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Booting %d:%s(%d,%c)%s @ 0x%x Start address too low text=0x%x data=0x%x bss=0x%x symbols=[+0x%x+0x%x+0x%x+0x%x+0x%x] total=0x%x entry point=0x%x No keyboard found Keyboard found bad disklabel Error: D:0x%x C:%d H:%d S:%d %s Unknown device @O7|/-\ 08@\>`  <  ` \>C8\.@` `  ` /mnt<<< \>`  @@@<@T 08@\>`  <  ` \>C8\.@` `  ` # #\>`  @@@<@TU \> ` pF ,\>A\>\>\>HǨCA[>[>\>ASmA[>\>\>B˳Xm [>[>\>Im&$Z>>\>u A[>[>\>OA[>[>\>D.4A[>\>\>E-LGV[>[>\>Fdy_[>[>\>PX`hpxP_3[>[>\>[>[>\>vpVA[>[>\>Gz:A[>[>\>1A[>[>\>-EDA[>[>\>9^A[>[>\><jA[>[>\>OryQA[>\>\>E?A[>\>\>Ř;kA[>\>\>41fO$[>[>\>px >O_[>[>\>@4 ... . .. tarfixit-small_crunch catchmodR cp dd dfecho*Rexpr*Rkill*R ln lsmkdirR mv rmrmdirRsleepRsync*Rbsdlabel%clri*RdmesgRfdiskRmknodRmountR mount_cd9660+R mount_msdosfsRrebootrestoreswaponumount ee disklabel%rrestore% ftptelnetedit*RchownRchrootchgrpR ... . .. groupb spwd.db  protocols services# $FreeBSD: src/etc/group,v 1.28 2003/04/27 05:49:53 imp Exp $ # wheel:*:0:root daemon:*:1: kmem:*:2: sys:*:3: tty:*:4: operator:*:5:root mail:*:6: bin:*:7: news:*:8: man:*:9: games:*:13: staff:*:20: sshd:*:22: smmsp:*:25: mailnull:*:26: guest:*:31: bind:*:53: uucp:*:66: dialer:*:68: network:*:69: www:*:80: nogroup:*:65533: nobody:*:65534:  ... . .. devstand binsbin etc mntmnt1mnt2mnt3mnt4 tmp usr@.profilew#!/bin/sh -p # # Simple replacement for tar(1), using cpio(1). # # Copyright (c) 1996 Joerg Wunsch # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE DEVELOPERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # $FreeBSD: src/release/scripts/tar.sh,v 1.7 2001/04/08 23:09:21 obrien Exp $ # # # For use on the fixit floppy. External programs required: # cpio(1), find(1), test(1) # archive=${TAPE:-/dev/rsa0} blocksize="20" device="" mode="none" verbose="" usage() { echo "usage: tar -{c|t|x} [-v] [-b blocksize] [-f archive] [files...]" 1>&2 exit 64 # EX_USAGE } # # Prepend a hyphen to the first arg if necessary, so the traditional form # ``tar xvf /dev/foobar'' will work, too. More kludgy legacy forms are not # supported however. # if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then usage fi case "$1" in -*) break ;; *) tmp="$1" shift set -- -$tmp "$@" ;; esac while getopts "ctxvb:f:" option do case $option in [ctx]) if [ $mode = "none" ] ; then mode=$option else usage fi ;; v) verbose="-v" ;; b) blocksize="${OPTARG}" ;; f) archive="${OPTARG## }" ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND - 1)) if [ "X${archive}" != "X-" ] ; then device="-F ${archive}" # else: use stdin or stdout, which is the default for cpio fi case $mode in none) usage ;; t) exec cpio -it $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" "$@" ;; x) exec cpio -idmu $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" "$@" ;; c) if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then # use current dir -- slightly bogus set -- "." fi find "$@" -print |\ cpio -o -H ustar $verbose $device --block-size="$blocksize" exit $? ;; esac  ...a  kn}JE RM | w , ' nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/sbin/nologin3nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/sbin/nologinCpop*DPost Office 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IPV6-NONXT ipv6-opts 60 IPV6-OPTS cftp 62 CFTP sat-expak 64 SAT-EXPAK kryptolan 65 KRYPTOLAN rvd 66 RVD ippc 67 IPPC sat-mon 69 SAT-MON visa 70 VISA ipcv 71 IPCV cpnx 72 CPNX cphb 73 CPHB wsn 74 WSN pvp 75 PVP br-sat-mon 76 BR-SAT-MON sun-nd 77 SUN-ND wb-mon 78 WB-MON wb-expak 79 WB-EXPAK iso-ip 80 ISO-IP vmtp 81 VMTP secure-vmtp 82 SECURE-VMTP vines 83 VINES ttp 84 TTP nsfnet-igp 85 NSFNET-IGP dgp 86 DGP tcf 87 TCF eigrp 88 EIGRP ospf 89 OSPFIGP sprite-rpc 90 Sprite-RPC larp 91 LARP mtp 92 MTP ax.25 93 AX.25 ipip 94 IPIP micp 95 MICP scc-sp 96 SCC-SP etherip 97 ETHERIP encap 98 ENCAP gmtp 100 GMTP ifmp 101 IFMP pnni 102 PNNI pim 103 PIM aris 104 ARIS scps 105 SCPS qnx 106 QNX a/n 107 A/N ipcomp 108 IPComp snp 109 SNP compaq-peer 110 Compaq-Peer ipx-in-ip 111 IPX-in-IP vrrp 112 VRRP pgm 113 PGM l2tp 115 L2TP ddx 116 DDX iatp 117 IATP st 118 ST srp 119 SRP uti 120 UTI smp 121 SMP sm 122 SM ptp 123 PTP isis 124 ISIS fire 125 FIRE crtp 126 CRTP crudp 127 CRUDP sscopmce 128 SSCOPMCE iplt 129 IPLT sps 130 SPS pipe 131 PIPE sctp 132 SCTP fc 133 FC divert 258 DIVERT  ... ... ...# # Network services, Internet style # # Stripped-down version. # # $FreeBSD: src/release/fixit.services,v 1.4 1999/08/28 01:33:10 peter Exp $ # # WELL KNOWN PORT NUMBERS # echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users #Active Users systat 11/udp users #Active Users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp chargen 19/tcp ttytst source #Character Generator chargen 19/udp ttytst source #Character Generator ftp-data 20/tcp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp-data 20/udp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp 21/tcp #File Transfer [Control] ftp 21/udp #File Transfer [Control] ssh 22/tcp #Secure Shell Login ssh 22/udp #Secure Shell Login telnet 23/tcp telnet 23/udp # 24/tcp any private mail system # 24/udp any private mail system smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer smtp 25/udp mail #Simple Mail Transfer time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver domain 53/tcp #Domain Name Server domain 53/udp #Domain Name Server bootps 67/tcp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootps 67/udp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootpc 68/tcp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client bootpc 68/udp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client tftp 69/tcp #Trivial File Transfer tftp 69/udp #Trivial File Transfer gopher 70/tcp gopher 70/udp finger 79/tcp finger 79/udp http 80/tcp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP http 80/udp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP sunrpc 111/tcp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call sunrpc 111/udp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call auth 113/tcp ident tap #Authentication Service auth 113/udp ident tap #Authentication Service nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol nntp 119/udp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol rmt 411/tcp #Remote MT Protocol rmt 411/udp #Remote MT Protocol https 443/tcp https 443/udp # # Berkeley-specific services # exec 512/tcp #remote process execution; # authentication performed using # passwords and UNIX loppgin names biff 512/udp comsat #used by mail system to notify users # of new mail received; currently # receives messages only from # processes on the same machine login 513/tcp #remote login a la telnet; # automatic authentication performed # based on priviledged port numbers # and distributed data bases which # identify "authentication domains" who 513/udp whod #maintains data bases showing who's # logged in to machines on a local # net and the load average of the # machine cmd 514/tcp shell #like exec, but automatic # authentication is performed as for # login server syslog 514/udp printer 515/tcp spooler printer 515/udp spooler talk 517/tcp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) talk 517/udp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) ntalk 518/tcp ntalk 518/udp utime 519/tcp unixtime utime 519/udp unixtime efs 520/tcp #extended file name server router 520/udp route routed #local routing process (on site); # uses variant of Xerox NS routing # information protocol uucp 540/tcp uucpd uucp 540/udp uucpd uucp-rlogin 541/tcp uucp-rlogin 541/udp klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos (v4/v5) klogin 