FreeBSD/pc98 6.4-RELEASE Installation Instructions

  The FreeBSD Project

   Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 The FreeBSD
   Documentation Project


     This article gives some brief instructions on installing
     FreeBSD/pc98 6.4-RELEASE, with particular emphasis given to
     obtaining a FreeBSD distribution. Some notes on troubleshooting
     and frequently-asked questions are also given.


1 Installing FreeBSD

   This section documents the process of installing a new
   distribution of FreeBSD. These instructions pay particular
   emphasis to the process of obtaining the FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE
   distribution and to beginning the installation procedure. The
   "Installing FreeBSD" chapter of the FreeBSD Handbook provides more
   in-depth information about the installation program itself,
   including a guided walkthrough with screenshots.

   If you are upgrading from a previous release of FreeBSD, please
   see Section 3 for instructions on upgrading.


  1.1 Getting Started

   Probably the most important pre-installation step that can be
   taken is that of reading the various instruction documents
   provided with FreeBSD. A roadmap of documents pertaining to this
   release of FreeBSD can be found in README.TXT, which can usually
   be found in the same location as this file; most of these
   documents, such as the release notes and the hardware
   compatibility list, are also accessible in the Documentation menu
   of the installer.

   Note that on-line versions of the FreeBSD FAQ and Handbook are
   also available from the FreeBSD Project Web site, if you have an
   Internet connection.

   This collection of documents may seem daunting, but the time spent
   reading them will likely be saved many times over. Being familiar
   with what resources are available can also be helpful in the event
   of problems during installation.

   The best laid plans sometimes go awry, so if you run into trouble
   take a look at Section 4, which contains valuable troubleshooting
   information. You should also read an updated copy of ERRATA.TXT
   before installing, since this will alert you to any problems which
   have reported in the interim for your particular release.

     Important: While FreeBSD does its best to safeguard against
     accidental loss of data, it's still more than possible to wipe
     out your entire disk with this installation if you make a
     mistake. Please do not proceed to the final FreeBSD installation
     menu unless you've adequately backed up any important data


  1.2 Hardware Requirements

   FreeBSD for the NEC PC-98x1 requires a 486 or better processor and
   at least 24 MB of RAM. You will need at least 150MB of free hard
   drive space for the most minimal installation. See below for ways
   of shrinking existing DOS partitions in order to install FreeBSD.

   If you are not familiar with configuring hardware for FreeBSD, you
   should be sure to read the HARDWARE.TXT file; it contains
   important information on what hardware is supported by FreeBSD.


  1.3 Floppy Disk Image Instructions

   Depending on how you choose to install FreeBSD, you may need to
   create a set of floppy disks (usually four) to begin the
   installation process. This section briefly describes how to create
   these disks, either from a CDROM installation or from the
   Internet. Note that in the common case of installing FreeBSD from
   CDROM, on a machine that supports bootable CDROMs, the steps
   outlined in this section will not be needed and can be skipped.

   For a normal CDROM or network installation, all you need to copy
   onto actual floppies from the floppies/ directory are the boot.flp
   and kernX.flp images (for 1.44MB floppies) or boot-small.flp and
   kern-small.flp images (for 1.2MB floppies).

   Getting these images over the network is easy. Simply fetch the
   release/floppies/boot.flp, and all of the
   release/floppies/kernX.flp files from or
   one of the many mirrors listed at FTP Sites section of the
   Handbook, or on the Web pages.

   Get several blank, freshly formatted floppies and image copy
   boot.flp onto one and the kernX.flp files onto the others. These
   images are not DOS files. You cannot simply copy them to a DOS or
   UFS floppy as regular files, you need to "image" copy them to the
   floppy with rawrite.exe under DOS (see the tools directory on your
   CDROM or FreeBSD FTP mirror) or the dd(1) command in UNIX.

   For example, to create the kernel floppy image from DOS, you'd do
   something like this:

 A> rawrite

   Assuming that you'd copied rawrite.exe and boot.flp into a
   directory somewhere. You would do the same for the kernX.flp
   files, of course.

