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tun*) ntun=`expr $i : 'tun\(.*\)$'` unit=0 while [ $unit -le $ntun ]; do mknod tun$unit c 52 `unit2minor $unit` unit=$(($unit + 1)) done ;; tap*) ntap=`expr $i : 'tap\(.*\)$'` unit=0 while [ $unit -le $ntap ]; do mknod tap$unit c 149 `unit2minor $unit` root:network unit=$(($unit + 1)) done ;; sysmouse) mknod sysmouse c 12 128 mknod consolectl c 12 255 ;; jogdial) mknod jogdial c 160 0 ;; snp?) unit=`expr $i : 'snp\(.*\)'` mknod snp$unit c 53 `unit2minor $unit` ;; # dufault@hda.com: If I do much more work on other A-D boards # then eventually we'll have a "ad" and "dio" interface and some of these # "labpcaio" ones will be gone. # labpcaio: D-A and A-D. # labpcdio: Digital in and Digital out. # labpc*) umask 7 case $i in labpcaio*) name=labpcaio unit=`expr $i : 'labpcaio\(.*\)'` all="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" offset=0 ;; labpcdio*) name=labpcdio unit=`expr $i : 'labpcdio\(.*\)'` all="0 1 2 3" offset=8 ;; *) die 3 "Don't know LabPC type $i" ;; esac if [ -z "${unit}" ]; then unit=all fi case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7) mknod $name$unit c 66 $(($offset + $unit)) ;; all) for i in $all do mknod $name$i c 66 $(($offset + $i)) done ;; *) echo "No such LabPC unit: $unit" ;; esac umask 77 ;; perfmon) mknod perfmon c 2 32 root:kmem chmod 640 perfmon ;; ipl) mknod ipl c 79 0 mknod ipnat c 79 1 mknod ipstate c 79 2 mknod ipauth c 79 3 ;; kbd*) unit=`expr $i : 'kbd\(.*\)'` chr=112 mknod kbd$unit c $chr `unit2minor $unit` ;; i4b) mknod i4b c 60 0 ;; i4bctl) mknod i4bctl c 55 0 ;; i4brbch*) unit=`expr $i : 'i4brbch\(.*\)'` mknod i4brbch$unit c 57 `unit2minor $unit` ;; i4bteld*) offset=64 unit=`expr $i : 'i4bteld\(.*\)'` mknod i4bteld$unit c 56 `unit2minor $(($offset + $unit))` ;; i4btel*) unit=`expr $i : 'i4btel\(.*\)'` mknod i4btel$unit c 56 `unit2minor $unit` ;; i4btrc*) unit=`expr $i : 'i4btrc\(.*\)'` mknod i4btrc$unit c 59 `unit2minor $unit` ;; aac*) unit=`expr $i : 'aac\(.*\)'` mknod aac$unit c 150 `unit2minor $unit` ln -fs aac$unit afa$unit ln -fs aac$unit hpn$unit ;; mlx*) unit=`expr $i : 'mlx\(.*\)'` mknod mlx$unit c 130 `unit2minor $unit` ;; amr*) unit=`expr $i : 'amr\(.*\)'` mknod amr$unit c 132 `unit2minor $unit` ;; ciss*) unit=`expr $i : 'ciss\(.*\)'` mknod ciss$unit c 166 `unit2minor $unit` ;; agpgart) mknod agpgart c 148 0 ;; twe*) unit=`expr $i : 'twe\(.*\)'` mknod twe$unit c 146 `unit2minor $unit` ;; tw*) unit=`expr $i : 'tw\(.*\)'` mknod tw$unit c 19 `unit2minor $unit` root:operator ;; cfs*) unit=`expr $i : 'cfs\(.*\)'` mknod cfs$unit c 93 $unit root:operator ;; nsmb*) unit=`expr $i : 'nsmb\(.*\)'` mknod nsmb$unit c 144 $unit ;; local) umask 0 # XXX should be elsewhere sh MAKEDEV.local umask 77 ;; *) echo $i - no such device name ;; esac done #!/bin/sh - # # Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Written and contributed by W. Jolitz 12/90 # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided # that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright notice and # comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display the following # acknowledgement: ``This product includes software developed by the # University of California, Berkeley and its contributors'' in the # documentation or other materials provided with the distribution and in # all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software. # Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # @(#)MAKEDEV 5.2 (Berkeley) 6/22/90 # $FreeBSD: src/etc/MAKEDEV,v 2002/04/21 19:47:06 will Exp $ # # Device "make" file. Valid arguments: # all makes all known devices, standard number of units (or close) # std standard devices # jail suitable for a jail(8) # local configuration specific devices # mach-4 mach4&lites+devices for Mach's XFree86 distribution # (see http://www.cs.hut.fi/lites.html for more info on LITES) # # Tapes: # wt* QIC-interfaced (e.g. not SCSI) 3M cartridge tape # sa* SCSI Sequential Access Devices # # Disks: # aac* Adaptec FSA RAID controllers # aacd* Adaptec FSA RAID # acd* ATAPI CD-ROM disks # amrd* AMI MegaRAID # cd* SCSI CD-ROM disks # da* SCSI Direct Access Devices # fd* floppy disk drives (3 1/2", 5 1/4") # fla* M-Systems DiskOnChip # idad* Compaq Smart-2 RAID arrays # matcd* Matsushita (Panasonic) CD-ROM disks # mcd* Mitsumi CD-ROM disks # md* Memory (or malloc) disk # mlx* Mylex DAC960 RAID controllers # mlxd* Mylex DAC960 RAID disk volumes # scd* Sony CD-ROM disks # vn* vnode disks # wd* "Winchester" disk drives (ST506,IDE,ESDI,RLL,...) # wfd* IDE floppy disk drives (LS-120) # # Console ports: # vty* virtual console devices for syscons/pcvt/codrv # # Pointing devices: # mse* Logitech and ATI Inport bus mouse # psm* PS/2 mouse # jogdial Sony VAIO Jogdial # sysmouse Mousesystems mouse emulator for syscons # # Time devices: # refclock-* serial ports used by xntpd parse refclocks # # Terminal ports: # tty* general purpose serial ports # cua* dialout serial ports # ttyA* Specialix SI/XIO dialin ports ('*' = number of devices) # cuaA* Specialix SI/XIO dialout ports # ttyD* Digiboard - 16 dialin ports # cuaD* Digiboard - 16 dialout ports # ttyE* Stallion EasyIO (stl) dialin ports # cuaE* Stallion EasyIO (stl) dialout ports # ttyF* Stallion Brumby (stli) dialin ports # cuaF* Stallion Brumby (stli) dialout ports # ttyR* Rocketport dialin ports # cuaR* Rocketport dialout ports # # stlN Stallion EasyIO board N dialin and dialout # stliN Stallion Brumby board N dialin and dialout # # Pseudo terminals: # pty* set of 32 master and slave pseudo terminals # vty* virtual terminals using syscons/pcvt/codrv console # # Parallel port: # lpt* Printer # ppi* Parallel port i/o # pps* Pulse per second timing interface # pcfclock* Parallel time sync interface # # I2C and SMBus: # iic* I2C devices # smb* SMBUS devices # # USB devices: # usb* USB bus control device # ugen* generic USB device # uhid* Human Interface Device (HID) # ulpt* printer # umodem* modems # ums* mouse # urio* Diamond Rio 500 # uscanner* USB scanners # usio* USB serial devices # # SCSI devices (other than CD-ROM, tape and disk): # ch* SCSI Media-Changer (juke box) driver # pt* Processor Type (HP scanner, as one example) # pass* CAM Passthrough device # ses* SES (SCSI Environmental Services) and # SAF-TE (Scsi Accessable Fault-Tolerant Enclosures) device # # PC-CARD (previously called PCMCIA) support # card* PC-CARD slots # # ISDN devices: # i4b isdnd call control device # i4bctl debugging control device # i4btrc* trace data interface(s), one per passive card # i4btel* telephony interface(s) # i4bteld* telephony dialout interface(s) # i4brbch* raw b channel access device(s) # # Special purpose devices: # apm Advanced Power Management BIOS # apmctl APM BIOS control device # bpf* packet filter # speaker pc speaker # tw* xten power controller # snd* various sound cards # pcaudio PCM audio driver # socksys iBCS2 socket system driver # vat VAT compatibility audio driver (requires snd*) # gsc Genius GS-4500 hand scanner # joy pc joystick # tun* Tunneling IP device # tap* Ethernet Tunneling device # snp* tty snoop devices # spigot Video Spigot video acquisition card # ctx* Cortex-I video acquisition card # meteor* Matrox Meteor video acquisition card (pci) # bktr* Bt848 based video acquisition card (pci) # labpc* National Instrument's Lab-PC and LAB-PC+ # perfmon CPU performance-monitoring counters # pci PCI configuration-space access from user mode # ipl ipfilter control devices (ipl, ipnat, ipstate, ipauth) # kbd keyboard devices # agpgart AGP interface # cfs* Coda Distributed Filesystem # nsmb* SMB/CIFS protocol interface # if [ -n "$MAKEDEVPATH" ]; then PATH="$MAKEDEVPATH" else PATH=/sbin:/bin fi umask 77 # Usage: die exitcode msg die() { echo $2 exit $1 } # Convert integer to partition name dkitop() { local p case $1 in 0) p=a;; 1) p=b;; 2) p=c;; 3) p=d;; 4) p=e;; 5) p=f;; 6) p=g;; 7) p=h;; *) p="?";; esac echo $p } # Convert integer to slice name dkitos() { local s case $1 in 0) s="";; 1) s="";; *) s=s$(($1-1));; esac echo $s } # Convert disk (type, unit, slice, partition) to minor number dkminor() { echo $(($1 << 25 | ($2 / 32) << 21 | ($2 % 32) << 3 | $3 << 16 | $4)) } # Override mknod(2) to add extra handling to it. mknod=/sbin/mknod for i in `IFS=':'; echo $PATH`; do if [ -x "${i}/mknod" ]; then mknod="${i}/mknod" break fi done mknod() { rm -f "$1" || exit 1 case $# in 4) "$mknod" "$@" root:wheel || die 2 "$mknod $@ failed";; 5) "$mknod" "$@" || die 2 "$mknod $@ failed";; *) die 2 "bad node: mknod $@";; esac } # Convert tape (ctrl, unit, mode, access) to minor number saminor() { echo $(($1 << 29 | ($2 / 16) << 16 | ($2 % 16) << 4 | $3 << 2 | $4)) } # Convert the last character of a tty name to a minor number. ttyminor() { case $1 in [0-9]) m=$1;; a) m=10;; b) m=11;; c) m=12;; d) m=13;; e) m=14;; f) m=15;; g) m=16;; h) m=17;; i) m=18;; j) m=19;; k) m=20;; l) m=21;; m) m=22;; n) m=23;; o) m=24;; p) m=25;; q) m=26;; r) m=27;; s) m=28;; t) m=29;; u) m=30;; v) m=31;; *) m="?";; esac echo $m } # Convert a unit number to a minor number. unit2minor() { echo $(((($1 >> 8) << 16) | ($1 % 256))) } # For the stallion devices tty[EF] # stallion major letter card iscallout stallion () { major=$1 letter=$2 card=$3 iscallout=$4 port=0 maxport=8 pref=tty owner= minorbase=0 if [ $iscallout -gt 0 ]; then pref=cua owner=uucp:dialer minorbase=128 fi case "$card" in [0-7]);; *) die 1 "Invalid stl card number $card";; esac # make the mem interface for extracting stats & loading microcode. # 0x1000000 + card number mknod staliomem$card c $major 0x0100000$card while [ $port -lt $maxport ]; do minor=$(($minorbase + $card * 1048576 + $port)) if [ $port -ge 32 ]; then minor=$(($minor + 65504)) fi unit=$(($card * 64 + $port)) mknod ${pref}${letter}$unit c $major $minor $owner mknod ${pref}i${letter}$unit c $major $(($minor + 32)) $owner mknod ${pref}l${letter}$unit c $major $(($minor + 64)) $owner port=$(($port + 1)) done } # Raw partition for disks dkrawpart=2 # Compatibility slice for disks dkcompatslice=0 # Raw slice for disks dkrawslice=1 # Standard umasks disk_umask=037 # allow group operator to read disks tape_umask=017 # allow group operator to read/write tapes for i in $*; do case $i in all) sh MAKEDEV std # standard sh MAKEDEV fd0 fd1 # bdev, floppy disk sh MAKEDEV da0 da1 da2 da3 # bdev, SCSI disk sh MAKEDEV ata # cdev, ATA control sh MAKEDEV ad0 ad1 ad2 ad3 # bdev, ATA disk sh MAKEDEV ar0 ar1 # bdev, ATA RAID disk sh MAKEDEV acd0 afd0 ast0 # bdev, ATAPI devices sh MAKEDEV wd0 wd1 wd2 wd3 # bdev, OLD disk sh MAKEDEV wcd0 wfd0 wst0 # bdev, OLD ATAPI devs sh MAKEDEV vn0 # bdev, virtual disk sh MAKEDEV cd0 matcd0 mcd0 scd0 # bdev, cdrom sh MAKEDEV sa0 wt0 # bdev, tape sh MAKEDEV vty12 # cdev, virtual tty sh MAKEDEV cuaa0 cuaa1 cuaa2 cuaa3 # cdev, serial tty sh MAKEDEV pty0 # cdev, pseudo tty sh MAKEDEV ttyd0 ttyd1 ttyd2 ttyd3 # cdev, serial tty sh MAKEDEV zs0 # big-Alpha serial tty sh MAKEDEV kbd0 kbd1 # cdev, keyboard sh MAKEDEV mse0 psm0 jogdial sysmouse # cdev, mouse sh MAKEDEV pcaudio speaker snd0 # cdev, noise sh MAKEDEV lpt0 lpt1 lpt2 # cdev, printer sh MAKEDEV ppi0 ppi1 ppi2 # cdev, parallel port sh MAKEDEV iic0 iic1 # cdev, I2C device sh MAKEDEV smb0 smb1 # cdev, SMBus device sh MAKEDEV usb usb0 uhid0 ums0 ulpt0 ugen0 # cdev, USB devices sh MAKEDEV urio0 uscanner0 umodem0 # cdev, USB devices too sh MAKEDEV bpf0 bpf1 bpf2 bpf3 # cdev, network sh MAKEDEV ipl tun0 tun1 tun2 tun3 # cdev, network sh MAKEDEV tap0 tap1 tap2 tap3 # cdev, network sh MAKEDEV ch0 perfmon tw0 # cdev, miscellaneous sh MAKEDEV apm apmctl card0 card1 card2 card3 # cdev, laptop sh MAKEDEV pass4 xpt2 # cdev, CAM sh MAKEDEV i4b i4bctl i4btrc0 i4btrc1 # cdev, ISDN sh MAKEDEV i4btel0 i4btel1 i4bteld0 i4bteld1 # cdev, ISDN sh MAKEDEV i4brbch0 i4brbch1 # cdev, ISDN sh MAKEDEV agpgart # cdev, AGP sh MAKEDEV nsmb0 # cdev, SMB/CIFS ;; # a much restricted set of the above, to save precious i-nodes on the # fixit floppy fixit) sh MAKEDEV std # standard sh MAKEDEV fd0 # bdev, floppy disk sh MAKEDEV da0 # bdev, SCSI disk sh MAKEDEV ad0 # bdev, ATA disk sh MAKEDEV acd0 afd0 ast0 # bdev, ATAPI devices sh MAKEDEV wd0 # bdev, OLD disk sh MAKEDEV wcd0 wfd0 wst0 # bdev, OLD ATAPI devs sh MAKEDEV vn0 # bdev, virtual disk sh MAKEDEV cd0 # bdev, cdrom sh MAKEDEV sa0 # bdev, tape sh MAKEDEV vty2 # cdev, virtual tty sh MAKEDEV cuaa0 # cdev, serial tty sh MAKEDEV pty0 # cdev, pseudo tty sh MAKEDEV ttyd0 # cdev, serial tty sh MAKEDEV zs0 # big-Alpha serial tty sh MAKEDEV kbd0 # cdev, keyboard sh MAKEDEV mse0 psm0 sysmouse # cdev, mouse sh MAKEDEV lpt0 # cdev, printer sh MAKEDEV ppi0 # cdev, parallel port sh MAKEDEV iic0 # cdev, I2C device sh MAKEDEV smb0 # cdev, SMBus device sh MAKEDEV ums0 # cdev, USB devices sh MAKEDEV tun0 # cdev, network sh MAKEDEV tap0 # cdev, network sh MAKEDEV ch0 # cdev, miscellaneous sh MAKEDEV apm apmctl card0 # cdev, laptop sh MAKEDEV pass1 xpt1 # cdev, CAM sh MAKEDEV i4b i4bctl i4btrc0 i4btrc1 # cdev, ISDN sh MAKEDEV i4btel0 i4bteld0 # cdev, ISDN sh MAKEDEV i4brbch0 # cdev, ISDN rm -f fd/[1-9]? ;; std) mknod console c 0 0; chmod 600 console mknod kmem c 2 1 root:kmem; chmod 640 kmem mknod mem c 2 0 root:kmem; chmod 640 mem mknod null c 2 2; chmod 666 null mknod random c 2 3; chmod 644 random mknod urandom c 2 4; chmod 644 urandom mknod zero c 2 12; chmod 666 zero mknod io c 2 14; chmod 600 io mknod tty c 1 0; chmod 666 tty mknod klog c 7 0; chmod 600 klog mknod stdin c 22 0; chmod 666 stdin mknod stdout c 22 1; chmod 666 stdout mknod stderr c 22 2; chmod 666 stderr mknod pci c 78 0; chmod 644 pci mkdir -p fd (cd fd && i=0 && while [ $i -lt 64 ]; do mknod $i c 22 $i i=$(($i + 1)) done ) chmod 555 fd chmod 666 fd/* ;; jail) sh MAKEDEV std pty0 rm mem kmem pci io klog console # for security ln -sf null mem # for libkvm (ab)users ln -sf null kmem # --//-- ln -sf null console ;; mach-4) mknod iopl c 22 0 mknod kbd c 23 0 mknod mouse c 24 0 mknod time c 25 0 mknod timezone c 26 0 ;; # Create device files for new Archive/Wangtek QIC-02 tape driver (vak) wt*) umask $tape_umask u=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` if [ -z "${u}" ]; then u=0; fi # default density, 512b blocks mknod rwt${u} c 10 $(( 0 + $u)) root:operator mknod nrwt${u} c 10 $(( 4 + $u)) root:operator # default density, 1024b blocks # mknod rWt${u} c 10 $((64 + $u)) root:operator # mknod nrWt${u} c 10 $((68 + $u)) root:operator mknod rwt${u}b c 10 $((16 + $u)) root:operator # 60 megabytes mknod nrwt${u}b c 10 $((20 + $u)) root:operator mknod rwt${u}c c 10 $((24 + $u)) root:operator # 120 megabytes mknod nrwt${u}c c 10 $((28 + $u)) root:operator mknod rwt${u}d c 10 $((32 + $u)) root:operator # 150 megabytes mknod nrwt${u}d c 10 $((36 + $u)) root:operator # mknod rwt${u}e c 10 $((40 + $u)) root:operator # 300 megabytes? # mknod nrwt${u}e c 10 $((44 + $u)) root:operator # mknod rwt${u}f c 10 $((48 + $u)) root:operator # 600 megabytes? # mknod nrwt${u}f c 10 $((52 + $u)) root:operator umask 77 ;; # Individual slices. aacd*s*|ad*s*|ar*s*|afd*s*|amrd*s*|da*s*|fla*s*|idad*s*|md*s*|mlxd*s*|twed*s*|vn*s*|wd*s*|wfd*s*) umask $disk_umask case $i in aacd*s*) name=aacd; chr=151;; ad*s*) name=ad; chr=116;; ar*s*) name=ar; chr=157;; afd*s*) name=afd; chr=118;; amrd*s*) name=amrd; chr=133;; da*s*) name=da; chr=13;; fla*s*) name=fla; chr=102;; idad*s*) name=idad; chr=109;; md*s*) name=md; chr=95;; mlxd*s*) name=mlxd; chr=131;; twed*s*) name=twed; chr=147;; vn*s*) name=vn; chr=43;; wd*s*) name=wd; chr=3;; wfd*s*) name=wfd; chr=87;; esac case $i in aacd*s*|amrd*s*|idad*s*|mlxd*s*|twed*s*) unit=`expr $i : '....\([0-9]*\)s'` slice=`expr $i : '....[0-9]*s\([0-9]*\)'` part=`expr $i : '....[0-9]*s[0-9]*\(.*\)'` ;; afd*s*|fla*s*|wfd*s*) unit=`expr $i : '...\([0-9]*\)s'` slice=`expr $i : '...[0-9]*s\([0-9]*\)'` part=`expr $i : '...[0-9]*s[0-9]*\(.*\)'` ;; *) unit=`expr $i : '..\([0-9]*\)s'` slice=`expr $i : '..[0-9]*s\([0-9]*\)'` part=`expr $i : '..[0-9]*s[0-9]*\(.*\)'` ;; esac case $unit in [0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-4][0-9][0-9]|50[0-9]|51[0-1]) case $slice in [0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|30) oldslice=$slice slice=$(($slice+1)) slicename=`dkitos $slice` minor=`dkminor 0 $unit $slice $dkrawpart` mknod $name$unit$slicename c $chr $minor root:operator ln -f $name$unit$slicename r$name$unit$slicename case $part in [a-h]) case $oldslice in 0) slice=$oldslice ;; esac for part in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do minor=`dkminor 0 $unit $slice $part` partname=`dkitop $part` mknod $name$unit$slicename$partname \ c $chr $minor root:operator ln -f $name$unit$slicename$partname \ r$name$unit$slicename$partname done ;; "") ;; *) echo bad partition for disk in: $i ;; esac ;; *) echo bad slice for disk in: $i ;; esac ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i "(unit=$unit, slice=$slice, part=$part)" ;; esac umask 77 ;; fd*) umask $disk_umask unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` name=fd; chr=9 case $unit in 0|1|2|3) mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr $(($unit * 64)) root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit} r${name}${unit} # Fake BSD partitions for i in a b c d e f g h do ln -f ${name}${unit} ${name}${unit}$i ln -f r${name}${unit} r${name}${unit}$i done # User-readable and programmer-readable name sets mknod ${name}${unit}.1720 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 1)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.1720 r${name}${unit}.1720 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1720 ${name}${unit}135hs21 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1720 r${name}${unit}135hs21 mknod ${name}${unit}.1480 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 2)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.1480 r${name}${unit}.1480 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1480 ${name}${unit}135hs18 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1480 r${name}${unit}135hs18 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1480 ${name}${unit}96hs18 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1480 r${name}${unit}96hs18 mknod ${name}${unit}.1440 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 3)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.1440 r${name}${unit}.1440 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1440 ${name}${unit}135 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1440 r${name}${unit}135 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1440 ${name}${unit}135ds18 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1440 r${name}${unit}135ds18 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1440 ${name}${unit}96ds18 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1440 r${name}${unit}96ds18 mknod ${name}${unit}.1200 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 4)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}.1200 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1200 ${name}${unit}96 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}96 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1200 ${name}${unit}96ds15 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}96ds15 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1200 ${name}${unit}135ds15 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1200 r${name}${unit}135ds15 mknod ${name}${unit}.820 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 5)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.820 r${name}${unit}.820 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.820 ${name}${unit}96hs10 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.820 r${name}${unit}96hs10 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.820 ${name}${unit}135hs10 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.820 r${name}${unit}135hs10 mknod ${name}${unit}.800 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 6)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.800 r${name}${unit}.800 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.800 ${name}${unit}96ds10 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.800 r${name}${unit}96ds10 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.800 ${name}${unit}135ds10 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.800 r${name}${unit}135ds10 mknod ${name}${unit}.720 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 7)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.720 r${name}${unit}.720 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.720 ${name}${unit}96ds9 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.720 r${name}${unit}96ds9 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.720 ${name}${unit}135ds9 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.720 r${name}${unit}135ds9 mknod ${name}${unit}.360 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 8)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.360 r${name}${unit}.360 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.360 ${name}${unit}48 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.360 r${name}${unit}48 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.360 ${name}${unit}48ds9 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.360 r${name}${unit}48ds9 mknod ${name}${unit}.640 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 9)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.640 r${name}${unit}.640 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.640 ${name}${unit}96ds8 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.640 r${name}${unit}96ds8 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.640 ${name}${unit}135ds8 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.640 r${name}${unit}135ds8 mknod ${name}${unit}.1232 c $chr $(($unit * 64 + 10)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}.1232 r${name}${unit}.1232 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1232 ${name}${unit}96ds8 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1232 r${name}${unit}96ds8 # ln -f ${name}${unit}.1232 ${name}${unit}135ds8 # ln -f r${name}${unit}.1232 r${name}${unit}135ds8 ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; aacd*|ad*|ar*|afd*|amrd*|da*|fla*|idad*|md*|mlxd*|twed*|vn*|wd*|wfd*) umask $disk_umask case $i in aacd*) name=aacd; chr=151;; ad*) name=ad; chr=116;; ar*) name=ar; chr=157;; afd*) name=afd; chr=118;; amrd*) name=amrd; chr=133;; da*) name=da; chr=13;; fla*) name=fla; chr=102;; idad*) name=idad; chr=109;; md*) name=md; chr=95;; mlxd*) name=mlxd; chr=131;; twed*) name=twed; chr=147;; vn*) name=vn; chr=43;; wd*) name=wd; chr=3;; wfd*) name=wfd; chr=87;; esac case $i in aacd*|amrd*|idad*|mlxd*|twed*) unit=`expr $i : '....