543/udp # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/udp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5) (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`h ... ... . ..share . ..misc . .. scsi_modes: # $FreeBSD: src/release/fixit.profile,v 1.9 2001/10/29 16:13:29 brian Exp $ export BLOCKSIZE=K export PS1="Fixit# " export EDITOR="/mnt2/stand/vi" export PAGER="/mnt2/stand/more" export SCSI_MODES="/mnt2/usr/share/misc/scsi_modes" # the root MFS doesn't have /dev/nrsa0, pick a better default for mt(1) export TAPE=/mnt2/dev/nrsa0 alias ls="ls -F" alias ll="ls -l" alias m="more -e" echo '+---------------------------------------------------------------+' echo '| You are now running from FreeBSD "fixit" media. |' echo '| ------------------------------------------------------------- |' echo "| When you're finished with this shell, please type exit. |" echo '| The fixit media is mounted as /mnt2. |' echo '| |' echo '| You might want to symlink /mnt/etc/*pwd.db and /mnt/etc/group |' echo '| to /etc after mounting a root filesystem from your disk. |' echo '| tar(1) will not restore all permissions correctly otherwise! |' echo '| |' echo '| Note: you might use the arrow keys to browse through the |' echo '| command history of this shell. |' echo '+---------------------------------------------------------------+' echo echo 'Good Luck!' echo # Make the arrow keys work; everybody will love this. set -o emacs 2>/dev/null cd / ELF 4X4 (   y yn`FreeBSDb% UWVS э}_t5~(}t"E y€8t:/uB yB:ut QK  hȦ; VWSPB# U=uA(yt(yС(yut h~~ÉUthhO~=tt h-~UWVS} t8uj/7^[^Xu=@y@yu7>tuWuVe[^_Sh.hA5 6S 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All rights reserved. 66666666666666666?Xq666y6666666666666666(7F6Ud}6@Lquy}dCOLUMNSCLICOLORCLICOLOR_FORCEcolor support not compiled inLS_COLWIDTHSmallocMAC label for %s/%sfflagstostrtotal %lu %s %*u %-*s %-*s %*s%*jd %3d, 0x%08x %3d, %3d %-*s %*lu , %e %b %T %Y %b %e %T %Y %e %b %R %b %e %R %e %b %Y %b %e %Y -> ls: %s: %s %*.*f%c %*s 1ABCFGHLPRTWZabcdfghiklmnopqrstuwx %lu : %ld : %lu : %u : %u : %i : %jd : %lu : %lu usage: ls [-ABCFHLPRTWZabcdfghiklnoqrstu1] [file ...] m:pvusage: mkdir [-pv] [-m mode] directory ... finvrename %s to %scannot resolve %s: %scannot rename a mount pointoverride %s%s%s/%s for %s? %s%s: remove%s: set times%s: set flags (was: 0%07o)%s: set mode (was: 0%03o)/bin/cp/bin/rm%s: waitpid-rf-PRpv-PRp%s: destination pathname too long%s: set owner/group (was: %lu/%lu)%s: owner/group changed; clearing suid/sgid (mode was 0%03o)%s: terminated with %d (non-zero) status%s: did not terminate normally mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source ... directoryusage: mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target"EE EAfEEjdfiPRrvW%s: is a directoryremove %s? unlink fileoverride %s%s%s/%s %s%sfor %s? "." and ".." may not be removedusage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ...usage: rmdir [-p] directory ... usage: sleep seconds @(#) Copyright (c) 1987, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. W#W#]"i"W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#q"W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#W#"W#W#"W#W#W#W#W#W#W#"H#W#W#W#."W#W#W#W#a#$#$K$$$SMDMSCPold DECSCSIESDIST506HP-IBHP-FLtype 9floppyCCDVinumDOC2KRaidjfsunusedswapVersion 6Version 7System V4.1BSDEighth Edition4.2BSDMSDOS4.4LFSHPFSISO9660vinumraidABb:em:nRrs:wi386pc98alphaia64/dev/Unsupported architecturefopen %s%s: unknown disk type/boot/bootread error %scannot open %sboot code %s is wrong sizewrite %swrite labelverbwrite bootcoderead mbroffset%s read%s: no valid label found# %s: disk: %.*s label: %.*s bytes/sector: %lu sectors/track: %lu tracks/cylinder: %lu sectors/cylinder: %lu cylinders: %lu sectors/unit: %lu rpm: %u interleave: %u trackskew: %u cylinderskew: %u drivedata: %u partitions: %c: %8lu %8lu %8.8s%20.20s # "raw" part, don't edit %5lu %5lu %5.5s %5lu %5lu %5d %5lu %5lu %5u %8d badsect ecc removeabletype: %u re-edit the label? [y]: can't reopen %s for readingcan't create %sforkyou have too many processesEDITOR/usr/bin/vidrivedata%lu partitionsbytes/sectorsectors/tracksectors/cylindertracks/cylindersectors/unitrpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewheadswitchtrack-to-track seekline %d: %s: bad %s line %d: %s: bad sector size line %d: bad # of partitions line %d: %s: bad flag Warning, unknown disk typeline %d:%s %lu line %d: syntax error boot block size 0 revolutions/minute 0cylinders/unit 0 tracks/cylinder 0 sectors/track 0 sector size 0 (to edit label) (to read label)usage: bsdlabel diskwrite to disk label supressed - label was as follows:headswitch: %lu # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg] line %d: partition name out of range a-%c: %s line %d: %s: Unknown disklabel field line %d: %s: bad partition size line %d: too few numeric fields line %d: Warning, unknown file system type %s line %d: missing file system type line %d: %s: bad partition offset unknown size specifier '%c' (K/M/G are valid)Offset %ld for partition %c overlaps previous partition which ends at %lu Labels with any *'s for offset must be in ascending order by sector partitions %c and %c overlap! unused partition %c: size %d offset %lupartition %c doesn't cover the whole unit!An incorrect partition %c may cause problems for standard system utilitiespartition %c doesn't start at 0!partition %c is not marked as unused!partition %c: partition extends past end of unit partition %c: offset past end of unit partition %c: size 0, but offset %luOffset %ld for partition %c doesn't match expected value %ld%ld sectors available to give to '*' and '%%' partitions total percentage %lu is greater than 100 partition %c not an integer number of sectorsToo many '*' partitions (%c and %c)number of partitions (%lu) > MAXPARTITIONS (%d)boot block size %% sector-size != 0 (to restore label and install boot program) bsdlabel -R -B [-n] [-b boot] [-m machine] disk protofile (to write label and install boot program) bsdlabel -w -B [-n] [-b boot] [-m machine] disk [type] (to install boot program with existing on-disk label) bsdlabel -B [-b boot] [-m machine] disk (to restore label with existing boot program) bsdlabel -R [-n] [-m machine] disk protofile bsdlabel -e [-n] [-m machine] disk (to write label with existing boot program) bsdlabel -w [-n] [-m machine] disk [type]%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s usage: clri special_device inode_number ... %s is not a valid inode numberCannot find file system superblock clearing %d %s: can't read superblock_msgbufpaM:N:%s: msgbufp not foundkvm_read: %skvm_nlist: %ssysctl kern.msgbufkernel message buffer has different magic numberusage: dmesg [-a] [-M core] [-N system] $FreeBSD: src/sbin/fdisk_pc98/fdisk.c,v 1.13 2003/05/01 14:30:59 nyan Exp $5X5X5X5X5X5X5X5X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X)X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X:X^X^X^X^XFX^X^XRX^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^XeXqX}XXPrimary DOS with 12 bit FATXENIX / file systemXENIX /usr file systemPC-UXExtended DOSPrimary 'big' DOS (> 32MB)AIX file systemOS/2 Boot Manager or OPUSFreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSDVENIX 286DMCP/M or Microport SysV/ATGBSpeedNovell Netware 2.xxNovell Netware 3.xxPCIXMinixBa:f:istuv12345678read_s0%s: %d cyl %d hd %d sec StartPart %11s %11s SID %4d: %11lu %11lu 0x%02x Media sector size is %d This is your last chance.cannot open disk %s%d: sysmid %d (%#04x),(%s) system Name %.16s Do you want to change it?sysmidsyssidsystem namebeginning cylinderbeginning headbeginning sectorending