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|' echo '| |' echo '| Note: you can use the arrow keys to browse through the |' echo '| command history of this shell. |' echo '+---------------------------------------------------------------+' echo echo 'Good Luck!' echo # Make the arrow keys work; everybody will love this. set -o emacs 2>/dev/null cd / @=@t;Xt88u] E>e[^M u =thph > ph>އYZul5|e[^U}E u0h?>5耎 س$GuE EU}E u0h?>58 س$E E{U}E u0h?>5 س$<E E3U}t E 0hJ> hh_>5蜍 سU}t E 0h> h@h>5f سU}t E 0h> hh>50 سUWVS} `\}1ۀ?tJH9sC`Ёv R3 Z D4%t1C<t\븋`tv1ۀ8to`[ҁv Rر _ D4%t-[v R^ ^ 4`C`<돋`}t~1=``tF`tv;tN1Ҁ=t;8u"9s2`Aʋ\+`H9rBtvŊAC`}1DžT1DŽd@~?=ƒ$St \u;F8|9t DŽd`=DžTƒ[t,$m\AAA<$ucA=wbtXA<0u?t1BF:XσdT;TtBFDžTt{u<]tu\uA]$uPA=wIt?A<0u?t5BF:XσdtT;TtBFtAF<,u9DžTITAt*<]t9\uA<A9uq,]tYIA=wEt;A<0u?t0BF:XσdtT;Tt BFFA9`8u5h>x Y[Ǎe[^_UWVS1}uU BEBfEtAHuh?E PEP t%}h?E PEP t}~E 0h%?5 E pYuسE Ptڋ8aI?t=N?uS?1Ʌt =tQ1Ʌt =tQjRf‹E 1;Xu;PtQRSV趝 Szwe[^_U=VStW=tN|X?(5(t(5(5[^UWVS4EtHu=hf?E PEP! u$E 0hr?5裆 سE h>j|jh|t=B?t =u=E 555W19u =(uPR=WN?uS?P =u@=t7?X?((d(jju o I=<==E 55E j4‹E 1;u =(uQE R=4N?uS?P ==?X?((W(K1 SjhE 4Ju uE 4h?B S; ==E 55j7z19u =(uPR=7N?uS?P趙 =u@=t7?X?((#(t &P:[F;uje[^_UWVSh1}DžuU BEBfEtAHuh?E PEP t%}h?E PEP t}~E 0h?5K E Pp[u سo1҅t =tR1҅t =tR1҅t =tRV}=u5h?臀 1PS|Z}Yu/ySh?? 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HLPRXfghorstuvwxthe -R and -h options may not be specified together.invalid file mode: %sfts_open: 0%o [%s] -> 0%o [%s]fts_readHLPRfinprvthe -R and -r options may not be specified together.the -H, -L, and -P options may not be specified with the -r option.%s: name too longdirectory %s does not exist%s is not a directory%s: directory causes a cycle%s%s: name too long (not copied)chmod: %s%s and %s are identical (not copied).cannot overwrite directory %s with non-directory %s%s is a directory (not copied).%s -> %s %sutimes: %schown: %schflags: %sunlink: %smknod: %smkfifo: %sreadlink: %ssymlink: %s%s not overwritten (y/n [n]) overwrite %s? %s%s -> %s %3d%% cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i | -n] [-pv] source_file ... target_directoryusage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-f | -i | -n] [-pv] source_file target_fileBtJP  OȦ9@@U@@S   Z        @p`" P)@007P<B 7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx7-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|ཚmyO_ !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwxjJ    .<(+|&!$*);~-/,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr^stuvwxyz[]{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ01234567897-./% <=2&?'@Z{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|_myOС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx7-./% <=2&?'@O{[lP}M]\Nk`Kaz^L~no|JZ_myjС !"#$()*+, 01345689:;>ABCDEFGHIQRSTUVWXYbcdefghipqrstuvwx    [.<(+!&]$*);^-/|,%_>?`:#@'="abcdefghijklmnopqr~stuvwxyz{ABCDEFGHI}JKLMNOPQR\STUVWXYZ0123456789fillcharibsifiseekoseeklcasenoerrornotruncoldasciioldebcdicoldibmosyncparevenparnoneparoddparsetsparseswabucaseunblockunable to allocate space for the argument "%s"no value specified for %sunknown operand %s%s: illegal argument combination or already setbs supersedes ibs and obsrecord operations require cbscbs cannot be zerocbs meaningless if not doing record operationsseek offsets cannot be larger than %jdneed exactly one fill charunknown conversion %s%s: illegal conversion combination%s: illegal numeric valueobs must be between 1 and %jdibs must be between 1 and %jdfiles must be between 1 and %jdcount cannot be negativecbs must be between 1 and %jd%s: short input record%s: seek error creating sparse file%s: end of device%s: short write on tape device%s: short write on character devicefiles is not supported for non-tape devicesinput bufferoutput buffertruncating %s%ju+%ju records in %ju+%ju records out %ju odd length swab %s %ju truncated %s %ju bytes transferred in %.6f secs (%.0f bytes/sec) iseek/skip%s: illegal offsetskip reached end of inputoseek/seek%s: write failureư>_ %6s SizeAvailUsedFilesystem%-*s %-*s %*s %*s Capacityifree %*s %*s %%iused Mounted on%-*s %*jd %*jd %*jd %5.0f%% %*jd %*jd %4.0f%% total %sufsBLOCKSIZE=512BLOCKSIZE=1gBLOCKSIZE=1k-l and -t are mutually exclusive.vfs.conflistsysctl(vfs.conflist)malloc failedBLOCKSIZE=1monly one -t option may be specifiedusage: df [-b | -g | -H | -h | -k | -m | -P] [-aciln] [-t type] [file | filesystem ...] abcgHhiklmnPt:%s stats possibly stale/tmp/df.XXXXXXstrdup failedmkdtemp("%s") failed-n(:%&)*+%-/*+-/:<=>:%&)*+-)/%&)*+-/<=>%&*)<=>/%&)*+-:/&|)+-<=>&)<=>&)+-|<=>&|)&|)<=>&)&)<=>|<=>|<=><=>|&)%&|*+-/|<=>:<=>||%&|*+|-/:<=>%*+-/||:<=>                       !"   B[aim3O (*6BNZfr~malloc() failed|&=<>+-*/%:()syntax errornon-numeric argumentdivision by zeroyacc stack overflowEXPR_COMPATusage: expr [-e] expression %jd unknown signal %s; valid signals: kill -signal_number pid ... kill -signal_name pid ... kill -l [exit_status]usage: kill [-s signal_name] pid ...-l-soption requires an argument -- sillegal signal number: %s--illegal process id: %s%%%%%%%%% %% link source_file target_file ln [-fhinsv] source_file ... target_dirusage: ln [-fhinsv] source_file [target_file]replace %s? not replaced %s %c> %s fhinsv$.8LV?)B"-I1U<aNgve"=\\""ab f n r t vLS_COLWIDTHS %lu : %ld : %lu : %u : %u : %i : %jd : %lu : %lu fflagstostrMAC label for %s/%sCOLUMNSCLICOLOR1ABCFGHLPRSTWZabcdfghiklmnopqrstuwxCLICOLOR_FORCEcolor support not compiled in%*lu , total %lu %e %b %T %Y %b %e %T %Y %e %b %R %b %e %R %e %b %Y %b %e %Y %s %*u %-*s %-*s %-*s %3d, 0x%08x %3d, %3d %*s%*jd %5s ls: %s: %s -> usage: ls [-ABCFHLPRSTWZabcdfghiklmnopqrstuwx1] [file ...] usage: mkdir [-pv] [-m mode] directory_name ... m:pv mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source ... directoryusage: mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target%s: set owner/group (was: %lu/%lu)%s: owner/group changed; clearing suid/sgid (mode was 0%03o)%s: set mode (was: 0%03o)%s: set flags (was: 0%07o)%s: set times-PRpv-PRp/bin/cp-rf/bin/rm%s: waitpid%s: did not terminate normally%s: terminated with %d (non-zero) statusoverride %s%s%s/%s for %s? %scannot resolve %s: %scannot rename a mount pointrename %s to %sfinv%s: destination pathname too long*M+M+*M+G+t*M+M+*"/" may not be removed%s: malloc unlink fileusage: rm [-f | -i] [-dIPRrvW] file ...recursively remove %d dirs and 1 file and %d filesremove %d filesremove %s? %s: -P was specified, but file is not writableoverride %s%s%s/%s %s%sfor %s? %s: is a directory"." and ".." may not be removeddfiIPRrvWPOSIXLY_CORRECTusage: rmdir [-pv] directory ... usage: sleep seconds ReUUU"VunusedswapVersion 6Version 7System V4.1BSDEighth Edition4.2BSDMSDOS4.4LFSHPFSISO9660vinumraidjfsSMDMSCPold DECSCSIESDIST506HP-IBHP-FLtype 9floppyCCDVinumDOC2KRaid%s is not a valid file or linkcannot get disk geometrydisks with more than 2^32-1 sectors are not supported%s read%s: no valid label foundread mbroffsetverbgeom (to restore label and install boot program) bsdlabel -R -B [-n] [-b boot] [-m machine] disk protofile (to write label and install boot program) bsdlabel -w -B [-n] [-b boot] [-m machine] disk [type] (to install boot program with existing on-disk label) bsdlabel -B [-b boot] [-m machine] disk (to restore label with existing boot program) bsdlabel -R [-n] [-m machine] disk protofile (to edit label) bsdlabel -e [-n] [-m machine] disk (to write label with existing boot program) bsdlabel -w [-n] [-m machine] disk [type] (to read label)usage: bsdlabel disk%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s # %s: type: %u disk: %.*s label: %.*s removeable ecc badsectbytes/sector: %lu sectors/track: %lu tracks/cylinder: %lu sectors/cylinder: %lu cylinders: %lu sectors/unit: %lu rpm: %u interleave: %u trackskew: %u cylinderskew: %u headswitch: %lu # milliseconds track-to-track seek: %ld # milliseconds drivedata: %u partitions: # size offset fstype [fsize bsize bps/cpg] %c: %8lu %8lu %8.8s%8d %5lu %5lu %5.5s %5lu %5lu %5u %5lu %5lu %5d%20.20s # "raw" part, don't editwrite to disk label supressed - label was as follows:/boot/bootcannot open %sread error %sboot code %s is wrong sizecannot open file %s for writing labelwrite labelwrite bootcodewrite %s%s: unknown disk typesector size 0 sectors/track 0 tracks/cylinder 0 cylinders/unit 0 revolutions/minute 0boot block size 0 boot block size %% sector-size != 0number of partitions (%lu) > MAXPARTITIONS (%d)Too many '*' partitions (%c and %c)unknown multiplier suffix '%c' for partition %c (should be K, M, G or T)partition %c not an integer number of sectorstotal percentage %lu is greater than 100 %ld sectors available to give to '*' and '%%' partitions Offset %ld for partition %c overlaps previous partition which ends at %lu Labels with any *'s for offset must be in ascending order by sector Offset %ld for partition %c doesn't match expected value %ldpartition %c: size 0, but offset %lupartition %c: offset past end of unit partition %c: partition extends past end of unit partition %c is not marked as unused!partition %c doesn't start at 0!partition %c doesn't cover the whole unit!An incorrect partition %c may cause problems for standard system utilitiespartitions %c and %c overlap! unused partition %c: size %d offset %luline %d: syntax error Warning, unknown disk typeline %d:%s %lu line %d: %s: bad flag drivedata%lu partitionsline %d: bad # of partitions bytes/sectorline %d: %s: bad sector size sectors/tracksectors/cylindertracks/cylindersectors/unitrpminterleavetrackskewcylinderskewline %d: %s: bad %s headswitchtrack-to-track seekline %d: %s: Unknown disklabel field line %d: partition name out of range a-%c: %s line %d: %s: bad partition size line %d: %s: bad partition offset line %d: missing file system type line %d: Warning, unknown file system type %s line %d: too few numeric fields i386amd64ia64pc98alphaUnsupported architectureABb:efm:nRrs:wa -m option must be specified/dev/can't create %scan't reopen %s for readingEDITOR/usr/bin/viyou have too many processesre-edit the label? [y]: fopen %susage: clri special_device inode_number ... %s: can't read superblockcannot find file system superblock%s is not a valid inode numberclearing %d usage: dmesg [-a] [-M core [-N system]] aM:N:sysctl kern.msgbufkvm_nlist: %s%s: msgbufp not foundkernel message buffer has different magic numberkvm_read: %sPrimary DOS with 12 bit FATXENIX / file systemXENIX /usr file systemPC-UXExtended DOSPrimary 'big' DOS (> 32MB)OS/2 HPFS, QNX or Advanced UNIXAIX file systemAIX boot partition or CoherentOS/2 Boot Manager or OPUSFreeBSD/NetBSD/386BSDVENIX 286DMCP/M or Microport SysV/ATGBSpeedISC UNIX, other System V/386, GNU HURD or MachNovell Netware 2.xxNovell Netware 3.xxPCIXMinixparameters extracted from in-core disklabel are:cylinders=%d heads=%d sectors/track=%d (%d blks/cyl) Figures below won't work with BIOS for partitions not in cyl 1parameters to be used for BIOS calculations are:sysmid %d (%#04x),(%s) start %lu, size %lu (%ju Meg), sid %d beg: cyl %d/ head %d/ sector %d; end: cyl %d/ head %d/ sector %d system Name %.16s Information from DOS bootblock is:can't read fdisk partition tableinvalid fdisk partition table foundwrite PC98%ss%dFailed to write sector zeroSupply a decimal value for "%s" [%d] %s is an invalid decimal number. Try again. %s [n] yesYESThe data for partition %d is: Do you want to change it? The static data for the slice 1 has been reinitialized to:sysmidsyssidsystem nameSupply a string value for "%s" [%s] Explicitly specify beg/end address ?beginning cylinderbeginning headbeginning sectorending cylinderending headending sectorAre we happy with this entry? fdisk -f configfile [-itv] [disk] usage: fdisk [-Baistu] [-12345678] [disk] Ba:f:istuv12345678statfs("/")^(/dev/[a-z]+[0-9]+)([sp][0-9]+)?[a-h]?$regcomp() failed (%d)mounted root fs resource doesn't match expectations (regexec returned %d)can't get file status of %sdevice %s is not character specialcan't open device %scan't get disk parameters on %scannot open disk %sread_s0%s: %d cyl %d hd %d sec StartPart %11s %11s SID %4d: %11u %11u 0x%02x ******* Working on device %s ******* Do you want to change our idea of what BIOS thinks ?BIOS's idea of #cylindersBIOS's idea of #headsBIOS's idea of #sectorsAre you happy with this choiceMedia sector size is %d Warning: BIOS sector numbering starts with sector 1Partition %d is marked active Active partition number must be in range 1-8. Try again.Do you want to change the active partition?active partitionDo you want to change the boot code? We haven't changed the partition table yet. This is your last chance.Should we write new partition table? -t flag specified -- partition table not written.usage: mknod name [b | c] major minor [owner:group] %s: illegal %s namenode must be type 'b' or 'c'%s: non-numeric major number%s: non-numeric minor numbermajor or minor number too largegroup must be specified when the owner isowner must be specified when the group issetting ownership on %sasynchronousNFS exportednoatimenoexecnosuidnosymfollowwith quotasunionnoclusterrnoclusterwsuiddirsoft-updatesmultilabelaclsffsext2fs%s on %s (%s, mounted by , writes: sync %ju async %ju, reads: sync %ju async %ju, fsid %s,%s-oasync%s %s %s %s %u %u 1 1 2 2 0 0forceupdatemsdosexec: mount_%s/sbin:/usr/sbinexec mount_%s not found in %sstatfs %sno mount [-dfpruvw] [-o options] [-t ufs | external_type] special node mount [-dfpruvw] special | nodeusage: mount [-adfpruvw] [-F fstab] [-o options] [-t ufs | external_type]noroadF:fo:prwt:uvgetmntinforqnoautonot currently mounted %s%s: unknown special file or file system%s has unknown file system type/var/run/mountd.pidsignal mountduserquotagroupquotadevrdonlyusage: mount_ufs [-o options] special node %s on %s: mount table full%s on %s: specified device does not match mounted device%s on %s: incorrect super block-o %s: option not supported%s: not a directoryextattgensrripstrictjolietusage: mount_cd9660 [-begjrv] [-C charset] [-o options] [-s startsector] special node cd9660_iconvcannot find or load "cd9660_iconv" kernel moduleUTF-16BEbegjo:rs:vC:could not determine starting sector, using very first sessionusing starting sector %d shortnameslongnamesnowin95 [-W table] special node [-M mask] [-m mask] [-o options] [-u uid]usage: mount_msdosfs [-9ls] [-D DOS_codepage] [-g gid] [-L locale]msdosfs_iconvcannot find or load "msdosfs_iconv" kernel moduleunknown user id: %sunknown group id: %siso22dosiso72doskoi2dosKOI8-Rkoi8u2dosKOI8-Usl9u:g:m:M:o:L:D:W:malloc()stat %sE~~~~~~NX~a~nwvm.stats.vm.v_swappgsinhaltusage: %s [-%slnpq] [-k kernel] dk:lnpqcannot dump (-d) when halting; must reboot instead/boot/nextboot.confnextboot_enable="YES" kernel="???halted by %srebooted by %sshutdownSIGTSTP initSIGTERM processesWARNING: some process(es) wouldn't die (can't restart init): NħئħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħħZħħħħħħBħħħħZħ . E?*ssR7RR79r-rzns?b[-b blocksize] [-f file | -P pipecommand] [-s fileno]restore -x [-dhmNuvy]restore -t [-dhNuvy]restore -r [-dNuvy]restore -R [-dNuvy]restore -i [-dhmNuvy]usage: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s option requires an argument -- %cillegal blocksize -- %sblock size must be greater than 0-P and -f options are mutually exclusive%c and %c options are mutually exclusiveillegal dump number -- %sdump number must be greater than 0b:df:himNP:Rrs:tuvxynone of i, R, r, t or x options specified/dev/sa0Begin incremental restore ./restoresymtableCalculate node updates. Begin level 0 restore Calculate extraction list. Verify the directory structure command lines cannot be continued missing %c ./canonname: not enough buffer space Warning: undefined file type %d restore > %s: out of memory %s %s: no such file or directory %s: not a directory %s: not on extraction list extract directory is used If no `arg' is supplied, the current help or `?' - print this list (useful with ``ls'') verbose - toggle verbose flag what - list dump header information quit - immediately exit program setmodes - set modes of requested directories extract - extract requested files list of files to be extracted delete [arg] - delete `arg' from add [arg] - add `arg' to list of pwd - print current directory cd arg - change directory ls [arg] - list directory Available commands are: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sls: out of memory directory reopen failed %s%s: name exceeds %d char %*d verboseverbose mode off verbose mode on setmodeswhatDebugdebugging mode off debugging mode on %s: unknown command; type ? for help restore interrupted, continuedir %10d %s %s: not on the tape ./%uMark entries to be removed. Delete whiteouts %s: REMOVE |ONTAPE|INOFND|NAMEFND|MODECHGcorrupted symbol table name/inode conflict, mktempname %s deleted hard link %s to directory %s [%s] %s: %s|LINK cannot KEEP and change modesNODE and LEAF links to same inode[%s] %s: %s [%s] %s: Extraneous name %s: (inode %d) not found on tape [%s] %s: inconsistent state [%s] %s: impossible state Find unreferenced names. %s: remove unreferenced name unreferenced with flagsRemove old nodes (directories). cannot remove, non-emptyContinue extraction of new leaves Extract new leaves. %d: bad first %s: not found on tape expected next file %d, got %d unknown file on tape unexpected file on tapeExtract requested files Add whiteouts Add links Check the symbol table. incomplete operationsWarning: missing name %s missing inumber %d type should be LEAFMangled directory: reclen not multiple of 4 reclen less than DIRSIZ (%d < %d) bad seek pointer to rst_seekdir %ld error reading directory corrupted directory: bad reclen %d corrupted directory: bad inum %d Warning: `.' missing from directory %s Warning: `..' missing from directory %s Set directory mode, owner, and times. TMPDIR/tmp/%s/rstmode%dmodefile not defined fopen: %s cannot open mode file %s directory mode, owner, and times not set set owner/mode for '.'cannot find directory inode %d error setting directory modes Cannot find directory inode %d named %s write error extracting inode %d, name %s read: %s Extract directories from tape %s/rstdir%d-XXXXXX%s - cannot create directory temporary fopen%s - cannot create modefile fopenopendirfile: %s Root directory is not on tape no memory directory table addino: out of range %d duplicate inumdeleteino: out of range %d deleteino: %d not found %s is not a directory %s: pathname too long cannot find entry in parent listnot marked REMOVEDfreeing referenced directoryfreeing non-empty directorylookupino failedlink not foundbad name no space for string table cannot move ROOTno memory to extend symbol table bad name to addentry %s link to non-existent name duplicate entry Check pointing the restore cannot create save file %s for symbol table fwrite: %s output error to file %s writing symbol table Initialize symbol table. no memory for entry table cannot open symbol table file %s stat: %s cannot stat symbol table file %s cannot allocate space for symbol table cannot read symbol table file %s Incremental tape too low Incremental tape too high initsymtable called from command %c Cannot allocate space for tape buffer /dev/ttycannot open %s: %s /dev/nullCannot allocate space for magtape buffer Dump date: %sthe epoch Dumped from: %sLevel %ld dump of %s on %s:%s Label: %s End-of-input encountered while extractingWarning: %s %s Cannot have multiple dumps on pipe input ioctl MTFSF: %s write error extracting inode %d, name %s write: %s seek error extracting inode %d, name %s lseek: %s symbolic link name: %s->%s%s; too long %d unallocated block in symbolic link %s hole in map Unknown conversion character: %c Format of dump tape is too old. Must use a version of restore from before 2002. Note: Doing Byte swapping Checksum error %o, inode %d file %s 8l4s1q8l2q17l2l4qgethead: unknown inode type %d Volume header begins with record %qdDumped inodes map headerUsed inodes map headerFile header, ino %dFile continuation header, ino %dEnd of tape header; predicted %ld blocks, got %ld blocksChanging volumes on pipe input? Otherwise, begin with volume 1. have no further files to extract. can quickly skip tapes that and work towards the first; restore start with the last volume If you are extracting just a few files,You have not read any tapes yet. You have read volumes%s%ldSpecify next volume #: Volume numbers are positive numerics Mount tape volume %ld Enter ``none'' if there are no more tapes otherwise enter tape name (default: %s) none RESTORE_VOLUMECannot set $RESTORE_VOLUME: %s Cannot open %s header read failed at %ld blocks tape is not dump tape Wrong volume (%ld) Wrong dump date got: %s wanted: %slast rec %qd, tape starts with %qd Skipping %ld duplicate record%s. active file into volume 1 mid-media short read error. partial block read: %ld should be %ld Tape read error while trying to set up tape trying to resynchronize restoring %s skipping over inode %d continuation failed: %s End-of-tape encountered partial block read: %d should be %d unexpected tape header unknown tape header type %d resync restore, skipped %ld blocks ran off end of tape not at beginning of a file Missing address (header) block for %s at %ld blocks %s: unknown file mode 0%o skipped socket %s unextracted directory %s extract file %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) extract fifo %s %s: cannot create fifo: %s extract special file %s %s: cannot create special file: %s %s: cannot create file: %s Verify tape and initialize maps tape read error: %s is not a multiple of dump block sizeTape block size (%ld) %s (%d) Tape block size is %ld Tape is not a dump tape cannot stat .: %s bad block size %ld Tape is not volume 1 of the dump no header after volume mark! Cannot find file removal list maxino = %d no memory for active inode map Cannot find file dump list no memory for file dump list warning: cannot rename %s to %s: %s rename %s to %s warning: cannot create whiteout %s: %s Create whiteout %s |REMOVED|TMPNAME|EXTRACT|NEW|KEEP|EXISTED%s is not on the tape %s? [yn] abortdump corebad entry: %s parent name %s sibling name: %s next entry name: %s next link name: %s next hashchain name: %s NODEentry type: %s inode number: %lu flags: %s delwhiteout: not a leafwarning: cannot delete whiteout %s: %s Delete whiteout %s removeleaf: not a leafwarning: %s: %s Remove leaf %s removenode: not a noderemovenode: non-empty directoryRemove node %s newnode: not a nodeMake node %s not on ino listRSTTMP%s%ld%lumktempname: called with TMPNAMEwarning: cannot create symbolic link %s->%s: %s warning: cannot create hard link %s->%s: %s linkit: unknown type %d symbolichardCreate %s link %s->%s Lost connection to remote host. on %s: %s%stcpshell/tcp: unknown service who are you? invalid user name %s RMT/etc/rmtlogin to %s as %s failed. Connection to %s established. IP_TOS:IPTOS_THROUGHPUT setsockoptTCP_NODELAY setsockoptW%d Protocol to remote tape server botched. (rmtgets got "%s"). Protocol to remote tape server botched (code "%s"). I%d %d ioctlL%d %d R%d C O%.226s %d %s: device already in use%s: NSWAPDEV limit reachedusage: %s -a | file ... [-AhklsU] [-a file ... | -d file ...] swapoffAadlhksUswremov%s: %sing %s as swap device vm.swap_infosysctlnametomib()%ld-blocksUsed:Device:%-13s %*s %*s xswdev version mismatch/dev/%-8s %*lld %*lld sysctl()Total: %*lld %*lld callocstrdupcan't get net id for hostFSID:%d:%dunmount of %s failedretrying using path instead of file system ID%s: unmount from %s udpRPCPROG_MNTRPCMNT_UMOUNTcannot remove mounttab entry %s:%s%s:%.*s%s: statfs%s/..%s: stat%s: not a file system root directory%s: unknown file systemfstab reading failure umount -a | -A [-F fstab] [-fv] [-h host] [-t type]usage: umount [-fv] special | node | fsidAaF:fh:t:v/var/db/mounttab%ld %s %s bad mounttab %s field '%s'can't open %s can't write to %swrite mounttab entry %s:%scan't remove %s by hostdelete mounttab entry%s %s:%stoggle verbose modesend new user informationshow command usageunset an optionget (set) umask on remote sideset file transfer typetoggle packet tracingset tenex file transfer typeshow remote system typetoggle store unique on remote machineset file transfer structureshow current statusshow size of remote filesend site specific command to remote server Try "rhelp site" or "site help" for more informationset or display optionstoggle use of PORT/LPRT cmd for each data connectiontoggle store unique for local filesshow status of remote machineremove directory on the remote machineget help from remote serverrestart file transfer at bytecountclear queued command repliesrename fileshow or set options for remote commandsget file restarting at end of local fileset socket send/receive buffer sizeset transfer rate limit (in bytes/second)send arbitrary ftp commandprint working directory on remote machinesend one fileissue command on alternate connectionforce interactive prompting on multiple commandstoggle transfer progress metertoggle preservation of modification time of retrieved fileslist contents of remote directory in a machine parsable form through your pagerlist contents of remote path through your pagertoggle use of passive transfer modeset translation table for default file name mappingset templates for default file name mappingget file if remote file is newer than local file get multiple files restarting at end of local filesend multiple filesshow last modification time of remote fileset file transfer modelist remote path in a machine parsable formlist contents of remote directory in a machine parsable formmake directory on the remote machineget multiple fileslist contents of multiple remote directoriesdelete multiple filesdefine a macroprint local working directoryview a local file through your pagerview a remote file through your pagerchange local working directoryget (set) idle timer on remote sideprint local help informationtoggle printing `#' marks; specify number to set sizetoggle metacharacter expansion of local file namesreceive filetoggle gate-ftp; specify host[:port] to change proxyconnect to remote ftp serverset file transfer formatget files using a localfile as a source of namesshow FEATures supported by remote systemtoggle use of EPSV/EPRT on IPv4 ftptoggle command line editinglist contents of remote pathdelete remote filetoggle/set debugging modetoggle carriage return stripping on ascii getsterminate ftp sessionchange file permissions of remote filechange remote working directory to parent directorychange remote working directorytoggle mget upper/lower case id mappingterminate ftp session and exitset binary transfer typebeep when command completedset ascii transfer typeappend to a filesend account command to remote serverexecute macroescape to the shellABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/ht )Dr KMGTP***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************tenex%s %s [anpqy?]