSb!ufEf%f=@uM}wju V u^$Vv ރuwv u_} u| PSh Sh"} u| PSh] Sh'j 1e[^_NULL pointer in tree_restat_below! UWVSEu }uhMh! 11 WP"NXtWVS[ ue[^_UCTree: Verifying %s (no interrupt) ...Node %s is invalid.removing subtree.Remove ~/uctreedb and restart.Tree data structure is corrupted.U@WVSuu 1V6t)PhSS< p5 @ 5< Sju VxǃupVPhj`hjT95 u| Ph!h@h1?^5< VSjjSM5< 6袦5< #[^_interrupted.NULL pointer in tree_scan! ) not following a symlink (, level operating on UCTree: can't change directory to %s: %sUCTree: scandir error for %s: %sseems that old list members are still there. Removing ... %dUPWVS= q0ҋE t} „VjXJu5 =T 1hbh! P>}uhoh! 1ExtK=T t2hphh! 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