cylinderending headending sectorAre we happy with this entry?active partitionBIOS's idea of #cylindersBIOS's idea of #headsBIOS's idea of #sectorscan't open device %s%ss%dcan't get file status of %s%s [n] yesYESregcomp() failed (%d)statfs("/")OS/2 HPFS, QNX or Advanced UNIXAIX boot partition or CoherentISC UNIX, other System V/386, GNU HURD or Mach******* Working on device %s ******* Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1Information from DOS bootblock is: We haven't changed the partition table yet. Should we write new partition table? -t flag specified -- partition table not written. fdisk -f configfile [-itv] [disk] usage: fdisk [-Baistu] [-12345678] [disk] start %lu, size %lu (%ju Meg), sid %d beg: cyl %d/ head %d/ sector %d; end: cyl %d/ head %d/ sector %d The data for partition %d is: Explicitly specify beg/end address ? The static data for the DOS partition 4 has been reinitialized to:parameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:cylinders=%d heads=%d sectors/track=%d (%d blks/cyl) parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:Do you want to change the active partition?Are you happy with this choiceActive partition number must be in range 1-8. Try again.Do you want to change the boot code?Do you want to change our idea of what BIOS thinks ?can't get disk parameters on %sdevice %s is not character specialinvalid fdisk partition table foundcan't read fdisk partition tablecan't write fdisk partition tableSupply a decimal value for "%s" [%d] %s is an invalid decimal number. Try again. Supply a string value for "%s" [%s] ^(/dev/[a-z]+[0-9]+)([sp][0-9]+)?[a-h]?$mounted root fs resource doesn't match expectations (regexec returned %d)@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mknod/mknod.c,v 1.13 2000/01/06 17:51:46 obrien Exp $usage: mknod name [b | c] major minor [owner:group] group must be specified when the owner isowner must be specified when the group ismajor or minor number too large%s: illegal %s namenode must be type 'b' or 'c'%s: non-numeric major number%s: non-numeric minor numbersetting ownership on %s@(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1989, 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/mount.c,v 1.51 2003/04/07 12:56:01 mdodd Exp $nnnnnnn0nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn)nnn>nnJnnnnnnnnnSnmnnnnnnwnn@(#) Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount/mount_ufs.c,v 1.23 2002/08/03 16:03:18 mux Exp $asynchronousNFS exportednoatimenodevnoexecnosuidnosymfollowwith quotasread-onlyunionnoclusterrnoclusterwsuiddirsoft-updatesmultilabelaclsffsext2fsadF:fo:prwt:uvnoro/var/run/mountd.pidsignal mountdgetmntinforqnoautonot currently mounted %s/usr/sbinmsdosexec: mount_%sstatfs %s%s/mount_%sexec mount_%s not found in %supdateforce%s on %s (%s, writes: sync %ld async %ld, reads: sync %ld async %ld, mounted by %s,%s-ocurrentno%s %s %s %s %u %u 1 1 2 2 0 0asyncuserquotagroupquotardonlyo:%s on %s: mount table full-o %s: option not supported%s: not a directory%s has unknown file system type%s: unknown special file or file system mount [-dfpruvw] special | node mount [-adfpruvw] [ -F fstab] [-t ufs | external_type]usage: mount [-dfpruvw] [-o options] [-t ufs | external_type] special node%s on %s: specified device does not match mounted device%s on %s: incorrect super blockusage: mount_ufs [-o options] special node $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount_cd9660/mount_cd9660.c,v 1.21 2002/08/21 18:10:55 trhodes Exp $>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ڃ>>>>>>>>>>>!*>>Hextattgensrripstrictjolietbegjo:rs:vusing starting sector %d could not determine starting sector, using very first sessionusage: mount_cd9660 [-egrv] [-o options] [-s startsector] special node $FreeBSD: src/sbin/mount_msdosfs/mount_msdosfs.c,v 1.24 2002/08/03 16:03:19 mux Exp $tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttوttttt$ttttJshortnameslongnamesnowin95sl9u:g:m:o:L:W:stat %sunknown group id: %sunknown user id: %s/usr/libdata/msdosfs/%s%i%i%i%i%i%i%i%i [-s] [-l] [-9] [-L locale] [-W table] bdev dirusage: mount_msdosfs [-o options] [-u user] [-g group] [-m mask]u2d table: missing item(s) in row %d, line %dcan't read u2d table row %d near line %dd2u table: missing item(s) in row %d, line %dcan't read d2u table row %d near line %du2w table: missing item(s) in row %d, line %dcan't read u2w table row %d near line %d !*haltdk:lnpq/boot/nextboot.confnextboot_enable="YES" kernel="halted by %sshutdown~(can't restart init): SIGTERM processesSIGTSTP initrebooted by %s???vm.stats.vm.v_swappgsinWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't die cannot dump (-d) when halting; must reboot insteadusage: %s [-dnpq] [-k kernel] @(#) Copyright (c) 1983, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/main.c,v 1.20 2003/05/01 21:18:36 ru Exp $ەBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"l{BgHm$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/interactive.c,v 1.13 2002/09/25 04:06:37 mike Exp $; Nş%Z CMl`+M+`+B+f+l+r$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/restore.c,v 1.16 2002/09/25 04:06:37 mike Exp $3N!I-E--E$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/dirs.c,v 1.24 2002/09/25 04:06:37 mike Exp $$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/symtab.c,v 1.13 2002/09/25 04:06:37 mike Exp $$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/tape.c,v 1.37 2002/09/25 04:06:37 mike Exp $>9h>9 3RQQQQQQQQQQhx$FreeBSD: src/sbin/restore/utilities.c,v 1.13 2002/09/25 04:06:37 mike Exp $$FreeBSD: src/sbin/dump/dumprmt.c,v 1.19 2003/05/01 20:09:58 markm Exp $b:df:himNRrs:tuvxyillegal blocksize -- %sillegal dump number -- %s./restoresymtableBegin incremental restore Calculate node updates. Begin level 0 restore Calculate extraction list. /dev/sa0usage: %s %s %s %s %s directory is used (useful with ``ls'') files to be extracted cd arg - change directory ls [arg] - list directory Available commands are: Debugdebugging mode on debugging mode off %s: not a directory %s: not on extraction list extract/ setmodesverboseverbose mode on verbose mode off whatrestore > %s: out of memory missing %c ./%s%s: name exceeds %d char directory reopen failed ls: out of memory %*d restore interrupted, continuedir %10d %s %s: not on the tape ./%u%s: REMOVE Delete whiteouts Mark entries to be removed. [%s] %s: %s [%s] %s: %s|LINK [%s] %s: Extraneous name [%s] %s: impossible state [%s] %s: inconsistent state cannot KEEP and change modescorrupted symbol table |MODECHG|NAMEFND|INOFND|ONTAPE%s: remove unreferenced name unreferenced with flagsFind unreferenced names. cannot remove, non-emptyunexpected file on tapeunknown file on tape %s: not found on tape %d: bad first Extract new leaves. Extract requested files Add links Add whiteouts incomplete operationsCheck the symbol table. missing inumber %d type should be LEAFWarning: missing name %s TMPDIR/tmp/%s/rstdir%d-XXXXXXopendirfile: %s %s/rstmode%dreclen not multiple of 4 Mangled directory: error reading directory set owner/mode for '.'fopen: %s cannot open mode file %s modefile not defined read: %s no memory directory table addino: out of range %d duplicate inumdeleteino: out of range %d deleteino: %d not found %s is not a directory %s: pathname too long duplicate entry link to non-existent name bad name to addentry %s not marked REMOVEDlink not foundlookupino failedfreeing non-empty directoryfreeing referenced directorycannot move ROOTno space for string table bad name fwrite: %s Check pointing the restore Incremental tape too low Incremental tape too high stat: %s no memory for entry