? EOF received; %s aborted Prompting off for duration of %s. Interactive mode: off. %s aborted. confirmation options: a answer `yes' for the duration of %s n answer `no' for this file p turn off `prompt' mode q stop the current %s y answer `yes' for this file ? this help list usage: %s [ | Using %s mode to transfer files. %s: unknown mode. TYPE %s %sTYPE %sinternal error: unknown type %d.usage: %s usage: %s mode-name We only support %s mode, sorry. usage: %s format We only support %s format, sorry. usage: %s struct-mode We only support %s structure, sorry. nmap: unbalanced brackets. local-fileremote-fileusage: %s local-file [remote-file] APPESTOUSTORContinue withlocal-filesusage: %s local-files mput%s: not foundusage: %s remote-file [local-file] Restart is not supported by the remote server. local: %sRETRr+remote-filesusage: %s remote-files mregetSkipping non-relative filename `%s' mgetusage: %s localfile Cannot open source file %s and logged inConnected %sto %s. Not connected. Connected for proxy commands to %s. No proxy connection. (none)Gate ftp: %s, server %s, port %s. Passive mode: %s; fallback to active mode: %s. Mode: %s; Type: %s; Form: %s; Structure: %s. Verbose: %s; Bell: %s; Prompting: %s; Globbing: %s. Store unique: %s; Receive unique: %s. Preserve modification times: %s. Case: %s; CR stripping: %s. Ntrans: (in) %s (out) %s Ntrans: off. Nmap: (in) %s (out) %s Nmap: off. Hash mark printing: %s; Mark count: %d; Progress bar: %s. Get transfer rate throttle: %s; maximum: %d; increment %d. Put transfer rate throttle: %s; maximum: %d; increment %d. Socket buffer sizes: send %d, receive %d. Use of PORT cmds: %s. (disabled for this connection)Use of EPSV/EPRT cmds for IPv4: %s%s. Command line editing: %s. Macros: 20050514NetBSD-ftpVersion: %s %s usage: %s [ on | off ] %s %s. Bell modeEditing modePacket tracingusage: %s [ on | off | bytecount ] mark: bad bytecount value `%s'. Hash mark printing %s (%d bytes/hash mark)Verbose modeUse of PORT/LPRT cmdsProgress barInteractive modeusage: %s [ on | off | gateserver [port] ] Disabling gate-ftp mode - no gate-ftp server defined. GlobbingPreserve modification timesusage: %s [ on | off | debuglevel ] %s: bad debugging value. Debugging %s (debug=%d). remote-directoryusage: %s remote-directory CWD command not recognized, trying XCWD. XCWD %susage: %s [local-directory] lcd %sLocal directory now: %s Unable to determine local directory usage: %s remote-file DELE %susage: %s [remote-files] mdeletefrom-nameto-nameusage: %s from-name to-name RNFR %sRNTO %sMLSD is not supported by the remote server. MLSDnlistNLSTLISTusage: %s [remote-path] usage: %s [remote-path [local-file]] pagermoreoutput to local-file:usage: %s remote-files local-file mlsusage: %s [command [args]] SHELL/bin/sh-cTry again laterusernameusage: %s username [password [account]] USER %sPassword: PASS %sAccount: EOF received; login aborted. ACCT %sLogin failed. Unable to determine remote directory Remote directory: %s Local directory: %s directory-nameusage: %s directory-name MKD command not recognized, trying XMKD. XMKD %sRMD command not recognized, trying XRMD. XRMD %sarguments to SITE commandusage: %s line-to-send SITE command line to sendusage: %s mode remote-file SITE CHMOD %s %susage: %s [umask] SITE UMASKSITE UMASK %susage: %s [seconds] SITE IDLESITE IDLE %sHELPHELP %sQUITusage: %s [password] Account:usage: %s command ?Ambiguous command. ?Invalid command. ?Invalid proxy command. Case mappingCarriage Return strippingusage: %s [inchars [outchars]] Ntrans off. Nmap off. mapoutusage: %s [mapin mapout] usage: %s [ on | off | auto ] EPSV/EPRT on IPv4Store uniqueReceive uniqueusage: %s (all|get|put),maximum-bytes[,increment-bytes]] usage: %s (all|get|put) [maximum-bytes [increment-bytes]] CDUPCDUP command not recognized, trying XCUP. XCUPusage: %s [restart-point] restart: Invalid offset `%s' No restart point defined. Restarting at %lld for next get, put or append SYSTLimit of 16 macros have already been defined. macro nameusage: %s macro_name Enter macro line by line, terminating it with a null line. macdef: end of file encountered. Macro not defined - 4K buffer exceeded. %s %lld %s %susage: %s [remote-file] STATSTAT %sLocal file "%s" is newer than remote file "%s". usage: %s local-file usage: %s size sndbufrcvbufxferbuf%s: size must be positive. usage: %s [option value] %-*s %s No such option `%s'. Setting `%s' to `%s'. usage: %s option Unsetting `%s'. FEAT is not supported by the remote server. FEATMLST is not supported by the remote server. MLSTMLST %susage: %s command [options] OPTS is not supported by the remote server. OPTS %sOPTS %s %sanonpassftp_proxyhttp_proxyno_proxyrpromptaccountbyecdupnrdisconnectepsv4featuresfgetglobhashidlelcdlpagelpwdmacdefmlstmodtimemsendnewerntranspassivepdirplspmlsdpreservequoterecvremoptsrhelprstatusruniquesendportsitestructsuniquethrottletraceumaskunset Must be logged in to complete. unknown complete type `%c'usage: %s macro_name [args] '%s' macro not found. parse_url: invoked with NULL argument!http://ftp://file://Invalid %s `%s'Invalid address `%s' in %s `%s'Invalid IPv6 address `%s' in %s `%s'Unknown port `%s' in %s `%s'parse_url: user `%s' pass `%s' host %s port %s(%d) path `%s' HTTP fetch aborted. Invalid URL `%s';type=a;type=i;type=dDirectory listing via a URL is not supportedInvalid suffix `%s' in URL `%s'fetch_ftp: user `%s' pass `%s' host %s port %s path `%s' dir `%s' file `%s' *?[]{}Can't connect or login to host `%s'fetch_ftp: unknown transfer type %ddir `%s', nextpart `%s' ftp: The `CWD ' command (without a directory), which is required by RFC 1738 to support the empty directory in the URL pathname (`//'), conflicts with the server's conformance to RFC 959. Try the same URL without the `//' in the URL pathname. localhostNo support for non local file URL `%s'Invalid URL (no file after host) `%s'no file after directory (you must specify an output file) `%s'savefile `%s' copiedCannot open file `%s'Can't lseek to restart `%s'Copying %s (restarting at %lld)retrievedproxy URLMalformed proxy URL `%s'Scoped address notation `%s' disallowed via web proxyTrying %s... Can't create socketConnect to address `%s'Can't connect to %sRequesting %s (%svia %s:%sGET %s HTTP/1.0 Pragma: no-cache GET %s HTTP/1.1 Host: [%s]Host: %s:%uAccept: */* Connection: close Range: bytes=%lld- restarting at %lldCache-Control: no-cache FTPUSERAGENTUser-Agent: %s User-Agent: %s/%s %swith authorization%swith proxy authorizationProxy-Authorization: %s Writing HTTP requestReceiving HTTP replyreceived `%s' Content-Length:parsed len as: %lld Content-Range:bytesparsed range as: %lld-%lld/%lld Received unexpected Content-Range headerLast-Modified:%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT%a, %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S GMT%a, %b %d %H:%M:%S %Yparsed date as: %sLocation:parsed location as `%s' Transfer-Encoding:Bogus transfer encoding - `binary' (fetching anyway)chunkedusing chunked encoding Proxy-Authenticate:WWW-Authenticate:Basicskipping unknown auth scheme `%s' parsed auth as `%s' Not expecting partial content headerNo redirection Location provided by serverToo many redirections requestedRedirected via %s Redirected to %s No authentication challenge provided by serverAuthorization failed. Retry (y/n)? auth_url: challenge `%s' realm="Unsupported authentication challenge - `%s'Username for `%s': Error retrieving file - `%s'Unknown error retrieving fileCan't run `%s'already done Size of `%s' differs from save file `%s'Can't open `%s'got chunksize of %lld Reading fileCan't change modification time to %sUnsupported transfer encoding - `%s'Unexpected EOF reading chunksizeUnexpected data following chunksizeWriting `%s'Unexpected data following chunkImproper response from `%s'about:tnftpThis version of ftp has been enhanced by Luke Mewburn for the NetBSD project. Execute `man ftp' for more details. lukemLuke Mewburn is the author of most of the enhancements in this ftp client. Please email feedback to . netbsdNetBSD is a freely available and redistributable UNIX-like operating system. For more information, see http://www.NetBSD.org/ versionVersion: %s %s%s `%s' is an interesting topic. auto_put: target `%s' auto_put: URL `%s' argv[2] `%s' %c%c%c421 Service not available, remote server timed out. Connection closed 421 Service not available, user interrupt. Connection closed. 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection. %s:---> PASS PASS XXXXACCT ACCT XXXXNo control connection for command.connect to address %sgetsocknameIPTOS_LOWDELAYsetsockopt %s (ignored)fdopen failed.Connected to %s. SO_OOBINLINE receive sendabortxfer called with unknown direction `%s' aborted. Waiting for remote to finish abort. runique: can't find unique file name. use of scoped address can be troublesomeSO_DEBUGEPSVwrong server: return code must be 229 disabling epsv4 for this connection PASVLPSVPassive mode refused. Passive mode AF mismatch. Shouldn't happen! wrong server: return code must be 227 wrong server: return code must be 228 %u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%uPassive mode address scan failure. Shouldn't happen! %c%c%c%d%cparse error! connect for data channelSO_REUSEADDRsetsockopt %slistenEPRT |%d|%s|%s|PORT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dLPRT %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%dIPTOS_THROUGHPUTpoll waiting before acceptpoll timeout waiting before accept remote abort aborted; closing connection. Lost control connection for abort.%cABOR proxy server does not support third party transfers. No primary connection. PORT %sREST %lldlocal: %s remote: %s sentlocal: %s %s: not a plain file. netoutreceivednetin%s: short writeWARNING! %d bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode. File may not have transferred correctly. Can't change modification time on %s to %susage: %s [-46AadefginpRtvV] [-N netrc] [-o outfile] [-P port] [-q quittime] [-r retry] [-T dir,max[,inc][[user@]host [port]]] [host:path[/]] [file:///file] [ftp://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/path[/]] [http://[user[:pass]@]host[:port]/path] [...] %s -u URL file [...] no such option `prompt'ftp> no such option `rprompt'Sorry, input line is too long. usage: %s [command [...]] Proxy c%sommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ?Ambiguous %s command `%s' ?Invalid %s command `%s' getoptionvalue() invoked with NULL namegetoptionvalue() invoked with unknown option `%s'setupoption()FTPSERVERPORThttpftpgateNETRC$NETRC `%s': %scan't create socketunable to get default rcvbuf sizeunable to get default sndbuf sizeFTPMODEactiveunknown $FTPMODE '%s'; using defaultspftpFTPSERVERNeither $FTPSERVER nor GATE_SERVER is defined; disabling gate-ftpTERMdumbbad quit value: %sbad retry value: %s-Tbad throttle value: %s46AadefginN:o:pP:q:r:RtT:u:vVHOMEanonymous/.netrc%s/.netrc: %sFTPANONPASSPAGERFTPPROMPTFTPRPROMPTRetrying in %d seconds... %lld byte%s %s in %d day%s %2d:%02d:%02d (%lld.%02d %cB/s) ETA: %02d:%02d (stalled)xsignal_restart called with signal %d %s: transfer aborted because stalled for %lu sec. %3d%% |%.*s%*s| %5lld %c%c %3lld.%02d %cB/s --:-- ETA - stalled -%02d:%02d ETApasswordpasswdmachineMissing macdef name argument. 4K macro buffer exceeded. Unknown .netrc keyword %sError: .netrc file is readable by others.Remove account or make file unreadable by others.Macro definition missing null line terminator. Remove password or make file unreadable by others.MDTMREST STREAMTVFSRemote system type is %s. 215 UNIX Type: L8215 TOPS20Remember to set tenex mode when transferring binary files from this machine. features[FEAT_FEAT] = %d features[FEAT_MDTM] = %d features[FEAT_MLST] = %d features[FEAT_REST_STREAM] = %d features[FEAT_SIZE] = %d features[FEAT_TVFS] = %d sorry, arguments too long. (%s) PWDgot remotecwd as `%s' ftpXXXXXXXXXXunable to create temporary file %scan't find list of remote files, oops. can't find list of remote files, oops.SIZE is not supported by remote server. SIZE %sMDTM is not supported by remote server. MDTM %s191Y2K warning! Incorrect time-val `%s' received from server. Converted to `%s' %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dCan't parse time `%s'. got localcwd as `%s' Unable to determine real path of `%s'crankrate invoked with unknown signal: %demacsContext sensitive argument completionftp-complete^Iunable to set sndbuf size %dunable to set rcvbuf size %disipv6addr: got %d for %s Unable to allocate %ld bytes of memoryUnable to allocate memory for stringlistUnable to add `%s' to stringlistxstrdup() called with NULL argumentUnable to allocate memory for string copyUnknown port `%s', using port %dftp_login: user `%s' pass `%s' host `%s' Name (%s:%s): Name (%s): Password:Login failed.$initAlready connected to %s, use close first. usage: %s host-name [port] gateserver not defined (shouldn't happen)Connecting via pass-through server %s non-printstream$tIwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwrrrѓTTTTTTT%ݘbgTTTtȣD>ppppppp.ŢԢ=s/6!(Define an environment variableundefineUndefine an environment variableMark an environment variable for automatic exportunexportDon't mark an environment variable for automatic exportSend an environment variableList the current environment variablesPrint help informationUse local special character definitionsimportUse remote special character definitionscheckVerify remote special character definitionscrmodlogouttoggleslcenvironopieautoflushflushing of output when sending interrupt charactersflush output when sending interrupt charactersautosynchautomatic sending of interrupt characters in urgent modesend interrupt characters in urgent modeskiprcdon't read ~/.telnetrc fileskip reading of ~/.telnetrc filesending and receiving of binary datainbinaryoutbinarysending of binary datacrlfsending carriage returns as telnet mapping of received carriage returnsmap carriage return on outputlocalcharslocal recognition of certain control charactersrecognize certain control charactersturn on socket level debuggingnetdataprinting of hexadecimal network data (debugging)print hexadecimal representation of network trafficprettydumpoutput of "netdata" to user readable format (debugging)print user readable output for "netdata"viewing of options processing (debugging)show option processingtermdata(debugging) toggle printing of hexadecimal terminal dataprint hexadecimal representation of terminal trafficcharacter to toggle local echoing on/offcharacter to escape back to telnet command moderloginrlogin escape charactertracefilefile to write trace information toThe following need 'localchars' to be toggled trueflushoutputcharacter to cause an Abort Outputinterruptcharacter to cause an Interrupt Processcharacter to cause an Abort processcharacter to cause an EOF The following are for local editing in linemodecharacter to use to erase a charactercharacter to use to erase a linelnextcharacter to use for literal nextcharacter to cause a Suspend Processcharacter to use for line reprintworderasecharacter to use to erase a wordcharacter to use for XONcharacter to use for XOFFforw1alternate end of line characterforw2aytalternate AYT characteraoSend Telnet Abort outputSend Telnet 'Are You There'Send Telnet BreakbreakSend Telnet Erase CharacterSend Telnet Erase LineSend current escape characterSend Telnet 'Go Ahead' sequenceSend Telnet Interrupt ProcessintpintrnopSend Telnet 'No operation'eorSend Telnet 'End of Record'Send Telnet 'Abort Process'Send Telnet 'Suspend Process'Send Telnet End of File CharacterPerform Telnet 'Synch operation'getstatusSend request for STATUSDisplay send optionsdontwillwontDisable LINEMODE option(or disable obsolete line-by-line mode)Enable LINEMODE option(or enable obsolete line-by-line mode)These require the LINEMODE option to be enabledEnable signal trapping+isig-isigDisable signal trappingEnable character editing+edit-editDisable character editingEnable tab expansion+softtabs-softtabsEnable literal character echo+litecho-litechoDisable literal character echokludgeline%s sequence challenge /usr/bin/opiekey^?