\(.*\)'` ;; afd*|fla*|wfd*) unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'` ;; *) unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` ;; esac case $unit in [0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-4][0-9][0-9]|50[0-9]|51[0-1]) for slicepartname in s0h s1h s2 s3 s4 do sh MAKEDEV $name$unit$slicepartname done ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; ccd*) umask $disk_umask name=ccd chr=74 unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'` case $unit in [0-9]|[0-9][0-9]|[0-4][0-9][0-9]|50[0-9]|51[0-1]) for part in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do minor=`dkminor 0 $unit 0 $part` partname=`dkitop $part` mknod $name$unit$partname c $chr $minor root:operator ln -f $name$unit$partname r$name$unit$partname done ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; # SCSI processor type driver pt[0-9]*) chr=61 name=pt unit=`expr $i : 'pt\([0-9][0-9]*\)'` if [ -z "${unit}" ]; then unit=0 fi unit=$(($unit + 1 - 1)) mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr `unit2minor $unit` ;; # SCSI SES/SAF-TE type driver ses[0-9]*) chr=110 name=ses unit=`expr $i : 'ses\([0-9][0-9]*\)'` if [ -z "${unit}" ]; then unit=0 fi unit=$(($unit + 1 - 1)) mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr `unit2minor $unit` ;; # SCSI target mode sample driver targ[0-9]*) chr=65 name=targ unit=`expr $i : 'targ\([0-9][0-9]*\)'` if [ -z "${unit}" ]; then unit=0 fi unit=$(($unit + 1 - 1)) mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr `unit2minor $unit` mknod ${name}.ctl c $chr 0xffff00ff ;; # CAM transport layer device xpt*) # This major number is temporary chr=104 name=xpt units=`expr $i : 'xpt\(.*\)'` if [ -z "${units}" ]; then units=1 fi i=0 while [ $i -lt $units ]; do dname=$name$i rm -rf $dname r$dname mknod $dname c $chr `unit2minor $i` root:operator i=$(($i + 1)) done ;; # CAM passthrough device pass*) # This major number is temporary chr=31 name=pass units=`expr $i : 'pass\(.*\)'` if [ -z "${units}" ]; then units=1 fi i=0 while [ $i -lt $units ]; do dname=$name$i rm -rf $dname r$dname mknod $dname c $chr `unit2minor $i` root:operator i=$(($i + 1)) done ;; pty*) class=`expr $i : 'pty\(.*\)'` case $class in 0) offset=0 name=p;; 1) offset=32 name=q;; 2) offset=64 name=r;; 3) offset=96 name=s;; # Note that xterm (at least) only look at p-s. 4) offset=128 name=P;; 5) offset=160 name=Q;; 6) offset=192 name=R;; 7) offset=224 name=S;; # This still leaves [tuTU]. *) echo bad unit for pty in: $i;; esac umask 0 case $class in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7) i=0 while [ $i -lt 32 ]; do # This was an awk substr() before. c=$(echo 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv | dd bs=1 skip=$i count=1 2>/dev/null) mknod tty$name$c c 5 $(($offset + $i)) mknod pty$name$c c 6 $(($offset + $i)) i=$(($i + 1)) done ;; esac umask 77 ;; sa*) umask $tape_umask unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` chr=14 case $unit in [0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]) mknod sa${unit}.ctl c $chr `saminor 1 ${unit} 0 0` ln -f sa${unit}.ctl rsa${unit}.ctl for m in 0 1 2 3 do mknod sa${unit}.${m} c $chr \ `saminor 0 ${unit} ${m} 0` root:operator ln -f sa${unit}.${m} rsa${unit}.${m} mknod nsa${unit}.${m} c $chr \ `saminor 0 ${unit} ${m} 1` root:operator ln -f nsa${unit}.${m} nrsa${unit}.${m} mknod esa${unit}.${m} c $chr \ `saminor 0 ${unit} ${m} 2` root:operator ln -f esa${unit}.${m} ersa${unit}.${m} done ln -f sa${unit}.0 sa${unit} ln -f sa${unit}.0 rsa${unit}.0 ln -f sa${unit}.0 rsa${unit} ln -f nsa${unit}.0 nsa${unit} ln -f nsa${unit}.0 nrsa${unit}.0 ln -f nsa${unit}.0 nrsa${unit} ln -f esa${unit}.0 esa${unit} ln -f esa${unit}.0 ersa${unit}.0 ln -f esa${unit}.0 ersa${unit} ;; *) echo bad unit for tape in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; ch*) umask 37 unit=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'` case $i in ch*) name=ch; chr=17;; esac case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6) mknod ${name}${unit} c $chr $unit root:operator ;; *) echo bad unit for media changer in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; ata) mknod ata c 159 0 root:operator ;; ast*) umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'` chr=119 case $unit in 0|1|2|3) mknod ast${unit} c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 0)) root:operator chmod 640 ast${unit} mknod nast${unit} c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 1)) root:operator chmod 640 nast${unit} ;; *) echo bad unit for tape in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; acd*t*) umask $disk_umask units=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)t'`; tracks=`expr $i : '.*t\(.*\)'`; name=acd; chr=117; if [ -z "${units}" -o "${units}" -le 0 ]; then units=1 fi if [ -z "${tracks}" -o "${tracks}" -le 0 ]; then tracks=100 fi if [ "${units}" -le 31 -a "${tracks}" -le 169 ]; then i=0 while [ $i -le $units ]; do dname=$name$i rm -rf ${dname}t* j=1 while [ $j -le ${tracks} ]; do mknod ${dname}t$j c $chr \ $((($i * 8) + (65536 * $j))) \ root:operator j=$(($j + 1)) done i=$(($i + 1)) done else echo "$i is invalid -- can't have more than 32 cd devices or 169 tracks" fi umask 77 ;; acd*|cd*|mcd*|scd*) umask $disk_umask case $i in acd*) units=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'`; name=acd; chr=117;; cd*) units=`expr $i : '..\(.*\)'`; name=cd; chr=15;; mcd*) units=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'`; name=mcd; chr=29;; scd*) units=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'`; name=scd; chr=45;; esac if [ -z "${units}" -o "${units}" -le 0 ]; then units=1 fi if [ "${units}" -le 31 ]; then i=0 while [ $i -le $units ]; do dname=$name$i rm -rf ${dname}* r${dname}* mknod ${dname}a c $chr $(($i * 8)) root:operator case $name in acd) ln -f ${dname}a ${dname}c;; *) mknod ${dname}c c $chr $(($i * 8 + 2)) root:operator;; esac ln -f ${dname}a r${dname}a ln -f ${dname}c r${dname}c i=$(($i + 1)) done else echo "$i is invalid -- can't have more than 32 cd devices" fi umask 77 ;; matcd*) umask 2 case $i in matcd*) unit=`expr $i : '.....\(.*\)'`; name=matcd; chr=46;; esac case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15) mknod ${name}${unit}a c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 0)) \ root:operator mknod ${name}${unit}c c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 2)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}a r${name}${unit}a ln -f ${name}${unit}c r${name}${unit}c chmod 640 ${name}${unit}[a-h] r${name}${unit}[a-h] mknod ${name}${unit}la c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 128)) \ root:operator mknod ${name}${unit}lc c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 130)) \ root:operator ln -f ${name}${unit}la r${name}${unit}la ln -f ${name}${unit}lc r${name}${unit}lc chmod 640 ${name}${unit}l[a-h] r${name}${unit}l[a-h] ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; wcd*) umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'` chr=69 case $unit in 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7) mknod wcd${unit}a c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 0)) root:operator mknod wcd${unit}c c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 2)) root:operator ln -f wcd${unit}a rwcd${unit}a ln -f wcd${unit}c rwcd${unit}c chmod 640 wcd${unit}[a-h] rwcd${unit}[a-h] ;; *) echo bad unit for disk in: $i ;; esac umask 77 ;; wst*) umask 2 ; unit=`expr $i : '...\(.*\)'` chr=90 case $unit in 0|1|2|3) mknod rwst${unit} c $chr $(($unit * 8 + 0)) root:operator chmod 640 rwst${unit} ;; esac umask 77 ;; iic*) unit=`expr $i : 'iic\(.*\)'` mknod iic$unit c 105 `unit2minor $unit` ;; smb*) unit=`expr $i : 'smb\(.*\)'` mknod smb$unit c 106 `unit2minor $unit` ;; pcfclock*) unit=`expr $i : 'pcfclock\(.*\)'` mknod pcfclock$unit c 140 `unit2minor $unit` ;; ppi*) unit=`expr $i : 'ppi\(.*\)'` mknod ppi$unit c 82 `unit2minor $unit` ;; pps*) unit=`expr $i : 'pps\(.*\)'` mknod pps$unit c 89 `unit2minor $unit` ;; usb) mknod usb$unit c 108 255 root:operator chmod 0660 usb$unit ;; usb*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'usb\(.*\)'` mknod usb$unit c 108 `unit2minor $unit` root:operator umask 77 ;; uhid*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'uhid\(.*\)'` mknod uhid$unit c 122 `unit2minor $unit` root:operator umask 77 ;; ums*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'ums\(.*\)'` mknod ums$unit c 111 `unit2minor $unit` root:operator umask 77 ;; ulpt*) unit=`expr $i : 'ulpt\(.*\)'` minor=`unit2minor $unit` mknod ulpt$unit c 113 $minor minor=`unit2minor $(($unit + 64))` mknod unlpt$unit c 113 $minor # and the 'no prime' version ;; ugen*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'ugen\([0-9][0-9]*\)'` endpoint=`expr $i : 'ugen.*\.\([0-9][0-9]*\)'` if [ -z "${unit}" ]; then echo $i - Invalid unit number fi if [ -z "${endpoint}" ]; then # ugen0 & ugen0.1 - ugen0.15 mknod ugen$unit c 114 \ `unit2minor $(($unit * 16))` root:operator i=1 while [ $i -lt 16 ]; do mknod ugen$unit.$i c 114 \ `unit2minor $(($unit * 16 + $i))` root:operator i=$(($i + 1)) done else minor=`unit2minor $(($unit * 16 + $endpoint))` mknod ugen$unit.$endpoint c 114 $minor root:operator fi umask 77 ;; urio*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'urio\(.*\)'` mknod urio$unit c 143 `unit2minor $unit` root:operator umask 77 ;; usio*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'usio\(.*\)'` minor=$(($unit + 128)) minor=`unit2minor $(($unit + 128))` mknod usio$unit c 138 $minor uucp:dialer umask 77 ;; uscanner*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'uscanner\(.*\)'` mknod uscanner$unit c 156 `unit2minor $unit` root:operator umask 77 ;; umodem*) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'umodem\(.*\)'` mknod umodem$unit c 124 `unit2minor $unit` uucp:dialer umask 77 ;; lpt*) unit=`expr $i : 'lpt\(.*\)'` mknod lpt$unit c 16 `unit2minor $unit` mknod lpctl$unit c 16 `unit2minor $(($unit + 128))` ;; # Use this to create virtual consoles for syscons, pcvt or codrv # ttyv0-b # use as MAKEDEV vtyNN to create NN entries vty*) chr=12 units=`expr $i : 'vty\(.*\)'` i=0 while [ $i -lt $units ]; do mknod ttyv$(printf %01x $i) c $chr `unit2minor $i` i=$(($i + 1)) done ln -fs ttyv0 vga # XXX X still needs this pccons relic ;; nmdm*) units=`expr $i : 'nmdm\(.*\)'` chr=18 i=0 while [ $i -lt $units ]; do minor=`unit2minor $i` minor=$(($minor + $minor)) mknod nmdm${i}A c $chr $minor mknod nmdm${i}B c $chr $(($minor + 1)) i=$(($i + 1)) done ;; bpf*) nbpf=`expr $i : 'bpf\(.*\)$'` unit=0 while [ $unit -le $nbpf ]; do mknod bpf$unit c 23 `unit2minor $unit` unit=$(($unit + 1)) done ;; speaker) mknod speaker c 26 0 ;; cua?|cuaa?|cuaa??) umask 7 unit_low=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` case $i in cua?|cuaa?) unit_high="" m_high=0 ;; cuaa??) unit_high=`expr $i : 'cuaa\(.\).$'` m_high=`ttyminor $unit_high` ;; esac unit=$unit_high$unit_low m=$(($m_high << 16 | `ttyminor $unit_low`)) mknod cuaa$unit c 28 $(($m | 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cuaia$unit c 28 $(($m | 32 | 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cuala$unit c 28 $(($m | 64 | 128)) uucp:dialer umask 77 ;; tty?|tty0?|ttyd?|ttyd??) unit_low=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` case $i in tty?|tty0?|ttyd?) unit_high="" m_high=0 ;; ttyd??) unit_high=`expr $i : 'ttyd\(.\).$'` m_high=`ttyminor $unit_high` ;; esac unit=$unit_high$unit_low m=$(($m_high << 16 | `ttyminor $unit_low`)) mknod ttyd$unit c 28 $m mknod ttyid$unit c 28 $(($m | 32)) mknod ttyld$unit c 28 $(($m | 64)) ;; cuac?) umask 7 portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v" major=48 card=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=$(($card * 65536 + $minor)) name=$card$unit mknod cuac$name c $major $(($minor + 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cuaic$name c $major $(($minor + 32 + 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cualc$name c $major $(($minor + 64 + 128)) uucp:dialer done umask 77 ;; ttyc?) portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v" major=48 card=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=$(($card * 65536 + $minor)) name=$card$unit mknod ttyc$name c $major $minor mknod ttyic$name c $major $(($minor + 32)) mknod ttylc$name c $major $(($minor + 64)) done ;; # RISCom8 'rc' driver entries cuam?) umask 7 unit=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod cuam$unit c 63 $(($m + 128)) uucp:dialer umask 77 ;; ttym?) unit=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod ttym$unit c 63 $m ;; # Specialix SI/XIO. # Note: these are 'base 1' to match the numbers on the panels, and to match # the manual that comes with the system. ttyA*) major=68 nports=`expr $i : 'ttyA\(.*\)$'` port=1 while [ $port -le $nports ]; do minor=$(($port - 1)) name=$(printf %02d $port) mknod ttyA$name c $major $minor mknod ttyiA$name c $major $(($minor + 65536)) mknod ttylA$name c $major $(($minor + 131072)) port=$(($port + 1)) done # For the user-mode control program, 'sicontrol' mknod si_control c 68 262144 ;; cuaA*) umask 7 major=68 nports=`expr $i : 'cuaA\(.*\)$'` port=1 while [ $port -le $nports ]; do minor=$(($port - 1)) name=$(printf %02d $port) mknod cuaA$name c $major $(($minor + 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cuaiA$name c $major $(($minor + 128 + 65536)) \ uucp:dialer mknod cualA$name c $major $(($minor + 128 + 131072)) \ uucp:dialer port=$(($port + 1)) done umask 77 ;; # Alpha AS8[24]00 (TurboLaser) console. zs?) unit=`expr $i : 'zs.*\(.\)$'` m=`ttyminor $unit` mknod zs$unit c 135 $m ;; # Digiboard PC/?? 16 port card. # The current scheme of minor numbering is: # # unused{14} CARD{2} major{8} CALLOUT{1} LOCK{1} INIT{1} PORT{5} # # CARD bitfield in future versions may be extended to 3 bits. # # See dgb(4) # ttyD?) portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f" major=58 card=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=$(($card * 65536 + $minor)) name=$card$unit mknod ttyD$name c $major $minor mknod ttyiD$name c $major $(($minor + 32)) mknod ttylD$name c $major $(($minor + 64)) done ;; cuaD?) umask 7 portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f" major=58 card=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=$(($card * 65536 + $minor)) name=$card$unit mknod cuaD$name c $major $(($minor + 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cuaiD$name c $major $(($minor + 32 + 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cualD$name c $major $(($minor + 64 + 128)) uucp:dialer done umask 77 ;; # Stallion multi serial cards (stl and stli drivers) # # These drivers reserve 64 minor devices per board, even if the board # supports only 4 devices. We default to creating only 8 of the 64 devices # to keep /dev from getting too large (which => slow). The last part of the # arg is the board number to create ports for. So: # ttyE0 will create 8 dialin ports ttyE0-ttyE7, plus ttyiE* and ttylE* # cuaE0 will create 8 dialout ports cuaE0-cuaE7, plus cuaiE* and cualE* # ttyE1 will create 8 dialin ports ttyE64-ttyE71, plus ttyiE* and ttylE* # etc # If you have EasyConnect 8/32 or 8/64 cards, you will need to change the # definition of "maxport" below to get nodes for the full 32 or 64 # ports per card. # # Note that the mapping of minor device numbers (with the hole between # 32-64k) is a bit odd to keep compatibility with ttyd? for # lock/initial devices. # Minor device field for the ports is # card{3} unused{4} unit-msb{1} unused{8} callout{1} lock{1} init{1} unit-lsbs{5} # for the mem device is # 0x1000000 + card # (For stl, there is only 1 mem device per system; for stli, one per board) ttyE*) stallion 72 E `expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` 0 ;; cuaE*) stallion 72 E `expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` 1 ;; stl*) card=`expr $i : 'stl\(.\)$'` stallion 72 E $card 0 stallion 72 E $card 1 ;; ttyF*) stallion 75 F `expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` 0 ;; cuaF*) stallion 75 F `expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` 1 ;; stli*) card=`expr $i : 'stl\(.\)$'` stallion 75 F $card 0 stallion 75 F $card 1 ;; ttyM*) portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f" modulelist="a b c d" major=101 card=`expr $i : 'tty.*\(.\)$'` for unit in $modulelist do moduleminor=`ttyminor $unit` moduleminor=$(($moduleminor % 10 * 16)) modulename=$unit for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=$(($card * 65536 + $minor + $moduleminor)) name=$card$modulename$unit rm -f tty*M$name mknod ttyM$name c $major $minor mknod ttyiM$name c $major $(($minor + 64)) mknod ttylM$name c $major $(($minor + 128)) done done ;; cuaM?) umask 7 portlist="0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f" modulelist="a b c d" major=101 card=`expr $i : 'cua.*\(.\)$'` for unit in $modulelist do moduleminor=`ttyminor $unit` moduleminor=$(($moduleminor % 10 * 16)) modulename=$unit for unit in $portlist do minor=`ttyminor $unit` minor=$(($card * 65536 + $minor + $moduleminor)) name=$card$modulename$unit rm -f cua*M$name mknod cuaM$name c $major $(($minor + 262144)) \ uucp:dialer mknod cuaiM$name c $major $(($minor + 64 + 262144)) \ uucp:dialer mknod cualM$name c $major $(($minor + 128 + 262144)) \ uucp:dialer done done umask 77 ;; ttyR?) major=81 BOARD=1; Rnum=0 MINOR=$(($BOARD * 65536)) controllers=$( dmesg | while read first rest; do case "$first" in RocketPort[0-4]) echo "$first" ;; esac done ) rm -f ttyR* ttyiR* ttylR* for i in $controllers; do ndevices=$( dmesg | while read first bar ports rest; do case "$first" in $i*) echo "$ports" ;; esac done ) echo -n "Creating $ndevices devices for $i: " dev=0 while [ $dev -lt $ndevices ]; do mknod ttyR$Rnum c $major $MINOR mknod ttyiR$Rnum c $major $(($MINOR + 32)) mknod ttylR$Rnum c $major $(($MINOR + 64)) Rnum=$(($Rnum + 1)) MINOR=$(($MINOR + 1)) dev=$(($dev + 1)) done BOARD=$(($BOARD + 1)) MINOR=$(($BOARD * 65536)) echo " " done ;; cuaR?) major=81 BOARD=1; Rnum=0 MINOR=$(($BOARD * 65536)) controllers=$( dmesg | while read first rest; do case "$first" in RocketPort[0-4]) echo "$first" ;; esac done ) rm -f cuaR* cuaiR* cualR* for i in $controllers; do ndevices=$( dmesg | while read first bar ports rest; do case "$first" in $i*) echo "$ports" ;; esac done ) echo -n "Creating $ndevices devices for $i: " dev=0 while [ $dev -lt $ndevices ]; do mknod cuaR$Rnum c $major $(($MINOR + 128)) uucp:dialer mknod cuaiR$Rnum c $major $(($MINOR + 128 + 32)) \ uucp:dialer mknod cualR$Rnum c $major $(($MINOR + 128 + 64)) \ uucp:dialer Rnum=$(($Rnum + 1)) MINOR=$(($MINOR + 1)) dev=$(($dev + 1)) done BOARD=$(($BOARD + 1)) MINOR=$(($BOARD * 65536)) echo " " done ;; mse*) unit=`expr $i : 'mse\(.*\)'` chr=27 # non-blocking for X11 mknod mse$unit c $chr `unit2minor $(($unit * 2 + 1))` ;; psm*) unit=`expr $i : 'psm\(.*\)'` chr=21 # non-blocking for X11 mknod psm$unit c $chr `unit2minor $(($unit * 2 + 1))` ;; mouse*) name=`expr $i : 'mouse\(.*\)'` if [ ! -c $name ]; then $0 $name # make the appropriate device fi ln -fs $name mouse ;; pcaudio) mknod pcaudio c 24 0 mknod pcaudioctl c 24 128 ;; socksys) mknod socksys c 41 0 mknod spx c 41 1 ln -fs socksys nfsd chmod 666 socksys nfsd spx ;; snd*) # # changes from Linux voxware # minor Linux FreeBSD # 8 sequencer2 (aka music0) music0 # 17 patmgr0 sequencer1 # 33 patmgr1 sequencer2 # unit=`expr $i : 'snd\(.*\)'` chr=30 # XXX write this less verbosely, like std snd_security_hole=0 # XXX umask $snd_security_hole ln -fs mixer$unit mixer ln -fs sequencer$unit sequencer ln -fs dsp$unit dsp ln -fs audio$unit audio ln -fs dspW$unit dspW ln -fs music$unit music ln -fs pss$unit pss ln -fs dsp$unit.0 dsp$unit ln -fs audio$unit.0 audio$unit ln -fs dspW$unit.0 dspW$unit mknod mixer$unit c $chr `unit2minor $(($unit * 16 + 0))` mknod sequencer$unit c $chr `unit2minor $(($unit * 16 + 1))` mknod midi$unit c $chr `unit2minor $(($unit * 16 + 2))` for chn in 0 1 2 3 do minor=$(($chn * 65536 + $unit * 16)) mknod dsp$unit.$chn c $chr $(($minor + 3)) mknod audio$unit.