table Initialize symbol table. /dev/ttycannot open %s: %s /dev/nullno header after volume mark! no memory for file dump list Cannot find file dump list maxino = %d bad block size %ld cannot stat .: %s Tape is not a dump tape tape is not dump tape Mount tape volume %ld none Cannot open %s can quickly skip tapes that start with the last volume %s%s%s%s%s%s%sSpecify next volume #: You have read volumes%s%ldWrong volume (%ld) Wrong dump date got: %s wanted: %sactive file into volume 1 Warning: %s %s ioctl MTFSF: %s Dump date: %sthe epoch Dumped from: %sLabel: %s %s: unknown file mode 0%o %s: cannot create fifo: %s extract fifo %s extract file %s unextracted directory %s extract special file %s %s: cannot create file: %s skipped socket %s not at beginning of a file ran off end of tape hole in map End-of-tape encountered Tape read error while trying to set up tape continuation failed: %s restoring %s trying to resynchronize skipping over inode %d mid-media short read error. Tape block size is %ld tape read error: %s 8l4s1q8l2q17l2l4qNote: Doing Byte swapping Dumped inodes map headerFile header, ino %dEnd of tape headerUsed inodes map headerVolume header begins with record %qdunexpected tape header unknown tape header type %d RSTTMP%s%ld%lunot on ino listrename %s to %s newnode: not a nodeMake node %s warning: %s: %s removenode: not a nodeRemove node %s removeleaf: not a leafRemove leaf %s linkit: unknown type %d symbolichardCreate %s link %s->%s Create whiteout %s delwhiteout: not a leafDelete whiteout %s bad entry: %s parent name %s entry type: %s inode number: %lu flags: %s NODEnext hashchain name: %s next link name: %s next entry name: %s sibling name: %s |EXISTED|KEEP|NEW|EXTRACT|TMPNAME|REMOVED%s is not on the tape %s? [yn] abortdump coreon %s: %s%sRMTTCP_NODELAY setsockoptlogin to %s as %s failed. /etc/rmttcpwho are you? shell/tcp: unknown service invalid user name %s O%.226s %d C R%d W%d L%d %d I%d %d ioctl(rmtgets got "%s"). block size must be greater than 0dump number must be greater than 0none of i, R, r, t or x options specifiedVerify the directory structure %c and %c options are mutually exclusiverestore -t [-cdhNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...]restore -x [-cdhmNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno] [file ...]restore -R [-cdNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno]restore -r [-cdNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno]restore -i [-cdhmNuvy] [-b blocksize] [-f file] [-s fileno]option requires an argument -- %c%s: unknown command; type ? for help If no `arg' is supplied, the current help or `?' - print this list verbose - toggle verbose flag what - list dump header information quit - immediately exit program setmodes - set modes of requested directories extract - extract requested files list of files to be extracted delete [arg] - delete `arg' from add [arg] - add `arg' to list of pwd - print current directory %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%scommand lines cannot be continued canonname: not enough buffer space Warning: undefined file type %d %s: (inode %d) not found on tape deleted hard link %s to directory %s NODE and LEAF links to same inodename/inode conflict, mktempname %s Remove old nodes (directories). expected next file %d, got %d Continue extraction of new leaves Root directory is not on tape %s - cannot create modefile fopen%s - cannot create directory temporary fopenExtract directories from tape Warning: `.' missing from directory %s Warning: `..' missing from directory %s reclen less than DIRSIZ (%d < %d) bad seek pointer to rst_seekdir %ld corrupted directory: bad inum %d corrupted directory: bad reclen %d cannot find directory inode %d error setting directory modes directory mode, owner, and times not set Set directory mode, owner, and times. write error extracting inode %d, name %s Cannot find directory inode %d named %s no memory to extend symbol table cannot find entry in parent listoutput error to file %s writing symbol table cannot create save file %s for symbol table initsymtable called from command %c cannot read symbol table file %s cannot allocate space for symbol table cannot stat symbol table file %s cannot open symbol table file %s Cannot allocate space for magtape buffer Cannot allocate space for tape buffer no memory for active inode map Cannot find file removal list header read failed at %ld blocks Tape is not volume 1 of the dump Verify tape and initialize maps Changing volumes on pipe input? Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes otherwise enter tape name (default: %s) Otherwise, begin with volume 1. have no further files to extract.and work towards the first; restoreIf you are extracting just a few files,You have not read any tapes yet. Volume numbers are positive numerics Skipping %ld duplicate record%s. last rec %qd, tape starts with %qd End-of-input encountered while extractingCannot have multiple dumps on pipe input Level %ld dump of %s on %s:%s %s: cannot create special file: %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) Missing address (header) block for %s at %ld blocks write error extracting inode %d, name %s write: %s seek error extracting inode %d, name %s lseek: %s symbolic link name: %s->%s%s; too long %d unallocated block in symbolic link %s partial block read: %d should be %d partial block read: %ld should be %ld is not a multiple of dump block sizeTape block size (%ld) %s (%d) Format of dump tape is too old. Must use a version of restore from before 2002. gethead: unknown inode type %d ; predicted %ld blocks, got %ld blocksFile continuation header, ino %dresync restore, skipped %ld blocks Checksum error %o, inode %d file %s Unknown conversion character: %c mktempname: called with TMPNAMEwarning: cannot rename %s to %s: %s removenode: non-empty directorywarning: cannot create hard link %s->%s: %s warning: cannot create symbolic link %s->%s: %s warning: cannot create whiteout %s: %s warning: cannot delete whiteout %s: %s Lost connection to remote host. Connection to %s established. IP_TOS:IPTOS_THROUGHPUT setsockoptProtocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). Protocol to remote tape server botched. ^ ^ U ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^  ^ ^  ^ ^ ^  ^ ^   ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^  AadlhksUsw%s: %sing %s as swap device removswapoff%s: NSWAPDEV limit reached%s: device already in useusage: %s [-a] [special_file ...] vm.swap_info/dev/%-8s %*lld %*lld Total: %*lld %*lld sysctl()%ld-blocksUsed:Device:%-13s %*s %*s sysctlnametomib()xswdev version mismatch[-lshAU] [-a/-d special_file ...] @(#) Copyright (c) 1980, 1989, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $FreeBSD: src/sbin/umount/umount.c,v 1.34 2003/04/07 12:56:01 mdodd Exp $...............................................5DEAaF:fh:t:vfstab reading failurenoneudpRPCMNT_UMOUNTRPCPROG_MNT%s: unmount from %s unmount of %s failedcan't get net id for hostcalloc/var/db/mounttab%ld %s %s can't open %scan't remove %swrite mounttab entry %s:%scan't write to %s by hostdelete mounttab entry%s %s:%sbad mounttab %s field '%s'cannot umount %s, %s is mounted there, umount it first%s not found in mount table, unmounted it anywaycannot remove mounttab entry %s:%s umount -a | -A [ -F fstab] [-fv] [-h host] [-t type]usage: umount [-fv] special | node==============================================================================="5HiCopyright (c) 1986, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Hugh Mahon This software and documentation containsproprietary information which is