%-15s %s usage: send %s "value" must be from 0 to 255Valid options are: '%s': ambiguous argument ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('send %s ?' for help). '%s': bad value ('send %s ?' for help). ?Need to be connected first.setsockopt (SO_DEBUG)Will send carriage returns as telnet .Will send carriage returns as telnet .Already operating in binary mode with remote host.Negotiating binary mode with remote host.Already in network ascii mode with remote host.Negotiating network ascii mode with remote host.Already receiving in binary mode.Negotiating binary mode on input.Already receiving in network ascii mode.Negotiating network ascii mode on input.Already transmitting in binary mode.Negotiating binary mode on output.Already transmitting in network ascii mode.Negotiating network ascii mode on output.%-15s toggle %s display help informationenabledisable%-15s %s %s Need an argument to 'toggle' command. 'toggle ?' for help. '%s': ambiguous argument ('toggle ?' for help). '%s': unknown argument ('toggle ?' for help). WillWon'tTelnet rlogin escape character is '%s'. Telnet escape character is '%s'. '%s': unknown argument ('set ?' for help). Format is 'set togglename [on|off]' 'set ?' for help.Format is 'set Name Value' 'set ?' for help.'%s': ambiguous argument ('set ?' for help). %s set to "%s". %s character is '%s'. Need an argument to 'unset' command. 'unset ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('unset ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('unset ?' for help). %s reset to "%s". ?Need to have LINEMODE option enabled first.'mode ?' for help.format is: 'mode Mode', where 'Mode' is one of: 'mode' command requires an argumentUnknown mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). Ambiguous mode '%s' ('mode ?' for help). won't%-15s [%s] %-15s "%s" ?Ambiguous argument '%s'. ?Unknown argument '%s'. Deprecated usage - please use 'set escape%s%s' in the future. new escape character: Deprecated usage - please use 'toggle crmod' in the future.%s map carriage return on output. Fork failed ExeclConnection closed.fromquitNeed an argument to 'slc' command. 'slc ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('slc ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('slc ?' for help). Need an argument to 'environ' command. 'environ ?' for help. '%s': unknown argument ('environ ?' for help). '%s': ambiguous argument ('environ ?' for help). only Need %s%d argument%s to 'environ %s' command. 'environ ?' for help. DISPLAYunix:USERLOGNAMEPRINTERCannot send '%s': Telnet ENVIRON option not enabled Cannot send '%s': variable not defined %c %-20s %s notmuchOperating with LINEMODE optionLocalNo%s line editing %s catching of signals Operating in obsolete linemodeOperating in single character modeCatching signals locallyRemote%s character echo %s flow control No connection.Escape character is '%s'. need at least one argument for 'send' commandNeed %d argument%s to 'send %s' command. 'send %s ?' for help. 'send ?' for helpThere is not enough room in the buffer TO the networkto process your request. Nothing will be done.('send synch' will throw away most data in the networkbuffer, if this might help.)Unknown send argument '%s' 'send ?' for help. Ambiguous send argument '%s' 'send ?' for help. Telnet 'send' error - argument disappeared! SENT%s> ?Ambiguous command?Invalid commandCommands may be abbreviated. Commands are: ?Ambiguous help command %s ?Invalid help command %s ?Already connected to %s (to) -ausage: %s [-l user] [-a] [-s src_addr] host-name [port] hostname too long for unix domain socket: %sBad source route option: %s setsockopt (source route)telnet: setsockopt (IP_TOS) (ignored)Unable to connect to remote host/.telnetrc?Ambiguous command: %s ?Invalid command: %s ?Need to be connected first for %s. telnet: socketConnection closed by foreign host. [host-name [port]][-r] [-s src_addr] [-u] [-e char] [-l user] [-n tracefile] [-4] [-6] [-8] [-E] [-L] [-N] [-S tos] [-c] [-d]usage: %s %s%s%s%s rlog; will try to use default TOS: Bad TOS argument '%s: Warning: -f ignored, no Kerberos V5 support. %s: Warning: -F ignored, no Kerberos V5 support. %s: Warning: -k ignored, no Kerberos V4 support. %s: Warning: -x ignored, no ENCRYPT support. %s: Warning: -y ignored, no ENCRYPT support. 468EKLNS:X:acde:fFk:l:n:rs:uxySetSockOptsleep(5) from telnet, after select: %s UNKNOWNlm_will: no command!!!lm_will: not enough room in bufferlm_wont: no command!!!lm_do: no command!!!lm_do: not enough room in bufferlm_dont: no command!!!lm_mode: not enough room in bufferslc_import: not enough roomremote defaultremoteSpecial characters are %s values slc_end_reply: not enough roomenv_opt_start: malloc()/realloc() failed!!!SYSTEMTYPEJOBACCTenv_opt_add: realloc() failed!!!%c%c%c%c%s%c%cNo room in buffer for terminal type. %c%c%c%c%ld,%ld%c%cz Remote side does not support STATUS optionIn SUBOPTION processing, RCVDclose SYNCHBRKIPAOAYTEORABORTSUSPRPLNEXTFORW1FORW2MCLMCRMCWLMCWRMCBOLMCEOLINSRTOVERECREWREBOLEEOLBINARYRCPSUPPRESS GO AHEADTIMING MARKRCTENAOLNAOPNAOCRDNAOHTSNAOHTDNAOFFDNAOVTSNAOVTDNAOLFDEXTEND ASCIILOGOUTBYTE MACRODATA ENTRY TERMINALSUPDUPSUPDUP OUTPUTSEND LOCATIONTERMINAL TYPEEND OF RECORDTACACS UIDOUTPUT MARKINGTTYLOC3270 REGIMEX.3 PADNAWSTSPEEDLFLOWLINEMODEXDISPLOCOLD-ENVIRONAUTHENTICATIONENCRYPTNEW-ENVIRONTN3270ECHARSETCOM-PORTKERMITNOPDMARKGASBWILLWONTDONTIACCannot open %s. (standard output)%c 0x%x %c%.2x%s IAC %s%s IAC %d%s %s EXOPL%s %d %dresp DO_DONT %s: %d resp DO_DONT %d: %d want DO %s want DO %d want DONT %s want DONT %d DO %s DO %d resp WILL_WONT %s: %d resp WILL_WONT %d: %d want WILL %s want WILL %d want WONT %s want WONT %d WILL %s WILL %d %s IAC SB (terminated by %d , not IAC SE!) (Empty suboption???)TERMINAL-TYPE TERMINAL-SPEED (empty suboption???) IS SEND %d (unknown) ?%d?TOGGLE-FLOW-CONTROL OFF ON RESTART-ANY RESTART-XON %d %d (%d)LINEMODE WILL WONT DO DONT (no option???)Forward Mask %xSLC NOSUPPORT CANTCHANGE VARIABLE DEFAULT|FLUSHOUT|FLUSHIN|ACK %d;(no mode???)|LIT_ECHO|SOFT_TAB|TRAPSIG|EDIT (0x%x) ?0x%x? IS IS %s %d SEX-DISPLAY-LOCATION IS "%.*s"- unknown qualifier %d (0x%x).NEW-ENVIRON SEND INFO " VALUE " VAR " ESC " USERVAR " %03o %s (unknown) %02x!'++1+5;+?E+IkNZ!Q+`drwyQ.Ķ+Q+жԶֶn?+5+0123456789abcdef01234567Y`gnu|nnn6h  i i i i  (!"!1"c"1"!""444444$.:FQ[gr{8;;;;|;^%=*_+3@KVOK= Bx<??INIKLsM5l] (Q; B*@1l;Ly; B` Qj1ж +! +."Z^Yo B ,m36N BzYW p2MHphM ,! 33:kHL z 1x B 4At% Vx Br2 A .H 5:Iz|\` W ` ( q /Sa8 4(fq8 4(ZP /@)? qQZp05\ sM] 1(/ 5" "2<1T`h{ (] ( 7, .A2 Y\u6 ; 6*< #-c< F-o BS n qm ye m  &f -9J 4(NX @ *( 3]p ]h !p 3 ;K} }  O~ } Z} } } } } Z}      " + 4 K S [     &    ( 1      p "@Te   8;[  pzh    |  D h D&0| FI HDZdh D% D| ¡  @  , 58# OYB mp   @   D   ,AbШ  = D8 "@D g (C "@D,5 "@DKTh HDmv֜  D% HD "@)  @v;? VoX  D}  ,  , "@   3;  MV*  Dlu '  DQ  F  HE2;v EKT  {4   E E "@ b  A  +5 Y  nwE  F  #  D i+  8Ik|.   @D  @D  D @D" "B  )l*  D@Ix  [y̝  &  D  F|  D  7@h DXa% Dw  DD h "@ L      *=  Rc  F{  )j#  D*  +  ., @Wzp "@DB  D "@D  y ~       ! % ) -             ] ]   o       z   d              ]  P Y b r { {   H  ,  G/ y/ y/ [/ / l/ / / / / / / ;A YA ; JC A |/-\|smcupError: move: l(%u) c(%u) o(%u)xterm]0;%susage: ex [-eFRrSsv] [-c command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...] usage: vi [-eFlRrSv] [-c command] [-t tag] [-w size] [file ...] signal-resettcgetattr%s: No terminal database found %s: %s: unknown terminal type lines=%lucolumns=%lurmsotcsetattr016|Vi's standard input and output must be a terminalLINES%s: unknown terminal typekcud1jakcub1hakcuu1kakcuf1lakil1insert linekdch1keldelete to eolkindscroll downkllgo to eolkendkhomego to solkich1insert at cursorkdl1delete lineknppage downkpppage upkriscroll updelete to end of screenkf%d233|This terminal has no %s keyfunction key %dstderr046|messages not turned on: %s045|messages not turned off: %stigetnum: linestigetnum: cols002|Line length overflow/tmp240|%s: remove241|%s: close242|%s: remove243|%s: remove265|File is a temporary; exit will discard modifications264|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override244|Read-only file, not written; use ! to override245|Read-only file, not written246|%s exists, not written; use ! to override247|%s exists, not written248|Partial file, not written; use ! to override249|Partial file, not written250|%s: file modified more recently than this copy; use ! to override251|%s: file modified more recently than this copy258|%s expanded into too many file names259|%s: not a regular file260|%s: not owned by you261|%s: accessible by a user other than the owner252|%s: write lock was unavailable254|%s: WARNING: FILE TRUNCATED256|%s: new file: %lu lines, %lu characters315|%s: appended: %lu lines, %lu characters257|%s: %lu lines, %lu characters266|File readonly, modifications not auto-written262|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override263|File modified since last complete write; write or use :edit! to override%s/vi.XXXXXXXXXX237|Unable to create temporary file238|Warning: %s is not a regular file239|%s already locked, session is read-only-c option276|Unexpected character event277|Unexpected end-of-file event279|Unexpected interrupt event280|Unexpected quit event281|Unexpected repaint event285|Unexpected string event286|Unexpected timeout event316|Unexpected resize event287|Unexpected write event008|Error: unable to retrieve line %lu007|unable to get last line006|unable to store line %lu005|unable to insert at line %lu004|unable to append to line %lu003|unable to delete line %lu009|Log file015|%s/%d: log put error267|Log restarted013|Logging not being performed, roll-forward not possible014|No changes to re-do/usr/src/usr.bin/vi/../../contrib/nvi/common/log.c012|Logging not being performed, undo not possible010|Logging not being performed, undo not possible011|No changes to undoex/vi: %s%.*snviewc:eFGlRrSst:vw:-s option is only applicable to ex.window=%sonly one -c command may be specified.only one of -r and -t may be specified.only one tag file may be specified.017|Mark %s: not set018|Mark %s: the line was deleted019|Mark %s: cursor position no longer exists268|confirm? [ynq]269|Press any key to continue: 270|Press any key to continue [: to enter more ex commands]: 161|Press Enter to continue: 275| cont?271|Press any key to continue [q to quit]: 317|%d files to edit021|new file022|name changed023|modified024|unmodified025|UNLOCKED026|readonly028|empty file027|line %lu of %lu [%lu%%]029|line %lu293|added294|changed295|deleted296|joined297|moved298|shifted299|yanked300|line301|lines020|Error: , %d: LC_MESSAGESLANGVI_MESSAGE_CATALOG030|The file %s is not a message catalogaltweraseautoindentautoprintautowritebackupbeautifycdpathceditcommentedcompatibleescapetimeerrorbellsextendedfilecflashgtagsmodehardtabsiclowerignorecasekeytimeleftrightlispmagicmatchtimemodelinemsgcatnoprintoctaloptimizeparagraphsrecdirredrawremapreportrulersearchincrsectionssecureshellmetashiftwidthshowmatchshowmodesidescrollslowopensourceanytabstoptaglengthtersetildeoptimeoutttywerasew1200w300w9600warnwindownamewraplenwrapmarginwrapscanwriteanyaibfcolimodelinesnuparaslowsmsmdttytypewawiwlwm033|set: no %s option: 'set all' gives all option values305|No %s edit option specified%s=%ld%s="%s"set %s set no%s set %s=%-3ld set 032|Usage: %s291|set: the %s option may not be turned off313|set: the %s option may never be turned on034|set: [no]%s option doesn't take a value035|set: %s option isn't a boolean036|set: %s option: %s037|set: %s option: %s: value overflow038|set: %s option: %s is an illegal number314|set: the %s option may never be set to 0039|set: %s option isn't a booleanCDPATHcdpath=%sdirectory=%sescapetime=6keytime=6matchtime=7/usr/share/vi/catalog/msgcat=%sreport=5paragraphs=IPLPPPQPP LIpplpipbp/var/tmp/vi.recoverrecdir=%ssections=NHSHH HUnhshshell=%sshellmeta=~{[*?$`'"\shiftwidth=8sidescroll=16tabstop=8tags=%sscroll=%ldwindow=%lu031|Unable to set default %s option040|Screen columns too small, less than %d041|Screen columns too large, greater than %d042|Screen lines too small, less than %d043|Screen lines too large, greater than %d044|The lisp option is not implemented048|The paragraph option must be in two character groups049|The section option must be in two character groups053|The default buffer is empty054|Buffer %s is empty078|Searching...072|File empty; nothing to search073|Reached end-of-file without finding the pattern074|No previous search pattern075|Pattern not found076|Reached top-of-file without finding the pattern077|Search wrappedrecdir: %sX-vi-recover-file: X-vi-recover-path: 066|%s: malformed recovery file%.24s: %s vi: no files to recover.067|%s: malformed recovery file068|No files named %s, readable by you, to recover069|There are older versions of this file for you to recover070|There are other files for you to recover055|Files with newlines in the name are unrecoverable%s/vi.XXXXXX056|Modifications not recoverable if the session fails/usr/sbin/sendmail071|not sending email: %s%s -t < %s062|Information on user id %u not found%s/recover.XXXXXX063|Unable to lock recovery filePrecedence: bulkSubject: Nvi saved the file To: From: root (Nvi recovery program)Reply-To: root%s%s %s%s %s %s %s%s %s%s %s -r : to this file using the -r option to You can recover most, if not all, of the changes , when it was saved for recovery. on the machine was editing a file named , the user On %s%.24s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s 064|Recovery file buffer overrun065|Recovery file060|File backup failed: %s061|Copying file for recovery...057|Copying file for recovery...058|Preservation failed: %s059|Modifications not recoverable if the session fails099|Address value overflow100|Address value underflow101|Illegal address combination102|Illegal address: only %lu lines in the file103|Illegal address: the file is empty104|The %s command doesn't permit an address of 0$0123456789'\/?.+-^095|No mark name supplied096|\ not followed by / or ?097|Reference to a line number less than 0094|The second address is smaller than the first!