   If you're creating the boot floppy from a UNIX machine, you may
   find that:

 # dd if=floppies/boot.flp of=/dev/rfd0.1440


 # dd if=floppies/boot-small.flp of=/dev/rfd0.1200

   work well, depending on your hardware and operating system
   environment (different versions of UNIX have different names for
   the floppy drive).


  1.4 Installing FreeBSD from CDROM or the Internet

   The easiest type of installation is from CDROM. If you have a
   supported CDROM drive and a FreeBSD installation CDROM, there is a
   next way of starting the installation from it:

     * Build a set of FreeBSD boot floppies from the floppies/
       directory in every FreeBSD distribution. Read Section 1.3 for
       more information on creating the bootable floppies under
       different operating systems. Then you simply boot from the
       first floppy and you should soon be in the FreeBSD

   If you don't have a CDROM and would like to simply install over
   the net using PPP, SLIP or a dedicated connection, you should
   start the installation by building a set of FreeBSD boot floppies
   from the files floppies/boot.flp and floppies/kernX.flp using the
   instructions found in Section 1.3. Restart your computer using the
   boot.flp disk; when prompted, insert the other disks as required.
   Then, please go to Section 1.5.5 for additional tips on installing
   via FTP or NFS.


  1.5 Detail on various installation types

   Once you've gotten yourself to the initial installation screen
   somehow, you should be able to follow the various menu prompts and
   go from there. If you've never used the FreeBSD installation
   before, you are also encouraged to read some of the documentation
   in the Documentation submenu as well as the general "Usage"
   instructions on the first menu.

     Note: If you get stuck at a screen, press the F1 key for online
     documentation relevant to that specific section.

   If you've never installed FreeBSD before, or even if you have, the
   "Standard" installation mode is the most recommended since it
   makes sure that you'll visit all the various important checklist
   items along the way. If you're much more comfortable with the
   FreeBSD installation process and know exactly what you want to do,
   use the "Express" or "Custom" installation options. If you're
   upgrading an existing system, use the "Upgrade" option.

   The FreeBSD installer supports the direct use of floppy, DOS,
   tape, CDROM, FTP, NFS and UFS partitions as installation media;
   further tips on installing from each type of media are listed


    1.5.1 Installing from a Network CDROM

   If you simply wish to install from a local CDROM drive then see
   Section 1.4. If you don't have a CDROM drive on your system and
   wish to use a FreeBSD distribution CD in the CDROM drive of
   another system to which you have network connectivity, there are
   also several ways of going about it:

     * If you would be able to FTP install FreeBSD directly from the
       CDROM drive in some FreeBSD machine, it's quite easy: You
       ensure an FTP server is running and then simply add the
       following line to the password file (using the vipw(8)


       On the machine on which you are running the install, go to the
       Options menu and set Release Name to any. You may then choose
       a Media type of FTP and type in ftp://machine after picking
       "URL" in the ftp sites menu.

         Warning: This may allow anyone on the local network (or
         Internet) to make "anonymous FTP" connections to this
         machine, which may not be desirable.

     * If you would rather use NFS to export the CDROM directly to
       the machine(s) you'll be installing from, you need to first
       add an entry to the /etc/exports file (on the machine with the
       CDROM drive). The example below allows the machine to mount the CDROM directly via NFS during

 /cdrom          -ro   

       The machine with the CDROM must also be configured as an NFS
       server, of course, and if you're not sure how to do that then
       an NFS installation is probably not the best choice for you
       unless you're willing to read up on rc.conf(5) and configure
       things appropriately. Assuming that this part goes smoothly,
       you should be able to enter: cdrom-host:/cdrom as the path for
       an NFS installation when the target machine is installed, e.g.


    1.5.2 Installing from Floppies

   If you must install from floppy disks, either due to unsupported
   hardware or just because you enjoy doing things the hard way, you
   must first prepare some floppies for the install.

   First, make your boot floppies as described in Section 1.3.