protected bycopyright. All rights are reserved.Control keys: ^a ascii code ^i tab ^r right ^b bottom of text ^j newline ^t top of text ^c command ^k delete char ^u up ^d down ^l left ^v undelete word ^e search prompt ^m newline ^w delete word ^f undelete char ^n next page ^x search ^g begin of line ^o end of line ^y delete line ^h backspace ^p prev page ^z undelete line ^[ (escape) menu ESC-Enter: exit ee Commands: help : get this info file : print file name read : read a file char : ascii code of char write : write a file case : case sensitive search exit : leave and save nocase : case insensitive search quit : leave, no save !cmd : execute "cmd" in shell line : display line # 0-9 : go to line "#" expand : expand tabs noexpand: do not expand tabs ee [+#] [-i] [-e] [-h] [file(s)] +# :go to line # -i :no info window -e : don't expand tabs -h :no highlight^[ (escape) menu ^e search prompt ^y delete line ^u up ^p prev page ^a ascii code ^x search ^z undelete line ^d down ^n next page ^b bottom of text ^g begin of line ^w delete word ^l left ^t top of text ^o end of line ^v undelete word ^r right ^c command ^k delete char ^f undelete char ESC-Enter: exit ee help : get help info |file : print file name |line : print line # read : read a file |char : ascii code of char |0-9 : go to line "#"write: write a file |case : case sensitive search |exit : leave and save !cmd : shell "cmd" |nocase: ignore case in search |quit : leave, no saveexpand: expand tabs |noexpand: do not expand tabs press Escape (^[) for menusending contents of buffer to "%s" usage: %s [-i] [-e] [-h] [+line_number] [file(s)] -i turn off info window -e do not convert tabs to spaces -h do not use highlighting no filename entered: file not savedchanges have been made, are you sure? (y/n [n]) file already exists, overwrite? (y/n) [n] !%swritten by Hugh Mahon-i-e-h-?SHELL/bin/sh-c%c) /usr/share/misc/init.eeHOMELANGzh_TW.big5/root%s.old%s %d ~/.init.ee<>!spell/tmp/ee.%dispell %s$modes menutabs to spaces case sensitive searchmargins observed auto-paragraph formateightbit characters info window right margin leave menusave changesno savefile menuread a filewrite a filesave fileprint editor contentssearch menusearch for ...spell menuuse 'spell'use 'ispell'miscellaneous menuformat paragraphshell commandcheck spellingmain menuleave editorfile operationsredraw screensettingsmiscellaneousno fileascii code: name of file to write: name of file to read: character = %dunknown command "%s"entered command is not uniqueline %d length = %dcurrent file is "%s" file "%s" is a directorynew file "%s"can't open "%s"file "%s", %d linesfinished reading file "%s", read onlyenter name of file: unable to create file "%s"writing file "%s""%s" %d lines, %d characters ...searchingstring "%s" not foundsearch for: could not exec %spress return to continue press Esc to cancelmenu too large for windowpress any key to continue shell command: ...formatting paragraph...right margin is: HELPWRITEREADLINEFILECHARACTERREDRAWRESEQUENCEAUTHORNOCASENOEXPANDEXITQUITNOINFONOMARGINSNOAUTOFORMATPRINTCOMMANDRIGHTMARGINNOHIGHLIGHTNOEIGHTBITemacs key bindings NOEMACSsave editor configurationsave ee configurationsave in current directorysave in home directoryee configuration not saved^^more^^VVmoreVV16 bit characters NO16BITK(elABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/uwuwwwwwwwwwwuwwwwwwwwwwwwuwvw*vw9vwvwwwwwwwwwwvwwvvwwwwwwww-w for the NetBSD project. Execute `man ftp' for more details. Luke Mewburn is the author of most of the enhancements in this ftp client. Please email feedback to . NetBSD is a freely available and redistributable UNIX-like operating system. For more information, see http://www.netbsd.org/index.html `%s' is an interesting topic. auto_put: url `%s' argv[2] `%s' No control connection for command.421 Service not available, user interrupt. Connection closed. 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection. 421 Service not available, remote server timed out. Connection closed aborted. Waiting for remote to finish abort. abortxfer called with unknown direction `%s'Can't change modification time on %s to %sWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode. File may not have transferred correctly. Passive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen! wrong server: return code must be 227 Passive mode AF mismatch. Shouldn't happen! %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%uwrong server: return code must be 228 wrong server: return code must be 229 disabling epsv4 for this connection LPRT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%duse of scoped address can be troublesomeproxy server does not support third party transfers. runique: can't find unique file name. remote abort aborted; closing connection. Lost control connection for abort.Neither $FTPSERVER nor GATE_SERVER is defined; disabling gate-ftpunknown $FTPMODE '%s'; using defaultsunable to get default sndbuf sizeunable to get default rcvbuf size%sommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: getoptionvalue() invoked with NULL namegetoptionvalue() invoked with unknown option `%s'usage: %s [-46AadefginpRtvV] [-N netrc] [-o outfile] [-P port] [-r retry] [-T dir,max[,inc][[user@]host [port]]] [host:path[/]] [file:///file] [ftp://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/path[/]] [http://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/path] [...] %s -u url file [...] Error: .netrc file is readable by others.Remove password or make file unreadable by others.Remove account or make file unreadable by others.Macro definition missing null line terminator. Missing macdef name argument. Connecting via pass-through server %s Already connected to %s, use close first. gateserver not defined (shouldn't happen)Remember to set tenex mode when transferring binary files from this machine. ftp_login: user `%s' pass `%s' host `%s' can't find list of remote files, oops.can't find list of remote files, oops. unable to create temporary file %sSIZE is not supported by remote server. MDTM is not supported by remote server. Y2K warning! Incorrect time-val `%s' received from server. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************crankrate invoked with unknown signal: %dContext sensitive argument completionUnknown port `%s', using port %dUnable to allocate %ld bytes of memoryUnable to allocate memory for stringlistUnable to add `%s' to stringlistxstrdup() called with NULL argumentUnable to allocate memory for string copyxsignal_restart called with signal %d.A @$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$,<$$$$W$`$$$$o$$$$$$$$$$$$|$$$$$$$$$$$$.>   &-4;BIPWWnssnssXsssssssssssssssssnssssssnnnsssnF  H  3hl3L[jy3z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=z=-3z=z=z=z=z=z=6778f=z=z=z==;55545%s sequence challenge /usr/bin/opiekeyaoSend Telnet Abort outputaytSend Telnet 'Are You There'Send Telnet BreakbreakSend Telnet Erase CharacterSend Telnet Erase LineSend current escape characterSend Telnet Interrupt ProcessintpinterruptintrnopSend Telnet 'No operation'eorSend Telnet 'End of Record'Send Telnet 'Abort Process'Send Telnet 'Suspend Process'getstatusSend request for STATUSDisplay send optionsdontwillwontSENTbuffer, if this might help.)?Need to be connected first.'send ?' for help"value" must be from 0 to 255Valid options are: %-15s %s setsockopt (SO_DEBUG)autoflushautosynchskiprcdon't read ~/.telnetrc fileinbinaryreceiving of binary dataoutbinarysending of binary datacrlfcrmodmap carriage return on outputlocalcharsdebuggingnetdataprettydumpshow option processingtermdata%-15s toggle %s display help informationenabledisable%-15s %s %s WillWon'trloginrlogin escape charactertracefileflushoutputcharacter to cause an EOF lnextreprintworderasecharacter to use for XONcharacter to use for XOFFforw1forw2alternate AYT character%s character is '%s'. %s set to "%s". %s reset to "%s". 