#&*<=>@~080|Unknown command name1bca1098|The %s command is unknown082|%s: command not available in ex mode085|Internal syntax table error (%s: %s)086|Usage: %s088|Flag offset to before line 1089|Flag offset past end-of-file090|@ with range running when the file/screen changed091|Global/v command running when the file/screen changed083|Count may not be zero084|%s: bad line specification092|Ex command failed: pending commands discarded093|Ex command failed: mapped keys discardedscript170|Interrupted105|No abbreviations to display106|Abbreviations must end with a "word" character107|Abbreviations may not contain tabs or spaces108|Abbreviations may not mix word/non-word characters, except at the end109|"%s" is not an abbreviation273|Entering ex input mode.111|No more files to edit112|No previous files to edit113|No previous files to rewind114|No file list to display115|No previous command to replace "!"116|No filename to substitute for %%117|No filename to substitute for #289|Shell expansions not supported when the secure edit option is setfdopenvfork118|Error: execl: %s119|I/O error: %s304|Shell expansion failed!%s 303|File modified since last write.120|File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override121|Unable to find home directory location122|New current directory: %sscroll lines[line [,line]] ! commandfilter lines through commands or run commands[line [,line]] # [count] [l]display numbered lines[line [,line]] & [cgr] [count] [#lp]repeat the last subsitution* [buffer]execute a buffer[line [,line]] <[<...] [count] [flags]shift lines left[line] = [flags]display line number[line [,line]] >[>...] [count] [flags]shift lines right@ [buffer][line] a[ppend][!]append input to a lineab[brev] [word replace]specify an input abbreviationargsar[gs]display file argument listbgput a foreground screen into the background!ca[line [,line]] c[hange][!] [count]change lines to input!f1ocd[!] [directory]change the current directorychdirchd[ir][!] [directory][line [,line]] co[py] line [flags]copy lines elsewhere in the filecscope!scs[cope] command [args]create a set of tags using a cscope command[line [,line]] d[elete][flags] [buffer] [count] [flags]delete lines from the filedisplay b[uffers] | c[onnections] | s[creens] | t[ags]display buffers, connections, screens or tags[Ee][dit][!] [+cmd] [file]begin editing another file[Ee]x[!] [+cmd] [file]exusage[exu]sage [command]display ex command usage statementf[ile] [name]display (and optionally set) file namefg[Ff]g [file]bring a backgrounded screen into the foregroundglobal[line [,line]] g[lobal][!] [;/]RE[;/] [commands]execute a global command on lines matching an REhe[lp]display help statement[line] i[nsert][!]insert input before a line!ca1[line [,line]] j[oin][!] [count] [flags]join lines into a single line[line] k keymark a line position[line [,line]] l[ist] [count] [#]display lines in an unambiguous form[line [,line]] m[ove] linemove lines elsewhere in the file[line] ma[rk] key!Wmap[!] [keys replace]map input or commands to one or more keysmkexrc!f1rmkexrc[!] filewrite a .exrc file!fN[Nn][ext][!] [+cmd] [file ...]edit (and optionally specify) the next file[line [,line]] nu[mber] [count] [l]change display to number lines[line] o[pen] [/RE/] [flags]enter "open" mode (not implemented)[line [,line]] p[rint] [count] [#l]display linesperlpe[rl] cmdrun the perl interpreter with the commandperldoperld[o] cmdrun the perl interpreter with the command, on each linepre[serve]preserve an edit session for recovery[Pp]rev[ious][!]edit the previous file in the file argument list[line] pu[t] [buffer]append a cut buffer to the lineq[uit][!]exit ex/vi[line] r[ead] [!cmd | [file]]append input from a command or file to the linerecover[!] filerecover a saved fileresizec+resize [+-]rowsgrow or shrink the current screenrew[ind][!]re-edit all the files in the file argument listrtag!w1o[Rr]ta[g][!] [string]edit the file containing the tag[line [,line]] s [[/;]RE[/;]repl[/;] [cgr] [count] [#lp]]substitute on lines matching an REsc[ript][!] [file]run a shell in a screenwNse[t] [option[=[value]]...] [nooption ...] [option? ...] [all]set options (use ":set all" to see all options)sh[ell]suspend editing and run a shellsourceso[urce] fileread a file of ex commandsst[op][!]suspend the edit sessionsu[spend][!][line [,line]] t line [flags][Tt]a[g][!] [string]tagnexttagn[ext][!]move to the next tagtagpoptagp[op][!] [number | file]return to the previous group of tagstagprevtagpr[ev][!]move to the previous tagtagtoptagt[op][!]discard all tagstcltc[l] cmdrun the tcl interpreter with the commandu[ndo]undo the most recent changeunabbreviateuna[bbrev] worddelete an abbreviation!w1runm[ap][!] worddelete an input or command map[line [,line]] v [;/]RE[;/] [commands]execute a global command on lines NOT matching an REdisplay the program version informationvisual2c11[line] vi[sual] [-|.|+|^] [window_size] [flags]enter visual (vi) mode from ex mode[Vv]i[sual][!] [+cmd] [file]edit another file (from vi mode only)viusage[viu]sage [key]display vi key usage statement[line [,line]] w[rite][!] [ !cmd | [>>] [file]]write the file[line [,line]] wn[!] [>>] [file]write the file and switch to the next filewq[line [,line]] wq[!] [>>] [file]write the file and exit[line [,line]] x[it][!] [file]bca[line [,line]] ya[nk] [buffer] [count]copy lines to a cut buffer3c01[line] z [-|.|+|^|=] [count] [flags]display different screens of the file[line [,line]] ~ [cgr] [count] [#lp]replace previous RE with previous replacement string,Add a new cscope databaseadd file | directoryQuery the databases for a patternfind c|d|e|f|g|i|s|t buffer|pattern c: find callers of name d: find all function calls made from name e: find pattern f: find files with name as substring g: find definition of name i: find files #including name s: find all uses of name t: find assignments to nameShow help for cscope commandshelp [command]Kill a cscope connectionkill numberDiscard all current cscope connectionscd '%s' && exec cscope -dl -f %s312|%d: no such cscope sessionNo cscope connections. %2d %s (process %lu) %s doesn't match any cscope command Command: %s (%s) cscope commands: %*s: %s cscope.outcscope.tpathCSCOPE_DIRS :309|Use "cscope help" for help310|No cscope connections runningsgdct efi311|%s: unknown search type: use one of %s%d%s cscope: %d lines%1[ ]%s: "%s" 278|No matches for query (line mode) (character mode)********** %s%s buffers123|No cut buffers to displaydefault bufferfilterfilter readparent-writer124|The %s command can't be used as part of a global or v command125|%s/%s: not sourced: not owned by you or root126|%s/%s: not sourced: not owned by you127|%s/%s: not sourced: writeable by a user other than the owner128|%s: not sourced: not owned by you or root129|%s: not sourced: not owned by you130|%s: not sourced: writeable by a user other than the owner/etc/vi.exrcNEXINIT.nexrc131|No following lines to join.?!132|No input map entries133|No command map entries134|The %s character may not be remapped135|"%s" isn't currently mapped136|Mark names must be a single character137|%s exists, not written; use ! to overrideabbreviate map map! 138|New exrc file: %s139|Destination line is inside move range140|The open command requires that the open option be set141|The open command is not yet implemented142|Preservation of this file not possible143|File preserved %6lu TOOBIG 147|Reading...148|%s: %lu lines, %lu characters145|Only regular files and named pipes may be read146|%s: read lock was unavailable149|No background screens to display151|No command to executescript-shell150|The script command is only available in vi modepqrs0123456789abcdefemacs:TERMCAPEMACSError: timed outError: shell: EOFAbort trapAlarm clockBus errorChild exitedContinuedEMT trapFloating point exceptionHangupIllegal instructionInformation requestInterruptI/O possibleIOT trapKilledBroken pipeProfiling timer expiredQuitSegmentation faultSuspended (signal)Bad system callTerminatedTrace/BPT trapSuspendedStopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)Urgent I/O conditionUser defined signal 1User defined signal 2Virtual timer expiredWindow size changesCputime limit exceededFilesize limit exceededUnknown signal: %d; core dumped%.*s%s: received signal: %s%s%.*s%s: exited with status %d%s -i152|shiftwidth option set to 0RE error: %s([ ]|/\*([^*]|\*/)*\*/)*\^.[]$*+?()|{}^.[]$*[[:<:]][[:>:]]153|Count overflow154|Count underflow156|The #, l and p flags may not be combined with the c flag in vi mode169|Confirm change? [n]157|No match found155|Regular expression specified; r flag meaningless164|%s: the tag's line number is past the end of the file165|The tags stack is empty166|%s: search pattern not found159|Less than %s entries on the tags stack; use :display t[ags]160|No file %s on the tags stack to return to; use :display t[ags]292|Display too small.%2d ... %*.*s %*.*s255|Already at the first tag of this group282|Already at the last tag of this group158|No previous tag enteredrxglobal -%s '%s'162|%s: tag not found163|%s: corrupted tag in %smunmapTo see the list of vi commands, enter ":viusage" To see the list of ex commands, enter ":exusage" For an ex command usage statement enter ":exusage [cmd]" For a vi key usage statement enter ":viusage [key]" To exit, enter ":q!" The %.*s command is unknown Command: %s Usage: %s The %s key has no current meaning Key:%s%s Usage: %s 167|%d more files to edit168|Buffer %s is empty144|%s: expanded into too many file names283|The %s command requires the ex terminal interface272|That form of %s requires the ex terminal interface274|Command failed, no file read in yet.173|The %s command requires that a file have already been read in171|No previous buffer to execute172|No previous regular expression230|This screen may not be suspended290|The %s command is not supported when the secure edit option is set284|That form of %s is not supported when the secure edit option is set174|Usage: %sVersion 1.79 (10/23/96) The CSRG, University of California, Berkeley.175|The visual command requires that the open option be set%luz%c%lu%luz%c253|Writing...---------------------------------------- 302|Vi was not loaded with a Tcl interpreter306|Vi was not loaded with a Perl interpreter177|Empty file178|No previous F, f, T or t search179|%s not found[count]^A^A search forward for cursor word[count]^B^B scroll up by screens^C^C interrupt an operation (e.g. read, write, search)[count]^D^D scroll down by half screens (setting count)[count]^E^E scroll down by lines[count]^F^F scroll down by screens^G^G file status[count]^H^H move left by characters[count]^J^J move down by lines^L^L redraw screen[count]^M^M move down by lines (to first non-blank)[count]^N^N move down by lines[count]^P^P move up by lines^R^R redraw screen^T^T tag pop[count]^U^U half page up (set count)^V^V input a literal character^W^W move to next screen[count]^Y^Y page up by lines^Z^Z suspend editor^[ ^[ exit input mode, cancel partial commands^\ ^\ switch to ex mode^]^] tag push cursor word^^^^ switch to previous file[count]' ' move right by columns[count]![count]motion command(s) ! filter through command(s) to motion[count]# +|-|# # number increment/decrement [count]$ $ move to last column % move to match & repeat substitution'['a-z] ' move to mark (to first non-blank)[count]( ( move back sentence[count]) ) move forward sentence[count]+ + move down by lines (to first non-blank)[count], , reverse last F, f, T or t search[count]- - move up by lines (to first non-blank) . repeat the last command/RE[/ offset] / search forward 0 move to first character:command [| command] ... : ex command[count]; ; repeat last F, f, T or t search[count]<[count]motion < shift lines left to motion[count]>[count]motion > shift lines right to motion?RE[? offset] ? search backward@buffer @ execute buffer[count]A A append to the line[count]B B move back bigword[buffer][count]C C change to end-of-line[buffer]D D delete to end-of-line[count]E E move to end of bigword[count]F character F character in line backward search[count]G G move to line[count]H H move to count lines from screen top[count]I I insert before first nonblank[count]J J join lines[count]L L move to screen bottom M move to screen middle N reverse last search[count]O O insert above line[buffer]P P insert before cursor from buffer Q switch to ex mode[count]R R replace characters[buffer][count]S S substitute for the line(s)[count]T character T before character in line backward search U Restore the current line[count]W W move to next bigword[buffer][count]X X delete character before cursor[buffer][count]Y Y copy lineZZZZ save file and exit[[[[ move back section]] move forward section ^ move to first non-blank _ move to first non-blank`[`a-z] ` move to mark[count]a a append after cursor[count]b b move back word[buffer][count]c[count]motion c change to motion[buffer][count]d[count]motion d delete to motion[count]e e move to end of word[count]f character f character in line forward search[count]h h move left by columns[count]i i insert before cursor[count]j j move down by lines[count]k k move up by lines[count]l l move right by columnsm[a-z] m set mark n repeat last search[count]o o append after line[buffer]p p insert after cursor from buffer[count]r character r replace character[buffer][count]s s substitute character[count]t character t before character in line forward search u undo last change[count]w w move to next word[buffer][count]x x delete character[buffer][count]y[count]motion y copy text to motion into a cut buffer[line]z[window_size][-|.