$chn c $chr $(($minor + 4)) mknod dspW$unit.$chn c $chr $(($minor + 5)) done mknod sndstat c $chr 6 # minor number 7 is unused mknod music$unit c $chr `unit2minor $(($unit * 16 + 8))` mknod pss$unit c $chr `unit2minor $(($unit * 16 + 9))` # minor numbers 10-15 are unused umask 77 ;; vat) mknod vatio c 25 128 chmod 660 vatio ;; gsc*) unit=`expr $i : 'gsc\(.*\)'` mknod gsc${unit} c 47 `unit2minor $unit` mknod gsc${unit}p c 47 `unit2minor $(($unit + 8))` mknod gsc${unit}d c 47 `unit2minor $(($unit + 32))` mknod gsc${unit}pd c 47 `unit2minor $(($unit + 40))` chmod 666 gsc${unit}* ;; apm) mknod apm c 39 0 root:operator chmod 664 apm ;; apmctl) mknod apmctl c 39 8 root:operator chmod 660 apmctl ;; card*) unit=`expr $i : 'card\(.*\)'` chr=50 mknod card$unit c $chr `unit2minor $unit` chmod 644 card$unit ;; ttyx?|ttyy?|ttyz?) case $i in *0) unit=0;; *1) unit=1;; *2) unit=2;; *3) unit=3;; *4) unit=4;; *5) unit=5;; *6) unit=6;; *7) unit=7;; *8) unit=8;; *9) unit=9;; *a) unit=10;; *b) unit=11;; *c) unit=12;; *d) unit=13;; *e) unit=14;; *f) unit=15;; esac case $i in ttyy?) unit=$(($unit + 16));; ttyz?) unit=$(($unit + 32));; esac mknod $i c 42 $unit ;; cronyx) mknod cronyx c 42 63 ;; joy) mknod joy0 c 51 0 root:operator mknod joy1 c 51 1 root:operator chmod 640 joy0 joy1 ;; spigot) mknod spigot c 11 0 chmod 444 spigot ;; ctx?) unit=`expr $i : 'ctx\(.*\)'` mknod ctx$unit c 40 `unit2minor $unit` chmod 444 ctx$unit ;; meteor?) unit=`expr $i : 'meteor\(.*\)'` mknod meteor$unit c 67 `unit2minor $unit . ..MAKEDEVconsolekmem6& memnull6& random urandom zero6& io ttyklog6&stdin&stdoutstderr pci fd fd0rfd0 fd0a rfd0a fd0b rfd0b fd0c rfd0c fd0d rfd0d fd0e rfd0e fd0f rfd0f fd0g rfd0g fd0h rfd0h fd0.1720: rfd0.1720 fd0.1480:  rfd0.1480 !fd0.1440:! rfd0.1440 "fd0.1200:" rfd0.1200 #fd0.820#rfd0.820 $fd0.800$rfd0.800 %fd0.720%rfd0.720 &fd0.360&rfd0.360 'fd0.640'rfd0.640 (fd0.1232:( rfd0.1232 ) da0)rda0 *da0a6&*rda0a +da0b6&+rda0b ,da0c6&,rda0c -da0d6&-rda0d .da0e6&.rda0e /da0f6&/rda0f 0da0g6&0rda0g 1da0h6&1rda0h 2da0s1&2rda0s13da0s1a3rda0s1a4da0s1b4rda0s1b5da0s1c5rda0s1c6da0s1d6rda0s1d7da0s1e7rda0s1e8da0s1f8rda0s1f9da0s1g9rda0s1g:da0s1h:rda0s1h;da0s2&;rda0s2<da0s3&<rda0s3=da0s4&=rda0s4> ad0>rad0 ?ad0a6&?rad0a @ad0b6&@rad0b Aad0c6&Arad0c Bad0d6&Brad0d Cad0e6&Crad0e Dad0f6&Drad0f Ead0g6&Erad0g Fad0h6&Frad0h Gad0s1&Grad0s1Had0s1aHrad0s1aIad0s1bIrad0s1bJad0s1cJrad0s1cKad0s1dKrad0s1dLad0s1eLrad0s1eMad0s1fMrad0s1fNad0s1gNrad0s1gOad0s1hOrad0s1hPad0s2&Prad0s2Qad0s3&Qrad0s3Rad0s4&Rrad0s4Sacd0a&Sacd0c Sracd0aSracd0cTacd1a&Tacd1c Tracd1aTracd1cUafd06&Urafd0 Vafd0a&Vrafd0aWafd0b&Wrafd0bXafd0c&Xrafd0cYafd0d&Yrafd0dZafd0e&Zrafd0e[afd0f&[rafd0f\afd0g&\rafd0g]afd0h&]rafd0h^afd0s1^rafd0s1_afd0s1a_rafd0s1a `afd0s1b`rafd0s1b aafd0s1carafd0s1c bafd0s1dbrafd0s1d cafd0s1ecrafd0s1e dafd0s1fdrafd0s1f eafd0s1gerafd0s1g fafd0s1hfrafd0s1h gafd0s2grafd0s2hafd0s3hrafd0s3iafd0s4irafd0s4jast06&knast0&l wd0lrwd0 mwd0a6&mrwd0a nwd0b6&nrwd0b owd0c6&orwd0c pwd0d6&prwd0d qwd0e6&qrwd0e rwd0f6&rrwd0f swd0g6&srwd0g twd0h6&trwd0h uwd0s1&urwd0s1vwd0s1avrwd0s1awwd0s1bwrwd0s1bxwd0s1cxrwd0s1cywd0s1dyrwd0s1dzwd0s1ezrwd0s1e{wd0s1f{rwd0s1f|wd0s1g|rwd0s1g}wd0s1h}rwd0s1h~wd0s2&~rwd0s2wd0s3&rwd0s3wd0s4&rwd0s4wcd0a&wcd0c&rwcd0arwcd0cwfd06&rwfd0 wfd0a&rwfd0awfd0b&rwfd0bwfd0c&rwfd0cwfd0d&rwfd0dwfd0e&rwfd0ewfd0f&rwfd0fwfd0g&rwfd0gwfd0h&rwfd0hwfd0s1rwfd0s1wfd0s1arwfd0s1a wfd0s1brwfd0s1b wfd0s1crwfd0s1c wfd0s1drwfd0s1d wfd0s1erwfd0s1e wfd0s1frwfd0s1f wfd0s1grwfd0s1g wfd0s1hrwfd0s1h wfd0s2rwfd0s2wfd0s3rwfd0s3wfd0s4rwfd0s4rwst0&vn0rvn0 vn0a6&rvn0a vn0b6&rvn0b vn0c6&rvn0c vn0d6&rvn0d vn0e6&rvn0e vn0f6&rvn0f vn0g6&rvn0g vn0h6&rvn0h vn0s1&rvn0s1vn0s1arvn0s1avn0s1brvn0s1bvn0s1crvn0s1cvn0s1drvn0s1dvn0s1ervn0s1evn0s1frvn0s1fvn0s1grvn0s1gvn0s1hrvn0s1hvn0s2&rvn0s2vn0s3&rvn0s3vn0s4&rvn0s4cd0a6&cd0c6&rcd0a rcd0c cd1a6&cd1c6&rcd1a rcd1c sa0.ctlrsa0.ctl sa0.0&rsa0.0nsa0.0nrsa0.0esa0.0ersa0.0sa0.1&rsa0.1nsa0.1nrsa0.1esa0.1ersa0.1 sa0sa0.2&rsa0.2nsa0.2nrsa0.2esa0.2ersa0.2sa0.3&rsa0.3nsa0.3nrsa0.3esa0.3ersa0.3rsa0 nsa0 nrsa0 esa0 ersa0 ttyv0&ttyv1& vgacuaa0&cuaia0cuala0ttyp0&ptyp0&ttyp1&ptyp1&ttyp2&ptyp2&ttyp3&ptyp3&ttyp4&ptyp4&ttyp5&ptyp5&ttyp6&ptyp6&ttyp7&ptyp7&ttyp8&ptyp8&ttyp9&ptyp9&ttypa&ptypa&ttypb&ptypb&ttypc&ptypc&ttypd&ptypd&ttype&ptype&ttypf&ptypf&ttypg&ptypg&ttyph&ptyph&ttypi&ptypi&ttypj&ptypj&ttypk&ptypk&ttypl&ptypl&ttypm&ptypm&ttypn&ptypn&ttypo&ptypo&ttypp&ptypp&ttypq&ptypq&ttypr&ptypr&ttyps&ptyps&ttypt&ptypt&ttypu&ptypu&ttypv&ptypv&ttyd0&ttyid0ttyld0 zs0 kbd06& mse06& psm06& sysmouse: lpt06& consolectllpctl0ppi06&iic06&smb06&ums06&tun06&tap06& ch0 apmapmctlcard0&pass0&xpt06& i4bi4bctli4btrc0i4btrc1 i4btel0!i4bteld0:"i4brbch0:' ...#!/bin/sh -p # # Simple replacement for tar(1), using cpio(1). # # Copyright (c) 1996 Joerg Wunsch # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE DEVELOPERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # # For use on the fixit floppy. External programs required: # cpio(1), find(1), test(1) # # # $FreeBSD: src/release/scripts/tar.sh,v 2000/05/19 16:03:36 joerg Exp $ # archive=${TAPE:-/dev/rsa0} blocksize="20" device="" mode="none" verbose="" usage() { echo "usage: tar -{c|t|x} [-v] [-b blocksize] [-f archive] [files...]" 1>&2 exit 64 # EX_USAGE } # # Prepend a hyphen to the first arg if necessary, so the traditional form # ``tar xvf /dev/foobar'' will work, too. More kludgy legacy forms are not # supported however. # if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then usage fi case "$1" in -*) break ;; *) tmp="$1" shift set -- -$tmp "$@" ;; esac while getopts "ctxvb:f:" option do case $option in [ctx]) if [ $mode = "none" ] ; then mode=$option else usage fi ;; v) verbose="-v" ;; b) blocksize="${OPTARG}" ;; f) archive="${OPTARG## }" ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ "X${archive}" != "X-" ] ; then device="-F ${archive}" # else: use stdin or stdout, which is the default for cpio fi case $mode in none) usage ;; t) exec cpio -it $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" "$@" ;; x) exec cpio -idmu $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" "$@" ;; c) if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then # use current dir -- slightly bogus set -- "." fi find "$@" -print |\ cpio -o -H ustar $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" exit $? ;; esac ( . ..) protocolsz*group +spwd.db,services z# $FreeBSD: src/etc/group,v 2002/07/16 12:33:21 des Exp $ # wheel:*:0:root daemon:*:1:daemon kmem:*:2:root sys:*:3:root tty:*:4:root operator:*:5:root mail:*:6: bin:*:7: news:*:8: man:*:9: games:*:13: staff:*:20:root sshd:*:22: smmsp:*:25: mailnull:*:26: guest:*:31:root bind:*:53: uucp:*:66: xten:*:67:xten dialer:*:68: network:*:69: www:*:80: nogroup:*:65533: nobody:*:65534: # # Internet protocols # # $FreeBSD: src/etc/protocols,v 2002/02/27 03:39:00 dd Exp $ # from: @(#)protocols 5.1 (Berkeley) 4/17/89 # # See also http://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers # ip 0 IP # internet protocol, pseudo protocol number #hopopt 0 HOPOPT # hop-by-hop options for ipv6 icmp 1 ICMP # internet control message protocol igmp 2 IGMP # internet group management protocol ggp 3 GGP # gateway-gateway protocol ipencap 4 IP-ENCAP # IP encapsulated in IP (officially ``IP'') st2 5 ST2 # ST2 datagram mode (RFC 1819) tcp 6 TCP # transmission control protocol cbt 7 CBT # CBT, Tony Ballardie egp 8 EGP # exterior gateway protocol igp 9 IGP # any private interior gateway (Cisco: for IGRP) bbn-rcc 10 BBN-RCC-MON # BBN RCC Monitoring nvp 11 NVP-II # Network Voice Protocol pup 12 PUP # PARC universal packet protocol argus 13 ARGUS # ARGUS emcon 14 EMCON # EMCON xnet 15 XNET # Cross Net Debugger chaos 16 CHAOS # Chaos udp 17 UDP # user datagram protocol mux 18 MUX # Multiplexing protocol dcn 19 DCN-MEAS # DCN Measurement Subsystems hmp 20 HMP # host monitoring protocol prm 21 PRM # packet radio measurement protocol xns-idp 22 XNS-IDP # Xerox NS IDP trunk-1 23 TRUNK-1 # Trunk-1 trunk-2 24 TRUNK-2 # Trunk-2 leaf-1 25 LEAF-1 # Leaf-1 leaf-2 26 LEAF-2 # Leaf-2 rdp 27 RDP # "reliable datagram" protocol irtp 28 IRTP # Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol iso-tp4 29 ISO-TP4 # ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 netblt 30 NETBLT # Bulk Data Transfer Protocol mfe-nsp 31 MFE-NSP # MFE Network Services Protocol merit-inp 32 MERIT-INP # MERIT Internodal Protocol sep 33 SEP # Sequential Exchange Protocol 3pc 34 3PC # Third Party Connect Protocol idpr 35 IDPR # Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol xtp 36 XTP # Xpress Tranfer Protocol ddp 37 DDP # Datagram Delivery Protocol idpr-cmtp 38 IDPR-CMTP # IDPR Control Message Transport Proto tp++ 39 TP++ # TP++ Transport Protocol il 40 IL # IL Transport Protocol ipv6 41 IPV6 # ipv6 sdrp 42 SDRP # Source Demand Routing Protocol ipv6-route 43 IPV6-ROUTE # routing header for ipv6 ipv6-frag 44 IPV6-FRAG # fragment header for ipv6 idrp 45 IDRP # Inter-Domain Routing Protocol rsvp 46 RSVP # Resource ReSerVation Protocol gre 47 GRE # Generic Routing Encapsulation mhrp 48 MHRP # Mobile Host Routing Protocol bna 49 BNA # BNA esp 50 ESP # encapsulating security payload ah 51 AH # authentication header i-nlsp 52 I-NLSP # Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA swipe 53 SWIPE # IP with Encryption narp 54 NARP # NBMA Address Resolution Protocol mobile 55 MOBILE # IP Mobility tlsp 56 TLSP # Transport Layer Security Protocol skip 57 SKIP # SKIP ipv6-icmp 58 IPV6-ICMP # ICMP for IPv6 ipv6-nonxt 59 IPV6-NONXT # no next header for ipv6 ipv6-opts 60 IPV6-OPTS # destination options for ipv6 # 61 # any host internal protocol cftp 62 CFTP # CFTP # 63 # any local network sat-expak 64 SAT-EXPAK # SATNET and Backroom EXPAK kryptolan 65 KRYPTOLAN # Kryptolan rvd 66 RVD # MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol ippc 67 IPPC # Internet Pluribus Packet Core # 68 # any distributed file system sat-mon 69 SAT-MON # SATNET Monitoring visa 70 VISA # VISA Protocol ipcv 71 IPCV # Internet Packet Core Utility cpnx 72 CPNX # Computer Protocol Network Executive cphb 73 CPHB # Computer Protocol Heart Beat wsn 74 WSN # Wang Span Network pvp 75 PVP # Packet Video Protocol br-sat-mon 76 BR-SAT-MON # Backroom SATNET Monitoring sun-nd 77 SUN-ND # SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary wb-mon 78 WB-MON # WIDEBAND Monitoring wb-expak 79 WB-EXPAK # WIDEBAND EXPAK iso-ip 80 ISO-IP # ISO Internet Protocol vmtp 81 VMTP # Versatile Message Transport secure-vmtp 82 SECURE-VMTP # SECURE-VMTP vines 83 VINES # VINES ttp 84 TTP # TTP nsfnet-igp 85 NSFNET-IGP # NSFNET-IGP dgp 86 DGP # Dissimilar Gateway Protocol tcf 87 TCF # TCF eigrp 88 EIGRP # Enhanced Interior Routing Protocol (Cisco) ospf 89 OSPFIGP # Open Shortest Path First IGP sprite-rpc 90 Sprite-RPC # Sprite RPC Protocol larp 91 LARP # Locus Address Resolution Protocol mtp 92 MTP # Multicast Transport Protocol ax.25 93 AX.25 # AX.25 Frames ipip 94 IPIP # Yet Another IP encapsulation micp 95 MICP # Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. scc-sp 96 SCC-SP # Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. etherip 97 ETHERIP # Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation encap 98 ENCAP # Yet Another IP encapsulation # 99 # any private encryption scheme gmtp 100 GMTP # GMTP ifmp 101 IFMP # Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol pnni 102 PNNI # PNNI over IP pim 103 PIM # Protocol Independent Multicast aris 104 ARIS # ARIS scps 105 SCPS # SCPS qnx 106 QNX # QNX a/n 107 A/N # Active Networks ipcomp 108 IPComp # IP Payload Compression Protocol snp 109 SNP # Sitara Networks Protocol compaq-peer 110 Compaq-Peer # Compaq Peer Protocol ipx-in-ip 111 IPX-in-IP # IPX in IP vrrp 112 VRRP # Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol pgm 113 PGM # PGM Reliable Transport Protocol # 114 # any 0-hop protocol l2tp 115 L2TP # Layer Two Tunneling Protocol ddx 116 DDX # D-II Data Exchange iatp 117 IATP # Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol st 118 ST # Schedule Transfer srp 119 SRP # SpectraLink Radio Protocol uti 120 UTI # UTI smp 121 SMP # Simple Message Protocol sm 122 SM # SM ptp 123 PTP # Performance Transparency Protocol isis 124 ISIS # ISIS over IPv4 fire 125 FIRE crtp 126 CRTP # Combat Radio Transport Protocol crudp 127 CRUDP # Combat Radio User Datagram sscopmce 128 SSCOPMCE iplt 129 IPLT sps 130 SPS # Secure Packet Shield pipe 131 PIPE # Private IP Encapsulation within IP sctp 132 SCTP # Stream Control Transmission Protocol fc 133 FC # Fibre Channel # 134-254 # Unassigned divert 254 DIVERT # Divert pseudo-protocol [non IANA] # 255 # Reserved 0 ...1 ...2 ...3 . ..4sharez# # Network services, Internet style # # Stripped-down version. # # $FreeBSD: src/release/fixit.services,v 1.4 1999/08/28 01:33:10 peter Exp $ # # WELL KNOWN PORT NUMBERS # echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users #Active Users systat 11/udp users #Active Users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp chargen 19/tcp ttytst source #Character Generator chargen 19/udp ttytst source #Character Generator ftp-data 20/tcp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp-data 20/udp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp 21/tcp #File Transfer [Control] ftp 21/udp #File Transfer [Control] ssh 22/tcp #Secure Shell Login ssh 22/udp #Secure Shell Login telnet 23/tcp telnet 23/udp # 24/tcp any private mail system # 24/udp any private mail system smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer smtp 25/udp mail #Simple Mail Transfer time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver domain 53/tcp #Domain Name Server domain 53/udp #Domain Name Server bootps 67/tcp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootps 67/udp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootpc 68/tcp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client bootpc 68/udp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client tftp 69/tcp #Trivial File Transfer tftp 69/udp #Trivial File Transfer gopher 70/tcp gopher 70/udp finger 79/tcp finger 79/udp http 80/tcp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP http 80/udp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP sunrpc 111/tcp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call sunrpc 111/udp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call auth 113/tcp ident tap #Authentication Service auth 113/udp ident tap #Authentication Service nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol nntp 119/udp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol rmt 411/tcp #Remote MT Protocol rmt 411/udp #Remote MT Protocol https 443/tcp https 443/udp # # Berkeley-specific services # exec 512/tcp #remote process execution; # authentication performed using # passwords and UNIX loppgin names biff 512/udp comsat #used by mail system to notify users # of new mail received; currently # receives messages only from # processes on the same machine login 513/tcp #remote login a la telnet; # automatic authentication performed # based on priviledged port numbers # and distributed data bases which # identify "authentication domains" who 513/udp whod #maintains data bases showing who's # logged in to machines on a local # net and the load average of the # machine cmd 514/tcp shell #like exec, but automatic # authentication is performed as for # login server syslog 514/udp printer 515/tcp spooler printer 515/udp spooler talk 517/tcp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) talk 517/udp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) ntalk 518/tcp ntalk 518/udp utime 519/tcp unixtime utime 519/udp unixtime efs 520/tcp #extended file name server router 520/udp route routed #local routing process (on site); # uses variant of Xerox NS routing # information protocol uucp 540/tcp uucpd uucp 540/udp uucpd uucp-rlogin 541/tcp uucp-rlogin 541/udp klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos (v4/v5) klogin 543/udp # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/udp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5) 4 .3 ..5miscz5 .4 ..6 scsi_modes*t1 {Maximum Write Speed Supported (kBps)} i2 {Current Write Speed Supported (kBps)} i2 }; 0x00 "Vendor-Specific"; : # $FreeBSD: src/release/fixit.profile,v 2001/11/05 11:22:04 brian Exp $ export BLOCKSIZE=K export PS1="Fixit# " export EDITOR="/mnt2/stand/vi" export PAGER="/mnt2/stand/more" export SCSI_MODES="/mnt2/usr/share/misc/scsi_modes" # the root MFS doesn't have /dev/nrsa0, pick a better default for mt(1) export TAPE=/mnt2/dev/nrsa0 alias ls="ls -F" alias ll="ls -l" alias m="more -e" echo '+---------------------------------------------------------------+' echo '| You are now running from FreeBSD "fixit" media. |' echo '| ------------------------------------------------------------- |' echo "| When you're finished with this shell, please type exit. |" echo '| The fixit media is mounted as /mnt2. |' echo '| |' echo '| You might want to symlink /mnt/etc/*pwd.db and /mnt/etc/group |' echo '| to /etc after mounting a root filesystem from your disk. |' echo '| tar(1) will not restore all permissions correctly otherwise! |' echo '| |' echo '| Note: you might use the arrow keys to browse through the |' echo '| command history of this shell. |' echo '+---------------------------------------------------------------+' echo echo 'Good Luck!' echo # Make the arrow keys work; everybody will love this. set -o emacs 2>/dev/null cd / # SCSI mode page data base. # Copyright (c) 1995 HD Associates # Copyright (c) 2001 The FreeBSD Project # (contact: dufault@hda.com) # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of HD Associates # may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software # without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY HD ASSOCIATES ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL HD ASSOCIATES BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD: src/share/misc/scsi_modes,v 2002/03/14 16:18:48 joerg Exp $ # # The ordering is alphabetical by page name, as it appears in the SCSI spec. # 'i' is a byte-sized integral types, followed by a field width of # 1 through 4 (1 to 4 bytes). # # 'b' is a bit-sized integral type # 't' is a bitfield type- followed by a bit field width # # 'c' values are character arrays # 'z' values are null-padded strings # # # '*' suppresses assignment (for 'seeking'). # Bitfields are MSB to LSB. # ALL DEVICE TYPES 0x0a "Control Mode Page" { {Reserved} *t7 {RLEC} t1 {Queue Algorithm Modifier} t4 {Reserved} *t2 {QErr} t1 {DQue} t1 {EECA} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {RAENP} t1 {UAAENP} t1 {EAENP} t1 {Reserved} *i1 {Ready AEN Holdoff Period} i2 } 0x02 "Disconnect-Reconnect Page" { {Buffer Full Ratio} i1 {Buffer Empty Ratio} i1 {Bus Inactivity Limit} i2 {Disconnect Time Limit} i2 {Connect Time Limit} i2 {Maximum Burst Size} i2 {Reserved} *t6 {DTDC} t2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x09 "Peripheral Device Page" { {Interface Identifier} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x1a "Power Control" { {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *t6 {Idle} t1 {Standby} t1 {Idle Condition Timer} i4 {Standby Condition Timer} i4 } # DIRECT ACCESS DEVICES 0x08 "Caching Page" { {IC} t1 {ABPF} t1 {CAP} t1 {DISC} t1 {SIZE} t1 {WCE} t1 {MF} t1 {RCD} t1 {Demand Retention Priority} t4 {Write Retention Priority} t4 {Disable Pre-fetch Transfer Length} i2 {Minimum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch Ceiling} i2 } 0x05 "Flexible Disk Page" { {Transfer rate} i2 {Number of heads} i1 {Sectors per track} i1 {Data bytes per sector} i2 {Number of cylinders} i2 {Starting cylinder-write precompensation} i2 {Starting cylinder-reduced write current} i2 {Drive step rate} i2 {Drive step pulse width} i1 {Head settle delay} i2 {Motor on delay} i1 {Motor off delay} i1 {TRDY} t1 {SSN} t1 {MO} t1 {Reserved} *t5 {Reserved} *t4 {SPC} t4 {Write Compensation} i1 {Head load delay} i1 {Head unload delay} i1 {Pin 34} t4 {Pin 2} t4 {Pin 4} t4 {Pin 1} t4 {Medium rotation rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x03 "Format Device Page" { {Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Sectors per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Logical Unit} i2 {Sectors per Track} i2 {Data Bytes per Physical Sector} i2 {Interleave} i2 {Track Skew Factor} i2 {Cylinder Skew Factor} i2 {SSEC} t1 {HSEC} t1 {RMB} t1 {SURF} t1 {Reserved} *t4 } 0x0b "Medium Types Supported Page" { {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium type one supported} i1 {Medium type two supported} i1 {Medium type three supported} i1 {Medium type four supported} i1 } # Notch page (0x0c) 0x0c "Notch and Partition Page"; 0x01 "Read-Write Error Recovery Page" { {AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {TB (Transfer Block)} t1 {RC (Read Continuous)} t1 {EER (Enable Early Recovery)} t1 {PER (Post Error)} t1 {DTE (Disable Transfer on Error)} t1 {DCR (Disable Correction)} t1 {Read Retry Count} i1 {Correction Span} i1 {Head Offset Count} i1 {Data Strobe Offset Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Write Retry Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Recovery Time Limit} i2 } 0x04 "Rigid Disk Drive Geometry Page" { {Number of Cylinders} i3 {Number of Heads} i1 {Starting Cylinder-Write Precompensation} i3 {Starting Cylinder-Reduced Write Current} i3 {Drive Step Rate} i2 {Landing Zone Cylinder} i3 {Reserved} *t6 {RPL} t2 {Rotational Offset} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium Rotation Rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x07 "Verify Error Recovery Page" { {Reserved} *t4 {EER} t1 {PER} t1 {DTE} t1 {DCR} t1 {Verify Retry Count} i1 {Verify Correction Span} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Verify Recovery Time Limit} i2 } 0x0E "CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page" { {Reserved} *t5 {Immed} t1 {SOTC} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Reserved} *i2 {APRVal} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Format of LBAs / sec.