   Second, peruse Section 2 and pay special attention to the
   "Distribution Format" section since it describes which files
   you're going to need to put onto floppy and which you can safely

   Next you will need, at minimum, as many 1.44MB floppies as it
   takes to hold all files in the bin (binary distribution)
   directory. If you're preparing these floppies under DOS, then
   these floppies must be formatted using the MS-DOS FORMAT command.
   If you're using Windows, use the Windows File Manager format

     Important: Frequently, floppy disks come "factory preformatted".
     While convenient, many problems reported by users in the past
     have resulted from the use of improperly formatted media.
     Re-format them yourself, just to make sure.

   If you're creating the floppies from another FreeBSD machine, a
   format is still not a bad idea though you don't need to put a DOS
   filesystem on each floppy. You can use the disklabel(8) and
   newfs(8) commands to put a UFS filesystem on a floppy, as the
   following sequence of commands illustrates:

 # fdformat -f 1440 fd0
 # disklabel -w fd0 floppy3
 # newfs -i 65536 /dev/fd0

   After you've formatted the floppies for DOS or UFS, you'll need to
   copy the files onto them. The distribution files are sized so that
   a floppy disk will hold a single file. Each distribution should go
   into its own subdirectory on the floppy, e.g.: a:\bin\bin.inf,
   a:\bin\bin.aa, a:\bin\bin.ab, ...

     Important: The bin.inf file also needs to go on the first floppy
     of the bin set since it is read by the installation program in
     order to figure out how many additional pieces to look for when
     fetching and concatenating the distribution. When putting
     distributions onto floppies, the distname.inf file must occupy
     the first floppy of each distribution set.

   Once you come to the Media screen of the install, select "Floppy"
   and you'll be prompted for the rest.


    1.5.3 Installing from a DOS partition

   To prepare for installation from an MS-DOS partition you should
   simply copy the files from the distribution into a directory
   called FREEBSD on the Primary DOS partition (A:). For example, to
   do a minimal installation of FreeBSD from DOS using files copied
   from the CDROM, you might do something like this:


   Assuming that E: was where your CD was mounted.

   For as many distributions as you wish to install from DOS (and you
   have free space for), install each one in a directory under
   A:\FREEBSD - the BIN dist is only the minimal requirement.

   Once you've copied the directories, you can simply launch the
   installation from floppies as normal and select "DOS" as your
   media type when the time comes.


    1.5.4 Installing from QIC/SCSI Tape

   When installing from tape, the installation program expects the
   files to be simply tar'ed onto it, so after fetching all of the
   files for the distributions you're interested in, simply use
   tar(1) to get them onto the tape with a command something like

 # cd /where/you/have/your/dists
 # tar cvf /dev/sa0 dist1 .. dist2

   When you go to do the installation, you should also make sure that
   you leave enough room in some temporary directory (which you'll be
   allowed to choose) to accommodate the full contents of the tape
   you've created. Due to the non-random access nature of tapes, this
   method of installation requires quite a bit of temporary storage.
   You should expect to require as much temporary storage as you have
   stuff written on tape.

     Note: When going to do the installation, the tape must be in the
     drive before booting from the boot floppies. The installation
     "probe" may otherwise fail to find it.

   Now create a boot floppy as described in Section 1.3 and proceed
   with the installation.


    1.5.5 Installing over a Network using FTP or NFS

   After making the boot floppies as described in the first section,
   you can load the rest of the installation over a network using one
   of 3 types of connections: serial port, parallel port, or

     -------------------------------------------------------------- Serial Port

   SLIP support is rather primitive, and is limited primarily to
   hard-wired links, such as a serial cable running between two
   computers. The link must be hard-wired because the SLIP
   installation doesn't currently offer a dialing capability. If you
   need to dial out with a modem or otherwise dialog with the link
   before connecting to it, then the PPP utility should be used

   If you're using PPP, make sure that you have your Internet Service
   Provider's IP address and DNS information handy as you'll need to
   know it fairly early in the installation process. You may also
   need to know your own IP address, though PPP supports dynamic
   address negotiation and may be able to pick up this information
   directly from your ISP if they support it.

   You will also need to know how to use the various "AT commands"
   for dialing out with your particular brand of modem as the PPP
   dialer provides only a very simple terminal emulator.