|+|^|] z reposition the screen[count]{ { move back paragraph[count]| | move to column[count]} } move forward paragraph[count]~ ~ reverse case207|The Q command requires the ex terminal interface180|No previous file to edit307|No ex command to execute%+ld0X%0*lX0x%0*lx%#0*lo182|Resulting number too large183|Resulting number too smallabcdefABCDEF181|Cursor not in a number184|No match character on this line185|Matching character not found186|No characters to replace308|Enter to execute a command, :q to exit187|No other screen to switch to190|Search wrapped to original position189|No previous search pattern188|Characters after search string, line offset and/or z command194|No more characters to erase193|Already at the beginning of the insert191|Abbreviation exceeded expansion limit: characters discarded192|Illegal character; quote to enterUnmatched %s201|Buffers should be specified before the command209|The file is empty202|Already at end-of-file203|Already at end-of-line204|%s isn't a vi commandWindow resize interrupted text input mode205|Usage: %s195|Movement past the end-of-file196|Movement past the end-of-line197|No cursor movement made198|Already at the beginning of the file199|Movement past the beginning of the file200|Already in the first column206|No characters to delete[count]~[count]motion ~ change case to motion235|Number larger than %lu234|Only one buffer may be specified208|No command to repeat210|%s may not be used as a motion command212|Cursor not in a word211|Already in command mode214|Windows option value is too large, max is %u110|Vi command failed: mapped keys discarded231|Interrupted: mapped keys discarded236|Interrupted%d screens backgrounded; use :display to list them%7lu +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+215|Append216|Change217|Command218|Insert219|Replace%lu,%lu220|Movement past the end-of-screen221|Movement past the beginning-of-screen222|Screen must be larger than %d lines to split225|You may not background your only displayed screen228|The screen cannot grow227|The screen cannot shrink226|The screen can only shrink to %d rows223|There are no background screens224|There's no background screen editing a file named %s q q  q q B q q B q g g you are not a member of group %s chown [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] :group file ...usage: chown [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] owner[:group] file ...usage: chgrp [-fhv] [-R [-H | -L | -P]] group file ...HLPRfhvthe -R%c and -h options may not be specified together: %ju:%ju -> %ju:%ju: %ju -> %juusage: chroot [-g group] [-G group,group,...] [-u user] newroot [command] G:g:u:no such group `%s'too many supplementary groups providedno such user `%s'setgroupssetgidsetuid(@ (@-G"'H" """"% ( W 0 H ($ ( (2 (((((( (@((((() )))) ")))@0)6)>)E)K)" R)@X)_)j)u)}|)L~)))))@)@) ))) ))){05P X^/n )@)E*4 4@Iz)y)s%q)*#*3*E*H*:{U*k*9KXH*7n***Y*< *****~\* +++-+N~E+OQ+r~b+t+++++++++U+g++X,,x",8,WF,V,d,g,{t,{,,,,,?L,,, - -"H@   !G=@" "" """   !"G""""0""" ""> I"""""TRZeS"""Y98O< AP^"F""VN"X\`b"Jd""" D"7Q;?BK"E "U"M"W[_aCLc""]":""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""2 ' "("   !-.60""("""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$""""""""""""""""""""""""#&"1"""""/"""""5"%""""""""#&"1"""""/""""""5"%""""""-M:+-NP:9-O:J-QW-t-J:-L--::-;--F,;-W\;.X.).[;<.\O.i.<z..E..7;.8<.?..A(<.B`< /a/'/=<7/e<?/@<S/H=b/GX=t/Z//Y//U=/V=/K=/P> 0_H>0`t>*0S>>0T>R0I[0y0b00]00d00c00>(? 191+1^H?>1CJ1g1Dp?w1R?1'?1&?16$@1-H@1.t@1%@1*@11 A150A2#lA2/A&2222I2)Z2w24A20B234B2$22+2 3,hB 3(B43C3;4X3r3B333 33 B3 C34C 4 |C4C'4C44CE4DN4`4{4"444444 5&555H5W5m5!4D5 55 55B5TD556D6D36DC6S6q6D64E6666660 h ) 8 د  ,  X  \  \  , ر H p P  d1 `    l       Я ȯ   ( @      0 0 t       Ժ Է  HA A $G > ? @ t F A LC A 0B G TI (A ? C |C E = D H> =  = 8= D = J E DE 8D dD @ X@  D D @ @ F 0G D D B tF F F C  7 7@7777@ 7@77 7a7@ 7777    d d d d d d d   ղ  l %-15s-> %s                                                                       /.editrc%s %d ) N N N N N r N N r N N N r r N N N N N N N N N N ) N N N ) N ) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r N N N N ) N N N N ) N N N ) [1~[4~OAOBOCODOHOF b b b  b b b b b   b b b b b   b b  " $ b" " $ $  # -% $ $ fwdbck/ + / + / + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + / + + / / tty_stty7 w7 m7 c7 \7 R7 H7 `6 `6 >7 47 *7  7 7  7 7 6 6 6 `6 `6 `6 `6 6 6 P9 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 P9 : q: {: 8 ?; "; ; : : echotctelltcsettcsettyignbrkbrkintignparparmrkinpckistripinlcrigncricrnlixonixanyixoffimaxbelopostonlcrocrnlonocronoeotonlretxtabscignorecstopbcreadparenbhupclclocalccts_oflowcrts_iflowmdmbuficanonechoeechokechonlnoflshtostopechoctlechoprtechokeflushopendiniextennokerninfoextproceol2erase2discardminhas automatic marginshas physical tabsNumber of linesNumber of columnskmHas meta keyTab chars destructivexnadd new blank lineblaudible bellclear to bottomclear to end of linecursor to horiz posclear screendelete a characterdelete a linestart delete modeend delete modeeiend insert modecursor from status linehome cursorinsert characterstart insert modeinsert paddingkdsends cursor downklsends cursor leftkrsends cursor rightkusends cursor upbegin boldend attributesnon destructive spaceend standoutbegin standoutcursor to status linecursor up onebegin underlineend underlinevbvisible belldelete multiple charscursor down multipleinsert multiple charscursor left multipleRIcursor right multiplecursor up multiplekhsend cursor home@7send cursor endvi-paste-nextvi-paste-prevvi-prev-big-wordvi-prev-wordVi move to the previous wordvi-next-big-wordvi-next-wordVi move to the next wordvi-change-casevi-change-metaVi change prefix commandvi-insert-at-bolvi-replace-charvi-replace-modeVi enter replace modevi-substitute-charvi-substitute-lineVi substitute entire linevi-change-to-eolVi change to end of linevi-insertVi enter insert modevi-addvi-add-at-eolvi-delete-metaVi delete prefix commandvi-end-big-wordvi-end-wordvi-undoVi undo last changevi-command-modevi-zerovi-delete-prev-charvi-list-or-eofvi-kill-line-prevvi-search-prevVi search history previousvi-search-nextVi search history nextvi-repeat-search-nextvi-repeat-search-prevvi-next-charvi-prev-charvi-to-next-charvi-to-prev-charvi-repeat-next-charvi-repeat-prev-charvi-matchVi go to matching () {} or []vi-undo-lineVi undo all changes to linevi-to-columnVi go to specified columnvi-yank-endVi yank to end of linevi-yankVi yankvi-comment-outvi-aliasVi include shell aliasvi-to-history-linevi-histeditVi edit history line with vivi-history-wordvi-redoem-delete-or-listem-delete-next-wordem-yankem-kill-lineem-kill-regionem-copy-regionem-gosmacs-transposeem-next-wordem-upper-caseem-capitol-caseem-lower-caseem-set-markSet the mark at cursorem-exchange-markExchange the cursor and markem-universal-argumentem-meta-nextem-toggle-overwriteem-copy-prev-wordCopy current word to cursorem-inc-search-nextEmacs incremental next searchem-inc-search-prevem-delete-prev-chared-end-of-fileIndicate end of fileAdd character to the lineed-delete-prev-worded-delete-next-charDelete character under cursored-kill-lineCut to the end of lineed-move-to-ended-move-to-beged-transpose-charsed-next-chared-prev-worded-prev-chared-quoted-inserted-digited-argument-digitDigit that starts argumented-unassignedIndicates unbound charactered-tty-sigintTty interrupt charactered-tty-dsuspTty delayed suspend charactered-tty-flush-outputTty flush output charactersed-tty-sigquitTty quit charactered-tty-sigtstpTty suspend charactered-tty-stop-outputed-tty-start-outputTty allow output charactersed-newlineExecute commanded-delete-prev-chared-clear-screened-redisplayRedisplay everythinged-start-overed-sequence-lead-ined-prev-historyed-next-historyMove to the next history lineed-search-prev-historyed-search-next-historyed-prev-lineMove up one lineed-next-lineMove down one lineed-commandEditline extended commandiflag:oflag:cflag:lflag:chars:*?_-.[]~=%d %s""no input "%s..." Unbound extended key "%s" %-4s to %-7s-> %s %-15s-> is undefined %-15s-> %s Out of termcap string space. settc: Bad value `%s'. baud%s: Invalid switch `%c'. Standard key bindings Alternative key bindings Multi-character bindings Arrow key bindings %s %s %s: Invalid command `%s'. %s -> %s Your terminal has the following characteristics: It has %s meta key not It can%suse tabs hasdoes not have It %s automatic margins It %s magic margins (empty) %25s (%s) == %s ^D / ? : *[]?edit: Bad value `%s'. %c%s %s: Invalid argument `%s'. %*sc-- != 0/usr/src/lib/libedit/tty.cc != -1%s: Unknown switch `%c'. ()[]{}/tmp/histedit.XXXXXXXXXXnewline ignored at right marginVi paste previous deletion to the right of the cursorVi paste previous deletion to the left of the cursorVi move to the previous space delimited wordVi move to the next space delimited wordVi change case of character under the cursor and advance one characterVi enter insert mode at the beginning of lineVi replace character under the cursor with the next character typedVi replace character under the cursor and enter insert modeVi enter insert mode after the cursorVi enter insert mode at end of lineVi move to the end of the current space delimited wordVi move to the end of the current wordVi enter command mode (use alternative key bindings)Vi move to the beginning of lineVi move to previous character (backspace)Vi list choices for completion or indicate end of file if empty lineVi cut from beginning of line to cursorVi repeat current search in the same search directionVi repeat current search in the opposite search directionVi move to the character specified nextVi move to the character specified previousVi move up to the character specified nextVi move up to the character specified previousVi repeat current character search in the same search directionVi repeat current character search in the opposite search directionVi comment out current commandVi go to specified history file line.Vi append word from previous input lineVi redo last non-motion commandDelete character under cursor or list completions if at end of lineCut from cursor to end of current wordPaste cut buffer at cursor positionCut the entire line and save in cut bufferCut area between mark and cursor and save in cut bufferCopy area between mark and cursor to cut bufferExchange the two characters before the cursorMove next to end of current wordUppercase the characters from cursor to end of current wordCapitalize the characters from cursor to end of current wordLowercase the characters from cursor to end of current wordUniversal argument (argument times 4)Add 8th bit to next character typedSwitch from insert to overwrite mode or vice versaEmacs incremental reverse searchDelete the character to the left of the cursorDelete from beginning of current word to cursorMove cursor to the end of lineMove cursor to the beginning of lineExchange the character to the left of the cursor with the one under itMove to the right one characterMove to the beginning of the current wordMove to the left one characterAdd the next character typed verbatimAdds to argument or enters a digitTty disallow output charactersClear screen leaving current line at the topErase current line and start from scratchFirst character in a bound sequenceMove to the previous history lineSearch previous in history for a line matching the currentSearch next in history for a line matching the currentkey_add: sequence-lead-in command not allowed key_add: Null extended-key not allowed. key_delete: Null extended-key not allowed. Some extended keys too long for internal print bufferechotc: Warning: Too many required arguments (%d). echotc: Warning: Missing argument. echotc: Termcap parameter `%s' not found. echotc: Warning: unknown termcap %% `%c'. echotc: Bad value `%s' for rows. echotc: Bad value `%s' for cols. echotc: Warning: Extra argument `%s'. %s: Invalid \ or ^ in instring. %s: Invalid \ or ^ in outstring. using dumb terminal settings. No entry for terminal type "%s"; Cannot read termcap database; It has %d columns and %d lines unknown errorfirst event not foundlast event not foundempty listno next eventno previous eventcurrent event is invalidcan't read history from filecan't write historyhistory size negativebad parametersrequired parameter(s) not suppliedfunction not allowed with other history-functions-set the default)H'H=HRH]HkH}HBHHHHHIH_HiStOrY_V2_ U U YU IU 9U )U U  U {W sW W U W W W T T }S Q Q Q Q |Q  H\ [ [ \ (\ P^ [ A^ $^ [ \ ]] P] \ [ ^ ] [ \ [ ^ [ ] \ [ g^ _^ _^ ] ^ Dump of gctl request at %p: error: NULL param: "%s" (%d) [%s%s%d] = error: "%s" %d] = "%s"0] = %pDump of gctl request at NULL Could not allocate memoryNULL request pointer/dev/geom.ctlcan't allocate %u bytes: %s/dev/mem/dev/kmemexec file name too longbad flags arginvalid address (%x)short readkvm_readkvm_writekvm_write not implemented for dead kernelscannot mmap corefilekernbaseCannot read PDPTcannot read PDPTcannot read IdlePDPTcannot allocate vmcannot read IdlePTDbad namelistcannot read PTDvatop called in live kernel!_kvm_vatop_pae: lseekinvalid address (0x%lx)_kvm_vatop: lseek_kvm_vatop: pde not valid_kvm_vatop: pdpe_pa not found_kvm_vatop: pde_pa not found_kvm_vatop: read_kvm_vatop_pae: read_kvm_vatop_pae: pte not valid_kvm_kvatop: pte not valid_kvm_vatop: address not in dump_kvm_kvatop_pae: pde not valid_kvm_vatop_pae: pdpe_pa not found_kvm_vatop: bootstrap data not in dump_kvm_vatop_pae: bootstrap data not in dump_kvm_vatop_pae: pde_pa not found_kvm_vatop_pae: address not in dump%03dw  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v v  v  v  v  v  v tv  v  v }v  v  v  v u v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v v  v  v  v v  v Kw  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v  v 6w  v  v  v  v @w  v  v  v  v w  v  v  v %w CCCMvshdtimhmkmraei1i3kbkCktkDkLkMkEkSk0k1k;k2k3k4k5k6k7k8k9kIkAkHkNkPkFkRkTl0l3l4l5l6l7l8l9monwSFSRpkpxpfpouciPK1K3K2K4K5pOrPkBSXRXSARAXNXFeALOLF@1@2@3@4@5@6@8@9@0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&0*1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*0#1#2#3#4%a%b%e%f%g%h%i%j!1!2!3RFF1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFEFGFHFIFJFKFMFNFPFQFUFVFWFXFZFaFbFcFdFeFfFgFhFiFjFkFlFmFnFoFpFqFrcbMCMLMRLfDKCWWGHUQDTOPUfhPAWAu0u2u3u4u5u6u7u8u9IcIpSfSbZAZBZCZDZFZGZHZIZJZKZLZMZNZOZPZQZRZSZTZUZVZWZXZYZaZbZcZdZeZfZgZhZiZjZkZlZmZnZoZpZqZrZsZtZuZvZwZxZyKmMiRQGmdvciXyZzYvYwYxYyYzYZS5S6S7S8XhXlXoXrXtXvsAsLbxNllhlwMWCoNCYaYbYcYdYeYfYgYhYiYjYkYlYmYnBTYoYpbwxbxshcdamimshzxonxHCNRNPhlYAYBYCYDYEYFYG q*(FI< YP}N~d1wPmPxP8[hUP~\Pr~P~PWQPg+Xd,P;PO7P<PPPP+PPPPPPPPPPPPPP,PP+PPP+PPP+PF)PQQQ Q QQQ}zQx{{{Qi,Q?LQ{{!Qty$Q'Q(.4bykPz.xWwx*Q-Q0Q3Q6Q9QRARVDRGRMX{JRMRPRSRX`VRYR\R_RbReRhRkRnRqRtRwRzR}RRRRRRRRRRRaRcgRRRRRRRRRR8RRRRRRRRzRRRRRRRR/RRRRRRSSS S SSSSSSS"S%S(S+S.S1S4S7S:S=S@SCSFSISLSOSRSUSXS[S^SaSdSgSjSmSpSsSvSyS|SS~SSqyzzRKXSSSSSSSSqmieSSSSSSSSSSSSejSl}4B)~sSSSSS~SSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTT TA T%qTTk*TE*JuT:TTb:{!T=$T'Tx*T-T0TSx!(3T6T9T%t9%e%p1%d%;m[3%p1%dm[3%?%p1%{8}%>%t9%e%p1%d%;m A8 !   L  x2d2d2dJ2d<2d,2d2d  Out of memoryl. 4. 4. l. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. . / 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. w/ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. f/ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. f/ f/ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. f/ 4. 4. 4. f/ 4. 4. 4. 