} t4 {Logical Blocks per Second of Audio Playback} i2 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 0 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 0 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 1 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 1 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 2 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 2 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 3 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 3 Volume} i1 } # SEQUENTIAL ACCESS DEVICES 0x10 "Device Configuration Page" { {Reserved} *t1 {Change Active Partition} t1 {Change Active Format} t1 {Active Format} t5 {Active Partition} i1 {Write Buffer Full Ratio} i1 {Write Buffer Empty Ratio} i1 {Write Delay Time} i2 {Data Buffer Recovery} t1 {Block Identifiers Support} t1 {Report Setmarks} t1 {Automatic Velocity Control} t1 {Stop on Consecutive Filemarks} t2 {Recover Buffer Order} t1 {Report Early-Warning} t1 {Gap Size} i1 {EOD Defined} t3 {Enable EOD Generation} t1 {Synchronize at Early-Warning} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Buffer Size at Early-Warning} i3 {Select Data Compression Algorithm} i1 {Reserved} *t5 {SCSI-3 Associated Write Protect} t1 {SCSI-3 Persistent Write Protect} t1 {SCSI-3 Permanent Write Protect} t1 } 0x0f "Data Compression Page" { {Data Compression Enabled} t1 {Date Compression Capable} t1 {Reserved} *t6 {Data Decompression Capable} t1 {Data Decompression Report on Exception} t2 {Reserved} *t5 {Compression Algorithm} i4 {Decompression Algorithm} i4 {Reserved} *i4 } # CD-ROM (and CD-R[W]) devices 0x2a "CD capabilities and mechanical status page" { {Reserved} *t4 {Method 2} t1 {CD-RW Read} t1 {CD-R Read} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {Test Write} t1 {CD-RW Write} t1 {CD-R Write} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Multi Session} t1 {Mode 2 Form 2} t1 {Mode 2 Form 1} t1 {Digital Port (2)} t1 {Digital Port (1)} t1 {Composite} t1 {Audio Play} t1 {Read Bar Code} t1 {UPC} t1 {ISRC} t1 {C2 Pointers are supported} t1 {R-W De-interleaved & corrected} t1 {R-W Supported} t1 {CD-DA Stream is Accurate} t1 {CD-DA Commands Supported} t1 {Loading Mechanism Type} t3 {Reserved} *t1 {Eject} t1 {Prevent Jumper} t1 {Lock State} t1 {Lock} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {S/W Slot Selection} t1 {Changer Supports Disc Present reporting} t1 {Separate Channel Mute Supported} t1 {Separate volume levels per channel} t1 {Maximum Read Speed Supported (kBps)} i2 {Number of Volume Leves Supported} i2 {Buffer Size supported by Drive (KB)} i2 {Current Read Speed Selected (kBps)} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *t2 {Length} t2 {LSBF} t1 {RCK} t1 {BCK} t1 {Reserved}  (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 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All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/cat/cat.c,v 2002/04/24 13:36:45 asmodai Exp $benstuvusage: cat [-benstuv] [-] [file ...] stdoutdddddddddddddd ,DX-stdin%sr%6d buffercat@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/chmod/chmod.c,v 2001/08/01 01:21:09 obrien Exp $HLPRXfgorstuvwxthe -R and -h options may not be specified together.invalid file mode: %s%s: %s%s%s fts_read(((((((((((((((Ȍ(Ԍ((((((((((((((((((((((((((|}}usage: chmod [-fv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] mode file ... @(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/usr.sbin/chroot/chroot.c,v 2002/03/15 22:54:59 mikeh Exp $.%sSHELL/bin/sh-iusage: chroot newroot [command] @(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/cp/cp.c,v 2002/01/01 06:32:04 mckay Exp $HLPRfiprvthe -R and -r options may not be specified together.the -H, -L, and -P options may not be specified with the -r option.%s: name too long%sD`|ԑ%s: %s%s: directory causes a cycle..%s%s: name too long (not copied)chmod: %s%s and %s are identical (not copied).cannot overwrite directory %s with non-directory %s%s is a directory (not copied).%s -> %s fts_read$FreeBSD: src/bin/cp/utils.c,v 2001/12/15 14:07:05 mckay Exp $%s(y/n [n]) overwrite %s? %snot overwritten readlink: %sunlink: %ssymlink: %smkfifo: %smknod: %sutimes: %schown: %schmod: %schflags: %s cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-pv] src1 ... srcN directoryusage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i] [-pv] src target%s %s $FreeBSD: src/bin/dd/args.c,v 2001/01/23 14:20:03 asmodai Exp $\@@`pȦ ئ@@ئ@@|skipseekoseekofobsiseekifibsfilescountconvcbsbsunable to allocate space for the argument "%s"unknown operand %sno value specified for %s%s: illegal argument combination or already setbs supersedes ibs and obsrecord operations require cbscbs cannot be zerocbs meaningless if not doing record operationsseek offsets cannot be larger than %qdbs must be between 1 and %dcbs must be between 1 and %dcount cannot be negativefiles must be between 1 and %qdibs must be between 1 and %dobs must be between 1 and %dJ D= 9 3+#     unblockucasesyncswabsparseosyncoldibmoldebcdicoldasciinotruncnoerrorlcaseibmebcdicblockascii,unknown conversion %s%s: illegal conversion combination%s%s: illegal numeric value%s: %sPƨƨƨƨƨƨƨ`ƨpƨƨƨƨƨƨƨƨƨ%s: illegal offset$FreeBSD: src/bin/dd/conv.c,v 1.15 1999/09/13 21:47:10 green Exp $%s: short input record$FreeBSD: src/bin/dd/conv_tab.c,v 1.10 1999/09/12 16:51:53 green Exp $    [.<(+!&]$*);^-/|,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr~stuvwxyz{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ01234567897-./% <=2&?'@O{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|JZ_myjС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx    .<(+|&!$*);~-/,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr^stuvwxyz[]{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ01234567897-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|ཚmyO_ !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwxjJ7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx@(#) Copyright (c) 1991, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/dd/dd.c,v 2001/08/01 01:37:35 obrien Exp $stdin%sfiles is not supported for non-tape devicesstdoutinput bufferoutput buffertruncating %sư>%s: seek error creating sparse file%s: end of device%s: short write on tape device%s: short write on character device$FreeBSD: src/bin/dd/misc.c,v 2001/08/01 01:40:03 obrien Exp $%qu+%qu records in %qu+%qu records out blockblocks%qu odd length swab %s %qu truncated %s %qu bytes transferred in %.6f secs (%.0f bytes/sec) ư>?@$FreeBSD: src/bin/dd/position.c,v 2001/01/23 14:23:55 asmodai Exp $%siseek/skip%s: illegal offsetskip reached end of inputoseek/seek%s: write failure@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1990, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/df/df.c,v 2002/04/05 00:25:14 iedowse Exp $ufsabgHhiklmnPt:BLOCKSIZE=512BLOCKSIZE=1gBLOCKSIZE=1k-l and -t are mutually exclusive.BLOCKSIZE=1monly one -t option may be specified%s/tmp/df.XXXXXXstrdup failedmkdtemp("%s") failed$@\lx?@ 0BBKMGTPE %5.0f%c %5.1f%c$@ SizeAvailUsedFilesystem%-*s %-*s %*s %*s Capacityifreeiused %*s %*s %%iused Mounted on %-*s %*ld %*ld %*ld %5.0f%% %*ld %*ld %4.0f%% %s Y@ df: %lld: %s usage: df [-b | -H | -h | -k | -m | -P] [-ailn] [-t type] [file | filesystem ...] sysctl failedmalloc failed$FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/vfslist.c,v 1.4 1999/08/28 00:13:27 peter Exp $malloc failed@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/echo/echo.c,v 2001/08/01 02:33:32 obrien Exp $-n%s$FreeBSD: src/usr.bin/yacc/skeleton.c,v 2001/07/19 05:46:39 peter Exp $B[aim3O (                      !"   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All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/ln/ln.c,v 2001/08/01 04:38:44 obrien Exp $linkfhinsv.%sLdpd%s/%sreplace %s? not replaced %s %c> %s link file1 file2 ln [-fhinsv] file ... directoryusage: ln [-fhinsv] file1 file2%s %s %s $FreeBSD: src/bin/ls/cmp.c,v 2002/03/28 01:28:14 joe Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/ls/ls.c,v 2002/03/28 01:28:14 joe Exp $COLUMNS1ABCFGHLPRTWabcdfghiklnoqrstuwCLICOLORCLICOLOR_FORCEColor support not compiled in. 8PHlxH`l$0<T%s: directory causes a cycle%s: %s %s: %s: fts_readLS_COLWIDTHS0:0 %lu : %lu : %lu : %i : %i : %i : %llu : %lu %u-%lu%quDNXbipw$FreeBSD: src/bin/ls/print.c,v 2002/03/28 01:28:14 joe Exp $%stotal %lu %*lu %*lld %s %*u %-*s %-*s %-*s %3d, 0x%08x %3d, %3d %*s%*lld %e %b %T %Y %b %e %T %Y %e %b %R %b %e %R %e %b %Y %b %e %Y %s/%s ls: %s: %s -> 0B%*s BKMGTPE%*lld%c ?@$FreeBSD: src/bin/ls/util.c,v 2002/03/28 01:28:14 joe Exp $h4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,dusage: ls [-ABCFHLPRTWabcdfghiklnoqrstu1] [file ...] @(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/mkdir/mkdir.c,v 2001/08/01 04:42:37 obrien Exp $m:pvinvalid file mode: %s%s%s usage: mkdir [-pv] [-m mode] directory ... @(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/mv/mv.c,v 2001/08/01 04:44:36 obrien Exp $fiv%s: destination pathname too long%s(y/n [n]) overwrite %s? %s override %s%s%s/%s for %s? %snot overwritten %s -> %s cannot resolve %s: %scannot rename a mount pointrename %s to %smalloc failed%s: remove%s: set owner/group (was: %lu/%lu)%s: owner/group changed; clearing suid/sgid (mode was 0%03o)%s: set mode (was: 0%03o)%s: set flags (was: 0%07o)%s: set times-PRpv-PRpmv/bin/cp%s: waitpid%s: did not terminate normally%s: terminated with %d (non-zero) status-rf/bin/rm mv [-f | -i] [-v] source ... directoryusage: mv [-f | -i] [-v] source target%s %s @(#) Copyright (c) 1990, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/rm/rm.c,v 2001/08/01 05:15:56 obrien Exp $unlinkdfiPRrvW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%s: %s%s %sfts_read#$$@#$$#$$8#%s: is a directorymallocremove %s? override %s%s%s/%s %s%sfor %s? "." and ".." may not be removed unlink fileusage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ...%s %s @(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/rmdir/rmdir.c,v 2001/08/01 05:16:47 obrien Exp $p%susage: rmdir [-p] directory ... @(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/sleep/sleep.c,v 2001/08/01 05:23:25 obrien Exp $usage: sleep seconds @(#) Copyright (c) 1987, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/bin/sync/sync.c,v 2001/08/01 05:43:30 obrien Exp $@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/usr.sbin/chown/chown.c,v 2000/08/07 02:03:09 ps Exp $HLPRfhvthe -R and -h options may not be specified together%s: %s%s fts_read 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 2 2 21 2 2 21 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 21 21 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 228333X3333333333groupuser%s%s: illegal %s nameyou are not a member of group %s chgrp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f] [-h] [-v] group file ... chown [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f] [-h] [-v] :group file ...usage: chown [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f] [-h] [-v] owner[:group] file ...%s %s %s @(#) Copyright (c) 1990, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/clri/clri.c,v 1.4 1999/08/28 00:12:32 peter Exp $usage: clri filesystem inode ... %s%s: can't read superblock%s: superblock magic number 0x%x, not 0x%x%s is not a valid inode numberclearing %d @(#) Copyright (c) 1987, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/disklabel/disklabel.c,v 2001/08/01 06:07:14 obrien Exp $DOC2KVinumCCDfloppytype 9HP-FLHP-IBST506ESDISCSIold DECMSCPSMDunknownvinumbootISO9660HPFS4.4LFSMSDOS4.2BSDEighth Edition4.1BSDSystem VVersion 7Version 6swapunusedBNRWb:enrs:w/dev/%s%s%c%s%s%sioctl DIOCWLABELr;;;8:;;;;;;;;;;;d:;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;D:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;:T:;;;:?<=D==l>>?auto%s: unknown disk type/boot%s/%swrite to disk label supressed - label was as follows:ioctl DIOCSDINFOwriteioctl DIOCWDINFO%s: no disk label on disk;add "-r" to install initial label %s: label magic number or checksum is wrong!(disklabel or kernel is out of date?) %s: open partition would move or shrink%s: '%c' partition must start at beginning of diskbad pack magic number (label is damaged, or pack is unlabeled)ioctl DIOCGDINFO%s/boot1%s/boot2%s too largebootstrap doesn't leave room for disk label# %s: type: %s type: %u disk: %.*s label: %.*s flags: removeable ecc badsect bytes/sector: %lu sectors/track: %lu tracks/cylinder: %lu sectors/cylinder: %lu cylinders: %lu sectors/unit: %lu rpm: %u interleave: %u trackskew: %u cylinderskew: %u headswitch: %lu # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds drivedata: %lu %u partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg] %c: %8lu %8lu %8.8s%8d %5lu %5lu %5.5s %5lu %5lu %5u %5lu %5lu %5d%20.20s # (Cyl. %4lu- %lu) wcan't create %scan't reopen %s for readingre-edit the label? [y]: you have too many processesforkEDITOR/usr/bin/viline %d: syntax error typeWarning, unknown disk typeline %d:%s %d flagsremoveableeccbadsectline %d: %s: bad flag drivedata%d partitionsline %d: bad # of partitions disklabelbytes/sectorline %d: %s: bad sector size sectors/trackline %d: %s: bad %s sectors/cylindertracks/cylindercylinderssectors/unitrpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seekline %d: partition name out of range a-%c: %s line %d: too few numeric fields line %d: %s: bad partition size line %d: %s: bad partition offset line %d: Warning, unknown filesystem type %s line %d: %s: Unknown disklabel field sector size 0 sectors/track 0 tracks/cylinder 0 cylinders/unit 0 revolutions/minute 0boot block size 0 boot block size %% sector-size != 0super block size 0 super block size %% sector-size != 0number of partitions (%lu) > MAXPARTITIONS (%d)Too many '*' partitions (%c and %c)unknown size specifier '%c' (K/M/G are valid)partition %c not an integer number of sectorstotal percentage %d is greater than 100 %ld sectors available to give to '*' and '%' partitions Offset %ld for partition %c overlaps previous partition which ends at %ld Labels with any *'s for offset must be in ascending order by sector Offset %ld for partition %c doesn't match expected value %ldpartition %c: size 0, but offset %lupartition %c: offset past end of unit partition %c: partition extends past end of unit partition %c is not marked as unused!partition %c doesn't start at 0!partition %c doesn't cover the whole unit!An incorrect partition %c may cause problems for standard system utilitiespartitions %c and %c overlap! unused partition %c: size %d offset %luY@"auto" requires the usage of a canonical disk namecannot open %sboot overlaps used partition %c marked as FS_BOOTboot overlaps partition %c, %scannot install boot programWarning, (to write disable/enable label) disklabel [-NW] disk (to restore label and boot program) disklabel -R -B [-n] [ -b boot1 [ -s boot2 ] ] disk protofile [ type ] (to write label and boot program) disklabel -w -B [-n] [ -b boot1 [ -s boot2 ] ] disk type [ packid ] (to install boot program with existing label) disklabel -B [-n] [ -b boot1 [ -s boot2 ] ] disk [ type ] (to restore label with existing boot program) disklabel -R [-r] [-n] disk protofile (to edit label) disklabel -e [-r] [-n] disk (to write label with existing boot program) disklabel -w [-r] [-n] disk type [ packid ] (to read label)usage: disklabel [-r] disk%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s @(#) Copyright (c) 1991, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/dmesg/dmesg.c,v 2001/08/08 22:32:15 obrien Exp $_msgbufpaM:N:kern.msgbufsysctl kern.msgbufmalloc faileddmesgkvm_nlist: %snamelist%s: msgbufp not foundkvm_read: %skernel message buffer has different magic number%susage: dmesg [-a] [-M core] [-N system] $FreeBSD: src/sbin/i386/fdisk/fdisk.c,v 2002/04/25 21:02:21 trhodes Exp $/dev/da0/dev/ad0BBT (Bad Blocks Table)DOS 3.3+ SecondaryConcurrent CPM or C.DOS or CTOSBSDI BSD/386 swapBSDI BSD/386 filesystemNetBSDNEXTSTEPOpenBSDFreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSDSuspend to DiskBSD/OSAmoeba bad block tableAmoeba filesystemLinux filesystemLinux swap or Solaris x86Minix 1.4b ... 1.5.10Minix 1.1 ... 1.4aPCIXNovell Netware 3.xxNovell Netware 2.xxISC UNIX, other System V/386, GNU HURD or MachSpeedGBCP/M or Microport SysV/ATDMQNX 4.2 TertiaryQNX 4.2 SecondaryQNX 4.2 PrimaryVENIX 286plan9OPUSExtended DOS, LBAPrimary 'big' DOS (> 32MB, LBA)DOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FAT, LBADOS or Windows 95 with 32 bit FATOS/2 Boot Manager or OPUSAIX boot partition or CoherentAIX filesystemOS/2 HPFS, NTFS, QNX-2 (16 bit) or Advanced UNIXPrimary 'big' DOS (> 32MB)Extended DOSPrimary DOS with 16 bit FAT (<= 32MB)XENIX /usr filesystemXENIX / filesystemPrimary DOS with 12 bit FATunusedBIab:f:istuv1234/dev/dev/%scannot open disk %scannot open any diskcannot allocate buffer to determine disk sector sizeread_s0%s: %d cyl %d hd %d sec SizeStartPart %11s %11s Type Flags %4d: %11lu %11lu 0x%02x 0x%02x ******* Working on device %s ******* Media sector size is %d Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1 Information from DOS bootblock is: We haven't changed the partition table yet. This is your last chance. Should we write new partition table? -t flag specified -- partition table not written. hkhkhkhktktktktktktktktktktktktktkjtktktktktktkjtktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktktkkktktktk ktktk,ktktktktktktktktktk8kDkPk\k fdisk -f configfile [-itv] [disk] usage: fdisk [-BIaistu] [-b bootcode] [-1234] [disk] %s%s%d: sysid %d,(%s) (active) start %lu, size %lu (%qd Meg), flag %x%s beg: cyl %d/ head %d/ sector %d; end: cyl %d/ head %d/ sector %d /boot/mbr%s%s: length must be a multiple of sector size%s: unable to allocate read buffer%s: short readThe data for partition %d is: Do you want to change it? The static data for the DOS partition 4 has been reinitialized to: sysid (165=FreeBSD)startsizeERROR: failed to adjust; setting sysid to 0Explicitly specify beg/end address ?beginning cylinderbeginning headbeginning sectorending cylinderending headending sectorAre we happy with this entry?parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are: cylinders=%d heads=%d sectors/track=%d (%d blks/cyl) Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1 parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are: Partition %d is marked active Do you want to change the active partition?active partitionActive partition number must be in range 1-4. Try again. Are you happy with this choiceDo you want to change the boot code?Do you want to change our idea of what BIOS thinks ?BIOS's idea of #cylindersBIOS's idea of #headsBIOS's idea of #sectorscan't get file status of %sdevice %s is not character specialcan't open device %scan't get disk parameters on %scan't get disk parameters on %s; supplying dummy onesunable to allocate buffer to read fdisk partition tablecan't read fdisk partition tableinvalid fdisk partition table foundcan't write fdisk partition table%s [n] yesYESyYSupply a decimal value for "%s" [%d] %s is an invalid decimal number. Try again. unknownERROR line %d: the geometry specification line must occur before all partition specificationsERROR line %d: incorrect number of geometry argsERROR line %d: unknown geometry arg type: '%c' (0x%02x)ERROR line %d: number of cylinders not specifiedWARNING line %d: number of cylinders (%d) may be out-of-range (must be within 1-1024 for normal BIOS operation, unless the entire disk is dedicated to FreeBSD)ERROR line %d: number of heads not specifiedERROR line %d: number of heads must be within (1-256)ERROR line %d: number of sectors not specifiedERROR line %d: number of sectors must be within (1-63)ERROR line %d: incorrect number of partition argsERROR line %d: invalid partition number %dERROR line %d: unable to adjust start of partition %d to fall on a head boundaryWARNING: adjusting start offset of partition %d from %u to %u, to fall on a head boundaryERROR: could not adjust partition to start on a head boundary and end on a cylinder boundary.WARNING: adjusting size of partition %d from %u to %u to end on a cylinder boundaryERROR line %d: size of partition %d is zeroERROR line %d: incorrect number of active args-rERROR: size of partition is zeroWARNING: partition does not start on a head boundaryWARNING: partition does not end on a cylinder boundaryWARNING: this may confuse the BIOS or some operating systemsCorrect this automatically?ERROR: unable to adjust start of partition to fall on a head boundaryWARNING: adjusting start offset of partition to %uWARNING: adjusting size of partition to %u@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mknod/mknod.c,v 1.13 2000/01/06 17:51:46 obrien Exp $usage: mknod name [b | c] major minor [owner:group] %s%s: illegal %s namegroup must be specified when the owner isgroupowner must be specified when the group isusernode must be type 'b' or 'c'%s: non-numeric major number%s: non-numeric minor numbermajor or minor number too largesetting ownership on %s@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/mount.c,v 2001/08/01 08:26:23 obrien Exp $soft-updatessuiddirnoclusterwnoclusterrunionsynchronousread-onlywith quotasnosymfollownosuidnoexecnodevnoatimelocalNFS exportedasynchronousext2fsffsufsadfo:prwt:uvroonly one -t option may be specifiednorogetmntinforwrqnoautonot currently mounted %s/%s: unknown special file or file system%s has unknown file system type:@nfsr/var/run/mountd.pid%dsignal mountd8888888888888888888888888888888888|888888888888Ћ8‹,/usr/sbin/sbinforceupdateexec: mount_%s %s fork%s/mount_%smalloc failed, exec mount_%s not found in %swaitpid%s: %sstatfs %s%s on %s (%s, %s, mounted by %s, writes: sync %ld async %ld, reads: sync %ld async %ld) %s,%s-ofstabcurrentno mount [-dfpruvw] special | node mount [-adfpruvw] [-t ufs | external_type]usage: mount [-dfpruvw] [-o options] [-t ufs | external_type] special node%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %u %u 1 1 2 2 0 0 syncasync@(#) Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/mount_ufs.c,v 2001/08/01 08:27:29 obrien Exp $updatesyncforceasyncclusterwclusterrunionrdonlysymfollowsuidsuiddirexecdevatimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotao:ufsvfsload(ufs)ufs filesystem is not available%s on %s: mount table full%s on %s: specified device does not match mounted device%s on %s: incorrect super block%susage: mount_ufs [-o options] special node $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/getmntopts.c,v 1.9 1999/10/09 11:54:06 phk Exp $,-o %s: option not supported%s: not a directory%s: %s$FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/vfslist.c,v 1.4 1999/08/28 00:13:27 peter Exp $malloc failed@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1986, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/reboot/reboot.c,v 2002/04/28 22:50:00 wes Exp $haltdk:lnpqcannot dump (-d) when halting; must reboot instead/boot/nextboot.confkernel="" ???halted by %srebootrebooted by %sshutdown~SIGTSTP initSIGTERM processesWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't die (can't restart init): %s%sأusage: %s [-dnpq] [-k kernel] vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsinv_swappgsin@(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/main.c,v 2001/10/02 08:30:17 cjc Exp $./restoresymtableTAPE/dev/sa0b:cdf:himNRrs:tuvxyillegal blocksize -- %sblock size must be greater than 0%c and %c options are mutually exclusiveillegal dump number -- %sdump number must be greater than 0none of i, R, r, t or x options specified.Begin incremental restore Calculate node updates. Begin level 0 restore Calculate extraction list. Verify the directory structure ĨPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPL\PlPxPPPPPPPԨ,8PDī2222222222222222222222822222222`2 222restore -t [-cdhkNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...]restore -x [-cdhkmNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...]restore -R [-cdkNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno]restore -r [-cdkNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno]restore -i [-cdhkmNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno]usage: %s %s %s %s %s option requires an argument -- %c$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/interactive.c,v 2001/01/03 14:36:08 iedowse Exp $/addcd%s: not a directory delete%s: not on extraction list extracthelp directory is used If no `arg' is supplied, the current help or `?' - print this list (useful with ``ls'') verbose - toggle verbose flag what - list dump header information quit - immediately exit program setmodes - set modes of requested directories extract - extract requested files list of files to be extracted delete [arg] - delete `arg' from files to be extracted add [arg] - add `arg' to list of pwd - print current directory cd arg - change directory ls [arg] - list directory Available commands are: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%slspwd/ %s quitxitverboseverbose mode off verbose mode on setmodeswhatDebugdebugging mode off debugging mode on %s: unknown command; type ? for help QLLLLԴLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL L0LL LLLLLL LXLLܳrestore > %s/%s%s: out of memory command lines cannot be continued missing %c ../canonname: not enough buffer space ..ls: out of memory directory reopen failed %s: %s%s: name exceeds %d char Warning: undefined file type %d ````|``%*d %srestore interrupted, continue$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/restore.c,v 2002/03/01 21:32:28 iedowse Exp $leafdir %s%10d %s %s: not on the tape ./%uMark entries to be removed. Delete whiteouts %s: REMOVE corrupted symbol table name/inode conflict, mktempname %s [%s] %s: %s deleted hard link %s to directory %s [%s] %s: %s|LINK cannot KEEP and change modesNODE and LEAF links to same inode[%s] %s: Extraneous name %s: (inode %d) not found on tape [%s] %s: inconsistent state [%s] %s: impossible state 8(<<|NIL|ONTAPE|INOFND|NAMEFND|MODECHGFind unreferenced names. %s: remove unreferenced name unreferenced with flagsRemove old nodes (directories). cannot remove, non-emptyContinue extraction of new leaves Extract new leaves. %d: bad first %s: not found on tape expected next file %d, got %d unknown file on tape unexpected file on tapeExtract requested files Add whiteouts Add links Check the symbol table. incomplete operationsWarning: missing name %s missing inumber %d type should be LEAF$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/dirs.c,v 2001/10/15 13:44:45 dd Exp $Extract directories from tape TMPDIR/tmp/%s/rstdir%d-XXXXXXw%s - cannot create directory temporary fopen%s/rstmode%d%s - cannot create modefile fopen/opendirfile: %s Root directory is not on tape .Warning: `.' missing from directory %s ..Warning: `..' missing from directory %s %s%s: name exceeds %d char lsMangled directory: reclen not multiple of 4 reclen less than DIRSIZ (%d < %d) reclen name too big (%d > %d) bad seek pointer to rst_seekdir %ld error reading directory corrupted directory: bad reclen %d corrupted directory: bad inum %d Set directory mode, owner, and times. modefile not defined directory mode, owner, and times not set rfopen: %s cannot open mode file %s set owner/mode for '.'cannot find directory inode %d error setting directory modes Cannot find directory inode %d named %s %s: cannot create file: %s write error extracting inode %d, name %s read: %s write: %s no memory directory table $FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/symtab.c,v 2001/12/19 14:54:14 tobez Exp $addino: out of range %d duplicate inumdeleteino: out of range %d deleteino: %d not found %s is not a directory %s: pathname too long no memory to extend symbol table bad name to addentry %s link to non-existent name duplicate entry not marked REMOVEDfreeing referenced directoryfreeing non-empty directorylookupino failedlink not foundcannot move ROOTcannot find entry in parent listbad name no space for string table Check pointing the restore wfopen: %s cannot create save file %s for symbol table fwrite: %s output error to file %s writing symbol table Initialize symbol table. no memory for entry table .open: %s cannot open symbol table file %s stat: %s cannot stat symbol table file %s cannot allocate space for symbol table read: %s cannot read symbol table file %s Incremental tape too low Incremental tape too high initsymtable called from command %c $FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/tape.c,v 2002/03/01 21:32:28 iedowse Exp $-r/dev/ttycannot open %s: %s /dev/nullCannot allocate space for magtape buffer Cannot allocate space for tape buffer Verify tape and initialize maps %s: %s Tape is not a dump tape Converting to new file system format. .cannot stat .: %s bad block size %ld Tape is not volume 1 of the dump header read failed at %ld blocks no header after volume mark! Cannot find file removal list maxino = %d no memory for active inode map Cannot find file dump list no memory for file dump list Changing volumes on pipe input? Otherwise, begin with volume 1. have no further files to extract. can quickly skip tapes that and work towards the first; restore start with the last volume If you are extracting just a few files,You have not read any tapes yet. %s%s%s%s%s%s%sYou have read volumes: %s%ld, Specify next volume #: Volume numbers are positive numerics Mount tape volume %ld Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes otherwise enter tape name (default: %s) none Cannot open %s tape is not dump tape Wrong volume (%ld) Wrong dump date got: %s wanted: %slast rec %ld, tape starts with %ld sSkipping %ld duplicate record%s. active file into volume 1 End-of-input encountered while extractingWarning: %s %s Cannot have multiple dumps on pipe input ioctl MTFSF: %s Dump date: %sthe epoch Dumped from: %sLevel %ld dump of %s on %s:%s Label: %s %s: unknown file mode 0%o skipped socket %s unextracted directory %s extract file %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) extract fifo %s %s: cannot create fifo: %s extract special file %s %s: cannot create special file: %s %s: cannot create file: %s ran off end of tape not at beginning of a file Missing address (header) block for %s at %ld blocks write error extracting inode %d, name %s write: %s seek error extracting inode %d, name %s lseek: %s symbolic link name: %s->%s%s; too long %d unallocated block in symbolic link %s hole in map mid-media short read error. partial block read: %ld should be %ld Tape read error while trying to set up tape trying to resynchronize restoring %s skipping over inode %d continuecontinuation failed: %s End-of-tape encountered partial block read: %d should be %d tape read error: %s is not a multiple of dump block sizeTape block size (%ld) %s (%d) Tape block size is %ld Note: Doing Byte swapping 8l4s31ll2lNote: Doing Quad swapping gethead: unknown inode type %d BB'oldnewVolume header (%s inode format) begins with record %ldDumped inodes map headerUsed inodes map headerFile header, ino %dFile continuation header, ino %dEnd of tape header; predicted %ld blocks, got %ld blocksH0Xh<unexpected tape header unknown tape header type %d resync restore, skipped %ld blocks TH<Checksum error %o, inode %d file %s $FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/utilities.c,v 2001/07/30 10:30:08 dd Exp $mktempname: called with TMPNAMEnot on ino listRSTTMP%s%ld%luwarning: cannot rename %s to %s: %s rename %s to %s newnode: not a nodewarning: %s: %s Make node %s removenode: not a noderemovenode: non-empty directoryRemove node %s removeleaf: not a leafRemove leaf %s warning: cannot create symbolic link %s->%s: %s warning: cannot create hard link %s->%s: %s linkit: unknown type %d symbolichardCreate %s link %s->%s warning: cannot create whiteout %s: %s Create whiteout %s delwhiteout: not a leafwarning: cannot delete whiteout %s: %s Delete whiteout %s bad entry: %s name: %s parent name %s sibling name: %s next entry name: %s next link name: %s next hashchain name: %s NODELEAFentry type: %s inode number: %lu flags: %s |NIL|REMOVED|TMPNAME|EXTRACT|NEW|KEEP|EXISTED%s is not on the tape %s? [yn] abortdump core$FreeBSD: src/sbin/dump/dumprmt.c,v 2000/07/01 06:31:52 ps Exp $Lost connection to remote host. on %s: %s%stcpkshellshell%s/tcp: unknown service who are you? RMT/etc/rmtlogin to %s as %s failed. Connection to %s established. IP_TOS:IPTOS_THROUGHPUT setsockoptTCP_NODELAY setsockoptinvalid user name %s O%.226s %d C closeR%d readW%d writeL%d %d seekS statusI%d %d ioctl%s: %sProtocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). Protocol to remote tape server botched. (rmtgets got "%s"). @(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/swapon/swapon.c,v 2001/07/30 10:30:11 dd Exp $aswnoautoswapon: adding %s as swap device %s: device already in use%susage: swapon [-a] [special_file ...] @(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/umount/umount.c,v 2001/12/13 01:27:15 iedowse Exp $Aafh:t:vonly one -t option may be specifiednfscannot umount %s, %s is mounted there, umount it first/etc/fstab%s+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,+,,,,+,+,,,,,,,,,,,+,,fstab reading failure/rwrorq%s: unknown mount typemalloc failedstrdup%s: not currently mountedcan't get net id for hostunmount of %s failed%s: unmount from %s Cannot MNT PRCBad MNT RPCcannot remove mounttab entry %s:%scallocT88x7099malloc umount -a | -A [-fv] [-h host] [-t type]usage: umount [-fv] special | node%s %s $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/vfslist.c,v 1.4 1999/08/28 00:13:27 peter Exp $malloc failed$FreeBSD: src/usr.sbin/rpc.umntall/mounttab.c,v 2001/12/13 01:27:20 iedowse Exp $a/var/db/mounttab%ld %s %s rcan't open %s timehostdirmallocwcan't write to %swrite mounttab entry %s:%scan't remove %s by hostdelete mounttab entry%s %s:%sbad mounttab %s field '%s'$FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount_msdos/mount_msdos.c,v 2000/07/20 10:35:13 kris Exp $nowin95longnamesshortnamesupdatesyncforceclusterwclusterrunionrdonlysymfollowsuidsuiddirexecdevatimeautorwrogroupquotauserquotasl9u:g:m:o:L:W:stat %smsdosvfsload(msdos)msdos filesystem is not available%sPD PASS PASS XXXXACCT ACCT XXXXNo control connection for command. QUIT%c%c%c421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection.%s: send aborted waiting for remote to finish abort.sentlocal: %s remote: %s -%slocal: %s%s: not a plain file. STORAPPEREST %qdr+w%s %snetout receive aborted waiting for remote to finish abort.receivedRETR./mallocnetin%s: short writeWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode. File may not have transferred correctly.Can't change modification time on %s to %suse of scoped address can be troublesomesetsockopt (ignored)EPSVwrong server: EPSV return code must be 229PASVLPSVPassive mode refused.wrong server: return code must be 227%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dwrong server: return code must be 228%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dwrong server: return code must be 229%c%c%c%d%cPassive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen!setsockopt (reuse address)setsockopt PORTRANGE (ignored)listenEPRT |%d|%s|%d|PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dLPRT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dacceptSTOUproxy server does not support third party transfers.No primary connection.PORT %slocal: %s remote: %s abortresetrunique: can't find unique file name.Lost control connection for abort.%cABOR ftphttpFTPSERVERPORT%sftpgateTMPDIR/tmp/FTP_PASSIVE_MODEnopftpgate-ftpFTPSERVERNeither $FTPSERVER nor GATE_SERVER is defined; disabling gate-ftpTERMdumb46adeginpP:s:tUvV%s: %sxPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP,DPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P8ftp> sorry, input line too long.?Ambiguous command.?Invalid command.Not connected.!$Proxy cC%sommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s %-*s %s usage: %s [-46adeginptUvV] [-P port] [-s src_addr] [host [port]] %s host:path[/] %s ftp://host[:port]/path[/] %s http://host[:port]/file macdefmachineaccountpasswdpasswordlogindefaultHOME.%s/.netrc%s/.netrc: %sr%scan't strdup *anameanonymousError: .netrc file is readable by others.Remove password or make file unreadable by others.can't strdup *apassRemove account or make file unreadable by others.can't strdup *aacctMissing macdef name argument.Limit of 16 macros have already been defined.Macro definition missing null line terminator.4K macro buffer exceeded.Unknown .netrc keyword %sAlready connected to %s, use close first. tousage: %s host-name [port] gateserver not defined (shouldn't happen)PASSERVE %sConnected via pass-through server %s asciinon-printstreamfile8SYSTRemote system type is %s. 215 UNIX Type: L8binaryUsing %s mode to transfer files. 215 TOPS20Remember to set tenex mode when transferring binary files from this machine.anonymous%s@Name (%s:%s): Name (%s): USER %sPassword:PASS %sAccount:ACCT %sLogin failed.init$initsorry, arguments too long.(%s) ftpXXXXXX%s/%sunable to create temporary file %swNLSTarcan't find list of remote files, oops.%s %s? Interactive mode: off.Prompting off for duration of %s. %s: not foundSIZE %sMDTM %s%*s %16s1919%03d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dCan't convert %s to a time. KMGTP %3d%% **********************************************************************************************************************************************************|%.*s%*s| %5qd %c%c --:-- ETA - stalled -%2d: %02d:%02d ETA.AMKs%qd byte%s %s in %.2f seconds (%.2f %sB/s) ETA: %02d:%02d:%02d .A>P?emacsContext sensitive argument completionftp-complete^I0isipv6addr: got %d for %s @(#)commands.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 5/30/95%s sequence challenge /usr/bin/opiekeyfork!^?offwontwilldontdohelpDisplay send options?Send request for STATUSgetstatusPerform Telnet 'Synch operation'synchSend Telnet End of File CharactereofSend Telnet 'Suspend Process'suspSend Telnet 'Abort Process'abortSend Telnet 'End of Record'eorSend Telnet 'No operation'nopintrinterruptintpSend Telnet Interrupt ProcessipSend Telnet 'Go Ahead' sequencegaSend current escape characterescapeSend Telnet Erase LineelSend Telnet Erase CharacterecbreakSend Telnet BreakbrkSend Telnet 'Are You There'aytSend Telnet Abort outputaoneed at least one argument for 'send' command 'send ?' for help Unknown send argument '%s' 'send ?' for help. Ambiguous send argument '%s' 'send ?' for help. sNeed %d argument%s to 'send %s' command. 'send %s ?' for help. ?Need to be connected first. There is not enough room in the buffer TO the network to process your request. Nothing will be done. ('send synch' will throw away most data in the network buffer, if this might help.) Telnet 'send' error - argument disappeared! SENTUsage: send %s "value" must be from 0 to 255 Valid options are: "%s" '%s': ambiguous argument ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': bad value ('send %s ?' for help). %-15s %s setsockopt (SO_DEBUG)Will send carriage returns as telnet . Will send carriage returns as telnet . Already operating in binary mode with remote host. Negotiating binary mode with remote host. Already in network ascii mode with remote host. Negotiating network ascii mode with remote host. Already receiving in binary mode. Negotiating binary mode on input. Already receiving in network ascii mode. Negotiating network ascii mode on input. Already transmitting in binary mode. Negotiating binary mode on output. Already transmitting in network ascii mode. Negotiating network ascii mode on output. print hexadecimal representation of terminal traffic(debugging) toggle printing of hexadecimal terminal datatermdatashow option processingviewing of options processing (debugging)optionsprint user readable output for "netdata"output of "netdata" to user readable format (debugging)prettydumpprint hexadecimal representation of network trafficprinting of hexadecimal network data (debugging)netdataturn on socket level debuggingdebuggingdebug recognize certain control characterslocal recognition of certain control characterslocalcharsmap carriage return on outputmapping of received carriage returnscrmodsending carriage returns as telnet crlfsending of binary dataoutbinaryreceiving of binary datainbinarysending and receiving of binary databinaryskip reading of ~/.telnetrc filedon't read ~/.telnetrc fileskiprcsend interrupt characters in urgent modeautomatic sending of interrupt characters in urgent modeautosynchflush output when sending interrupt charactersflushing of output when sending interrupt charactersautoflush%-15s toggle %s display help informationenabledisable%-15s %s %s Need an argument to 'toggle' command. 'toggle ?' for help. '%s': ambiguous argument ('toggle ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('toggle ?' for help). WillWon't%s %s. alternate AYT characterforw2alternate end of line characterforw1character to use for XOFFstopcharacter to use for XONstartcharacter to use to erase a wordworderasecharacter to use for line reprintreprintcharacter to cause a Suspend Processcharacter to use for literal nextlnextcharacter to use to erase a linekillcharacter to use to erase a charactereraseThe following are for local editing in linemodecharacter to cause an EOF character to cause an Abort processquitcharacter to cause an Interrupt Processcharacter to cause an Abort OutputflushoutputThe following need 'localchars' to be toggled truefile to write trace information totracefilerlogin escape characterrlogincharacter to escape back to telnet command modecharacter to toggle local echoing on/offechoTelnet rlogin escape character is '%s'. Telnet escape character is '%s'. Format is 'set Name Value' 'set ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('set ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('set ?' for help). onFormat is 'set togglename [on|off]' 'set ?' for help. %s set to "%s". %s character is '%s'. Need an argument to 'unset' command. 'unset ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('unset ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('unset ?' for help). %s reset to "%s". ?Need to have LINEMODE option enabled first. 