     -------------------------------------------------------------- Parallel Port

   If a hard-wired connection to another FreeBSD or Linux machine is
   available, you might also consider installing over a "laplink"
   style parallel port cable. The data rate over the parallel port is
   much higher than what is typically possible over a serial line (up
   to 50k/sec), thus resulting in a quicker installation. It's not
   typically necessary to use "real" IP addresses when using a
   point-to-point parallel cable in this way and you can generally
   just use RFC 1918 style addresses for the ends of the link (e.g.,, etc).

     Important: If you use a Linux machine rather than a FreeBSD
     machine as your PLIP peer, you will also have to specify link0
     in the TCP/IP setup screen's "extra options for ifconfig" field
     in order to be compatible with Linux's slightly different PLIP

     -------------------------------------------------------------- Ethernet

   FreeBSD supports most common Ethernet cards; a table of supported
   cards is provided as part of the FreeBSD Hardware Notes (see
   HARDWARE.TXT in the Documentation menu on the boot floppy or the
   top level directory of the CDROM). If you are using one of the
   supported PCMCIA Ethernet cards, also be sure that it's plugged in
   before the laptop is powered on. FreeBSD does not, unfortunately,
   currently support "hot insertion" of PCMCIA cards during

   You will also need to know your IP address on the network, the
   netmask value for your subnet and the name of your machine. Your
   system administrator can tell you which values are appropriate to
   your particular network setup. If you will be referring to other
   hosts by name rather than IP address, you'll also need a name
   server and possibly the address of a gateway (if you're using PPP,
   it's your provider's IP address) to use in talking to it. If you
   want to install by FTP via an HTTP proxy (see below), you will
   also need the proxy's address.

   If you do not know the answers to these questions then you should
   really probably talk to your system administrator first before
   trying this type of installation. Using a randomly chosen IP
   address or netmask on a live network is almost guaranteed not to
   work, and will probably result in a lecture from said system

   Once you have a network connection of some sort working, the
   installation can continue over NFS or FTP.

     -------------------------------------------------------------- NFS installation tips

   NFS installation is fairly straight-forward: Simply copy the
   FreeBSD distribution files you want onto a server somewhere and
   then point the NFS media selection at it.

   If this server supports only "privileged port" access (this is
   generally the default for Sun and Linux workstations), you may
   need to set this option in the Options menu before installation
   can proceed.

   If you have a poor quality Ethernet card which suffers from very
   slow transfer rates, you may also wish to toggle the appropriate
   Options flag.

   In order for NFS installation to work, the server must also
   support "subdir mounts", e.g. if your FreeBSD distribution
   directory lives on wiggy:/usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD, then wiggy
   will have to allow the direct mounting of
   /usr/archive/stuff/FreeBSD, not just /usr or /usr/archive/stuff.

   In FreeBSD's /etc/exports file this is controlled by the -alldirs
   option. Other NFS servers may have different conventions. If you
   are getting Permission Denied messages from the server then it's
   likely that you don't have this properly enabled.

     -------------------------------------------------------------- FTP Installation tips

   FTP installation may be done from any mirror site containing a
   reasonably up-to-date version of FreeBSD. A full menu of
   reasonable choices for almost any location in the world is
   provided in the FTP site menu during installation.

   If you are installing from some other FTP site not listed in this
   menu, or you are having troubles getting your name server
   configured properly, you can also specify your own URL by
   selecting the "URL" choice in that menu. A URL can contain a
   hostname or an IP address, so something like the following would
   work in the absence of a name server:

   There are three FTP installation modes you can use:

     * FTP: This method uses the standard "Active" mode for
       transfers, in which the server initiates a connection to the
       client. This will not work through most firewalls but will
       often work best with older FTP servers that do not support
       passive mode. If your connection hangs with passive mode, try
       this one.

     * FTP Passive: This sets the FTP "Passive" mode which prevents
       the server from opening connections to the client. This option
       is best for users to pass through firewalls that do not allow
       incoming connections on random port addresses.