'mode ?' for help.Disable LINEMODE optionEnable LINEMODE optionEnable signal trapping+isig-isigDisable signal trappingEnable character editing+edit-editDisable character editingEnable tab expansion+softtabs-softtabsEnable literal character echo+litecho-litechokludgelinePrint help information%-15s [%s] %-15s "%s" won't?Unknown argument '%s'. ?Ambiguous argument '%s'. new escape character: ExeclFork failed fromquitConnection closed.importcheckundefineunexportSend an environment variableonly DISPLAYunix:USERPRINTERLOGNAME%c %-20s %s notmuchLocalRemote%s character echo No%s flow control Escape character is '%s'. Catching signals locally%s line editing %s catching of signals No connection.setsockopt (source route)telnet: socketBad source route option: %s -a(to) ?Already connected to %s logouttoggleslcenvironopie%s> ?Invalid command?Ambiguous command?Invalid help command %s ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid command: %s ?Ambiguous command: %s /.telnetrc[host-name [port]][-r] [-s src_addr] [-u] usage: %s %s%s%s%s rlogSetSockOptUNKNOWN%c%c%c%c%s%c%c%c%c%c%c%ld,%ld%c%clm_will: no command!!!lm_wont: no command!!!lm_do: no command!!!lm_dont: no command!!!remote defaultremoteslc_import: not enough roomSYSTEMTYPEJOBACCTIn SUBOPTION processing, RCVDz close SUSPABORTEORNOPDMARKBRKIPAOAYTGASBWILLWONTDONTIACBINARYRCPSUPPRESS GO AHEADTIMING MARKRCTENAOLNAOPNAOCRDNAOHTSNAOHTDNAOFFDNAOVTSNAOVTDNAOLFDEXTEND ASCIILOGOUTBYTE MACRODATA ENTRY TERMINALSUPDUPSUPDUP OUTPUTSEND LOCATIONTERMINAL TYPEEND OF RECORDTACACS UIDOUTPUT MARKINGTTYLOC3270 REGIMEX.3 PADNAWSTSPEEDLFLOWLINEMODEXDISPLOCOLD-ENVIRONAUTHENTICATIONENCRYPTNEW-ENVIRONTN3270ECHARSETCOM-PORTKERMITSYNCHRPLNEXTFORW1FORW2MCLMCRMCWLMCWRMCBOLMCEOLINSRTOVERECREWREBOLEEOL(standard output)Cannot open %s. %c 0x%x %c%.2x%s %s EXOPL%s %d %d%s IAC %s%s IAC %dresp DO_DONT %s: %d want DO %s resp WILL_WONT %s: %d want WILL %s want WILL %d want WONT %s want WONT %d resp WILL_WONT %d: %d WILL %s WILL %d want DO %d want DONT %s want DONT %d resp DO_DONT %d: %d DO %s DO %d %s IAC SB (terminated by , not IAC SE!) TERMINAL-TYPE IS "%.*s" %d (unknown) ?%d? SEND IS %s %d SE IS %d %d (%d) (empty suboption???)TERMINAL-SPEED IS TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL RESTART-XON RESTART-ANY OFF ONLINEMODE SLC|FLUSHOUT|FLUSHIN|ACK %d; DEFAULT VARIABLE NOSUPPORT CANTCHANGE|LIT_ECHO|SOFT_TAB|TRAPSIG|EDIT ?0x%x? (0x%x)(no mode???)DONT Forward Mask %x(no option???)WONT DO WILL X-DISPLAY-LOCATION %s (unknown)NEW-ENVIRON INFO " %03o " USERVAR " ESC " VAR " VALUE SEND (Empty suboption???)%d %02xSend Telnet 'Go Ahead' sequenceSend Telnet End of File CharacterPerform Telnet 'Synch operation'Telnet 'send' error - argument disappeared! There is not enough room in the buffer TO the networkto process your request. Nothing will be done.('send synch' will throw away most data in the networkNeed %d argument%s to 'send %s' command. 'send %s ?' for help. Ambiguous send argument '%s' 'send ?' for help. Unknown send argument '%s' 'send ?' for help. need at least one argument for 'send' commandusage: send %s '%s': bad value ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('send %s ?' for help). Will send carriage returns as telnet .Will send carriage returns as telnet .Already in network ascii mode with remote host.Negotiating network ascii mode with remote host.Negotiating binary mode with remote host.Already operating in binary mode with remote host.Already receiving in network ascii mode.Negotiating network ascii mode on input.Already receiving in binary mode.Negotiating binary mode on input.Already transmitting in network ascii mode.Negotiating network ascii mode on output.Already transmitting in binary mode.Negotiating binary mode on output.flushing of output when sending interrupt charactersflush output when sending interrupt charactersautomatic sending of interrupt characters in urgent modesend interrupt characters in urgent modeskip reading of ~/.telnetrc filesending and receiving of binary datasending carriage returns as telnet mapping of received carriage returnslocal recognition of certain control charactersrecognize certain control charactersturn on socket level debuggingprinting of hexadecimal network data (debugging)print hexadecimal representation of network trafficoutput of "netdata" to user readable format (debugging)print user readable output for "netdata"viewing of options processing (debugging)(debugging) toggle printing of hexadecimal terminal dataprint hexadecimal representation of terminal traffic'%s': unknown argument ('toggle ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('toggle ?' for help). Need an argument to 'toggle' command. 'toggle ?' for help. character to toggle local echoing on/offcharacter to escape back to telnet command modefile to write trace information toThe following need 'localchars' to be toggled truecharacter to cause an Abort Outputcharacter to cause an Interrupt Processcharacter to cause an Abort processThe following are for local editing in linemodecharacter to use to erase a charactercharacter to use to erase a linecharacter to use for literal nextcharacter to cause a Suspend Processcharacter to use for line reprintcharacter to use to erase a wordalternate end of line characterTelnet rlogin escape character is '%s'. Telnet escape character is '%s'. Format is 'set Name Value' 'set ?' for help.'%s': ambiguous argument ('set ?' for help). Format is 'set togglename [on|off]' 'set ?' for help.'%s': unknown argument ('set ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('unset ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('unset ?' for help). Need an argument to 'unset' command. 'unset ?' for help. ?Need to have LINEMODE option enabled first.(or disable obsolete line-by-line mode)(or enable obsolete line-by-line mode)These require the LINEMODE option to be enabledDisable literal character echoformat is: 'mode Mode', where 'Mode' is one of: 'mode' command requires an argumentAmbiguous mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). Unknown mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). Deprecated usage - please use 'set escape%s%s' in the future. Deprecated usage - please use 'toggle crmod' in the future.%s map carriage return on output. Use local special character definitionsUse remote special character definitionsVerify remote special character definitionsNeed an argument to 'slc' command. 'slc ?' for help. '%s': ambiguous argument ('slc ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('slc ?' for help). Define an environment variableUndefine an environment variableMark an environment variable for automatic exportDon't mark an environment variable for automatic exportList the current environment variablesNeed %s%d argument%s to 'environ %s' command. 'environ ?' for help. '%s': ambiguous argument ('environ ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('environ ?' for help). Need an argument to 'environ' command. 