'mode ?' for help. Print help informationkludgelineDisable literal character echo-litecho+litechoEnable literal character echolitecho-softtabs+softtabsEnable tab expansionsofttabsDisable character editing-edit+editEnable character editingeditDisable signal trapping-isig+isigEnable signal trappingisigThese require the LINEMODE option to be enabled(or enable obsolete line-by-line mode)Enable LINEMODE optionline(or disable obsolete line-by-line mode)Disable LINEMODE optioncharacterformat is: 'mode Mode', where 'Mode' is one of: 'mode' command requires an argument Unknown mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). Ambiguous mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). won't %s. %-15s [%s] %-15s "%s" ?Ambiguous argument '%s'. ?Unknown argument '%s'. Deprecated usage - please use 'set escape%s%s' in the future. new escape character: Deprecated usage - please use 'toggle crmod' in the future. %s map carriage return on output. Fork failed SHELL/bin/sh-cExeclConnection closed. fromquitbyeVerify remote special character definitionscheckUse remote special character definitionsimportUse local special character definitionsexportNeed an argument to 'slc' command. 'slc ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('slc ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('slc ?' for help). List the current environment variableslistSend an environment variablesendDon't mark an environment variable for automatic exportunexportMark an environment variable for automatic exportUndefine an environment variableundefineDefine an environment variabledefineNeed an argument to 'environ' command. 'environ ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('environ ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('environ ?' for help). only Need %s%d argument%s to 'environ %s' command. 'environ ?' for help. DISPLAYunix:%s%sUSERLOGNAMEPRINTERCannot send '%s': Telnet ENVIRON option not enabled Cannot send '%s': variable not defined %c %-20s %s Connected to %s. notmuchOperating with LINEMODE option LocalNo%s line editing %s catching of signals Operating in obsolete linemode Operating in single character mode Catching signals locally Remote%s character echo %s flow control No connection. Escape character is '%s'. status?Already connected to %s open (to) -l-a-susage: %s [-l user] [-a] [-s src_addr] host-name [port] %s: %s hostname too long for unix domain socket: %sTrying %s... sockettelnetBad source route option: %s telnet: socketsetsockopt (source route)telnet: setsockopt (IP_TOS) (ignored)bindconnect to address %sUnable to connect to remote hostConnection closed by foreign host. opieenvironzslctoggleunsetsetopenmodedisplaylogoutclose%s> %s ?Ambiguous command ?Invalid command Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: %-*s %s ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s HOME/.telnetrcrDEFAULT?Ambiguous command: %s ?Invalid command: %s ?Need to be connected first for %s. @(#)main.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 5/30/95[host-name [port]][-r] [-s src_addr] [-u] [-e char] [-l user] [-n tracefile] [-4] [-6] [-8] [-E] [-L] [-N] [-S tos] [-c] [-d]Usage: %s %s%s%s%s rlog468EKLNS:X:acde:fFk:l:n:rs:t:uxy%s: Warning: -S ignored, no parsetos() support. %s: Warning: -f ignored, no Kerberos V5 support. %s: Warning: -F ignored, no Kerberos V5 support. %s: Warning: -k ignored, no Kerberos V4 support. %s: Warning: -x ignored, no ENCRYPT support. %s: Warning: -y ignored, no ENCRYPT support. -l-s,_```<_````````````L__``````_`l_````|_`````````````_`____````_ `` ````4`@``L```X`h`@(#)network.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 12/15/93select@(#)ring.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 5/30/95@(#)sys_bsd.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 5/30/95hhLhhhhTh\hhdhlhhhhth|hhhSetSockOptmallocsleep(5) from telnet, after select: %s @(#)telnet.c 8.4 (Berkeley) 5/30/95SENTvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvDISPLAYxxxxxxDxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xdxxxxxUNKNOWNTERM%c%c%c%c%s%c%cNo room in buffer for terminal type. %c%c%c%c%ld,%ld%c%clm_will: not enough room in buffer }%%%%%%%`~,0%%%Ālm_will: no command!!! lm_wont: no command!!! lm_do: no command!!! lm_do: not enough room in buffer lm_dont: no command!!! lm_mode: not enough room in buffer localremoteremote defaultSpecial characters are %s values slc_import: not enough room slc_end_reply: not enough room env_opt_start: malloc()/realloc() failed!!! env_opt_add: realloc() failed!!! USERPRINTERSYSTEMTYPEJOBACCTRCVDIn SUBOPTION processing, RCVDȔTؕ<̓ܓXz close Remote side does not support STATUS option @(#)terminal.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 2/16/95@(#)utilities.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 5/30/95IACDONTDOWONTWILLSBGAELECAYTAOIPBRKDMARKNOPSEEORABORTSUSPEOFNEW-ENVIRONENCRYPTAUTHENTICATIONOLD-ENVIRONXDISPLOCLINEMODELFLOWTSPEEDNAWSX.3 PAD3270 REGIMETTYLOCOUTPUT MARKINGTACACS UIDEND OF RECORDTERMINAL TYPESEND LOCATIONSUPDUP OUTPUTSUPDUPDATA ENTRY TERMINALBYTE MACROLOGOUTEXTEND ASCIINAOLFDNAOVTDNAOVTSNAOFFDNAOHTDNAOHTSNAOCRDNAOPNAOLRCTETIMING MARKSTATUSNAMESUPPRESS GO AHEADRCPECHOBINARYEEOLEBOLEWRECROVERINSRTMCEOLMCBOLMCWRMCWLMCRMCLFORW2FORW1XOFFXONLNEXTRPEWSYNCH0-wCannot open %s. (standard output)%c 0x%x %c%.2x%.2x %s IAC %s%s IAC %d%s %s %sEXOPL%d%s %d %dresp DO_DONT %s: %d resp DO_DONT %d: %d want DO %s want DO %d want DONT %s want DONT %d DO %s DO %d resp WILL_WONT %s: %d resp WILL_WONT %d: %d want WILL %s want WILL %d want WONT %s want WONT %d WILL %s WILL %d RCVDSENT%s IAC SB (terminated by %s %d , not IAC SE!) (Empty suboption???)TERMINAL-TYPE IS "%.*s"SEND- unknown qualifier %d (0x%x).TERMINAL-SPEED (empty suboption???) IS %.*s SEND %d (unknown) ?%d?TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL OFF ON RESTART-ANY RESTART-XON %d %d (%d)LINEMODE WILL WONT DO DONT (no option???)Forward Mask %x%d (unknown) %dSLC %s NOSUPPORT CANTCHANGE VARIABLE DEFAULT|FLUSHOUT|FLUSHIN|ACK%s%s%s(0x%x) %d;MODE (no mode???)|LIT_ECHO|SOFT_TAB|TRAPSIG|EDIT%s%s%s%s%s (0x%x) ?0x%x? IS IS %s %s %s %d SB SEX-DISPLAY-LOCATION NEW-ENVIRON IS SEND INFO " VALUE " VAR " ESC " USERVAR " %03o %s (unknown)ȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺȺpȺȺȺ %02x@(#)cl_bsd.c 8.29 (Berkeley) 7/1/96@(#)cl_funcs.c 10.50 (Berkeley) 9/24/96smcuprmcupError: move: l(%u) c(%u) o(%u)xterm]0;%susage: ex [-eFRrSsv] [-c command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...] usage: vi [-eFlRrSv] [-c command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...] %s@(#)cl_main.c 10.36 (Berkeley) 10/14/96TERMunknown]0;%s/dev/ttytcgetattr%s: No terminal database found %s: %s: unknown terminal type signal-reset%s:%s @(#)cl_read.c 10.15 (Berkeley) 9/24/96x,Xinputlines=%lucolumns=%lu@(#)cl_screen.c 10.49 (Berkeley) 9/24/96016|Vi's standard input and output must be a terminalTERMLINESCOLUMNS%s%s: unknown terminal typetcgetattrtcsetattrcupsmsormsoelcuu1%lu@(#)cl_term.c 10.22 (Berkeley) 9/15/96ywkgeWRPD@>4/>4)'ztrhcursor upkkcuu1cursor rightlkcuf1delete to end of screendGkedscroll upkripage upkpppage downknpcursor lefthkcub1delete lineddkdl1insert at cursorikich1go to sol^khomekendgo to eol$kllscroll downkinddelete to eolDkelcursor downjkcud1delete characterxkdch1insert lineOkil1ykth zlakahajakf%d233|This terminal has no %s keyfunction key %dstderr%s046|messages not turned on: %s045|messages not turned off: %sTERMlinestigetnum: linescolstigetnum: colsLINESCOLUMNS@(#)cut.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96@(#)delete.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 10/23/96002|Line length overflow$FreeBSD: src/contrib/nvi/common/exf.c,v 2001/07/09 04:58:38 obrien Exp $/tmp%s/vi.XXXXXXXXXX237|Unable to create temporary file238|Warning: %s is not a regular file%s239|%s already locked, session is read-only%s/%s-c option240|%s: remove241|%s: close242|%s: remove243|%s: remove244|Read-only file, not written; use ! to override245|Read-only file, not written246|%s exists, not written; use ! to override247|%s exists, not written248|Partial file, not written; use ! to override249|Partial file, not written250|%s: file modified more recently than this copy; use ! to override251|%s: file modified more recently than this copy252|%s: write lock was unavailableaw254|%s: WARNING: FILE TRUNCATED256|%s: new file: %lu lines, %lu characters315|%s: appended: %lu lines, %lu characters257|%s: %lu lines, %lu characters258|%s expanded into too many file names.%d259|%s: not a regular file260|%s: not owned by you261|%s: accessible by a user other than the owner262|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override263|File modified since last complete write; write or use :edit! to override264|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override265|File is a temporary; exit will discard modifications266|File readonly, modifications not auto-written@(#)key.c 10.33 (Berkeley) 9/24/96079|No non-printable character found0123456789abcdef01234567,\qq,,qP276|Unexpected character event277|Unexpected end-of-file event279|Unexpected interrupt event280|Unexpected quit event281|Unexpected repaint event285|Unexpected string event286|Unexpected timeout event316|Unexpected resize event287|Unexpected write event x$0xx<HT`@(#)line.c 10.21 (Berkeley) 9/15/96003|unable to delete line %lu004|unable to append to line %lu005|unable to insert at line %lu006|unable to store line %lu007|unable to get last line008|Error: unable to retrieve line %lu@(#)log.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96009|Log file/usr/src/usr.bin/vi/../../contrib/nvi/common/log.c010|Logging not being performed, undo not possible011|No changes to undoH,,l,,l,,,4-012|Logging not being performed, undo not possible0.X.----..013|Logging not being performed, roll-forward not possible014|No changes to re-do//0@00x0/0015|%s/%d: log put error267|Log restarted@(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#) Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Keith Bostic. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c 10.48 (Berkeley) 10/11/96exnexnviewviewc:eFGlRrSst:vw:only one -c command may be specified.only one of -r and -t may be specified.only one tag file may be specified.-s option is only applicable to ex.window=%s4444444P3`34444444444|33444444444444444 34D3444444p344444333433ex/vi: %s%.*s---c$-s%s: %s @(#)mark.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 7/19/96017|Mark %s: not set018|Mark %s: the line was deleted019|Mark %s: cursor position no longer exists@(#)msg.c 10.48 (Berkeley) 9/15/96020|Error: %s, %d: : %s%.*stABABA8,  299|yanked298|shifted297|moved296|joined295|deleted294|changed293|addedVL301|lines300|line%lu 317|%d files to edit021|new file022|name changed023|modified024|unmodified025|UNLOCKED026|readonly028|empty file027|line %lu of %lu [%lu%%]029|line %luLC_MESSAGESLANG%s%sVI_MESSAGE_CATALOG030|The file %s is not a message catalog268|confirm? [ynq]269|Press any key to continue: 270|Press any key to continue [: to enter more ex commands]: 161|Press Enter to continue: 275| cont?271|Press any key to continue [q to quit]: lOOOOOO@(#)options.c 10.51 (Berkeley) 10/14/96Lw tw8zyph8z]8zUKzEw@y;z60&!y yzyyyzz uj@`WL@C91z@'" zT{ { { {writeanywrapscanwrapmarginwraplenwindownamewindowwarnw9600w300w1200verbosettywerasetimeouttildeoptersetermtagstaglengthtabstopsourceanyslowopensidescrollshowmodeshowmatchshiftwidthshellmetashellsecuresectionssearchincrscrollrulerreportremapredrawrecdirreadonlypromptprintpathparagraphsoptimizeopenoctalnumbernoprintmsgcatmodelinemesgmatchtimemagiclocklistlisplinesleftrightkeytimeignorecaseiclowerhardtabsgtagsmodeflashfilecextendedexrcerrorbellsescapetimeedcompatibledirectorycommentcolumnsceditcdpathbeautifybackupautowriteautoprintautoindentaltwerase   "%&,*024:786~>{=xBu<q?i?gIdNaI^K[LXMwswmwlwiwawttytypettytstotltagswsmdsmslowshsectscrroreparaoptnumodelinesliichtgtexedebdircobfawapaiCDPATH:cdpath=%sTMPDIR/tmpdirectory=%sescapetime=6keytime=6matchtime=7/usr/share/vi/catalog/msgcat=%sreport=5paragraphs=IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbppath=%s/var/tmp/vi.recoverrecdir=%ssections=NHSHH HUnhshSHELL/bin/shshell=%sshellmeta=~{[*?$`'"\shiftwidth=8sidescroll=16tabstop=8tags=%sscroll=%ldwindow=%lu031|Unable to set default %s optionall032|Usage: %s291|set: the %s option may not be turned off313|set: the %s option may never be turned on034|set: [no]%s option doesn't take a value035|set: %s option isn't a boolean036|set: %s option: %s037|set: %s option: %s: value overflow038|set: %s option: %s is an illegal number314|set: the %s option may never be set to 0039|set: %s option isn't a boolean305|No %s edit option specified%ld%*s no%s%s%s=%ld%s="%s"set %s set no%s set %s=%-3ld set 033|set: no %s option: 'set all' gives all option values@(#)options_f.c 10.25 (Berkeley) 7/12/96040|Screen columns too small, less than %d041|Screen columns too large, greater than %d042|Screen lines too small, less than %d043|Screen lines too large, greater than %d044|The lisp option is not implemented048|The paragraph option must be in two character groups049|The section option must be in two character groups@(#)put.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 9/23/96053|The default buffer is empty054|Buffer %s is empty@(#)screen.c 10.15 (Berkeley) 9/15/96@(#)search.c 10.25 (Berkeley) 6/30/96072|File empty; nothing to search073|Reached end-of-file without finding the pattern074|No previous search pattern075|Pattern not found076|Reached top-of-file without finding the pattern077|Search wrappedXdp|078|Searching...@(#)seq.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/30/96 %s@(#)recover.c 10.21 (Berkeley) 9/15/96%s055|Files with newlines in the name are unrecoverable%s/vi.XXXXXX056|Modifications not recoverable if the session fails057|Copying file for recovery...058|Preservation failed: %s059|Modifications not recoverable if the session fails060|File backup failed: %s061|Copying file for recovery...062|Information on user id %u not found%s/recover.XXXXXX063|Unable to lock recovery filePrecedence: bulkSubject: Nvi saved the file To: From: root (Nvi recovery program)Reply-To: rootX-vi-recover-path: X-vi-recover-file: %s%s %s%s %s %s %s%s %s%s %s -r : to this file using the -r option to You can recover most, if not all, of the changes , when it was saved for recovery. on the machine was editing a file named , the user On %s%.24s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s 064|Recovery file buffer overrun065|Recovery file.recdir: %srecover.r+066|%s: malformed recovery file%.24s: %s vi: no files to recover. %s/%s067|%s: malformed recovery file068|No files named %s, readable by you, to recover069|There are older versions of this file for you to recover070|There are other files for you to recover/usr/sbin/sendmail071|not sending email: %s%s -t < %s@(#)util.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 9/15/96@(#)ex.c 10.57 (Berkeley) 10/10/96script 170|Interrupted!#&*<=>@~080|Unknown command name1bca1082|%s: command not available in ex mode083|Count may not be zero084|%s: bad line specification085|Internal syntax table error (%s: %s)lr086|Usage: %s088|Flag offset to before line 1089|Flag offset past end-of-file090|@ with range running when the file/screen changed091|Global/v command running when the file/screen changed092|Ex command failed: pending commands discarded093|Ex command failed: mapped keys discardedڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴڴ0l Ht094|The second address is smaller than the first(5$0123456789'\/?.+-^095|No mark name supplied096|\ not followed by / or ?097|Reference to a line number less than 0xxxxxxxx70000000000xxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx098|The %s command is unknown099|Address value overflow100|Address value underflow101|Illegal address combination102|Illegal address: only %lu lines in the file103|Illegal address: the file is empty104|The %s command doesn't permit an address of 0DtP@(#)ex_abbrev.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96105|No abbreviations to display106|Abbreviations must end with a "word" character107|Abbreviations may not contain tabs or spaces108|Abbreviations may not mix word/non-word characters, except at the end109|"%s" is not an abbreviation@(#)ex_append.c 10.30 (Berkeley) 10/23/96 273|Entering ex input mode.@(#)ex_args.c 10.16 (Berkeley) 7/13/96111|No more files to edit112|No previous files to edit113|No previous files to rewind114|No file list to display ][%s%s%s@(#)ex_argv.c 10.26 (Berkeley) 9/20/96echo 115|No previous command to replace "!"116|No filename to substitute for %%117|No filename to substitute for #./%s304|Shell expansion failed289|Shell expansions not supported when the secure edit option is setpiperfdopenvfork-c118|Error: execl: %s119|I/O error: %s@(#)ex_at.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 9/15/96@(#)ex_bang.c 10.33 (Berkeley) 9/23/96!!%s 303|File modified since last write.! @(#)ex_cd.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 8/12/96120|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to overrideHOME121|Unable to find home directory location%s/%s122|New current directory: %s%s@(#)ex_cmd.c 10.20 (Berkeley) 10/10/96"H """" "n"@"!">] [file]wqwrite the file and switch to the next file[line [,line]] wn[!] [>>] [file]wnwrite the file[line [,line]] w[rite][!] [ !cmd | [>>] [file]]writedisplay vi key usage statement[viu]sage [key]viusageedit another file (from vi mode only)[Vv]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]enter visual (vi) mode from ex mode[line] vi[sual] [-|.|+|^] [window_size] [flags]2c11visualdisplay the program version informationversionexecute a global command on lines NOT matching an RE[line [,line]] v [;/]RE[;/] [commands]vdelete an input or command mapunm[ap][!] word!w1runmapdelete an abbreviationuna[bbrev] wordunabbreviateundo the most recent changeu[ndo]undorun the tcl interpreter with the commandtc[l] cmdtcldiscard all tagstagt[op][!]tagtopmove to the previous tagtagpr[ev][!]tagprevreturn to the previous group of tagstagp[op][!] [number | file]tagpopmove to the next tagtagn[ext][!]tagnext[Tt]a[g][!] [string]tag[line [,line]] t line [flags]tsu[spend][!]suspendsuspend the edit sessionst[op][!]stopread a file of ex commandsso[urce] filef1rsourcesuspend editing and run a shellsh[ell]shellset options (use ":set all" to see all options)se[t] [option[=[value]]...] [nooption ...] [option? ...] [all]wNsetrun a shell in a screensc[ript][!] [file]scriptsubstitute on lines matching an RE[line [,line]] s [[/;]RE[/;]repl[/;] [cgr] [count] [#lp]]edit the file containing the tag[Rr]ta[g][!] [string]!w1ortagre-edit all the files in the file argument listrew[ind][!]rewindgrow or shrink the current screenresize [+-]rowsc+resizerecover a saved filerecover[!] filerecoverappend input from a command or file to the line[line] r[ead] [!cmd | [file]]readexit ex/viq[uit][!]quitappend a cut buffer to the line[line] pu[t] [buffer]putedit the previous file in the file argument list[Pp]rev[ious][!]previouspreserve an edit session for recoverypre[serve]preserverun the perl interpreter with the command, on each lineperld[o] cmdperldorun the perl interpreter with the commandpe[rl] cmdperldisplay lines[line [,line]] p[rint] [count] [#l]printenter "open" mode (not implemented)[line] o[pen] [/RE/] [flags]openchange display to number lines[line [,line]] nu[mber] [count] [l]numberedit (and optionally specify) the next file[Nn][ext][!] [+cmd] [file ...]!fNnextwrite a .exrc filemkexrc[!] file!f1rmkexrcmap input or commands to one or more keysmap[!] [keys replace]!Wmap[line] ma[rk] keymarkmove lines elsewhere in the file[line [,line]] m[ove] linelmovedisplay lines in an unambiguous form[line [,line]] l[ist] [count] [#]listmark a line position[line] k keykjoin lines into a single line[line [,line]] j[oin][!] [count] [flags]!ca1joininsert input before a line[line] i[nsert][!]insertdisplay help statementhe[lp]helpexecute a global command on lines matching an RE[line [,line]] g[lobal][!] [;/]RE[;/] [commands]globalbring a backgrounded screen into the foreground[Ff]g [file]fgdisplay (and optionally set) file namef[ile] [name]filedisplay ex command usage statement[exu]sage [command]w1oexusage[Ee]x[!] [+cmd] [file]exbegin editing another file[Ee][dit][!] [+cmd] [file]f1oeditdisplay buffers, connections, screens or tagsdisplay b[uffers] | c[onnections] | s[creens] | t[ags]w1rdisplaydelete lines from the file[line [,line]] d[elete][flags] [buffer] [count] [flags]bca1deletecreate a set of tags using a cscope commandcs[cope] command [args]!scscopecopy lines elsewhere in the file[line [,line]] co[py] line [flags]l1copychd[ir][!] [directory]chdirchange the current directorycd[!] [directory]!f1ocdchange lines to input[line [,line]] c[hange][!] [count]!cachangeput a foreground screen into the backgroundbgdisplay file argument listar[gs]argsspecify an input abbreviationab[brev] [word replace]Wabbreviateappend input to a line[line] a[ppend][!]append@ [buffer]@shift lines right[line [,line]] >[>...] [count] [flags]>display line number[line] = [flags]1=shift lines left[line [,line]] <[<...] [count] [flags]<execute a buffer* [buffer]b*repeat the last subsitution[line [,line]] & [cgr] [count] [#lp]s&display numbered lines[line [,line]] # [count] [l]ca1#filter lines through commands or run commands[line [,line]] ! commandS!scroll lines^D@(#)ex_cscope.