     * FTP via an HTTP proxy: This option instructs FreeBSD to use
       HTTP to connect to a proxy for all FTP operations. The proxy
       will translate the requests and send them to the FTP server.
       This allows the user to pass through firewalls that do not
       allow FTP at all, but offer an HTTP proxy. You must specify
       the hostname of the proxy in addition to the FTP server.

       In the rare case that you have an FTP proxy that does not go
       through HTTP, you can specify the URL as something like:

       In the URL above, port is the port number of the proxy FTP


  1.6 Question and Answer Section for NEC PC-98x1 Architecture Users


2 Distribution Format

   A typical FreeBSD distribution directory looks something like this
   (exact details may vary depending on version, architecture, and
   other factors):

 ERRATA.HTM      README.TXT      compat1x        dict            kernel
 ERRATA.TXT      RELNOTES.HTM    compat20        doc             manpages
 HARDWARE.HTM    RELNOTES.TXT    compat21        docbook.css     packages
 HARDWARE.TXT    base            compat22        filename.txt    ports
 INSTALL.HTM     boot            compat3x        floppies        proflibs
 INSTALL.TXT     catpages        compat4x        games           src
 README.HTM      cdrom.inf       crypto          info            tools

   These same files are contained in the first CDROM of a multi-disk
   set, but they are laid out slightly differently on the disk. On
   most architectures, the installation CDROM also contains a "live
   filesystem" in addition to the distribution files. The live
   filesystem is useful when repairing or troubleshooting an existing
   FreeBSD installation (see Section 4 for how to use this).

   The floppies directory will be of particular interest to users who
   are unable to boot from the CDROM media (but are able to read the
   CDROM by other means). It is easy to generate a set of 1.44MB boot
   floppies from the floppies directory (see Section 1.3 for
   instructions on how to do this) and use these to start an
   installation from CDROM, FTP, or NFS. The rest of the data needed
   during the installation will be obtained automatically based on
   your selections. If you've never installed FreeBSD before, you
   also want to read the entirety of this document (the installation
   instructions) file.

   If you're trying to do some other type of installation or are
   merely curious about how a distribution is organized, what follows
   is a more thorough description of some of these items in more

    1. The *.TXT and *.HTM files contain documentation (for example,
       this document is contained in both INSTALL.TXT and
       INSTALL.HTM) and should be read before starting an
       installation. The *.TXT files are plain text, while the *.HTM
       files are HTML files that can be read by almost any Web
       browser. Some distributions may contain documentation in other
       formats as well, such as PDF or PostScript.

    2. docbook.css is a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) file used by some
       Web browsers for formatting the HTML documentation.

    3. The base, catpages, crypto, dict, doc, games, info, manpages,
       proflibs, and src directories contain the primary distribution
       components of FreeBSD itself and are split into smaller files
       for easy packing onto floppies (should that be necessary).

    4. The compat1x, compat20, compat21, compat22, compat3x, and
       compat4x directories contain distributions for compatibility
       with older releases and are distributed as single gzip'd tar
       files - they can be installed during release time or later by
       running their scripts.

    5. The floppies/ subdirectory contains the floppy installation
       images; further information on using them can be found in
       Section 1.3.

    6. The packages and ports directories contain the FreeBSD
       Packages and Ports Collections. Packages may be installed from
       the packages directory by running the command:

 # sysinstall configPackages

       Packages can also be installed by feeding individual filenames
       in packages/ to the pkg_add(1) command.

       The Ports Collection may be installed like any other
       distribution and requires about 190MB unpacked. More
       information on the ports collection may be obtained from or locally from
       /usr/share/doc/handbook if you've installed the doc

    7. Last of all, the tools directory contains various DOS tools
       for discovering disk geometries, installing boot managers and
       the like. It is purely optional and provided only for user

   A typical distribution directory (for example, the info
   distribution) looks like this internally:

 CHECKSUM.MD5    info.ab         info.inf
 info.aa         info.mtree

   The CHECKSUM.MD5 file contains MD5 signatures for each file,
   should data corruption be suspected, and is purely for reference.
   It is not used by the actual installation and does not need to be
   copied with the rest of the distribution files. The info.a* files
   are split, gzip'd tar files, the contents of which can be viewed
   by doing:

 # cat info.a* | tar tvzf -

   During installation, they are automatically concatenated and
   extracted by the installation procedure.