4. f/ / / / / / / 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 0 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / 0 / F0 / / &0 / / / - / / &0 / / / / / / / / / / / 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 : 2 2 2 : 8 L8 2 2 ; 9 2 \; 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M: 9 ; 2 2 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 @9 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 =2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 =2 =2 @4 2 7 2 q7 2 2 u5 4 2 =2 7 2 2 6 3 2 2 2 =2 2 2 Z3 3 2 2 NCURSES_NO_SETBUF'%s': unknown terminal type. terminals database is inaccessible TERM environment must be <= %d characters. '%s': I need something more specific. TERM environment variable not set. Not enough memory to create terminal structure. '%s': I can't handle hardcopy terminals. TERMPATH/usr/share/misc/termcap|:.termcap /usr/share/misc/termcap2Kn,X   `  %Kterminal names must start with letter or digitset_color_pair but no initialize_pairenter_underline_mode but no exit_underline_modeexit_standout_mode but no enter_standout_mode``aaffggiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~display_clock but no remove_clockenter_alt_charset_mode but no exit_alt_charset_modeexit_alt_charset_mode but no enter_alt_charset_modeenter_bold_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_blink_mode but no exit_attribute_modeexit_alt_charset_mode but no acs_charsenter_alt_charset_mode but no acs_charsremove_clock but no display_clockenter_am_mode but no exit_am_modeexit_am_mode but no enter_am_modeenter_xon_mode but no exit_xon_modeexit_xon_mode but no enter_xon_modesave_cursor but no restore_cursorrestore_cursor but no save_cursorfrom_status_line but no to_status_lineto_status_line but no from_status_lineenter_reverse_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_protected_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_secure_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_insert_mode but no exit_insert_modeexit_insert_mode but no enter_insert_modeenter_dim_mode but no exit_attribute_modeenter_delete_mode but no exit_delete_modeexit_delete_mode but no enter_delete_modeexit_ca_mode but no enter_ca_modeenter_ca_mode but no exit_ca_modeexit_underline_mode but no enter_underline_modeenter_standout_mode but no exit_standout_moderesolution of use=%s failedName collision between %slabel_off but no label_onprtr_on but no prtr_offprtr_off but no prtr_onmeta_off but no meta_onmeta_on but no meta_off/usr/share/misc/terminfoTERMINFO%c/%.*sTERMINFO_DIRS7I qqYn< ` qIzZ!+qN~Or~qw+?qxW!qw5  kcbtkclrkrmirkICkentkhtsprimary name%s `%.*s' may be too longnumericunknown capability '%s'%s$<%d>unknown token typeno value for ko capability %sextended capability '%s'wrong type used for %s capability '%s'acsc string synthesized from XENIX capabilitieshardware tabs with a width other than 8: %dunknown capability `%.*s' in ko string%s (%s) already has an explicit value %s, ignoring koacsc string synthesized from AIX capabilitiesko translation table is invalid, I give up%s (%s termcap extension) aliased to %s%s (%s terminfo extension) ignoredEntry does not start with terminal names in column one%s (%s terminfo extension) aliased to %s%s (%s termcap extension) ignoredhardware tabs with a non-^I tab string %s%s/.terminfoVery long string found. Missing separator?Non-octal digit `%c' in \ sequenceIllegal character %s in \ sequenceCan't backspace off beginning of lineIllegal character (expected alphanumeric or %s) - %sMissing separator after `%s', have %swhitespace in name or alias fielddubious character `%c' in name or alias fieldslashes aren't allowed in names or aliasesSeparator inconsistent with syntaxIllegal ^ character - %sAllow ^? as synonym for \177Premature EOFIllegal character - %sempty longname field$[]!*?no value given for `%s'Missing separatorpremature EOFĽ { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { ( { { { { { { { { { { { { {  { { { { { { { { { {  { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { { {  {  { {   { {   { { { { {  {  { { {  ؿ п 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s1 = %u, s2 = %u; why = ; errno = %srpch != NULL - RPC: Incompatible versions of RPCRPC: Server can't decode argumentsRPC: Failed (unspecified error); low version = %u, high version = %u/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/clnt_perror.c(unknown authentication error - %d)'''''( *$(>(W(u(D*((((h*())2)M)e)~)))clnt_sperrorclnt_perrorclnt_spcreateerrorclnt_pcreateerrorCould not get %s transportloopbacksvc%s_create: could not open connectionout of memoryunsupported transport sizecan't get protocol infocan't find appropriate transport%s: %srpc_reg: %s couldn't register prog %u vers %u for %s%s can't reassign procedure number %u%s cant find suitable transport for %srpc: rpc_reg: never registered prog %u vers %urpc: rpc_reg trouble replying to prog %u vers %unetpathsvc_sendreply failedsvc_tli_create: bad service typesvc_tli_create: could not get transport informationsvc_tli_create: could not bind to requested addresssvc_tli_create: could not bind to anonymous portsvc_tli_create: could not open connection for %ssvc_tli_create: invalid netconfigsvc_tp_create: Could not register prog %u vers %u on %ssvc_tp_create: invalid netconfig structure for prog %u vers %usvc_create: could not register prog %u vers %u on %ssvc_create: no memorysvc_create: unknown protocolcould not allocate cache cache already enabledsvc_enablecache: %s %sout of memory transport does not support data transfercould not get transport informationsvc_dg_create: %scould not allocate new rpc buffervictim alloc failedvictim not foundcache_set: %sfifo<pmap_getportaddress != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/pmap_getport.cclntraw_create - Fatal header serialization error./usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/clnt_raw.cclnt_raw_callsunrpcff02::202datagram_nclnt_bcast: cannot sendbroadcast packetclnt_bcast: Cannot send broadcast packetclnt_bcast: Cannot receive reply to broadcastsvc_vc_destroyread_vcwrite_vcsvc_vc_statsvc_vc_recvsvc_vc_getargssvc_vc_freeargssvc_vc_replymakefd_xprtsvc_fd_createrendezvous_requestxprt != NULLfd != -1svc_vc_create: out of memory/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/svc_vc.csvc_vc: makefd_xprt: out of memorysvc_tcp: makefd_xprt: out of memorysvc_fd_create: no mem for local addrsvc_fd_create: could not retrieve remote addrsvc_fd_create: could not retrieve local addrsvc_vc_create: could not retrieve local addrsvc_vc_create: no mem for local addrxprt_register__xprt_do_unregistersvc_findsvc_registersvc_sendreplysvcerr_noprocsvcerr_decodesvcerr_systemerrsvcerr_authsvcerr_weakauthsvcerr_noprogsvcerr_progverssvc_getreqset/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/svc.cprev != NULLdispatch != NULLreadfds != NULLxdr_callmsgxdrs != NULLcmsg != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/rpc_callmsg.cpmap_rmtcallxdr_rmtcall_argsxdr_rmtcallresport_ptr != NULLaddr != NULLcap != NULLcrp != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/pmap_rmt.cxdr_pmapregs != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/pmap_prot.c0.0.0.0.%d.%dxdr_reference: out of memorywindow verifier mismatchtimestamp before last seensvcauth_des: %s decryptsessionkeybad nicknamegetpublickeyreplayed credentialtimestamp expiredinvalid usecsdecryption failureencryption failureinvalid nicknameunknown netnamemissed ucred cache/etc/publickey # publickey.bynameBad record in %s -- %sBad record in %s val problem - %s_svcauth_unixrqst != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/svc_auth_unix.cbad auth_len gid %ld str %ld auth %u authunix_marshalmarshal_new_authauthunix_validateauthunix_refreshauthunix_destroyauth != NULLverf != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/auth_unix.cauth_none.c - Fatal marshalling problemauthunix_create: out of memoryunixnetid.byname/etc/netid ,getnetconfig: %scould not close() fd %d; mem & fd leakinetclnt_dg_create: out of memory؄ Ѓ/rȄxdr_authunix_parms/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/authunix_prot.cdnsnissetpwentendpwentgetpwuid_rgetpwnam_rgetpwent_r/etc/spwd.db/etc/pwd.dbVERSIONpasswd_compatmaster.passwd.by%s##passwd.adjunct.bynamepasswd-%ld:9\:::9\:::9\:::9Ԓ::D:9Ԓ::D:9Ԓ::D:::D::::Unsupported password database version %dgetpwent memory allocation failure, /etc/netgroupnetgroup.byhost*.**.%s%s.%s%s.*netgroup.byusersetgrentendgrentgetgrent_rgetgrnam_rgetgrgid_r/etc/groupgroup_compatgroup.bynamegroup.bygidgroup-%ld:9x::`:9x::`:9x::`:9::\:9::\:9::\::::`::\:getgrent memory allocation failureout of memoryclnt_vc_create%s : %sclnt_vc_createclnt_vc_callclnt_vc_geterrclnt_vc_freeresclnt_vc_controlAAAFRAAkzAclnt_vc_destroyvc_cv != (cond_t *) NULLvc_cv == (cond_t *) NULLcl != NULLerrp != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/clnt_vc.cauthnone_marshal/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/auth_none.croot uid should be 0no uid for user %scorrupted entry%s uid is incorrect%s gid is incorrectPW_SCAN_BIG_IDS%s > max uid value (%lu)no gid for user %s%s > max gid value (%lu)warning, unknown root shell%s > recommended max uid value (%u)%s > recommended max gid value (%u)/bin/csh/etc/shellsshells-XXXXXshells-%dinitshellsGC9:: $t@xdrrec_create: out of memory,TP,|udp6tcp6circuit_vdatagram_vcircuit_ninet6%s.%u.%u)r&dDiD-nDxDD2r&)  z z z   z z DD0O9X]rpc: failed to open /etc/netconfigxdr_opaque_authxdr_des_blockxdr_accepted_replyxdr_rejected_replyxdr_replymsgxdr_callhdr_seterr_replyacceptedrejectedaVK@5*blkp != NULLar != NULLrr != NULLrmsg != NULLerror != NULL/usr/src/lib/libc/rpc/rpc_prot.cNFINITYf#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#}#!!!!!q#> |!!!!!!!!! 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This warning will be removed 20030301 PLmLL M4MÌres_send: %s ([%s].%s): %s res_send: %s: %s ;; res_send() ;; old answer (unexpected): ;; old answer: s out-of-bounds;; wrong query name: sendto;; not our server: keventread failedrecvfrom;; response truncated ;; timeout ;; undersized: %d ;; truncated answer server rejected query: read(vc);; got answer: socket(dg)write failedsocket(vc)connect/vckqueueconnect(dg);; Querying server (# %d) address = %s ghbynameghbyaddr/etc/hostsip6.arpa9:9:d:9<::8# 0123456789abcdef;; res_query(%s, %d, %d) ;; rcode = %d, ancount=%d ;; res_query: mkquery failed;; res_query: send errorHOSTALIASES;; res_querydomain(%s, %s, %d, %d) ;; res_mkquery(%d, %s, %d, %d) /&ndots:timeout:attempts:insecure1insecure2no_tld_queryedns0;; ndots=%d ;; timeout=%d ;; retry=%d ;; debug/etc/resolv.confdomainnameserversortlistRES_OPTIONSenvLOCALDOMAIN;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s")... ;; res_setoptions("%s", "%s").. GAIgetaddrinfoipnodes.bynamehosts.byname;; rcode = %u, ancount=%u ;; res_querydomain(%s, %s) )r&)r&)r&,UUUU9:gethostby*.getanswer: asked for "%s", got "%s"9::gethostby*.getanswer: asked for "%s %s %s", got type "%s"services.byname/etc/services,/%d/%sservices.byportname servermail destination (deprecated)MFmail forwarder (deprecated)CNAMEcanonical nameSOAstart of authorityMBmailboxMGmail group membermail renameWKSdomain name pointerHINFOhost informationmailbox informationMXmail exchangerTXTtextresponsible personAFSDBDCE or AFS serverX25X25 addressISDNISDN addressrouterNSAPnsap addressNSAP_PTRsignatureKEYPXmapping informationGPOSAAAAIPv6 addressEIDNIMLOCSRVserver selectionATMAATM address (unimplemented)IXFRincremental zone transferAXFRMAILBMAILAmail agent (deprecated)NAPTRURN Naming Authority"any"ZONEPREREQUISITEUPDATEADDITIONALANSWERAUTHORITYCHAOSHESIODdefnamusevcdnsrch?0x%lx?igntcprimry(unimpl)no-tld-querystyopnnoaliasesaaonly(unimpl)recurs;; res options:;; %s, type = %s, class = %s ;; ns_parserr: %s ;; %s SECTION: ;; ns_sprintrr: %s ; flags:; %s: %d, %s: %d;; ns_initparse: %s qr aa tc rd ra ?? ad cd%ld.%.2ldwell-known service (deprecated)geographical position (withdrawn)next valid name (unimplemented)endpoint identifier (unimplemented)NIMROD locator (unimplemented)mailbox-related data (deprecated);; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: %s, status: %s, id: %d ; error: unknown LOC RR version%d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d %.2d %.2d.%.3d %c %d.%.2dm %sm %sm %smWsWAV{MVkVnVVVVVVVVV RV `A  VY vXV VWkW%W(W7W;W@WSWYWkWoW{WW{WWWWV^WWWWWZWWW{@ZW`Z WZ!WW" XX,X1XKX=XPXZVX\X#tXzXXXXXX>`XXX#SXX(!B B B B B B B B BB B B B BB B B BB B B B B B B B B B B B B BB B B B B B B B BB B B B BB B B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPREREQUISITESNOERRORFORMERRSERVFAILNXDOMAINNOTIMPREFUSEDYXDOMAINYXRRSETNXRRSETNOTAUTHZONEERRNOCHANGEIQUERYCQUERYMCQUERYUNOTIFYZONEINITZONEREFaddlenQd^[QQ[@S[[[QY[FT^T_^TTFTTDUQ{UXZQkY]_[QQ\Q\len <= *buflen "\@ unknown RR type\#( ; %s%02x ( RR format error %s %d %lu 0x%04x %u %u ) %u ( %u %u %u ; serial ; refresh ; retry ; expiry ; minimum /usr/src/lib/libc/net/ns_print.cABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Assertion failed: (%s), function %s, file %s, line %d. Assertion failed: (%s), file %s, line %d. ppppppppppppppppppppnss_%s.so.%dnss_module_registerNSSWITCH(%s): %s, %s/etc/nsswitch.conf9vector_appendnss_load_modulenss_method_lookupNSSWITCH(%s): memory allocation failureNSSWITCH(%s): %s, registration failedNSSWITCH(%s): %s, %s, %s, not foundhosts.byaddripnodes.byaddr/var/run/logpriv/var/run/log/dev/log%.15s /dev/console[%d]syslog: unknown facility/priority: %xmnUTC/usr/share/zoneinfo/etc/localtimeposixrules,M4.1.0,M10.5.0TZSunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec%.3s %.3s%3d %02d:%02d:%02d %d 01234567890123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF%u.%u.%u.%u`ffffdffddddddddddddddunionfs/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:0@8H%$sniglet^&%s/bt.XXXXXXXXXX0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/dev/urandom888888w8i8SSTSTSTSSNTTSTSTNTSSSTTSVTSiS,U,UiS,U,U,UiS,U,U ViS,UiSV,UiSoVoVoVoVoVoVoVoVoV,U,U,U,U,U,U,UU,UTTU,UU,U,U,U,UV,U,U T,U,U,UXT,U T,U,UT,U,U,U,U,U,U,U,UU,UTTUUUUT?@ACDEFGHJKMOQSS   9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;<<<<<<<::;<<<<<<<:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<::;<;53210/-,+*)('&%$#"!  ::::::::::::::::::::::::    DEAE216+-.99+&%/ /E!()*!!# E*`]]],bbbbaaa3a#aaC`9`bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()input in flex scanner failedout of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()fatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundinput buffer overflow, can't enlarge buffer because scanner uses REJECTfatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedNSSWITCH(nslexer): memory allocation failureNSSWITCH(nslexer): %s line %d: %s at '%s'gethostbynamegethostbyaddr9:9q:}:9r:~:Єgethostby*.gethostanswer: asked for "%s", got "%s"gethostby*.gethostanswer: asked for "%s %s %s", got type "%s"Impossible condition (type=%d) static buffer is too small (%d) Too many addresses (%d) size (%d) too big res_search failed (%d) %x.