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 9/15/96v% \%G%B%  %##  ### y#m#g# @#g#Discard all current cscope connectionsresetkill numberKill a cscope connectionkillhelp [command]Show help for cscope commandshelpfind c|d|e|f|g|i|s|t buffer|pattern c: find callers of name d: find all function calls made from name e: find pattern f: find files with name as substring g: find definition of name i: find files #including name s: find all uses of name t: find assignments to nameQuery the databases for a patternfindadd file | directoryAdd a new cscope databaseadd309|Use "cscope help" for helpCSCOPE_DIRS :cscope.out%s/%scscope.tpath%s:pipevforkcd '%s' && exec cscope -dl -f %s-csh/bin/shexecl: %swr310|No cscope connections running%d%s 278|No matches for querysgdct efi311|%s: unknown search type: use one of %scscope: %d lines%1[ ]%s: "%s" %s doesn't match any cscope command Command: %s (%s) Usage: %s cscope commands: %*s: %s 312|%d: no such cscope session1No cscope connections. %2d %s (process %lu) @(#)ex_delete.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 10/23/96@(#)ex_display.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 4/10/96buffersconnectionsscreenstags123|No cut buffers to displaydefault buffer (line mode) (character mode)********** %s%s @(#)ex_edit.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 4/27/96@(#)ex_equal.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96%ld @(#)ex_file.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 7/12/96@(#)ex_filter.c 10.34 (Berkeley) 10/23/96piperfdopenvfork-cexecl: %sfilterforkwparent-writerfilter read@(#)ex_global.c 10.22 (Berkeley) 10/10/96124|The %s command can't be used as part of a global or v commandpp@(#)ex_init.c 10.26 (Berkeley) 8/12/96/etc/vi.exrcNEXINITEXINITHOME.nexrc%s/%s.exrc125|%s/%s: not sourced: not owned by you or root126|%s/%s: not sourced: not owned by you127|%s/%s: not sourced: writeable by a user other than the owner128|%s: not sourced: not owned by you or root129|%s: not sourced: not owned by you130|%s: not sourced: writeable by a user other than the owner@(#)ex_join.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96131|No following lines to join.?!@(#)ex_map.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 3/6/96132|No input map entries133|No command map entries134|The %s character may not be remapped135|"%s" isn't currently mapped@(#)ex_mark.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96136|Mark names must be a single character@(#)ex_mkexrc.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 3/6/96.exrc137|%s exists, not written; use ! to override%swabbreviate map map! 138|New exrc file: %s@(#)ex_move.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96139|Destination line is inside move range@(#)ex_open.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96140|The open command requires that the open option be set141|The open command is not yet implemented@(#)ex_preserve.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 4/27/96142|Preservation of this file not possible143|File preserved@(#)ex_print.c 10.18 (Berkeley) 5/12/96%6lu TOOBIG $ [ynq]%c@(#)ex_put.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_quit.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 4/27/96@(#)ex_read.c 10.38 (Berkeley) 8/12/96!!%s ! r%s145|Only regular files and named pipes may be read146|%s: read lock was unavailable147|Reading...148|%s: %lu lines, %lu characters@(#)ex_screen.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 6/29/96149|No background screens to display @(#)ex_script.c 10.30 (Berkeley) 9/24/96150|The script command is only available in vi modetcgetattrptyforkemacsTERMemacs:TERMCAPtEMACS-iexecl: %sselectError: timed outError: shell: EOFshell151|No command to execute script-shellttypqrs0123456789abcdef@(#)ex_set.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_shell.c 10.38 (Berkeley) 8/19/96%s -i vfork-cexecl: %swaitpid; core dumped ...%.*s%s: received signal: %s%s%.*s%s: exited with status %d'88 88777777777 7 v7^7Y7 F737 #77 76666666k6T6<6Filesize limit exceededCputime limit exceededWindow size changesVirtual timer expiredUser defined signal 2User defined signal 1Urgent I/O conditionStopped (tty output)Stopped (tty input)SuspendedTrace/BPT trapTerminatedBad system callSuspended (signal)Segmentation faultQuitProfiling timer expiredBroken pipeKilledIOT trapI/O possibleInterruptInformation requestIllegal instructionHangupFloating point exceptionEMT trapContinuedChild exitedBus errorAlarm clockAbort trapUnknown signal: %d@(#)ex_shift.c 10.11 (Berkeley) 9/15/96152|shiftwidth option set to 0@(#)ex_source.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 8/10/96%s@(#)ex_stop.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_subst.c 10.37 (Berkeley) 9/15/96153|Count overflow154|Count underflow155|Regular expression specified; r flag meaningless156|The #, l and p flags may not be combined with the c flag in vi mode169|Confirm change? [n]157|No match found/ L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L / L L ~ L L L L L L L } L } L L } } } } } } } } } } L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L ~ L L L ~ L L L L ~ L L L ~ L  [[:<:]][[:>:]]^.[]$*([ ]|/\*([^*]|\*/)*\*/)*\^.[]$*+?()|{}RE error: %s          ș ș ș ș ș ș ș ș ș ș            ̛                                ̛       ܛ          @(#)ex_tag.c 10.36 (Berkeley) 9/15/96158|No previous tag entered282|Already at the last tag of this group255|Already at the first tag of this group159|Less than %s entries on the tags stack; use :display t[ags]160|No file %s on the tags stack to return to; use :display t[ags]292|Display too small.%2d ... %*.*s %*.*s* %s%.*s 164|%s: the tag's line number is past the end of the file165|The tags stack is empty166|%s: search pattern not foundrxxglobal -%s '%s'r162|%s: tag not found%s 163|%s: corrupted tag in %smunmapclose%s/%s@(#)ex_txt.c 10.17 (Berkeley) 10/10/96 |  0  P     P 8  < < < <  < < <  < < < < < < < \ %c%6lu %.*s@(#)ex_undo.c 10.6 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_usage.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 5/3/96To see the list of vi commands, enter ":viusage" To see the list of ex commands, enter ":exusage" For an ex command usage statement enter ":exusage [cmd]" For a vi key usage statement enter ":viusage [key]" To exit, enter ":q!" The %.*s command is unknown Command: %s Usage: %s ^D%*s: %s The %s key has no current meaning Key:%s%s Usage: %s %s @(#)ex_util.c 10.23 (Berkeley) 6/19/96167|%d more files to edit168|Buffer %s is empty144|%s: expanded into too many file names283|The %s command requires the ex terminal interface272|That form of %s requires the ex terminal interface274|Command failed, no file read in yet.173|The %s command requires that a file have already been read in171|No previous buffer to execute172|No previous regular expression230|This screen may not be suspended290|The %s command is not supported when the secure edit option is set284|That form of %s is not supported when the secure edit option is set174|Usage: %s     ( 4 @ L T d @(#)ex_version.c 10.31 (Berkeley) 8/22/96Version 1.79 (10/23/96) The CSRG, University of California, Berkeley.@(#)ex_visual.c 10.13 (Berkeley) 6/28/96175|The visual command requires that the open option be set%luz%c%lu%luz%c @(#)ex_write.c 10.30 (Berkeley) 7/12/96! 253|Writing...%s@(#)ex_yank.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)ex_z.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96---------------------------------------- @(#)ex_tcl.c 8.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96302|Vi was not loaded with a Tcl interpreter@(#)ex_perl.c 8.10 (Berkeley) 9/15/96306|Vi was not loaded with a Perl interpreter@(#)getc.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 3/6/96177|Empty file 4  4  @(#)v_at.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 4/27/96 %lu@(#)v_ch.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96\ l x        178|No previous F, f, T or t search179|%s not found@(#)v_cmd.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 3/28/96" "@T"cc@  bbbb  b`b\ ] y copy text to motion into a cut buffer[buffer][count]y[count]motion x delete character[buffer][count]x w move to next word[count]w u undo last changeu t before character in line forward search[count]t character s substitute character[buffer][count]s r replace character[count]r character p insert after cursor from buffer[buffer]p o append after line[count]o n repeat last search m set markm[a-z] l move right by columns[count]l k move up by lines[count]k j move down by lines[count]j i insert before cursor[count]i h move left by columns[count]h f character in line forward search[count]f character e move to end of word[count]e d delete to motion[buffer][count]d[count]motion c change to motion[buffer][count]c[count]motion b move back word[count]b a append after cursor[count]a ` move to mark`[`a-z] _ move to first non-blank_ ^ move to first non-blank^]] move forward section]][[ move back section[[ZZ save file and exitZZ Y copy line[buffer][count]Y X delete character before cursor[buffer][count]X W move to next bigword[count]W U Restore the current lineU T before character in line backward search[count]T character S substitute for the line(s)[buffer][count]S R replace characters[count]R Q switch to ex modeQ P insert before cursor from buffer[buffer]P O insert above line[count]O N reverse last searchn M move to screen middleM L move to screen bottom[count]L J join lines[count]J I insert before first nonblank[count]I H move to count lines from screen top[count]H G move to line[count]G F character in line backward search[count]F character E move to end of bigword[count]E D delete to end-of-line[buffer]D C change to end-of-line[buffer][count]C B move back bigword[count]B A append to the line[count]A @ execute buffer@buffer ? search backward?RE[? offset] > shift lines right to motion[count]>[count]motion < shift lines left to motion[count]<[count]motion ; repeat last F, f, T or t search[count]; : ex command:command [| command] ... 0 move to first character0 / search forward/RE[/ offset] . repeat the last command. - move up by lines (to first non-blank)[count]- , reverse last F, f, T or t search[count], + move down by lines (to first non-blank)[count]+ ) move forward sentence[count]) ( move back sentence[count]( ' move to mark (to first non-blank)'['a-z] & repeat substitution& % move to match% $ move to last column [count]$ # number increment/decrement[count]# +|-|# ! filter through command(s) to motion[count]![count]motion command(s) move right by columns[count]' '^^ switch to previous file^^^] tag push cursor word^] ^\ switch to ex mode^\^[ exit input mode, cancel partial commands^[ ^Z suspend editor^Z^Y page up by lines[count]^Y^W move to next screen^W^V input a literal character^V^U half page up (set count)[count]^U^T tag pop^T^R redraw screen^R^P move up by lines[count]^P^N move down by lines[count]^N^M move down by lines (to first non-blank)[count]^M^L redraw screen^L^J move down by lines[count]^J^H move left by characters[count]^H^G file status^G^F scroll down by screens[count]^F^E scroll down by lines[count]^E^D scroll down by half screens (setting count)[count]^D^C interrupt an operation (e.g. read, write, search)^C^B scroll up by screens[count]^B^A search forward for cursor word[count]^A@(#)v_delete.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 10/23/96@(#)v_ex.c 10.42 (Berkeley) 6/28/96207|The Q command requires the ex terminal interface <>suspend180|No previous file to edit!307|No ex command to execute@(#)v_increment.c 10.12 (Berkeley) 3/19/96ddddd%#0*lo0x%0*lx0X%0*lX%+ld%ldabcdefABCDEF181|Cursor not in a number182|Resulting number too large183|Resulting number too small@(#)v_init.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/30/96@(#)v_itxt.c 10.16 (Berkeley) 10/23/96@(#)v_left.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_mark.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 9/20/96@(#)v_match.c 10.8 (Berkeley) 3/6/96184|No match character on this line185|Matching character not found@(#)v_paragraph.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_put.c 10.5 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@ D H L P T X \ @(#)v_redraw.c 10.6 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_replace.c 10.17 (Berkeley) 6/30/96186|No characters to replace           @(#)v_right.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_screen.c 10.10 (Berkeley) 4/27/96308|Enter to execute a command, :q to exit187|No other screen to switch to@(#)v_scroll.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 4/27/96@(#)v_search.c 10.18 (Berkeley) 9/19/96search+%lu188|Characters after search string, line offset and/or z command[[:>:]][[:<:]]%s%s%s189|No previous search pattern190|Search wrapped to original position@(#)v_section.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96@(#)v_sentence.c 10.7 (Berkeley) 3/6/96d* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k* T* \* * * * * \* * \* * * * * T* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * T* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * \* @(#)v_status.c 10.9 (Berkeley) 5/15/96@(#)v_txt.c 10.87 (Berkeley) 10/13/96191|Abbreviation exceeded expansion limit: characters discarded 192|Illegal character; quote to enterx7 7 7 @ \7 $7 \7 \7 \7 \7 D7 G 0B B G lG G G H; @ G G H; G G G C F G . conflicting matchers specifiedGREP_OPTIONSinvalid context length argumentegrepfgrepgrepreadskiprecurseunknown directories method-without-matchunknown binary-files type2.4d%s (GNU grep) %s Copyright (C) 1988, 1992-1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. default@p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p k k k k k k k k k k 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p k k $l 4p hl tl l l p 4p 4p n 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p Sm 4p 4p @p l 4p l 4p o 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p o l l l tm m 4p n n 4p 4p  o 4p 0o 4p 4p @o Sm \o 4p @p lo |o o n o 4p 4p 4p 4p 4p o memory exhaustedmemory exhaustedfgrepawkegrepgrepdefaultmemory exhausted^\(\(^\|[^[:alnum:]_]\)\(\)\([^[:alnum:]_]\|$\)\)$^((^|[^[:alnum:]_])()([^[:alnum:]_]|$))$\\#$FreeBSD: src/lib/libutil/logwtmp.c,v 1.14 2000/01/15 03:26:54 shin Exp $0123456789invalid hostname%d/var/log/wtmp%d%02d%03dT                                              ƙ    h            (    H  t                                \          <      |yvspmjgda^[XUROLIFC@=:74xrptNLMTncnsbsYGYFYEYDYCYBYAhlutccNDNPNRHC5inxxoulhzxtesosmsmidbdainhskmhcgneoxnxsxbambwʗǗė|yvspmjgda^[XkndTdBdNdCugYpYoBTYnYmYlYkYjYiYhYgYfYeYdYcYbYaNCpaCoMWmalwlhNlwsvtpbsglmliitco ޢۢآբҢϢ̢ɢƢâ~{xurolifc`]ZWTQNKHEB?<9630-*'$!  ߡܡ١֡ӡС͡ʡǡġ|yvspmjgda^[XUROLIFC@=:741.+(%"  ݠڠנԠѠΠˠȠŠ }zwtqnkheb_\YVSPMJGDA>;852/,)&#  ޟ۟؟՟ҟϟ̟ɟƟß~{xurolifc`]ZWTQNKHEB?<9630-*'$!  ߞܞٞ֞ӞО͞=ʞǞĞ|yvspmjgda^[XUROLbxmumlGCGVGHGDGUGLGRG4G1G3G2kobcnlrsi2sLsAXvXtXrXoXlXhS8S7S6S5S4S3S2S1YZYzYyYxYwYvZzXys3s2s1s0cidvxlABAFGmRQMiKmZyZxZwZvZuZtZsZrZqZpZoZnZmZlZkZjZiZhZgZfZeZdZcZbZaZZZYZXZWZVZUZTZSZRZQZPZOZNZMZLZKZJZIZHZGZFZEZDZCZBZASbSfspIpIcocopu9u8u7u6u5u4u3u2u1u0WAPAfhPUTOQDDIHUWGCWRCDKSCLfMRMLMCcbFrFqFpFoFnFmFlFkFjFiFhFgFfFeFdFcFbFaFZFYFXFWFVFUFTFSFRFQFPFOFNFMFLFKFJFIFHFGFFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1RF!3!2!1%j%i%h%g%f%e%d%c%b%a#4#3#2#1*0*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1&0&9&8&7&6&5&4&3&2&1%0%9%8%7%6%5%4%3%2%1@0@9@8@7@6@5@4@3@2@1LFLOeAXFXNRASARXSXkBpnacrPpOK5K4K2K3K1iPhuuctstawistsasrsfsccvrcrfr3r2r1rppopfpspxplpkUPSRRILEALSFICDODLDCpcnwmmmol9l8l7l6l5l4l3l2lal1l0kskekukTkRkFkrkPkNkHklkAkIkhk9k8k7k6k5k4k3k2k;k1k0kSkEkMkdkLkDktkCkakbipalicifi3isi1fsffvbueseeiedtemeaeecussomrmpmkimmhdmtimdmbashddsdldcvsupllndveCMlevihodocmCCchcdceclctcscrblbtNCURSES_NO_PADDINGCOLORFGBG A$@$  % 8% d% % x2d2d2dJ2d<2d,2d2d  Out of memory%dF4 4 4 F4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 05 P5 P5 P5 P5 05  5 P5 P5 05 05 P5 05 P5 05 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 05 05 05 P5 P5 05 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 05 5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 4 P5 P5 P5 P5 P5 05 P5 P5 P5 P5 4 4 P5 P5 5 P5 <5 P5 P5 4 05 P5 4 4 P5 P5 4 P5 P5 P5 P5 4 P5 P5 5 05 P5 05 7 6 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ? @ @ @ 7 = |: @ @ ; : @ H; @ ; @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ > > T? @ @ < @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ = 9 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 7 @ @ @ @ @ <> @ @ @ @ 7 7 @ @ H: @ <@ @ @ (8 h< @ 7 l9 @ @ 8 X@ @ @ @ 7 @ @ : = @ ? 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'%s': I can't handle hardcopy terminals. @(#)termcap.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93TERMCAPTERMPATHHOME.termcap /usr/share/misc/termcap/usr/share/misc/termcap:|:Out of memory|terminal names must start with letter or digitName collision between %s %sresolution of use=%s failedexit_standout_mode but no enter_standout_modeenter_standout_mode but no exit_standout_modeexit_underline_mode but no enter_underline_modeenter_underline_mode but no exit_underline_modeexit_alt_charset_mode but no enter_alt_charset_modeenter_alt_charset_mode but no exit_alt_charset_modeenter_alt_charset_mode but no acs_charsexit_alt_charset_mode but no acs_charsenter_blink_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_bold_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_ca_mode but no exit_ca_modeexit_ca_mode but no enter_ca_modeexit_delete_mode but no enter_delete_modeenter_delete_mode but no exit_delete_modeenter_dim_mode but no exit_attribute_modeexit_insert_mode but no enter_insert_modeenter_insert_mode but no exit_insert_modeenter_secure_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_protected_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_reverse_mode but no exit_attribute_modeto_status_line but no from_status_linefrom_status_line but no to_status_linemeta_on but no meta_offmeta_off but no meta_onprtr_off but no prtr_onprtr_on but no prtr_offrestore_cursor but no save_cursorsave_cursor but no restore_cursorexit_xon_mode but no enter_xon_modeenter_xon_mode but no exit_xon_modeexit_am_mode but no enter_am_modeenter_am_mode but no exit_am_modelabel_off but no label_onremove_clock but no display_clockdisplay_clock but no remove_clockset_color_pair but no initialize_pair/usr/share/misc/terminfoTERMINFO%s/%s%c/%.*sTERMINFO_DIRSEntry does not start with terminal names in column oneprimary namealias%s `%.*s' may be too longusetc%s (%s termcap extension) ignored%s (%s termcap extension) aliased to %s%s (%s terminfo extension) ignored%s (%s terminfo extension) aliased to %sextended capability '%s'unknown capability '%s'maMTbooleanstringnumericunknownwrong type used for %s capability '%s'unknown token typeн˽Ƚýzwqnjga^XUPMHEB<kcuu1uptakhtsstkentnlkcuf1ndkcub1lekICimkich1ickhomehokrmireikcud1dokdl1dlkdch1dctbcctkclrclkelcekedcdkcbtbtkil1al  %s$<%d>hardware tabs with a width other than 8: %dhardware tabs with a non-^I tab string %sunknown capability `%.*s' in ko stringko translation table is invalid, I give upno value for ko capability %s%s (%s) already has an explicit value %s, ignoring koacsc string synthesized from XENIX capabilities``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~acsc string synthesized from AIX capabilitiesHOMEOut of memory%s/.terminfo@%&*!#Illegal character (expected alphanumeric or %s) - %spremature EOFempty longname fieldwhitespace in name or alias fieldslashes aren't allowed in names or aliases$[]!*?dubious character `%c' in name or alias fieldSeparator inconsistent with syntaxMissing separator after `%s', have %sno value given for `%s'Missing separatorIllegal character - %sPremature EOFIllegal ^ character - %sAllow ^? as synonym for \177Non-octal digit `%c' in \ sequenceIllegal character %s in \ sequenceVery long string found. 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oversubscribed dynamic bit lengths treeincomplete dynamic bit lengths treeoversubscribed literal/length treeincomplete literal/length treeoversubscribed distance treeincomplete distance treeempty distance tree with lengthsinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length code$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strtok.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strspn.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strmode.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $-csh/bin/sh./%s: illegal option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c $FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/stdtime/strftime.c,v 2002/03/12 17:24:54 phantom Exp $@(#)strftime.c 7.38@(#)strftime.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 3/14/89%c?