   The info.inf file is also necessary since it is read by the
   installation program in order to figure out how many pieces to
   look for when fetching and concatenating the distribution. When
   putting distributions onto floppies, the .inf file must occupy the
   first floppy of each distribution set!

   The info.mtree file is another non-essential file which is
   provided for user reference. It contains the MD5 signatures of the
   unpacked distribution files and can be later used with the
   mtree(8) program to verify the installation permissions and
   checksums against any possible modifications to the file. When
   used with the base distribution, this can be an excellent way of
   detecting trojan horse attacks on your system.

   Finally, the file is for use by those who want to
   install the distribution after installation time. To install the
   info distribution from CDROM after a system was installed, for
   example, you'd do:

 # cd /cdrom/info
 # sh


3 Upgrading FreeBSD

   These instructions describe a procedure for doing a binary upgrade
   from an older version of FreeBSD.

     Warning: While the FreeBSD upgrade procedure does its best to
     safeguard against accidental loss of data, it is still more than
     possible to wipe out your entire disk with this installation!
     Please do not accept the final confirmation request unless you
     have adequately backed up any important data files.

     Important: These notes assume that you are using the version of
     sysinstall(8) supplied with the version of FreeBSD to which you
     intend to upgrade. Using a mismatched version of sysinstall(8)
     is almost guaranteed to cause problems and has been known to
     leave systems in an unusable state. The most commonly made
     mistake in this regard is the use of an old copy of
     sysinstall(8) from an existing installation to upgrade to a
     newer version of FreeBSD. This is not recommended.

     Warning: Binary upgrades to FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE from FreeBSD
     4-STABLE are not supported at this time. There are some files
     present in a FreeBSD 4-STABLE whose presence can be disruptive,
     but are not removed by a binary upgrade. One notable example is
     that an old /usr/include/g++ directory will cause C++ programs
     to compile incorrectly (or not at all).

     These upgrade instructions are provided for the use of users
     upgrading from relatively recent FreeBSD 6.4-STABLE snapshots.


  3.1 Introduction

   The upgrade procedure replaces distributions selected by the user
   with those corresponding to the new FreeBSD release. It preserves
   standard system configuration data, as well as user data,
   installed packages and other software.

   Administrators contemplating an upgrade are encouraged to study
   this section in its entirety before commencing an upgrade. Failure
   to do so may result in a failed upgrade or loss of data.


    3.1.1 Upgrade Overview

   Upgrading of a distribution is performed by extracting the new
   version of the component over the top of the previous version.
   Files belonging to the old distribution are not deleted.

   System configuration is preserved by retaining and restoring the
   previous version of the following files:

   Xaccel.ini, XF86Config, adduser.conf, aliases, aliases.db,, crontab, csh.cshrc, csh.login, csh.logout, cvsupfile,
   dhclient.conf, disktab, dm.conf, dumpdates, exports, fbtab, fstab,
   ftpusers, gettytab, gnats, group, hosts, hosts.allow, hosts.equiv,
   hosts.lpd, inetd.conf, localtime, login.access, login.conf, mail,
   mail.rc, make.conf, manpath.config, master.passwd, motd, namedb,
   networks, newsyslog.conf, nsmb.conf, nsswitch.conf, pam.conf,
   passwd, periodic, ppp, printcap, profile, pwd.db, rc.conf,
   rc.conf.local, rc.firewall, rc.local, remote, resolv.conf, rmt,,, services, shells, skeykeys, spwd.db,
   ssh, syslog.conf, ttys, uucp

   The versions of these files which correspond to the new version
   are moved to /etc/upgrade/. The system administrator may peruse
   these new versions and merge components as desired. Note that many
   of these files are interdependent, and the best merge procedure is
   to copy all site-specific data from the current files into the

   During the upgrade procedure, the administrator is prompted for a
   location into which all files from /etc/ are saved. In the event
   that local modifications have been made to other files, they may
   be subsequently retrieved from this location.