%x.%u.%u.%u.%u.in-addr.arpares_query failed (%d) |4ЈHASH: Out of overflow pages. 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&/root/bin/cshCrootCharlie &/root/bin/cshB$}(#|w*% !  d \  r m  N G nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologin1nobodynobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologinAnobodyuucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/local/libexec/uucp/uucico2uucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/local/libexec/uucp/uucicoB_dhcp*AAdhcp programs/var/empty/usr/sbin/nologin3A_dhcp*AAdhcp programs/var/empty/usr/sbin/nologinCA_pflogd*@@pflogd privsep user/var/empty/usr/sbin/nologin1_pflogd_pflogd*@@pflogd privsep user/var/empty/usr/sbin/nologinA_pflogdsmmsp*Sendmail Submission User/var/spool/clientmqueue/usr/sbin/nologin3smmsp*Sendmail Submission User/var/spool/clientmqueue/usr/sbin/nologinCman* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man/usr/sbin/nologin3 man* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man/usr/sbin/nologin2 man* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man/usr/sbin/nologinC man* Mister Man Pages/usr/share/man/usr/sbin/nologinB daemon*Owner of many system processes/root/usr/sbin/nologin3daemon*Owner of 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processes/root/usr/sbin/nologin1daemondaemon*Owner of many system processes/root/usr/sbin/nologinBdaemon*Owner of many system processes/root/usr/sbin/nologinAdaemontoor*Bourne-again Superuser/root1toortoor*Bourne-again Superuser/rootAtoorrootCharlie &/root/bin/csh1rootrootCharlie &/root/bin/cshArootVERSION$|w+&61 I D ` [ ? : D D www*PPWorld Wide Web Owner/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologin2www*PPWorld Wide Web Owner/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologin1wwwwww*PPWorld Wide Web Owner/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologinBwww*PPWorld Wide Web Owner/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologinAwwwuucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/local/libexec/uucp/uucico1uucpuucp*BBUUCP pseudo-user/var/spool/uucppublic/usr/local/libexec/uucp/uucicoAuucpbind*55Bind Sandbox//usr/sbin/nologin1bindbind*55Bind Sandbox//usr/sbin/nologinAbindsmmsp*Sendmail Submission User/var/spool/clientmqueue/usr/sbin/nologin2 smmsp*Sendmail Submission User/var/spool/clientmqueue/usr/sbin/nologinB news*News Subsystem//usr/sbin/nologin1newsnews*News Subsystem//usr/sbin/nologinAnewsgames* Games pseudo-user/usr/games/usr/sbin/nologin1gamesgames* Games pseudo-user/usr/games/usr/sbin/nologinAgamesbin*Binaries Commands and Source//usr/sbin/nologin3bin*Binaries Commands and Source//usr/sbin/nologinCoperator*System &//usr/sbin/nologin2operator*System &//usr/sbin/nologinB^Y{v Z T  m h   t 6 t nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologin2nobody*Unprivileged user/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologinBpop*DPost Office Owner/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologin3Dpop*DPost Office Owner/nonexistent/usr/sbin/nologinCD_dhcp*AAdhcp programs/var/empty/usr/sbin/nologin1_dhcp_dhcp*AAdhcp programs/var/empty/usr/sbin/nologinA_dhcpmailnull*Sendmail Default User/var/spool/mqueue/usr/sbin/nologin2 mailnull*Sendmail Default User/var/spool/mqueue/usr/sbin/nologin1mailnullmailnull*Sendmail Default User/var/spool/mqueue/usr/sbin/nologinB mailnull*Sendmail Default User/var/spool/mqueue/usr/sbin/nologinAmailnulltty*Tty Sandbox//usr/sbin/nologin3tty*Tty Sandbox//usr/sbin/nologinCbin*Binaries Commands and Source//usr/sbin/nologin2bin*Binaries Commands and Source//usr/sbin/nologinB# # Network services, Internet style # # Stripped-down version. # # $FreeBSD: src/release/fixit.services,v 1.4 1999/08/28 01:33:10 peter Exp $ # # WELL KNOWN PORT NUMBERS # echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users #Active Users systat 11/udp users #Active Users daytime 13/tcp daytime 13/udp chargen 19/tcp ttytst source #Character Generator chargen 19/udp ttytst source #Character Generator ftp-data 20/tcp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp-data 20/udp #File Transfer [Default Data] ftp 21/tcp #File Transfer [Control] ftp 21/udp #File Transfer [Control] ssh 22/tcp #Secure Shell Login ssh 22/udp #Secure Shell Login telnet 23/tcp telnet 23/udp # 24/tcp any private mail system # 24/udp any private mail system smtp 25/tcp mail #Simple Mail Transfer smtp 25/udp mail #Simple Mail Transfer time 37/tcp timserver time 37/udp timserver domain 53/tcp #Domain Name Server domain 53/udp #Domain Name Server bootps 67/tcp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootps 67/udp dhcps #Bootstrap Protocol Server bootpc 68/tcp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client bootpc 68/udp dhcpc #Bootstrap Protocol Client tftp 69/tcp #Trivial File Transfer tftp 69/udp #Trivial File Transfer gopher 70/tcp gopher 70/udp finger 79/tcp finger 79/udp http 80/tcp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP http 80/udp www www-http #World Wide Web HTTP sunrpc 111/tcp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call sunrpc 111/udp rpcbind #SUN Remote Procedure Call auth 113/tcp ident tap #Authentication Service auth 113/udp ident tap #Authentication Service nntp 119/tcp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol nntp 119/udp usenet #Network News Transfer Protocol rmt 411/tcp #Remote MT Protocol rmt 411/udp #Remote MT Protocol https 443/tcp https 443/udp # # Berkeley-specific services # exec 512/tcp #remote process execution; # authentication performed using # passwords and UNIX loppgin names biff 512/udp comsat #used by mail system to notify users # of new mail received; currently # receives messages only from # processes on the same machine login 513/tcp #remote login a la telnet; # automatic authentication performed # based on priviledged port numbers # and distributed data bases which # identify "authentication domains" who 513/udp whod #maintains data bases showing who's # logged in to machines on a local # net and the load average of the # machine cmd 514/tcp shell #like exec, but automatic # authentication is performed as for # login server syslog 514/udp printer 515/tcp spooler printer 515/udp spooler talk 517/tcp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) talk 517/udp #like tenex link, but across # machine - unfortunately, doesn't # use link protocol (this is actually # just a rendezvous port from which a # tcp connection is established) ntalk 518/tcp ntalk 518/udp utime 519/tcp unixtime utime 519/udp unixtime efs 520/tcp #extended file name server router 520/udp route routed #local routing process (on site); # uses variant of Xerox NS routing # information protocol uucp 540/tcp uucpd uucp 540/udp uucpd uucp-rlogin 541/tcp uucp-rlogin 541/udp klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos (v4/v5) klogin 543/udp # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5) kshell 544/udp krcmd # Kerberos (v4/v5) ...! . .." fixit_crunchX" cat"chmodN" cp" dd" df"echoN"exprN"killN" ln" ls"mkdirN" mv" rm"rmdirN"sleepN"syncN"bsdlabely`"clriN"dmesgN"fdiskN"mknodN"mountN" mount_cd9660X" mount_msdosfsX"reboot"restore"swapon"umount" disklabel`"rrestorey`" ftp"telnet" vi"viewN" ex"chownN"chroot"chgrpN# ...$ ...% . ..&misc& .% ..' scsi_modes    ( 0 8 X`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx 0x0a "Control Mode Page" { {Reserved} *t7 {RLEC} t1 {Queue Algorithm Modifier} t4 {Reserved} *t2 {QErr} t1 {DQue} t1 {EECA} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {RAENP} t1 {UAAENP} t1 {EAENP} t1 {Reserved} *i1 {Ready AEN Holdoff Period} i2 } 0x02 "Disconnect-Reconnect Page" { {Buffer Full Ratio} i1 {Buffer Empty Ratio} i1 {Bus Inactivity Limit} i2 {Disconnect Time Limit} i2 {Connect Time Limit} i2 {Maximum Burst Size} i2 {Reserved} *t6 {DTDC} t2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x09 "Peripheral Device Page" { {Interface Identifier} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x1a "Power Control" { {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *t6 {Idle} t1 {Standby} t1 {Idle Condition Timer} i4 {Standby Condition Timer} i4 } 0x08 "Caching Page" { {IC} t1 {ABPF} t1 {CAP} t1 {DISC} t1 {SIZE} t1 {WCE} t1 {MF} t1 {RCD} t1 {Demand Retention Priority} t4 {Write Retention Priority} t4 {Disable Pre-fetch Transfer Length} i2 {Minimum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch} i2 {Maximum Pre-fetch Ceiling} i2 } 0x05 "Flexible Disk Page" { {Transfer rate} i2 {Number of heads} i1 {Sectors per track} i1 {Data bytes per sector} i2 {Number of cylinders} i2 {Starting cylinder-write precompensation} i2 {Starting cylinder-reduced write current} i2 {Drive step rate} i2 {Drive step pulse width} i1 {Head settle delay} i2 {Motor on delay} i1 {Motor off delay} i1 {TRDY} t1 {SSN} t1 {MO} t1 {Reserved} *t5 {Reserved} *t4 {SPC} t4 {Write Compensation} i1 {Head load delay} i1 {Head unload delay} i1 {Pin 34} t4 {Pin 2} t4 {Pin 4} t4 {Pin 1} t4 {Medium rotation rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x03 "Format Device Page" { {Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Sectors per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Zone} i2 {Alternate Tracks per Logical Unit} i2 {Sectors per Track} i2 {Data Bytes per Physical Sector} i2 {Interleave} i2 {Track Skew Factor} i2 {Cylinder Skew Factor} i2 {SSEC} t1 {HSEC} t1 {RMB} t1 {SURF} t1 {Reserved} *t4 } 0x0b "Medium Types Supported Page" { {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium type one supported} i1 {Medium type two supported} i1 {Medium type three supported} i1 {Medium type four supported} i1 } 0x0c "Notch and Partition Page"; 0x01 "Read-Write Error Recovery Page" { {AWRE (Auto Write Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {ARRE (Auto Read Reallocation Enbld)} t1 {TB (Transfer Block)} t1 {RC (Read Continuous)} t1 {EER (Enable Early Recovery)} t1 {PER (Post Error)} t1 {DTE (Disable Transfer on Error)} t1 {DCR (Disable Correction)} t1 {Read Retry Count} i1 {Correction Span} i1 {Head Offset Count} i1 {Data Strobe Offset Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Write Retry Count} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Recovery Time Limit} i2 } 0x04 "Rigid Disk Drive Geometry Page" { {Number of Cylinders} i3 {Number of Heads} i1 {Starting Cylinder-Write Precompensation} i3 {Starting Cylinder-Reduced Write Current} i3 {Drive Step Rate} i2 {Landing Zone Cylinder} i3 {Reserved} *t6 {RPL} t2 {Rotational Offset} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Medium Rotation Rate} i2 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 } 0x07 "Verify Error Recovery Page" { {Reserved} *t4 {EER} t1 {PER} t1 {DTE} t1 {DCR} t1 {Verify Retry Count} i1 {Verify Correction Span} i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Reserved} *i1 {Verify Recovery Time Limit} i2 } 0x0E "CD-ROM Audio Control Parameters Page" { {Reserved} *t5 {Immed} t1 {SOTC} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Reserved} *i2 {APRVal} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Format of LBAs / sec.} t4 {Logical Blocks per Second of Audio Playback} i2 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 0 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 0 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 1 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 1 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 2 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 2 Volume} i1 {Reserved} *t4 {Output Port 3 Channel Selection} t4 {Output Port 3 Volume} i1 } 0x10 "Device Configuration Page" { {Reserved} *t1 {Change Active Partition} t1 {Change Active Format} t1 {Active Format} t5 08@hC@ <   hC7 i@  [> [>hC@ @@@<@TU hC  @@S,0hCAhChChC VAhChChC m'PgĒhCĒhChCh p x @ ;X\AhChChC cAhChChC CgAhChChC !AhChChC !\48hChChC  {Active Partition} i1 {Write Buffer Full Ratio} i1 {Write Buffer Empty Ratio} i1 {Write Delay Time} i2 {Data Buffer Recovery} t1 {Block Identifiers Support} t1 {Report Setmarks} t1 {Automatic Velocity Control} t1 {Stop on Consecutive Filemarks} t2 {Recover Buffer Order} t1 {Report Early-Warning} t1 {Gap Size} i1 {EOD Defined} t3 {Enable EOD Generation} t1 {Synchronize at Early-Warning} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Buffer Size at Early-Warning} i3 {Select Data Compression Algorithm} i1 {Reserved} *t5 {SCSI-3 Associated Write Protect} t1 {SCSI-3 Persistent Write Protect} t1 {SCSI-3 Permanent Write Protect} t1 } 0x0f "Data Compression Page" { {Data Compression Enabled} t1 {Date Compression Capable} t1 {Reserved} *t6 {Data Decompression Capable} t1 {Data Decompression Report on Exception} t2 {Reserved} *t5 {Compression Algorithm} i4 {Decompression Algorithm} i4 {Reserved} *i4 } 0x1b "Removable Block Access Capacities Page" { {System Floppy Type Device} t1 {Supports Reporting Format Progress} t1 {Reserved} *t6 {Non CD Optical Device} t1 {Single or Multiple LUN Supported} t1 {Reserved} *t3 {Total Logical Units Supported} t3 {Reserved} *i8 } 0x2a "CD capabilities and mechanical status page" { {Reserved} *t4 {Method 2} t1 {CD-RW Read} t1 {CD-R Read} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {Test Write} t1 {CD-RW Write} t1 {CD-R Write} t1 {Reserved} *t1 {Multi Session} t1 {Mode 2 Form 2} t1 {Mode 2 Form 1} t1 {Digital Port (2)} t1 {Digital Port (1)} t1 {Composite} t1 {Audio Play} t1 {Read Bar Code} t1 {UPC} t1 {ISRC} t1 {C2 Pointers are supported} t1 {R-W De-interleaved & corrected} t1 {R-W Supported} t1 {CD-DA Stream is Accurate} t1 {CD-DA Commands Supported} t1 {Loading Mechanism Type} t3 {Reserved} *t1 {Eject} t1 {Prevent Jumper} t1 {Lock State} t1 {Lock} t1 {Reserved} *t4 {S/W Slot Selection} t1 {Changer Supports Disc Present reporting} t1 {Separate Channel Mute Supported} t1 {Separate volume levels per channel} t1 {Maximum Read Speed Supported (kBps)} i2 {Number of Volume Leves Supported} i2 {Buffer Size supported by Drive (KB)} i2 {Current Read Speed Selected 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