%02d%m/%d/%y%2d%Y-%m-%d%03d %H:%M%ld%lu%H:%M:%S %d%04d%e-%b-%Y+-}}(~~~0L0dāP@d}p~~hp~0PH܁88܄Ѕ shut up gcc*** unknown regexp error code ***invalid argument to regex routineREG_INVARG"can't happen" -- you found a bugREG_ASSERTempty (sub)expressionREG_EMPTYrepetition-operator operand 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matchREG_NOMATCHREG_0x%x0%dxdigitupperspacepunctprintlowergraphdigitcntrlblankalphaalnumDELtilderight-curly-bracketright-bracevertical-lineleft-curly-bracketleft-bracegrave-accentlow-lineunderscorecircumflex-accentcircumflexright-square-bracketreverse-solidusbackslashleft-square-bracketcommercial-atquestion-markgreater-than-signequals-signless-than-signsemicoloncolonnineeightsevensixfivefourthreetwoonezerosolidusslashfull-stopperiodhyphen-minushyphencommaplus-signasteriskright-parenthesisleft-parenthesisapostropheampersandpercent-signdollar-signnumber-signquotation-markexclamation-markUSIS1RSIS2GSIS3FSIS4ESCSUBEMCANETBSYNNAKDC4DC3DC2DC1DLESISOcarriage-returnCRform-feedFFvertical-tabVTnewlineLFtabHTbackspaceBSalertBELACKENQEOTETXSTXSOHNULD|xxxh[:<:]][:>:]]tp `\4DDDTRSHtcpshell%drcmd: getaddrinfo: %s rcmd: socket: All ports in use rcmd: socket: %s %s: %s connect to address %s: Trying %s... rcmd: write (setting up stderr): %s rcmd: too many files rcmd: select (setting up stderr): %s select: protocol failure in circuit setup rcmd: accept: %s socket: protocol failure in circuit setup. rcmd: %s: %s 0r/etc/hosts.equiv/.rhosts.rhosts lstat failed.rhosts not regular file.rhosts fstat failedbad .rhosts owner.rhosts writeable by other than ownerISO_ISOEUCja_JPeucJPko_KReucKRzh_CNeucCNASCIIUS-ASCIICPOSIXdxDDDDD,4<L\l|40%X%X                        /var/run/dev.db/dev/$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/gen/strtofflags.c,v 2000/06/28 01:52:24 joe Exp $nouunlinknouunlnknoopaquenodumpnouimmutablenouchangenouchgnouappendnouappndnosunlinknosunlnknosimmutablenoschangenoschgnoarchivednoarchnosappendnosappnd ,stringlist: %mtplgc^YUQLHC?:50,'" usr2usr1infowinchprofvtalrmxfszxcpuiottouttinchldconttstpstopurgtermalrmpipesyssegvbuskillfpeemtabrttrapillquitinthupSignal 0tܿ׿ÿvcSG;0ӾlT@,User defined signal 2User defined signal 1Information requestWindow size changesProfiling timer expiredVirtual timer expiredFilesize limit exceededCputime limit exceededI/O possibleStopped (tty output)Stopped (tty input)Child exitedContinuedSuspendedSuspended (signal)Urgent I/O conditionTerminatedAlarm clockBroken pipeBad system callSegmentation faultBus errorKilledFloating point exceptionEMT trapAbort trapTrace/BPT trapIllegal instructionQuitInterruptHangup , | | | | | | | | | | | | | | @ | | | | | | | @ | |    @ |  8 /dev/tty %ur+sh-c/bin/shHOME.$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/gen/getvfsbyname.c,v 1.5 1999/08/27 23:58:45 peter Exp $BLOCKSIZEGKM%s: unknown blocksizemaximum blocksize is %ldGminimum blocksize is 512%ld%s-blocks/kernel...//dev/ : xxswufsswap ,rwrqror/etc/fstabfstab: :%d: $ xdQ7 qbQ3`A `7 `;$uYA `SB. ~hN;"R<Illegal byte sequenceOperation canceledValue too large to be stored in data typeNo message of desired typeIdentifier removedNeed authenticatorAuthentication errorInappropriate file type or formatFunction not implementedNo locks availableBad procedure for programProgram version wrongRPC prog. not availRPC version wrongRPC struct is badToo many levels of remote in pathStale NFS file handleDisc quota exceededToo many usersToo many processesDirectory not emptyNo route to hostHost is downFile name too longToo many levels of symbolic linksConnection refusedOperation timed outToo many references: can't spliceCan't send after socket shutdownSocket is not connectedSocket is already connectedNo buffer space availableConnection reset by peerSoftware caused connection abortNetwork dropped connection on resetNetwork is unreachableNetwork is downCan't assign requested addressAddress already in useAddress family not supported by protocol familyProtocol family not supportedOperation not supportedSocket type not supportedProtocol not supportedProtocol not availableProtocol wrong type for socketMessage too longDestination address requiredSocket operation on non-socketOperation already in progressOperation now in progressResource temporarily unavailableResult too largeNumerical argument out of domainBroken pipeToo many linksRead-only file systemIllegal seekNo space left on deviceFile too largeText file busyInappropriate ioctl for deviceToo many open filesToo many open files in systemInvalid argumentIs a directoryNot a directoryOperation not supported by deviceCross-device linkFile existsDevice busyBlock device requiredBad addressPermission deniedCannot allocate memoryResource deadlock avoidedNo child processesBad file descriptorExec format errorArgument list too longDevice not configuredInput/output errorInterrupted system callNo such processNo such file or directoryOperation not permittedUndefined error: 0W$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/gen/disklabel.c,v 2001/03/05 08:40:47 obrien Exp $DOC2KVinumCCDfloppytype 9HP-FLHP-IBST506ESDISCSIold DECMSCPSMDunknownvinumbootISO9660HPFS4.4LFSMSDOS4.2BSDEighth Edition4.1BSDSystem VVersion 7Version 6swapunused/etc/disktabb0b1tyremovablesimulatedsfsentnsncdtscsurmilskcshstsbssbpxbxfxoxtxdx./$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strncat.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strcspn.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:06 obrien Exp $authunix_create: out of memory auth_none.c - Fatal marshalling problem/usr/bin/rshrcmdsh: unknown user: %s localhost%drcmdsh: getaddrinfo: %s rcmdsh: socketpairrcmdsh: fork failedrcmdsh: dup2 failedrcmdsh: fork to lose parent failedrcmdsh: setuid(%u): %s /bin/sh-c-lrcmdsh: execlp %s failed: %s $FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/locale/setlocale.c,v 2002/03/12 17:20:53 phantom Exp $LC_MESSAGESLC_TIMELC_NUMERICLC_MONETARYLC_CTYPELC_COLLATELC_ALLLANGC/PATH_LOCALE/usr/share/localenoyes^[nN]^[yY]LC_MESSAGESpasswd.byname%upasswd.byuid/etc/pwd.db/etc/spwd.db%s: %mpasswd.adjunct.byname:##master.passwd.bynamemaster.%s%s/etc/netgroupr%c*%s.%s%s.**.%s*.*netgroup.byusernetgroup.byhost), , netgroup%s %sgroup.byname%dgroup.bygidr/etc/group: :/%s.dbtcr@pxhXxxxxxxxPxxx`xHxxxxxxxxxxxxx@pxhXxxxxxxxPxxx`xHPATH/usr/bin:/bin:.execvp: : path too long sh/bin/shg4444̵4444444444g4444444444444444444444444444444444444444gg$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/gen/err.c,v 1.6 1999/08/27 23:58:33 peter Exp $%s: : %s |ukcZQMIEA=95.' |ukcZQ%I:%M:%S %pmd%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %YPMAM%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y%m/%d/%y%H:%M:%SSaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMondaySundaySatFriThuWedTueMonSunDecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanLC_TIMECPOSIXPATH_LOCALE/usr/share/locale//LC_CTYPErNONEUTF2EUCBIG5MSKanjiRuneMagi`llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllplllllllllllllllllllTTlllllllllllllllHllplllllllWWWlllldl4llKL$PPPPPPPll<h<hh4444444444hhhhhhhhhhhLhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhL$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strcoll.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:06 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/stdlib/strtouq.c,v 2001/03/02 09:45:20 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/stdlib/strtoull.c,v 2001/03/02 09:45:20 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/stdlib/strtoq.c,v 2001/03/02 09:45:20 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/stdlib/strtoll.c,v 2001/03/02 09:45:20 obrien Exp $xdr_array: out of memory CPOSIX//LC_COLLATEr1.0 __collate_substitute__collate_strdup: udptcp%d%u/etc/host.confrhostslocalfilefilesdnsbindnis# /etc/hosts0123456789abcdefip6.intin-addr.arpa;; res_query(%s, %d, %d) ;; res_query: mkquery failed ;; res_query: send error ;; rcode = %d, ancount=%d HT<0TT;; res_querydomain(%s, %s, %d, %d) %s.%sHOSTALIASESr;; res_mkquery(%d, %s, %d, %d) /&LOCALDOMAINr/etc/resolv.confdomain searchnameserver%dsortlistoptionsconfRES_OPTIONSenv;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s")... ndots:;; ndots=%d debug;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s").. ;; debug inet6insecure1insecure2no_tld_queryedns0dx`ttcpudpUnknown errorResolved protocol is unknownInvalid value for hintsSystem error returned in errnoai_socktype not supportedservname not supported for ai_socktypehostname nor servname provided, or not knownNo address associated with hostnameMemory allocation failureai_family not supportedNon-recoverable failure in name resolutionInvalid value for ai_flagsTemporary failure in name resolutionAddress family for hostname not supportedSuccess# /etc/host.confrhostslocalfilefilesdnsbindnisGAI# /etc/hostsEEEEEE%s.%s%d/%sservices.byportservices.byname%.*s %s/%sr/etc/services# ,/nisyellowpagesypdomaindnsbindhtablehosttable/etc/hostshostsr/etc/host.conf ,:;$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strsep.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $ hosts.bynamehosts.byaddrr/etc/hosts# gethostby*.gethostanswer: asked for "%s", got "%s"gethostby*.gethostanswer: asked for "%s %s %s", got type "%s"size (%d) too big Too many addresses (%d) Impossible condition (type=%d) res_search failed (%d) %u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpa%x.%x.ip6.intres_query failed (%d) static buffer is too small (%d) syslog: unknown facility/priority: %x<%d>%.15s %s[%d]: %m /dev/console /var/run/log/dev/log$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strstr.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strpbrk.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strcasecmp.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:03 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/yp/yplib.c,v 2002/02/15 00:46:53 des Exp $SuccessInternal ypbind errorDomain not boundSystem resource allocation failureUnknown ypbind error: #%d /var/yp/binding%s/%s.%dclnttcp_createYP: server for domain %s not responding, retrying clntudp_createfcntl: F_SETFDyp_match: clnt_callyp_first: clnt_callyp_next: clnt_callclnttcp_create failed yp_all: clnt_callyp_order: clnt_callyp_master: clnt_callyp_maplist: clnt_callRequest arguments badRPC failureCan't bind to server which serves this domainNo such map in server's domainNo such key in mapYP server errorLocal resource allocation failureNo more records in map databaseCan't communicate with portmapperCan't communicate with ypbindCan't communicate with ypservLocal domain name not setServer data base is badYP server version mismatch - server can't supply service.Access violationDatabase is busyYP unknown error %d $0<DLT\dlt|$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/yp/xdryp.c,v 2002/02/15 00:46:53 des Exp $clntudp_create: out of memory H0l4Иܘș444,clnttcp_create: out of memory 4XlԠ%s: %s; errno = %s ; low version = %lu, high version = %lu ; why = %s (unknown authentication error - %d) ; s1 = %lu, s2 = %lu |(|U<`,RPC: Unknown protocolRPC: Failed (unspecified error)RPC: Program not registeredRPC: Port mapper failureRPC: Unknown hostRPC: Remote system errorRPC: Server can't decode argumentsRPC: Procedure unavailableRPC: Program/version mismatchRPC: Program unavailableRPC: Authentication errorRPC: Incompatible versions of RPCRPC: Timed outRPC: Unable to receiveRPC: Unable to sendRPC: Can't decode resultRPC: Can't encode argumentsRPC: SuccessRPC: (unknown error code)%s: %s - %s %s: %s $ pFailed (unspecified error)Invalid server verifierClient credential too weakServer rejected verifierInvalid client verifierServer rejected credentialInvalid client credentialAuthentication OKGMT/etc/localtime/usr/share/zoneinfo/mnposixrulesTZSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec???%.3s %.3s%3d %02d:%02d:%02d %d : 0808888888880888888888888088880888888888888888888888888888001234567890123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF[inet_ntoa error]$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strncpy.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:07 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strerror.c,v 2001/12/20 06:31:26 wes Exp $Unknown error: 0123456789$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strdup.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:06 obrien Exp $$FreeBSD: src/include/rpcsvc/yp.x,v 1.12 1999/08/27 23:45:12 peter Exp $xdr_reference: out of memory xdrrec_create: out of memory h@HPX`%u.%u.%u.%u%x$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/string/strlcpy.c,v 2001/07/09 23:30:06 obrien Exp $xdr_bytes: out of memory xdr_string: out of memory ed(.LC_NUMERIC,,,,-,,--------LC_MONETARYCPOSIX/union/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:' (''(( (,(((((((((($(,(%$sniglet^&TMPDIR/tmp%s/bt.XXXXXXXXXX0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzC!/dev/urandom$^^^^p^]^J^7^^S_F_9_,____8L8LL8 L $$mpool_new: page allocation overflow. InfNaN0123456789abcdef(null)0123456789ABCDEF0`ܮܮtܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮDPPPPPPPPPܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮdܮܮܮܮܮԢܮܮܮܮܮܮܮ,ܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮܮkkܮܮܮxܮtܮ3ܮܮ׹׹׹׹P׹lHHDoHHHLoT\@Th|$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/i386/gen/isinf.c,v 1.6 1999/08/27 23:59:21 peter Exp $@?5?55?5?InfinityNaN0?aCoc?`(?yPD?$@@@?4; error: warning: /etc/malloc.confMALLOC_OPTIONSunknown char in MALLOC_OPTIONS mmap(2) failed, check limits 4Ph$D\tjunk pointer, too low to make sense junk pointer, too high to make sense modified (page-) pointer modified (chunk-) pointer chunk is already free pointer to wrong page page is already free freelist is destroyed malloc() has never been called in malloc():recursive call out of memory in free(): in realloc():No address associated with nameUnknown server errorHost name lookup failureUnknown hostResolver Error 0 (no error): Resolver internal errorUnknown resolver error?res_send: %s ([%s].%s): %s res_send: %s: %s ;; res_send() kqueue;; Querying server (# %d) address = %s socket(vc)connect/vcwrite failedread failed;; response truncated ;; undersized: %d read(vc);; old answer (unexpected): socket(dg)connect(dg)sendsendtos out-of-boundskevent;; timeout recvfrom;; old answer: ;; not our server: ;; wrong query name: server rejected query: ;; truncated answer ;; got answer: P0 6'''6;; res options: %s;; ns_parserr: %s ;; %s SECTION: .;; %s, type = %s, class = %s ;; ns_sprintrr: %s ;; ns_initparse: %s ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d ; flags: qr aa tc rd ra ?? ad cd; %s: %d, %s: %dNONEANYHESIODHSCHAOSIN ADDITIONALAUTHORITYANSWERQUERYl_XUPDATEPREREQUISITEZONE@ 8 5 ) &                 `  I 5  /                   } t 5 p f b ^ [ G B           _ @ !,  "          #{ f ` "any"URN Naming AuthorityNAPTRmail agent (deprecated)MAILAmailbox-related data (deprecated)MAILBzone transferAXFRincremental zone transferIXFRATM address (unimplemented)ATMAserver selectionSRVNIMROD locator (unimplemented)NIMLOCendpoint identifier (unimplemented)EIDnext valid name (unimplemented)NXTlocationLOCIPv6 addressAAAAgeographical position (withdrawn)GPOSmapping informationPXkeyKEYsignatureSIGNSAP_PTRnsap addressNSAProuterRTISDN addressISDNX25 addressX25DCE or AFS serverAFSDBresponsible personRPtextTXTmail exchangerMXmailbox informationMINFOhost informationHINFOdomain name pointerPTRwell-known service (deprecated)WKSnullNULLmail renameMRmail group memberMGmailboxMBstart of authoritySOAcanonical nameCNAMEmail forwarder (deprecated)MFmail destination (deprecated)MDname serverNSaddressA%dinitdebugaaonly(unimpl)usevcprimry(unimpl)igntcrecursdefnamstyopndnsrchinsecure1insecure2noaliasesinet6no-tld-queryedns0?0x%lx?%u%ld.%.2ld788888888788887888788888888888887888888887888878887(848484848484848488484848488484848(848484848484848484848484848(848484848484848488484848488484848(8?; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %sm%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZONEREFZONEINIT131211109876UPDATENOTIFYCQUERYUCQUERYMIQUERYQUERYNOCHANGE14ZONEERRNOTAUTHNXRRSETYXRRSETYXDOMAINREFUSEDNOTIMPNXDOMAINSERVFAILFORMERRNOERRORADDITIONALPREREQUISITESZONE. @ %s %s ( %lu; serial ; refresh ; retry ; expiry ); minimum %u %u %u %u %u %u %u ( %d )0x%04x %u %u ( %s %d %lu %s %sunknown RR typeRR format error\#( ; %s %02x ; \BxBRRxBCxBxBxBR4LxBBK0GHK0G\HB0GIROMGRDIIQRR(KRI" "\\len <= *buflen/usr/src/lib/libc/../libc/net/ns_print.c ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d Weeeeaeeeeeoeeeeee}eeeeLe%d%crklkllkklkHASH: Out of overflow pages. Increase page size d<Hdtd@ޝ۝֝ѝ,̝ɝƝ\ -^3^0^-^(^"^^^^ ^^@]] ]@]]]]]]]a$a"aaaaa a aaaaasend account command to remote serverappend to a fileset ascii transfer typebeep when command completedset binary transfer typetoggle mget upper/lower case id mappingchange remote working directorychange remote working directory to parent directorychange file permissions of remote fileconnect to remote ftp servertoggle carriage return stripping on ascii getstoggle/set debugging modedelete remote filelist contents of remote directoryterminate ftp sessionexecute macrotoggle command line editingset file transfer formattoggle gate-ftp; specify host[:port] to change proxytoggle metacharacter expansion of local file namestoggle printing `#' marks; specify number to set sizeprint local help informationget (set) idle timer on remote sidechange local working directoryprint local working directorylist contents of remote directorydefine a macrodelete multiple fileslist contents of multiple remote directoriesget multiple filesmake directory on the remote machinelist contents of multiple remote directoriesset file transfer modeshow last modification time of remote filesend multiple filesget file if remote file is newer than local file nlist contents of remote directoryset templates for default file name mappingset translation table for default file name mappingview a remote file through your pagerenter passive transfer modetoggle use of PORT cmd for each data connectiontoggle preservation of modification time of retreived filestoggle transfer progress meterforce interactive prompting on multiple commandsissue command on alternate connectionprint working directory on remote machineterminate ftp session and exitsend arbitrary ftp commandreceive fileget file restarting at end of local fileget help from remote serverrename fileclear queued command repliesrestart file transfer at bytecounttoggle restriction of data port rangeremove directory on the remote machineshow status of remote machinetoggle store unique for local filessend one fileescape to the shellsend site specific command to remote server Try "rhelp site" or "site help" for more informationshow size of remote fileshow current statusset file transfer structuretoggle store unique on remote machineshow remote system typeset tenex file transfer typetoggle packet tracingset file transfer typeget (set) umask on remote sidesend new user informationtoggle verbose moderFrLvr>rr<rDr<r8Xr<rW{r=ritr+=r`WprDr~kr`=r hr=frnar=r̈[r>Xr4}Rr>r~Or`>r0Ir>rmBr>frp>r>;rr0r>r~+r?ri&rDr~!r"?rWr'>r rE;r_r@?rkr?rxm r?rir?rq @r~q+=r`Wq`@qoq Cfrq@r zq@;rrq@rq@qqqAqPtq-Aqr q CfrwqFCrTnqCrmeqDrhk^q DrkXq`DVqRqFr8XNqDryIqDr~CqDr{>qE;r_8q@E;r^1qE.qLr(qErd qEr,qFr,qiErD~ q@Ffr{qgFfrpFrpFr8XpCrDkpGr |pcGfr\p|GrepGrXpGrpGrpGrWpHrip1Hr\Up`Hr}pHrTxpHr kp?rT~wog `ݍٍǍc,`@< ˌŌ`A  Ӌ0/΋0/ˋ,Ƌ-8-X-`] X]A] 0˘0l1`/ E Lt/oi_/]@1`  •@2΋2 THmc@`oo?T8Td@9T0TooƝ3T`5TB >T:Tœ6T`4T>%ZX?ɯ[BYWįZ'deprecated command -- use 'toggle crmod' insteaddeprecated command -- use 'set escape' instead΋W]=E\p>""""ݻ׻ӻлͻɻƻûd_[ID=1,'" ݼҼte^RJE>8/& ͽǽӻлͻɻƻûĽ}yupk(standard output)/etc/gettytab\^:   }) 0/dev/ptyXXiy y y yP yt y y y y@ yx y y ?A؀GɀBbCcdEfnlZLMF?F:.i"nxhsZzqrevqaUuVHtw\  Ћ  Ћ  Ћ  Ћ Ȏ \  $FreeBSD: src/lib/msun/src/s_ilogb.c,v 1.6 1999/08/28 00:06:49 peter Exp $\]^7ba_`c8V9Mdefg:U;J<H=>LhW?O@NiAB CD  !"#$%E &'()*+,-./F 0123456789G :;<=>?@ABCH D E F GIJKjkLMKNIOP[lmcnoQRpqRSrZstuvwxSyz{|}~TPUQVTWDT  %%p%c%%{10}%%/%%{16}%%*%%p%c%%{10}%%m%%+@(#)history.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93%b0 x  < ,  H D h      l 8    ,   h             $ @' ,# 4!  & # ' ' D" "  & ' # & (' & 0$ ! \   ē  ܘ    ,  ,  $   $ @  \  t М    `  |  Ԕ \ ܛ (  Ę ` vyF@yyGxxIxyxJ\xIxD xxEww8wxw9_wNw@ wwOvvPv|vS@vvTuu:uu?uu6udu7@uu<ut>ttUtZtXFt9tY%tt;ssZss=`sEsBsrArrRrrQlrVrM rqNqqCqlqH@q+qVqpWppK`pDpLpo'oo&`oDo5 o o,nn-npn%@nn)mm0m|m4@mm#ll.lal1Jl9l(ll3kk/ksk2@k!k$kj*jj+j}jhj^jDj0jjiii ii `iEi iihh hjh@hhhgggg_gDg6g"g gffffffwfhfRf?f! fe ee eeeme@e-ee edddd`dPd2ddccc\cKc>c+c ccz1 ' ""   !,-5/"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$""""""""""""""""""""""""#&"0"""""."""""4"%""""""""#&"0""""".""""""4"%"""""""B=   !A;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "" """   !"A""""/""" """ """"""L"RZK"""Q"7I: UH""@""NG"PTWY"D"""" ""6J9<>C"? 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Ro/ O PWS[QYUA]@PXT!\ R ZV`PWS[QYUa]`PXT1\0R Z V`??@$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/stdio/asprintf.c,v 1.6 1999/08/28 00:00:55 peter Exp $qWL1$ ۰İtiP E1 '   ݯϯ įmb@"ݱױѱ˱ű   ִҴδʴƴ´       x u e b_[WSOKGC?;840,)%" !"#ܳ$ϳ%ų&'()*+~,w-j-c.Y.S/K/F0B1>28334.5*6$789: ;<=ܲ>β?@[\\}]r^`^U_L_?`4{!{|}}~/dev/3)"ݻӻ̻»L@(#)getbsize.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/4/93ID:0'  $OpenBSD: dirname.c,v 1.4 1999/05/30 17:10:30 espie Exp $dd@ddewCCCCCCC  L<K @?B@   XxDl(0@(#)localtime.c 7.57WILDABBRQQ@(#)asctime.c 7.7$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/net/ns_netint.c,v 1.2 1999/08/28 00:00:14 peter Exp $$FreeBSD: src/lib/libc/net/ns_name.c,v 1.2 1999/08/28 00:00:14 peter Exp $0123456789X$|8lH0H0HRuneMagiNONEXBBBBB@(((((((((((((((          (((((((    ((((((    ((((  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~C^ 0000000000000000}?$@Y@@@@j@.AcAחAeA _BvH7BmB@0BļB4&k C7yAC؅W4vCNgmC=`XC@xDPKDMD7yACnF?O8M20HwZ