  3.2 Procedure

   This section details the upgrade procedure. Particular attention
   is given to items which substantially differ from a normal


    3.2.1 Backup

   User data and system configuration should be backed up before
   upgrading. While the upgrade procedure does its best to prevent
   accidental mistakes, it is possible to partially or completely
   destroy data and configuration information.


    3.2.2 Mount Filesystems

   The disklabel editor is entered with the nominated disk's
   filesystem devices listed. Prior to commencing the upgrade, the
   administrator should make a note of the device names and
   corresponding mountpoints. These mountpoints should be entered
   here. Do not set the "newfs flag" for any filesystems, as this
   will cause data loss.


    3.2.3 Select Distributions

   When selecting distributions, there are no constraints on which
   must be selected. As a general rule, the base distribution should
   be selected for an update, and the man distribution if manpages
   are already installed. Other distributions may be selected beyond
   those originally installed if the administrator wishes to add
   additional functionality.


    3.2.4 After Installation

   Once the installation procedure has completed, the administrator
   is prompted to examine the new configuration files. At this point,
   checks should be made to ensure that the system configuration is
   valid. In particular, the /etc/rc.conf and /etc/fstab files should
   be checked.


  3.3 Upgrading from Source Code

   Those interested in an upgrade method that allows more flexibility
   and sophistication should take a look at The Cutting Edge in the
   FreeBSD Handbook. This procedure involves rebuilding all of
   FreeBSD from source code. It requires reliable network
   connectivity, extra disk space, and time, but has advantages for
   networks and other more complex installations. This is roughly the
   same procedure as is used for track the -STABLE or -CURRENT
   development branches.

   /usr/src/UPDATING contains important information on updating a
   FreeBSD system from source code. It lists various issues resulting
   from changes in FreeBSD that may affect an upgrade.


4 Troubleshooting

  4.1 Repairing an Existing FreeBSD Installation

   FreeBSD features a "fixit" option in the top menu of the
   sysinstall(8) installation program. It provides a shell with
   common programs from the FreeBSD base system; this environment is
   useful for repairing or troubleshooting an existing FreeBSD
   installation. To use fixit mode, you will also need either the
   fixit.flp floppy, generated in the same fashion as the boot
   floppies, or the "live filesystem" CDROM. In multi-disk FreeBSD
   distributions, the live filesystem image is typically located on
   the installation disk. Note that some UNIX system administration
   experience is required to use the fixit option.

   Generally, there are two ways of invoking fixit mode. Users who
   can boot from the FreeBSD installation CDROM, should do so and
   then choose the "fixit" item from the main sysinstall(8) menu.
   Then select the "CDROM/DVD" option from the fixit menu.

   Users who cannot boot from CDROM, but can boot from floppy disk,
   require a few more steps. In addition to the boot.flp and
   kernX.flp disks required for installation, create the fixit.flp
   floppy disk, in the same way as the other floppy disks. Follow the
   instructions for booting the installation program from floppy disk
   until reaching the main sysinstall(8) menu. At that point, choose
   the "fixit" item from the main sysinstall(8) menu. Then select the
   "Floppy" option from the fixit menu, and insert the fixit.flp
   floppy disk when prompted to do so.

   The CDROM and floppy fixit environments are similar, but not
   identical. Both offer a shell with a variety of commands available
   for checking, repairing and examining filesystems and their
   contents. The CDROM version of fixit provides all of the commands
   and programs available in the FreeBSD base system, through the
   live filesystem. By contrast, the floppy fixit environment can
   only offer a subset of commands due to space constraints.

   In the floppy version of fixit, some standalone utilities can be
   found in /stand or /mnt2/stand. In the CDROM version of fixit,
   these same programs can be found in /stand or /mnt2/rescue (as
   well as the rest of the programs from the live filesystem, which
   can be found under /mnt).


  4.2 Common Installation Problems for NEC PC-98x1 Architecture Users


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