'environ ?' for help. Cannot send '%s': Telnet ENVIRON option not enabled Cannot send '%s': variable not defined Operating in single character modeOperating in obsolete linemodeOperating with LINEMODE optionConnection closed by foreign host. Unable to connect to remote hosttelnet: setsockopt (IP_TOS) (ignored)hostname too long for unix domain socket: %susage: %s [-l user] [-a] [-s src_addr] host-name [port] Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ?Need to be connected first for %s. [-e char] [-l user] [-n tracefile] [-4] [-6] [-8] [-E] [-L] [-N] [-S tos] [-c] [-d]468EKLNS:X:acde:fFk:l:n:rs:t:uxy%s: Warning: -F ignored, no Kerberos V5 support. %s: Warning: -S ignored, no parsetos() support. %s: Warning: -f ignored, no Kerberos V5 support. %s: Warning: -k ignored, no Kerberos V4 support. %s: Warning: -x ignored, no ENCRYPT support. %s: Warning: -y ignored, no ENCRYPT support. sleep(5) from telnet, after select: %s No room in buffer for terminal type. lm_will: not enough room in bufferlm_do: not enough room in bufferlm_mode: not enough room in bufferSpecial characters are %s values slc_end_reply: not enough roomenv_opt_start: malloc()/realloc() failed!!!env_opt_add: realloc() failed!!!Remote side does not support STATUS option- unknown qualifier %d (0x%x).BDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDDBDBDBDDBDBDBDCBD'DBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBD0DBD9DBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDBDID*E^E^E>E^E^EF^E^EF^EFFHLPRfhv: %ju:%ju -> %ju:%ju: %ju -> %juthe -R%c and -h options may not be specified togetheryou are not a member of group %s chown [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] :group file ...usage: chown [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] owner[:group] file ...usage: chgrp [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] group file ...usage: chroot newroot [command] _HiStOrY_V2_ a *>TVTTU;UIU-UeUWUTTTVVUUUUUuUunknown errorfirst event not foundlast event not foundempty listno next eventno previous eventcurrent event is invalidcan't read history from filecan't write historyhistory size negativebad parametersrequired parameter(s) not suppliedfunction not allowed with other history-functions-set the defaultrrrrrrrrrsssr s:sQshsstLtt$tLtLtLtLtLtLtLt1tt/.editrci0kpej ehxccetf4fj fU`uX}Y;Z= B`AR)Q8OMeN@{CHVW@KL' &5 ,-@'%6)J0W4@e#u.1(3/@2 $9*Lj+}  % @ 4 ` C V c p` }  "!?So~!    (` 8EZ h | `  &1%-15s-> %s 1 ' ""   !,-5/"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$""""""""""""""""""""""""#&"0"""""."""""4"%""""""""#&"0""""".""""""4"%"""""""B=   !A;""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "" """   !"A""""/""" """ """"""L"RZK"""Q"7I: UH""@""NG"PTWY"D"""" ""6J9<>C"? "M"F"OSVX"E"""""8""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""ϓTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTL[|\v|NULbƙڙЙf}vϡ)EfwdbckƴشlشlشششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششششZmp"}Hg_ "I ǧ1=Nǹ`orm2<{$&2[BPS`Gv{K  14DGY\Li`o\[1~[4~OAOBOCODOHOF%s %d _____\__\___\\_____________________________________________\___________@@@ a@ = =,A"'B" """" @  #) /6@=CKRX_ f@ls~@@  yk. @- @ 8*?_-.[]~=telltcsettcechotcsettyedit: Bad value `%s'. ^Dvi-paste-nextvi-paste-prevvi-prev-space-wordvi-prev-wordVi move to the previous wordvi-next-space-wordvi-next-wordVi move to the next wordvi-change-casevi-change-metaVi change prefix commandvi-insert-at-bolvi-replace-charvi-replace-modeVi enter replace modevi-substitute-charvi-substitute-lineVi substitute entire linevi-change-to-eolVi change to end of linevi-insertVi enter insert modevi-addvi-add-at-eolvi-delete-metaVi delete prefix commandvi-end-wordvi-to-end-wordvi-undoVi undo last changevi-undo-lineVi undo all changesvi-command-modevi-zerovi-delete-prev-charvi-list-or-eofvi-kill-line-prevvi-search-prevVi search history previousvi-search-nextVi search history nextvi-repeat-search-nextvi-repeat-search-prevvi-next-charvi-prev-charvi-to-next-charvi-to-prev-charvi-repeat-next-charvi-repeat-prev-charem-delete-or-listem-delete-next-wordem-yankem-kill-lineem-kill-regionem-copy-regionem-gosmacs-trasposeem-next-wordem-upper-caseem-capitol-caseem-lower-caseem-set-markSet the mark at cursorem-exchange-markExchange the cursor and markem-universal-argumentem-meta-nextem-toggle-overwriteem-copy-prev-wordCopy current word to cursorem-inc-search-nextEmacs incremental next searchem-inc-search-preved-end-of-fileIndicate end of fileAdd character to the lineed-delete-prev-worded-delete-next-charDelete character under cursored-kill-lineCut to the end of lineed-move-to-ended-move-to-beged-transpose-charsed-next-chared-prev-worded-prev-chared-quoted-inserted-digited-argument-digitDigit that starts argumented-unassignedIndicates unbound charactered-tty-sigintTty interrupt charactered-tty-dsuspTty delayed suspend charactered-tty-flush-outputTty flush output charactersed-tty-sigquitTty quit charactered-tty-sigtstpTty suspend charactered-tty-stop-outputed-tty-start-outputTty allow output charactersed-newlineExecute commanded-delete-prev-chared-clear-screened-redisplayRedisplay everythinged-start-overed-sequence-lead-ined-prev-historyed-next-historyMove to the next history lineed-search-prev-historyed-search-next-historyed-prev-lineMove up one lineed-next-lineMove down one lineed-commandEditline extended commandUnbound extended key "%s" "%s..." ""[]no input%s -> %s %-15s-> is undefined %-4s to %-7s-> %s %-15s-> %s Standard key bindings Alternative key bindings Multi-character bindings Arrow key bindings %s: Invalid switch `%c'. %s: Invalid command `%s'. *[]?add new blank lineblaudible bellclear to bottomclear to end of linecursor to horiz posclear screendelete a characterdelete a linestart delete modeend delete modeeiend insert modecursor from status linehome cursorinsert characterstart insert modeinsert paddingkdsends cursor downklsends cursor leftkrsends cursor rightkusends cursor upbegin boldend attributesnon destructive spaceend standoutbegin standoutcursor to status linecursor up onebegin underlineend underlinevbvisible belldelete multiple charscursor down multipleinsert multiple charscursor left multipleRIcursor right multiplecursor up multiplekhsend cursor home@7send cursor endhas automatic marginshas physical tabsliNumber of linescoNumber of columnskmHas meta keyTab chars destructivexnOut of termcap string space. Your terminal has the following characteristics: It has %s meta key not It can%suse tabs hasdoes not have It %s automatic margins It %s magic margins (empty) %25s (%s) == %s settc: Bad value `%s'. baudrowscolsechotc: Bad value `%s'. iflag:oflag:cflag:lflag:chars:ignbrkbrkintignparparmrkinpckistripinlcrigncricrnlixonixanyixoffimaxbelopostonlcrocrnlonocronoeotonlretxtabscignorecstopbcreadparenbparoddhupclclocalccts_oflowcrts_iflowmdmbuficanonechoeechokechonlnoflshtostopechoctlechoprtechokeflushopendiniextennokerninfoaltweraseextproceol2erase2discardmin%s: Unknown switch `%c'. %*s%c%s %s: Invalid argument `%s'. Vi paste previous deletion to the right of the cursorVi paste previous deletion to the left of the cursorVi move to the previous space delimited wordVi move to the next space delimited wordVi change case of character under the cursor and advance one characterVi enter insert mode at the beginning of lineVi replace character under the cursor with the next character typedVi replace character under the cursor and enter insert modeVi enter insert mode after the cursorVi enter insert mode at end of lineVi move to the end of the current space delimited wordVi move to the end of the current wordVi enter command mode (use alternative key bindings)Vi move to the beginning of lineVi move to previous character (backspace)Vi list choices for completion or indicate end of file if empty lineVi cut from beginning of line to cursorVi repeat current search in the same search directionVi repeat current search in the opposite search directionVi move to the character specified nextVi move to the character specified previousVi move up to the character specified nextVi move up to the character specified previousVi repeat current character search in the same search directionVi repeat current character search in the opposite search directionDelete character under cursor or list completions if at end of lineCut from cursor to end of current wordPaste cut buffer at cursor positionCut the entire line and save in cut bufferCut area between mark and cursor and save in cut bufferCopy area between mark and cursor to cut bufferExchange the two characters before the cursorMove next to end of current wordUppercase the characters from cursor to end of current wordCapitalize the characters from cursor to end of current wordLowercase the characters from cursor to end of current wordUniversal argument (argument times 4)Add 8th bit to next character typedSwitch from insert to overwrite mode or vice versaEmacs incremental reverse searchDelete from beginning of current word to cursorMove cursor to the end of lineMove cursor to the beginning of lineExchange the character to the left of the cursor with the one under itMove to the right one characterMove to the beginning of the current wordMove to the left one characterAdd the next character typed verbatimAdds to argument or enters a digitTty disallow output charactersDelete the character to the left of the cursorClear screen leaving current line at the topErase current line and start from scratchFirst character in a bound sequenceMove to the previous history lineSearch previous in history for a line matching the currentSearch next in history for a line matching the currentkey_add: Null extended-key not allowed. key_add: sequence-lead-in command not allowed key_delete: Null extended-key not allowed. Some extended keys too long for internal print buffer%s: Invalid \ or ^ in instring. %s: Invalid \ or ^ in outstring. newline ignored at right marginCannot read termcap database; No entry for terminal type "%s"; using dumb terminal settings. It has %d columns and %d lines echotc: Termcap parameter `%s' not found. echotc: Warning: unknown termcap %% `%c'. echotc: Warning: Extra argument `%s'. echotc: Warning: Too many required arguments (%d). echotc: Bad value `%s' for cols. echotc: Warning: Missing argument. echotc: Bad value `%s' for rows.   Z @} create geomdestroy geomattachdetachcreate providerdestroy providerinsert geomeliminate geomconfig geom*INVALID*Dump of gctl request at NULL error: "%s" error: NULL param: "%s" [%s%s%d] = "%s"%d] = 0] = %pCould not allocate memoryInvalid requestNULL request pointer/dev/geom.ctlDump of gctl %s request at %p: can't allocate %u bytes: %sexec file name too longbad flags arg/dev/mem/dev/kmeminvalid address (%x)kvm_readshort readkvm_write%s: not physical memory devicekvm_write not implemented for dead kernelscannot allocate vmkernbasebad namelistcannot read IdlePTDcannot read PTDvatop called in live kernel!_kvm_vatop: lseek_kvm_vatop: read                                     )                         O    o                                       G     e    9 %03dError opening terminal: %s. 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TERM environment variable not set. TERM environment must be <= %d characters. Not enough memory to create terminal structure. terminals database is inaccessible '%s': I need something more specific. 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0x01 "Read-Write Error Recovery Page" { {AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {TB (Transfer Block)} t1 {RC (Read Continuous)} t1 {EER (Enable Early Recovery)} t1 {PER (Post Error)} t1 {DTE (Disable Transfer on Error)} t1 {DCR (Disable Correction)} t1 {Read Retry Count} i1 {Correction Span} i1 {Head Offset Count} i1 {Data Strobe Offset Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Write Retry Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Recovery Time Limit} i2 } 0x04 "Rigid Disk Drive Geometry Page" { {Number of Cylinders} i3 {Number of Heads} i1 {Starting Cylinder-Write Precompensation} i3 {Starting Cylinder-Reduced Write Current} i3 {Drive Step Rate} i2 {Landing Zone Cylinder} i3 {Reserved} *t6 {RPL} t2 {Rotational Offset} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium Rotation Rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x07 "Verify Error Recovery Page" { {Reserved} *t4 {EER} t1 {PER} t1 {DTE} t1 {DCR} t1 {Verify Retry Count} i1 {Verify Correction Span} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Verify Recovery Time Limit} i2 } 0x0E "CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page" { {Reserved} *t5 {Immed} t1 {SOTC} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Reserved} *i2 {APRVal} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Format of LBAs / sec.} t4 {Logical Blocks per Second of Audio Playback} i2 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 0 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 0 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 1 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 1 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 2 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 2 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 3 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 3 Volume} i1 } 0x10 "Device Configuration Page" { {Reserved} *t1 {Change Active Partition} t1 {Change Active Format} t1 {Active Format} t5 {Active Partition} i1 {Write Buffer Full Ratio} i1 {Write Buffer Empty Ratio} i1 {Write Delay Time} i2 {Data Buffer Recovery} t1 {Block Identifiers Support} t1 {Report Setmarks} t1 {Automatic Velocity Control} t1 {Stop on Consecutive Filemarks} t2 {Recover Buffer Order} t1 {Report Early-Warning} t1 {Gap Size} i1 {EOD Defined} t3 {Enable EOD Generation} t1 {Synchronize at Early-Warning} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Buffer Size at Early-Warning} i3 {Select Data Compression Algorithm} i1 {Reserved} *t5 {SCSI-3 Associated Write Protect} t1 {SCSI-3 Persistent Write Protect} t1 {SCSI-3 Permanent Write Protect} t1 } 0x0f "Data Compression Page" { {Data Compression Enabled} t1 {Date Compression Capable} t1 {Reserved} *t6 {Data Decompression Capable} t1 {Data Decompression Report on Exception} t2 {Reserved} *t5 {Compression Algorithm} i4 {Decompression Algorithm} i4 {Reserved} *i4 } 0x2a "CD capabilities and mechanical status page" { {Reserved} *t4 {Method 2} t1 {CD-RW Read} t1 {CD-R Read} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {Test Write} t1 {CD-RW Write} t1 {CD-R Write} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Multi Session} t1 {Mode 2 Form 2} t1 {Mode 2 Form 1} t1 {Digital Port (2)} t1 {Digital Port (1)} t1 {Composite} t1 {Audio Play} t1 {Read Bar Code} t1 {UPC} t1 {ISRC} t1 {C2 Pointers are supported} t1 {R-W De-interleaved & corrected} t1 {R-W Supported} t1 {CD-DA Stream is Accurate} t1 {CD-DA Commands Supported} t1 {Loading Mechanism Type} t3 {Reserved} *t1 {Eject} t1 {Prevent Jumper} t1 {Lock State} t1 {Lock} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {S/W Slot Selection} t1 {Changer Supports Disc Present reporting} t1 {Separate Channel Mute Supported} t1 {Separate volume levels per channel} t1 {Maximum Read Speed Supported (kBps)} i2 {Number of Volume Leves Supported} i2 {Buffer Size supported by Drive (KB)} i2 {Current Read Speed Selected (kBps)} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *t2 {Length} t2 {LSBF} t1 {RCK} t1 {BCK} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Maximum Write Speed Supported (kBps)} i2 {Current Write Speed Supported (kBps)} i2 }; 0x00 "Vendor-Specific";